As Alice who has traveled across the sea of ​​stars to other worlds, she is still very clear about the role of computers.

Alice also wants to see Han Xiao get the computer out, so that she can video chat with her cute little Keli anytime and anywhere.

Thinking of this, Alice decided to help Han Xiao:

Okay Xiaohanxiao, I will ask my friends in Xumi to help you find out about Xumi's current situation and the information about the void system. What do you think?

Thank you, Ms. Alice.

Seeing that Alice planned to find a friend to help him ask for information about Xumi and the void system, Han Xiao immediately thanked her.

But while he was happy, he also asked with some worry:

But Ms. Alice, can your friend really get information about the matter?

Don't worry, there is still quite a lot of information about Dolly.


It turns out that Ms. Alice’s friend in Xumi is named Dolly, and I don’t know what kind of person he is?

I hope the character isn't too weird.

After all, with Ms. Alice's cheerful personality, being able to become friends with Dolly is probably no big deal.


At the same time that Han Xiao had thoughts about the Heart of the Grass God, a big drama was taking place deep in the ruins on the border of Liyue.

In front of the upside-down statue of the God of Wind, four people were standing facing each other.

On one side is Yingmei and Dainsreb who chased from Liyue to Mondstadt and back to Liyue. On the other side is the apostle of the abyss and the brother Yingmei has always wanted to see, His Royal Highness Kong, the prince of the abyss.

elder brother.

Seeing Kong who suddenly appeared to block the fatal blow for the apostle of the abyss, Yingmei couldn't help but mouth her brother's mouth.


Hearing his sister's call, Kong slightly turned his head to look at his sister and muttered softly.

Brother, have you really joined the abyss?

Although he had already learned from Han Xiao that his elder brother had become the prince of the abyss, when he actually saw him, Ying couldn't help but ask him why.

Can you tell me why?

Ying, why are you with Dain?

However, when faced with Yingmei's question, Kong not only did not answer, but instead asked Yingmei why she was acting together with Deinsreib.

Sora, we meet again.

Before Ying could speak, Dainsreb beside him slowly said words with a slightly nostalgic tone that surprised both Paimon and Ying.

Wait, this... what is going on? Why does Dain also know his name?

The development of the matter was completely beyond Paimon's imagination, so much so that she couldn't help but ask loudly in front of everyone.

Hearing Paimon's words, Kong glanced at the other person, a strange luster quickly flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

And he also turned his gaze back to his sister.

Ying, you shouldn't be traveling with this person.

Is it because Dyne is resisting the Abyss, Your Highness the Prince of the Abyss?

Can you tell me how you got the news about me, Ying?

Seeing that his identity didn't seem to shock his sister at all, Sora was inevitably a little surprised in his heart.

Because logically speaking, your information should not be clear after you wake up from a deep sleep.

That's because Han Xiao has already told us your news!

Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, heard Sora's question and quickly crossed his arms and looked at him with a triumphant expression.

It turns out to be him, no wonder...

Knowing that his news was leaked to Ying by Han Xiao, a flash of realization flashed in Kong's eyes.

That's right, his whereabouts have always been very secretive, and he rarely appears in public in front of others.

The only recent appearance was when he appeared in Mondstadt and invited Han Xiao to join the Abyss.

As for why he chose to appear in front of Han Xiao, the reason was also very simple. The other party had power outside the world.

It is not easy to seize power from outside the world on Teyvat, which means that the other party must know a lot about the truth on the continent of Teyvat.

And the facts were just as Kong had guessed. Han Xiao was indeed no stranger to terms such as Tianli and Dark Outer Sea.

Apparently he knows a lot of Teyvat's secrets.

It's a pity that the other party finally rejected his invitation. If it weren't for the unexpected intrusion, he would have 'invited' Han Xiao to the abyss.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao would tell her her identity without any reservation after meeting her sister.

Isn't the other party afraid that he will come to visit him again?

Seeing his sister who was vaguely on his opposite side in front of him, Kong secretly decided in his heart that he would definitely take time to have a good 'talk' with Han Xiao in the future.

Chapter 319: Yingmei’s younger sister Po Yan Fist

But at this time, Sora didn't know that Han Xiao was no longer the same person who lacked combat power in Mondstadt.

If he now knew that Kong was planning to come to his house to 'talk' to him, Han Xiao would be very happy to welcome him and 'entertain' Kong warmly.

Putting Han Xiao's matter aside for the time being, Kong looked at Yingmei and slowly said:

Ying, since you already know everything, don't come with Dine to stop me, don't come to stop the abyss.

As he spoke, Sora turned his attention to Dyne.

That man, Dainthreb, was the Sword of the Last Light of the Last Palace Guard of Camria.

Five hundred years ago, he failed to prevent the destruction of Camria. At that time, he was cursed with immortality and wandered in the wilderness.

I can only watch helplessly as the people he wants to protect turn into monsters in the abyss.

I don't want to hear your nonsense now. Give me a sister's face-breaking punch!

Listening to her brother sputtering a bunch of words that she didn't understand, Ying immediately waved her hand to interrupt Sora's words.

Then he stepped hard on the ground and kicked hard, his whole body suddenly rushed in front of Sora, and he clenched his right hand into a fist and smashed it down hard.


Sora was stunned by Ying's sudden reaction. Before he could react, his sister's big fist came into close contact with his cheek.

The next moment, a huge force caused Sora's entire body to spin three times in the air.

His Royal Highness Prince!

Facing Ying's sudden attack, the already injured apostle of the abyss behind Kong immediately let out a cry of surprise. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw his prince twisting his waist and abdomen in mid-air, and then landed on the ground in a half-kneeling posture. .

Ying...what's wrong with you?

With his right hand supporting the ground and his left hand covering his somewhat red and swollen cheek, Sora, who was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up and looked at Ying, whose face was filled with anger, with a look of astonishment.

Who will tell him that this is still his warm and lovely sister?

When did his sister become so violent?

But the next moment, a fierce light flashed in Sora's eyes, and he probably knew who made Ying change even dare to attack his brother.

It must be Hanxiao!

Yes, it must be him!

The other party was using his sister's hand to take revenge on him for attacking him last time in Mondstadt.

Very good, I will remember this grudge!

When he thought that his gentle sister had become so 'violent' and talked about her sister's Po Yan Fist, Han Xiao was deeply remembered in Kong's heart.

Ying, before the abyss submerges the throne of God, I have an unfinished war with Tianli.

I have already had a journey, so you have to reach the end like me, in order to leave the precipitation of this world in your own eyes.

Covering his cheek, Sora also knew that Ying, who was currently in a rage, probably couldn't listen to his explanation. He immediately dropped a few words and took two steps back, regardless of whether the other party wanted to hear it or not.

Seeing this, the apostle of the abyss immediately understood his prince's plan and directly used the power of the abyss to summon a purple portal.

We will meet again eventually, but don't worry, Ying, I have enough time to wait for you.

After saying that, Kong and the Abyss Apostles turned around and walked into the purple portal.

Unexpectedly, her brother chose to evacuate without even explaining. As soon as Ying was about to get up and chase him out, a black shadow instantly rushed towards the portal.

It was Deinsreib standing next to him.

Ying finally reacted and ran to the portal. She raised her hand to touch the portal but found nothing. She could only watch the portal disappear before her eyes.

For a moment, she stood there blankly, her eyes blank, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ying, don't be so sad, we will find them!

Seeing Ying's dejected look, Paimon tried to persuade him with a worried look on his face, as if he was afraid that the other party would do something stupid if he couldn't think straight.

Hearing Paimon's voice, Ying gradually came back to her senses, raised her head and smiled at Pamon.

I'm not sad, I'm just a little angry.

As early as when she learned from Han Xiao that her brother had joined the Abyss, she had already been heartbroken.

However, when she saw her brother's status in the Abyss Cult with her own eyes, Ying couldn't help but feel a little angry.

After all, she had been in Teyvat for a while.

Whether it was from history books or from the mouths of powerful people like Qin and Hanxiao, Ying knew that people on the Teyvat continent were extremely vigilant and hostile towards the Abyss.

In order to take revenge, Sora would choose to join a notorious force like the Abyss. How could you not make her feel angry?

Then let's deal with the current situation.

Seeing that Yingying's mood had stabilized a lot, Paimon got down to business.

First of all, what Han Xiao said is indeed correct. Your brother does have a very high status in the Abyss Order.

Also, your brother said that his goal is to submerge the throne of God and fight against the gods. What exactly does this mean? Does it mean he wants to fight the Seven Kingdoms and the Seven Gods?

There is insufficient information now, and there is no point in trying to think more.

Seeing little Paimon sorting out the intelligence information in front of her with a serious look on her face, Ying shook her head slightly to indicate that she didn't need to think about it anymore. She had already thought of someone who could answer these questions for her.

Let's go find Han Xiao now. He should know the secret.

Yes, Han Xiao told us about your brother.

Hearing that Ying planned to go find Han Xiao, Paimeng patted his little head repeatedly and said with a look of realization.

Since he knows so much about your brother, he might also know what your brother wants to do.

Yes, that's what I thought.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find Han Xiao!


Guilicheng Kuixing Tower.

So you came to find me?

In the office, Han Xiao, who was perfecting the public channel band standard, immediately put down the quill in his hand and looked at them with a strange expression after hearing the reasons for Ying and Paimon who suddenly came to the door.

Why do you think I know your brother's purpose?

You must know that your brother and I have only met once, and the rest of the information was collected by my people.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as you said.

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to be planning to perfunctory her, Ying could not help but fold her arms across her chest, looked at him with a dissatisfied look and said:

According to my investigation, Kong has basically never appeared in Teyvat. Kaia even only vaguely knows that there is a person like His Royal Highness in the Abyss Religion.

But he didn't deny seeing you, so there must be something you are hiding from me.

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