Tianshu Star declares that the electrical crystal is a mission material legally entrusted by the Adventurers Association. Inazuma has no reason and no right to seize it.

He also said that Beidou is going to commit a crime by harboring Dao Wife. He will investigate and find out as soon as the other party returns to Liyue, and then give Dao Wife an explanation.

As a thoughtful Tianquan star, Ningguang had already made backup arrangements for all worst-case scenarios.

It was the same this time. Although the national lockdown was implemented very quickly, it couldn't be resisted by the fact that a certain inconspicuous staff member in the Liyue embassy knew how to transmit sounds.

Hmph, Liyue Qixing is very domineering.

After listening to the soldier's report, Kujo Takayuki immediately snorted, appearing very dissatisfied.

Obviously someone had seen the fugitives from the Fengyuan family boarding Liyue's ship, but the other party openly chose to cover them up.

Is Liyue determined to break off the relationship with Dao's wife?

Master Kujo, please let go of the goods first.

On the other hand, Shinsuke Hiiragi suddenly spoke up and persuaded Kujo Takayuki to send back the electrical crystal he had seized. Facing the other party's puzzled eyes, he slowly stated his reasons.

We have no evidence for the seizure of the goods.

You should have received the latest information from Liyue.

Hiiragi Shinsuke paused and continued:

You and I both know that the death of the Rock God is nonsense. The hatred of worshiping gods on Baling Island is the disaster that broke out after the death of the big snake. I have not heard of a similar disaster in Liyue.

Secondly, without the warrior god Morax taking action, this generation of Seven Stars has enough force to re-seal the demon god Osel.

It is unwise for such a powerful country to blindly engage in evil.

Could it be that you think Lord Dagosho can't defeat the opponent?

After hearing Shinsuke Hiiragi's explanation, Takayuki Kujo, the fanatical single promoter of General Raiden, stared at the head of the Hiiragi family with great dissatisfaction.

Master Da Yushuo is certainly powerful, but that God of War is not a vegetarian either.

Although Shinsuke Hiiragi also has very high confidence in General Raiden's military power, what makes him better than Takayuki Kujo is that he still has some sense.

The Rock God of Liyue has lived for more than six thousand years and is recognized by the Demon God as a God of War. This is not something that mortals like them can take lightly.

Chapter 315: Zhenjun Liuyun is a role model for others

Han Xiao doesn't care much about the outcome of the final discussion between Tianling Fengxing and Kanding Fengxing, because he knows very well that Ningguang can handle this matter.

In the past few days, Han Xiao has been spending most of his time in the alchemy workshop with Abedo perfecting the manufacturing process of mobile phones.

In addition to the two of them, there was also Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who wandered into Guili City for nothing.

As for why he wandered to Guili City, I think it was probably because the other party wanted to see if Zhongli was back.

This thing called a mobile phone is a great thing. With this thing, it will be much easier for people to communicate with each other.

In the alchemy workshop, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun used his immortal power to play with the phone up and down, and then gave his own evaluation.

This thing is very similar to the function of the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Conch I made myself, but the difference is that the conch needs to use elemental power or fairy power to activate, but the mobile phone does not.

It only needs to press the button above to make a remote call through some peculiar transmission method.

Although Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said he had stayed in the mountains for many years, he was still a master of mechanisms and still had good vision.

The mobile phone is much more universal than the Thousand Miles Sound Conch she made.

Han Xiao and Abedo are indeed the two most talented people she has met since coming down from the mountain. They are much higher than those stupid alchemists in Mingyun Town.

Han Xiao was not too excited about the compliments from his cheap master. He stretched out his hand to rub his chin and asked with a hint of expectancy:

Master Liuyun, Abedo and I are currently stuck in multiple people communicating at the same time. Do you have any solution?

They completed the work of transplanting Alice's signal parts to the mobile phone very smoothly, but now a more difficult problem has arisen.

Although the problem of long-distance communication has been solved, Han Xiao and Abedo are stumped by how to solve the problem of multiple signal transmissions at the same time.

They understand the principle, but they are both more proficient in alchemy, and their attainments in mechanism are quite different.

Especially Han Xiao, who was busy with various major events during this period and had no time to learn more profound mechanism skills from Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

Therefore, they placed their hopes on Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

Is there a problem with multi-person signal reception, discrimination and forwarding? You have found the right person in me!

Upon hearing his disciple's request for help, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun proudly puffed up his chest.

She had also read the book given to Han Xiao by Alice, and had to admit that even if the other person made a fuss wherever he went, his intellectual ability was indeed very strong.

At least Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng felt that it was very helpful after reading Alice's works.

Zhenjun Liuyun, I wonder how you plan to solve it?

Seeing that Lord Liuyun Jiefeng seemed quite confident, Abedo couldn't help but ask.

Machinery is not his strong point. Han Xiao is quite talented, but he has not grown up enough to solve problems.

They can only count on Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who currently has the highest level of mechanical skills in Guili City.

Look at it!

Faced with Abedo's inquiry, Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun flapped his wings slightly, and then he heard a clang, and a large mechanism with a height of three people suddenly appeared inside the workshop.

The huge impact even made the ground tremble slightly.

Fortunately, when Han Xiao built the alchemy workshop, it was designed according to the large-scale factory building in the previous life. It was because he considered that there might be large-scale machines in the future, so it could perfectly accommodate the mechanism brought out by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

Albedo, I have seen the signal receiver you made. The idea is very good, but your mechanism skills are still a bit poor.

Standing under the giant mechanism that was three people high, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun proudly introduced the mechanism he made to the two of them after he stood up.

This is a new type of intelligent mechanism specially designed by me to meet your difficulties.

Intelligent mechanism?

Han Xiao and Abedo were stunned when they heard this, and then they both looked at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng with nervous expressions on their faces.

Master Liuyun...

Zhenjun Liuyun...

I know what you are going to say!

Don't worry, I will not be stupid enough to touch the earth veins and abyss. This intelligent mechanism is a pure machine creation created by me combined with the notes left by Ms. Alice and the top knowledge of mechanism technology.

As soon as the two of them opened their mouths, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng raised one of his wings speechlessly, interrupting what they wanted to say.

Seriously, who do these two little guys think she is.

How could I not know the dangers of earth veins and abyss after living for so many years?

Have either of you read the recent Steambird in Fontaine?

Uh... I've been busy lately, so I don't have time to read it.

I have been staying in the alchemy workshop to complete the project given by Han Xiao, and I didn't pay attention.

Han Xiao and Abedo looked at each other, and then both said that they had not paid attention to the contents of the Steam Bird News recently due to various reasons.

You guys... usually talk about keeping pace with the times and always paying attention to cutting-edge academic technologies, but you just pay attention to it like this?

Hearing that Han Xiao and Abedo had not paid attention to cutting-edge academic knowledge recently, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said rather sadly.

These two little guys are not even as good as her, and she knows how to keep pace with the times.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng felt that if it weren't for the fact that a lot of big things had happened in Liyue recently, he would have to educate them both.

My strength is not mechanism art but alchemy!

Regarding Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun's reprimand, Abedo said that he definitely took the blame for Han Xiao, and he was only slightly involved in the mechanism technique!

The one who really deserves the batch should be Han Xiao.

Fortunately, Abedo knew how to assess the situation. When facing Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who was already trying to preach, he decisively chose to keep his head down and say nothing like Han Xiao.

After giving a lot of eloquent sermons, Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun, who was satisfied with his addiction, introduced his design to the two of them.

The Steam Bird Newspaper introduced Fontaine's newly developed counting machine. It has the same problem as you. The theory is very good, but the mechanism is too crude.

So I improved the counting machine and the signal receiver designed by Abedo, and combined the two to create this intelligent machine.

The concept of the counting machine is amazing, and it has reached the level of intelligence of the mechanism.

It's just like Liuyun Jifeng Zhenjun said, the method of manufacturing the mechanism is too rough and cannot meet the designer's ideal requirements, so it was evaluated by Steam Bird News as a project with great potential in the future.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who prides himself on pursuing the forefront of academic research, naturally absorbed all the ideas of the counting machine, and then combined the theories left by Alice with Albedo's creation to create the machine in front of him with certain intelligence. giant mechanism.

Chapter 316 Xumi’s Void System

As expected of Master Liuyun, this machine came at the right time!

After listening to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's introduction, Han Xiao was very happy. He didn't expect that his cheap master would keep up with the times since he came down from the mountain. He would read newspapers and learn new knowledge by himself.

It’s not at all like the empty-nest old bird who could only play his own game.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was originally a master of machine arts, and now he continues to absorb all kinds of new knowledge. Sooner or later, his opponent will take a step forward in machine arts.

With the addition of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Abedo and Han Xiao's research progress instantly improved a lot.

Soon, the two men led the construction team to erect a tall tower made of steel on the hill behind Guili City.

Then, construction was carried out simultaneously in Mingyun Town, Qingcezhuang and other places.

The construction of high-tower base stations equipped with what Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun called intelligent terminals was quickly completed.

As the high-tower base stations gradually cover the entire Liyue area, the day of the final experiment is approaching.

Light Ce Village.

Looking up at the high tower base station on the top of the mountain, Han Xiao at the foot of the mountain took out two mobile phones and entered two different numbers on the buttons.


Hey, Hanxiao.

Hanxiao, can you hear me?

When the two mobile phones were connected and the voices of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Abedo were heard respectively, Han Xiao's face finally showed a smile.

Master Liuyun, Abedo, you heard me very clearly, how about you?

There is a little noise, maybe there are some defects in some parts, or there is signal interference.

In Guili City, Abedo had two mobile phones in front of him, just like Han Xiao. They were also connected to Han Xiao and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

When he heard Han Xiao's voice coming from a mobile phone, he held a stenographic pad in one hand and a quill in the other and kept writing down what he thought were minor problems, without forgetting to answer Han Xiao.

I can hear it clearly here. What Abedo said is not a big problem. We will just distinguish the frequency bands when the time comes.

In Mingyun Town, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was talking to two mobile phones that were in call mode.

In her opinion, they have achieved their original goal, which is to accurately process signals during multi-person calls.

If there is some noise, you can distinguish the frequency bands and divert them when the time comes.

That's great, I declare the mobile phone experiment a complete success!

At the foot of Qingce Village, after hearing the answers from Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo, Han Xiao couldn't help but grinned and loudly announced the good news to them.

After all, the birth of mobile phones has truly revolutionized communication throughout Liyue.


Return to the city.

After completing the mobile phone call experiment, Han Xiao and the others gathered in the alchemy workshop again. After a heated discussion, the three of them divided the work reasonably and began to further improve the mobile phone.

Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun is responsible for improving smart terminals and perfecting the communication technology of code division multiple access.

Abedo is further optimizing the configuration parts of the mobile phone to achieve better call quality and at the same time encrypt the signal.

As for Han Xiao, his task is both simple and important.

That is to formulate frequency band standards for public channels and reserve the frequency bands that the six countries may need after access.

I always feel that Alice's technique seems familiar.

Inside the alchemy workshop.

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