As soon as he reached the door of his house, he saw Ah Fu Zhengzun from the Han family looking around in front of his door.

Master Xiao!

As soon as he saw Han Xiao, Ah Fu stood up quickly and trotted to his side with a face full of surprise.

Afu, why are you here?

Han Xiao looked at Ah Fu standing in front of her in surprise, and then realized:

Has Uncle Rui already made the sword?

Master Xiao, we are encountering difficulties over there.

It was okay if Han Xiao didn't ask, but when he asked, Ah Fu's expression fell.

Let's talk after we get inside.

Hearing Ah Fu say this, Han Xiao just said lightly, then opened the door of his house and walked in.

When the two came to the living room, he looked at Ah Fu and asked in a solemn tone:

Tell me carefully, what difficulties did Uncle Rui encounter?

Master Xiao, this is what happened...

In Afu's rambling explanation, Han Xiao gradually understood the whole story.

Ever since Han Rui received the sword-making commission from Han Xiao and sent countless top-grade ores, he discussed with Yun Jin's father and jointly summoned all the craftsmen from Yun Han's family.

The purpose of the two people is also very simple. They want to make this sword a magical weapon that surpasses their ancestors, the famous craftsmen Han Wu and Yun Hui.

After all, although my two ancestors were also famous craftsmen, their main achievement was to guide Liyue's first revolution in forging technology.

In terms of works, although the prototype and black rock series are also rare magic weapons, they are still slightly inferior to the Kunwu Broken Rainbow cast by the master craftsman Kunwu.

You must know that this was once praised by Prince Yan and used as a personal weapon for a period of time.

The difference between a famous craftsman and a divine craftsman is a world of difference.

The Yunhan family has been in control of Liyue's forging industry for so many years. The Kun family has also produced many famous craftsmen, but none of the three families has produced a legendary master like the master craftsman Kun Wu.

Ever since, Kunwu Broken Rainbow has become the highest masterpiece in the eyes of Liyue craftsmen.

Now Han Xiao has sent materials that are no less than or even far superior to the meteorite iron from the sea that the master craftsman Kun Wu used when he forged Kun Wu's broken rainbow.

They felt that an opportunity had come, and naturally wanted to touch the Liyue forging ceiling where Kunwu Duanhong was located.

Of course, it would be better if it can be surpassed.

It's just that although Han Rui and Yun Jin's father had a good idea, even if they summoned all the craftsmen in the family, they still couldn't forge a work that satisfied them.

Not to mention surpassing Kunwu Duanhong.

This fact devastated Han Rui and Yun Jin's father. Yun Jin's father even thought that they should simply lower their level. If their level is not enough, they should stop dreaming about a realm they cannot reach.

So Uncle Rui asked you to come to me because he was unwilling?

After learning the cause and effect of the incident, Han Xiao looked at Ah Fu thoughtfully.

Yes, Master Xiao.

Afu nodded and continued:

Master feels that the materials you sent are too precious. It would be a waste of resources to simply make a weapon.

That's why the master asked me to come to you to see what you can do?

What's the use of asking me for such a thing.

Hearing Ah Fu's words, Han Xiao couldn't help but complain angrily.

He always felt that his uncle wanted to drag him into blacksmithing from the beginning to the end, so he came to discuss this matter with him?

He doesn’t know how to forge, so it’s a waste of time to discuss it!

After all, he is already a Seven Star now. Why doesn't Uncle Rui give up?

Complaints are complaints, now that the matter has been put in front of him, Han Xiao can only think about how to help his old uncle solve this problem.

Not to mention, after a period of thinking, he really thought of someone.

Chapter 310: Liyue’s Talented Monster

Ah Fu, go back and tell Uncle Rui that you can find someone in Liyue Port. Maybe he has the ability to do all this.

Master Xiao, who is this person you are talking about?

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ah Fu was a little confused.

He has lived in Liyue Port for so many years, and apart from the craftsmen trained by the Yunhan family, he has never heard of any famous forging masters.

Why did my young master ask me to go back to Liyue Port to find someone, and even vowed that the other party might have the ability to fulfill the master's wish?



Hearing Han Xiao's name, Ah Fu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and asked with some confusion:

I have heard of his name, but isn't he an ore appraiser?

Ah Fu didn't lie about what Han Xiao said about Kun Jun. He had indeed heard the other person's name. In other words, the Yun Han family knew this person.

As mentioned before, the only person in Liyue who can truly become a divine craftsman is Kun Wu, and Kunjun is the descendant of the divine craftsman Kun Wu.

The other party had a very high talent for appreciating minerals when he was a child, and later relied on his talent to become the leading mineral appraiser in the Liyue area.

How talented is Kunjun?

There is an old saying in Liyue that it is difficult for a god to judge an inch of jade, but the opponent can accurately judge the quality of each piece of ore.

This kind of talent is rare in the world.

But what makes Ah Fu a little puzzled is that Kunjun only has an extraordinary reputation for identifying ores. It seems that he has never seen the other party forge weapons?

You don't understand this. Even if it's the first time for some people to do something unfamiliar to them, they can do better than veterans who have been immersed in it for decades.

This kind of person often has a name, and that is the genius monster!

Seeing Ah Fu's puzzled look, Han Xiao smiled softly and explained rather proudly.

The reason why he dared to recommend Kun Jun was because the other person's talent was guaranteed by a super boss. He did not believe that the other person could do it just because he was a descendant of the master craftsman Kun Wu.

As for who the super boss is, I believe everyone has remembered it.

That's right, it's our Tuozi brother.

Han Xiao was very aware of the conversation between Ruotuo Dragon King and Zhongli after he possessed Kunjun in the game.

Zhongli told Dragon King Ruotuo that he still preferred the blacksmith as before.

And what does our Tuozi brother think of Kunjun who is possessed by him?

The evaluation was very high, saying that Kunjun would definitely become famous in time, and such a talent must not make any mistakes.

This is the guarantee of Dragon King Ruotuo, and its credibility is no less than that of Zhongli.

That's why Han Xiao was so sure that Han Rui's difficulties might be solved by going to Kunjun.

Even though Kunjun is just an ore appraiser now, there are always some geniuses in the world.

Just like those super fierce men in his previous life who were able to defeat the enemy's army without reading the military manual.

Who are you going to talk to when this kind of person is completely crushed by his talent?


Is that what Han Xiao said?

Liyue Port·Han's old house.

Han Rui and Yun Jin's father sat in the conference hall and listened to Ah Fu's report. Yun Jin's father immediately frowned, and his tone was weird?

He had naturally heard the name of Liyue's famous ore connoisseur Kun Jun. After all, he was a descendant of Kun Wu, and his talent since childhood was so outstanding that it was impossible for the Yunhan family not to notice it.

What Han Xiao didn't know was that Han Rui had once sent an invitation to Kunjun when he was a child, hoping that he could come to Yunhan's family to learn blacksmithing techniques.

Oh, just to mention it, every descendant of Kunwu has been invited by the Han family, but most of their talents are not very high.

It was a pity that Kunjun refused Han Rui's invitation on the grounds that he only liked studying ores.

As for later, after the other party became an ore connoisseur by virtue of his talent, Han Rui gave up this idea.

The two people he valued most were Han Xiao and Kun Jun, but both of them refused to follow him and learn blacksmithing.

emmm... Thinking about Han Rui, it's actually not easy.

In that case, Ah Fu, please send someone to invite Kun Jun.

Unlike Yun Jin's father, Han Rui just pondered for a moment and then ordered Ah Fu to send someone to invite him.

Brother Han, do you really believe what that brat Han Xiao said?

Seeing that Han Rui really planned to send someone to invite Kun Jun, Yun Jin's father immediately looked at him in surprise.

He had seen all the ores sent by Han Xiao. They were all extremely precious ores of the highest quality, and some of them were even extinct.

Such extremely precious ore is handed over to a person who has never touched it with a hammer. Isn't Han Rui really afraid that Kunjun will ruin these top-quality ores?

Brother Yun, I don't believe Han Xiao's words.

Hearing Yun Jin's father's inquiry, Han Rui shook his head and said meaningfully:

Think about it carefully. Kunjun has never even forged a weapon. Why is that boy Han Xiao so sure that the other party can complete this forging?

You mean... someone told Han Xiao?

Hearing what Han Rui said, Yun Jin's father was suddenly stunned, and then seemed to understand something.

And what that person said is extremely credible. I estimate that it was probably the emperor himself who said it.

Seeing Yun Jin's father react, Han Rui immediately showed a smile on his face.

Han Xiao has been a clever person since she was a child, but now that she has become a Seven Star, her methods and thinking have impressed the older generation.

It can make the other party believe him so much that he even describes Kunjun as a genius monster.

Who else could this old man be besides Lord Yan?

Yes, the emperor himself is a blacksmith master.

After listening to Han Rui's words, even Yun Jin's father, who initially thought Han Xiao was fooling around, began to look forward to Kunjun.

After all, what Han Rui said was right, Han Xiao could believe it, and the emperor's evaluation should be the only one in Liyue.

By the way, Han Xiao thought that not many people in Liyue Port knew about Zhongli's fake death, probably only the Seven Stars and Immortals knew about it.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the major families in Liyue Port had already had their own speculations about the emperor.

You must know that any one of these aristocratic families has a history of eighteen hundred years, and there are actually many aristocratic families that have been around for more than three thousand years like the Yunhan family.

Therefore, they have collected many historical books that ordinary people are not aware of at all. Some books clearly record the scene after the death of the demon god.

Ever since, the leaders of these aristocratic families gathered together and compared each other, and everyone was speechless.

Well, the Emotional Emperor is teasing them!

Although these aristocratic families guessed that Emperor Yan Wang most likely faked his death, they did not take action and followed whatever Qixing said.

So when Han Xiao recommended Kunjun, Han Rui and Yun Jin's fathers reacted and decided to listen to each other.

The emperor's talent is acknowledged by the old man himself. How can such a person not be a master of iron?

Even if they were kidnapped, they would still kidnap people today for blacksmithing!

Emmm, although Han Rui and the others seem to have guessed the wrong person, it seems that Brother Tuozi is not bad at all?

Chapter 311 The genius monster is unreasonable

Han Rui and Yun Jin's father was worthy of being the leader of a thousand-year-old family. Once he made up his mind, he acted decisively.

After a while, Kunjun was invited over.

Two gentlemen, I don't know what the purpose of inviting Mr. Kun is.

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