How about calling it Xia Ming Zhao Shuang?

The Xia Tong box coincides with the Xia Li series of the master craftsman Kunwu, and also matches the radiance of the sword, as if it is bathed in bright rays of light.

Zhaoshuang describes the cold light emitted by the sword's blade, which is so cold that it can condense the moisture in the air into frost, which means the sharpness of the sword's edge.

Xia Ming Zhao Shuang, a good name.

After listening to the other party's explanation, Kunjun thought for a moment and felt that the name was indeed good.

Master Kunjun, what are your plans for the future?

After taking the name of the sword, Han Xiao talked about the business to Kunjun.

We should continue forging.

In that case, how about Master Kunjun staying in Guili City? I have many precious minerals here for you to use.


After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Kunjun agreed without any hesitation.

Through this experience of forging a magic weapon, he found that he seemed to fall in love with the feeling of having a magic weapon made from his own hands.

Moreover, Kunjun also knew very well that the Yunhan family spared no effort to help him, so they may not have the intention to let him serve Han Xiao.

However, he was very honored to work under Tianshu Xing, one of the two legends in Liyue.

Chapter 313 Han Xiao’s plan for Dao’s wife

Kunjun agreed to stay and work under Han Xiao, which not only brought a top casting master to Guili City, but also made Han Xiao receive a series of life-threatening calls from Ning Guang.

You are so good. We finally gave birth to a master craftsman in Liyue, and you took him to Guili City before he was even warmed up?

On the other end of the communication device, Ning Guang's rather helpless voice came out from the Dudu communication device.

Hey, what are you talking about?

Hearing Ning Guang's words, Han Xiao in the office couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said with a smile:

Master Kunjun was trained by the Yunhan family with all their efforts. This is the loving care shown to me by my elders.

Besides, whether it's Guili City or Liyue Port, aren't they both Liyue's cities? There's no need to distinguish them so clearly!

Forget it, you have a lot of treasures in your hands. Master Kunjun can make better use of them in Guili City.

Ningguang did not continue to struggle with this matter. She did not contact Han Xiao specifically for this matter.

So after a few simple rambles, Ningguang turned the topic to the main topic:

Beidou came back recently and brought back some bad news from Inazuma.

what news?

Hearing that the other party was talking about business, Han Xiao put on a serious face and asked softly into the communication device.

The Southern Cross Fleet has been transporting electrical crystals for itself, so he is naturally very concerned about the news about Beidou.

She seems to have rescued a wanted criminal in Daozhu, and the electrical crystal transported for you seems to have been detained. Now an official letter has been sent from Tianling Executive to let Beidou hand over.

In the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang couldn't help but reach out and pinch the bridge of his nose as he spoke.

To be honest, she felt a headache when she received the official letter from Daozuma Tianling.

Let's not talk about whether Han Xiao's entrustment of Beidou to transport electrical crystals is considered smuggling. The key point is that the other party may have harbored a wanted criminal of Inazuma on the ship, which made Ningguang very passive.

What can I say about her relationship with Beidou? It's not as bad as it looks from the outside, but it's not as harmonious as imagined either.

However, one thing is still recognized by Qixing, that is, the opponent's Southern Cross fleet is a very important maritime force in Liyue.

For example, Kaiyang has been lobbying Beidou to allow the Southern Cross fleet to join the official fleet.

Therefore, the other countries in Teyvat basically have a consensus on their attitude towards the Southern Cross fleet, which is Liyue's semi-official fleet.

Therefore, when Beidou hid a wanted criminal on the boat, Tianling Executive immediately seized the electrical crystal that was to be transported back to Liyue and sent an official letter questioning the matter.

Nowadays, how powerful is the electrical crystal? How could Ning Guang not know it? The matter of wanted criminals is not a big deal, but how to get that batch of goods back is the most important thing.

So she contacted Han Xiao through Kunjun's matter, just to discuss with him how to get back the batch of electrical crystals.

According to Ning Guang's idea, the simplest thing is to hand over the wanted criminal to Tian Ling to serve him. Hello, hello, hello to everyone.

But the key thing is that if she mentions this matter to Beidou, she will definitely be rejected.

the wanted?

Isn't that the honorary Liyue person...ah, it's Emperor Ye Tian, ​​right?

Hearing Ningguang's story, Han Xiao immediately thought of Maplehara Manyo who was known as Ye Tiandi and the honorary Liyue native in the game.

It seems that the other party is also a descendant of the blacksmithing family.

Han Xiao, who had just acquired a master craftsman, was not thinking about the identity of Maplehara Manyo's wanted criminal at all, but about being abducted into the other person's family background.

But it seems that the skills of the Maplehara family have been lost, which is really a pity.

Kunjun now possesses the knowledge of the three Yunhankun families. If he can gain Inazuma Isshin's lifelong efforts to learn from others, it will definitely be of great benefit to the growth of a blacksmithing master.

Ning Guang, is there any conclusive evidence that Tian Ling will pursue the wanted criminal?

Not yet, it seems that someone just saw the other party on Beidou's ship.

Hearing this, Han Xiao said without hesitation:

That's fine. The electrical crystal is my legal entrustment through the Adventurers Association. The reason for Tianling's unauthorized seizure is untenable.

As for Beidou, the opponent is an old man.

It seems you trust that woman very much.

Ningguang didn't expect that Han Xiao and Beidou would trust each other to handle this matter after they had only met a few times.

Because your tone of voice wasn't urgent at all. It's obvious that you've already thought about what to do.

Hearing the other party's teasing, Han Xiao could not help but curl her lips.

Ning Guang's communication this time was just a routine notification to him. I'm afraid she had already politely written a reply and rejected Tian Ling's request in a soft tone.

Oh, I hope that crazy woman won't cause any more trouble.

Seeing that Han Xiao had guessed how she would respond to Tian Ling's devotion, Ning Guang just sighed slightly. Because of Beidou, that courageous and boundless crazy woman, the relationship between Liyue and Dao's wife was probably going to decline a lot.

Anyway, Inazuma's national lockdown will not be lifted for a while, so it doesn't matter even if the relationship deteriorates.

As for Ningguang's worries about the deterioration of the relationship between Liyue and Dao's wife, Han Xiao is not worried at all.

Nowadays, due to the issue of the national lock-up order, the national power of Daozhu has long been in decline, and the implementation of Tianling and the appointment are even more corrupt.

It's not a big deal even if you are at odds with Tian Ling Zhixing now.

After Yingmei went to Daozhu and asked Lei Shen to lift the lock-down order, the current heads of the two families, Tianling Shouxing and Jingding Shouxing, would be purged and replaced with new ones.

When the time comes, Dao's wife, who is waiting for something to happen, will be unable to do without Liyue's financial support, and the little friction before will not become a stumbling block in the relationship between the two countries.

It seems that you have had thoughts about Ina Wife for a long time?

Although she didn't know why Han Xiao didn't care that the relationship between Liyue and Dao's wife was now tense, Ningguang was still keenly aware that the other party seemed to be confident about resolving the matter.

The new batch of improved seeds here in Guilicheng are ready to be sorted out, and they are just waiting to be sown in the spring. By then, the food production will be further increased.

We are the closest to Dao Wife. Once the lock-down order is lifted, Liyue can completely exchange grain for Dao Wife's large resources.

After the previous harvest in Guili City, Hanxiao sent people to select the better varieties that were more suitable for the original environment of Guili.

By next year, food production will surely increase.

After the national lockdown is lifted, Dao's wife will definitely be short of everything. At that time, she can use food and other daily necessities in exchange for a large amount of precious mineral resources on the other party's land.

Such as jade steel, snake bone essence, electrical crystal, etc.

So when faced with Ning Guang's inquiry, he didn't hide anything and directly told him the plan he had made long ago.

Chapter 314 Beidou: There are two Seven Stars standing behind me

Isn't it your fault that Beidou did this?

After hearing Han Xiao's plan, Ningguang couldn't help but ask.

There was no way, the other party's preparations were too sufficient, and one could tell at a glance that it was not a sudden move but had been prepared for a long time.

Now she seriously doubted that the person standing behind Beidou's blatant action this time was probably Han Xiao.

You are kidding, how could I do this?

I know about Beidou. It's up to you to decide what to do.

After briefly chatting with Ning Guang about the Beidou issue, Han Xiao hung up the communication.

As Qixing, he only needs to know about Beidou, and Ningguang will handle the rest of the work properly.

Although most people in Liyue think that Tianquanxing has two major hobbies in his life, one is Qunyu Pavilion and the other is Mora.

But as someone who has played games, Han Xiao knows very well that Ningguang values ​​Liyue even more than Qunyu Pavilion.

As for how heavy it is?

It can be completely described with the classic line of a famous character in Death School: My lover is this country.

Now that the brains of the Tianling Advocate and the Appraisal Advocate have begun to go crazy, and even collaborated with the fools to kill the 24k pure skirmishers of their country, Han Xiao believes that Ningguang will not let Liyue suffer any losses in the confrontation with the opponent. .


Rice wife.

A few hundred meters away from the port shore, the Death Star was anchored here, and not far behind the ship was a thunderstorm that blocked the sky and the sun.

I'm very sorry, Big Sister Beidou.

On the deck of the Death Star, Manyo Maplehara bowed deeply to Beidou and even apologized.

If it weren't for me, Sister, you wouldn't be forced to stop the ship here, and even the cargo would be detained.

Maplehara Manyo really felt that he had harmed the other party. If it weren't for him, the cargo of the Death Omen Star would not have been seized by the two leaders, and it would not even be possible to bring the ship close to the port.

After all, only at the edge of a thunderstorm would the soldiers of Tianling not have the guts to come by boat.

Hahahaha, what are you talking about to say in a depressing way!

Seeing Maplehara Manyo bending down to apologize to him, Beidou immediately let out a heroic laugh, and at the same time reached out to pull up the other person's body and patted his shoulders repeatedly.

You are the poet I want to upload. I will naturally protect your safety!

But the two major disciples are likely to blame Liyue because of my problem. If the two countries are at odds because of me, Maplehara Manyo will be the one to blame.

Don't worry, that woman Ningguang is not a vegetarian.

Hearing that this was what Maplehara Manyo was worried about, Beidou smiled nonchalantly, and then comforted him.

Just watch, that woman will definitely make the two big believers return the batch of goods that were previously detained intact.

Moreover, there was another point that Beidou did not explain to Maplehara Manyo, and that was that before she came to Inazuma this time, Han Xiao specifically found her and talked about some quite sensitive topics.

The other party even told her that after arriving at Daozu, she didn't need to think too much about the diplomatic relationship between Liyue and Daozu, and that everything should be done according to her own preferences.

At first, Beidou was a little surprised by Han Xiao's instructions, because even the Uncrowned Dragon King, who didn't like reading very much, knew that if she messed up, it would cause discord between the two countries.

However, after Han Xiao revealed his plan, Beidou came to Inazuma with confidence and boldness, and even protected Maplehara Manyo, an important criminal of Inazuma, according to his own wishes.

Anyway, according to Han Xiao's words, Dao's wife, who is under the national lockdown order, is very busy dealing with her own internal strife. It is not a problem at all for the diplomatic relationship between Liyue and Dao's wife to become stiff.

If Maplehara Manyo and Shigesa hadn't blocked him together, Beidou would have planned to do a grain business with Kaijijima.

Another point is that as a person who grew up in the market like Ning Guang since childhood, Beidou understands Ning Guang very well.

The other party, or Qixing, allowed the Southern Cross fleet to grow. If they say that there is no plot against Beidou, they don't believe it at all.

I'm afraid that my fleet has already been taken care of by Qixing.


Outlying Island·Designation and Implementation

Lord Kujo, Lord Hiiragi, Liyue sent a reply...

Holding the documents he had just gotten back from Liyue's embassy in Inazuma, the soldier who conducted the assignment knelt on one knee in front of Shinsuke Hiiragi and Takayuki Kujo, and carefully spoke about the content of the call back from Liyue.

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