When he met Han Rui for the first time, Kun Jun first bowed his hands as a salute, and then said helplessly, with resentment in his tone.

He was playing with the ore at home, but unexpectedly, a group of people suddenly rushed in and carried him all the way to Han's house.

Han Rui and Yun Jin's father looked at each other first, and then slowly explained:

The reason why I invited Mr. Kun here is to ask him to forge a magic weapon.

Forging divine weapons, me?

After hearing Han Rui's answer, Kun Jun raised his right hand, pointed his index finger at the tip of his nose, and asked in disbelief.

Can you two please stop making jokes about Kun? I have never been exposed to forging, how can I forge a magic weapon!

To be honest, if the two men in front of him were not the leaders of the Yunhan family, Kun Jun would have cursed loudly.

Even if he was forced to come over inexplicably, it turned out that he was the one who forged the magic weapon. Which little genius came up with this idea?

Mr. Kun, please don't be anxious.

Yun Jin's father laughed out loud, then clapped his hands and made a crisp sound.

Then, a group of servants holding various precious ores filed in from outside the door after hearing the summons, and then stood in front of Kunjun.

The best meteorite iron, thousand-year-old stone amber...

Looking at the top-grade minerals appearing in front of him one by one, Kunjun's whole body trembled involuntarily, and he couldn't help mumbling to himself.

Every item in front of you is a priceless treasure, and some minerals can only be recorded in ancient books today.

He didn't expect that he would be able to see the real thing today!

This casting was commissioned by Tianshu Star, and they sent these top-quality ores.

We dare not waste such a precious treasure, so we would like to ask Mr. Kun to cooperate.

Seeing Kun Jun's face full of excitement, Han Rui smiled slightly, and then said in a bewitching tone:

The Yunhan family has always regarded Master Kunwu's Kunwu Broken Rainbow as their goal. For thousands of years, they have wanted to forge a magical weapon comparable to Kunwu Broken Rainbow.

Now that we have so many precious materials in front of us, it may not be impossible to achieve this goal by combining the efforts of the three of us.

Don't Mr. Kun want to forge a magic weapon comparable to our ancestors?

But I have never forged it myself. Why are you two gentlemen so sure that I can do it?

Kunjun quickly calmed down from his enthusiasm for minerals.

I heard that the Yunhan family, who are also descendants of famous craftsmen, mentioned that Kunwu Duanhong, which was forged by their ancestors, was so highly regarded that they even regarded it as a goal to surpass.

As a descendant of Kunwu, the master craftsman, he naturally feels honored.

But Kun Jun soon became confused. The Kun family has always been a small number of people. Even though his ancestors had the master craftsman Kun Wu, few of his descendants were engaged in the forging industry.

On the contrary, the Yunhan family spread out and gradually formed a huge family. They have always passed down the forging skills and eventually became the leader of Liyue's forging industry.

Hanwu and Yunhui are also famous craftsmen in Liyue, and the Yunhan family has passed down their skills for thousands of years.

Therefore, Kun Jun couldn't understand why he, a man who had not even inherited the craftsmanship from his ancestors, was invited to come over for a forging commission that even the Yunhan family could not handle.

Is it just because my ancestor is Kunwu?

Seeing that Kunjun not only quickly woke up from his enthusiasm for minerals, but also calmly raised his doubts, Han Rui and Yun Jin's father looked at each other and smiled.

The other party's self-control is enough for them to take a high look at him.

Immediately, Han Rui explained the reason with a smile:

What would you think if this was Tianshu Star's decision?

Lord Tianshuxing?

Hearing Han Rui's words, Kun Jun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Although he had never met Han Xiao, he had indeed heard of him a long time ago.

Emmm, how should I put it? Han Xiao's move to leave the Han family and become self-reliant caused a stir in the forging industry.

Kunjun naturally also heard a little bit about this 'comrade' who also came from a blacksmithing family, but ended up not choosing to learn blacksmithing.

Not to mention what happened later. After becoming one of the Seven Stars, the other party gave full play to his talents and even built a prosperous city on Guiliyuan.

It can be said that Han Xiao's deeds have become a legend among many children of aristocratic families.

Knowing that such a 'legendary' chose him, Kun Jun felt honored and at the same time a little bit at a loss.

If Han Xiao asked him to identify the ore, then he would definitely come to help without saying a word.

But now the other party actually asked me to cooperate with the Yunhan family to forge weapons. Is this decision too childish?

Mr. Kun, why don't we give it a try?

As if sensing Kun Jun's hesitation, Yun Jin's father suddenly spoke, and at the same time took out a drawing and handed it to the servant, and then asked the servant to send it to him.

Kunjun took the drawing from his hands with a confused look on his face. He unfolded it and saw the design of a dagger.

After looking at the drawing in his hand and pondering for a long time, he finally made a decision.

Then... give it a try?


Han Xiao, how on earth do you know that Kun Jun is so powerful?

At night, when Han Xiao was practicing how to control her aura at home, Yun Jin suddenly contacted her through the Dudu communication device.

As soon as the communication was connected, Yun Jin's rather surprised voice came out from the communication device.

So the other party's talent is really high?

Han Xiao couldn't help but laugh when she heard Qingmei's uncontrollable surprised tone on the other end of the communication device.

Not only is he tall, he is simply a monster...

On the other side of the communication device, Yun Jin was lying on the soft mattress, raising her little feet back and forth. Her other hand kept playing with the hair beside her ear, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

Today, when my father came back from Han's house, he was as decadent as an eggplant beaten by frost.

At first, Yun Jin was a little worried that something had happened to her father. After asking about the reason, she realized that her father's relationship had been hit by someone else.

Kunjun started forging for the first time today, and it turned out that he seemed to be a master of quenching and tempering like a master who had been immersed in this art for many years.

What is made of a dagger is called excellence.

When he encountered such an unreasonable genius, it was only natural that his father would be shocked.

I feel relieved now.

Hearing that Kunjun performed so amazingly for the first time, Han Xiao also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Chapter 312: Divine Weapon·Xia Ming Zhao Shuang

It was probably Kunjun's first forging performance that scared the craftsmen of the Yunhan family as well as the two leaders, Han Rui and Yun Jin's father.

In the following period, Kunjun received loving teachings from all the craftsmen from the two major forging families.

It can be said that as long as the craftsmen know how to make molds, smelting, cold forging and hot forging, they basically teach them to each other without reservation.

Some people may think that the Yunhan family should not be so diligent. Isn't this cultivating competitors for themselves?

As the leader of the aristocratic family, Han Rui and Yun Jin's father naturally knew the mystery behind it, but they still chose to do this.

There are three main reasons.

First of all, Kunjun himself is extremely talented and is likely to impact the status of his ancestor Kunwu in the future.

Liyue has not had a master craftsman for a long time, and now a seedling has finally emerged. Han Rui and the others are too late to be happy, and how can they be willing to suppress it.

Secondly, this kid Kunjun is probably someone who has registered with Dijun and his family. They suppressed each other because they were out of their minds.

In addition to the above two points, there is also the most important point. Han Rui has heard that his nephew Han Xiao seems to value Kunjun very much, and may even have made arrangements for it.

Based on the above three points, Han Rui and Yun Jin's father made the decision to fully train Kunjun after discussion.

The person we selected for training, Kun Jun himself, seemed quite tired at this time.

Every craftsman seems to have to master all the forging techniques within a very short period of time.

During this period, Kunjun lived a hellish life. He had to start learning blacksmithing after getting up every day, and then he would study all day long, and he could only take a short rest at night.

Fortunately, his talent is indeed outrageous. In just a few days, he has transformed from a layman who doesn't understand much to a fully spiritual craftsman.


One day, the residents of Liyue Port started their new day's life as usual.


Suddenly a huge explosion resounded throughout Liyue Port, and everyone was startled by the sudden loud noise.

Then, the port workers discovered that the waves in the port began to surge, the ground shook, and a bright blue light beam shot straight into the sky from the direction of Yujingtai.

The clouds in the sky also seemed to be shocked, and instantly dissipated without a trace.

The beam of light lasted for more than a minute before slowly dissipating. Then the ground gradually stopped shaking, and the waves outside the harbor also returned to calm.

As the beam of light dispersed, Qian Yanjun, who had already arrived at the scene, discovered that the place of the accident was the blacksmith workshop behind the Han family's old house.

There was a big hole in the roof of the workshop. Inside the house, three men with gray faces and tattered clothes were dancing and laughing loudly.

Prince Yan, did you see it, we successfully forged it!

Combining the power of the three Yunhan and Kun families, we have finally forged a work that rivals Kunwu's Duanhong!

With this voice, all the people in Liyue soon knew one thing.

Descendants of the three major blacksmithing families in Liyue, Yunhui's Yun family, Hanwu's Han family, and Kunwu's Kun family, finally succeeded in forging a magic weapon comparable to Kunwu's Broken Rainbow.

Well, although Kun Jun seems to be the only one in the Kun family, as the main executor of this forging, his power alone is enough.

That night, while all the residents of Liyue Port were still discussing privately what this magic weapon looked like, an electric car left Liyue Port under the cover of darkness.


The next day, Kuixing Tower.

Looking at the young man with glasses standing in front of him holding a sword box in his hand, Han Xiao did not immediately look at the magic weapon in the box, but smiled and greeted the young man in front of him.

You should be Master Kunjun. Although I have heard your name a long time ago, it seems like this is the first time we meet like this.

This is the first time we meet, Master Hanxiao. I am ashamed to be called Master Kunjun.

The young man holding the sword box in his hand was Kun Jun. After hearing Han Xiao's words, he first bowed slightly and saluted, and then continued to humble himself that he could not be called a master.

I have also heard about the vision in Liyue Port. It is almost the same as the record of Kunwu Duanhong's birth. Based on this alone, you are enough to be called a master.

In response to Kunjun's self-effacement, Han Xiao waved her hand and in a tone that left no room for doubt, she designated the other person as a master.

When Kunwu Duanhong was born, the sea shook the mountains and the sun shone through the rainbow.

Now that the weapon they forged had similar phenomena, how could Kunjun, as the main executor, not be worthy of it.

After deciding on Kunjun's master's name, Han Xiao's eyes fell on the sword box held in the opponent's hand.

Is this the magic weapon you forged?


Kunjun nodded, then took a few steps forward and gently placed the sword box in his hand on the desk in front of Han Xiao.

I heard from Senior Han Rui that the design of this sword is yours, sir, so we unanimously decided to hand over the naming rights to you.

You really can't just name it yourself.

Han Xiao shook her head and reached out to open the sword box.


In an instant, in the sunshine outside the window, a cold light reflected from the box, and along with a soft moan, the entire office was shrouded in a chill.

The light shoots into the sky and the earth, but Lei Teng cannot rush forward!

Facing such a scene before her, Han Xiao blurted out a hymn that was unclear to Liyue people.

What a great sword.

Looking at the cold edge of the sword in the box, I really responded to the sentence of bowing Xia Ming Jian Zhao Shuang.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao reached out to close the sword box and looked at Kunjun.

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