[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: From a certain perspective, is today's Yuanxiao considered another kind of primitive person?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Ah, this question is difficult for me. We don't even know what the original people are. Who can explain clearly!

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, can't you ask Zhongli, what is the original person?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I don't think he will tell me this answer. After all, the only known original person is Phanes in the sky.

Han Xiao sighed slightly as she watched her friends in the group come up with ideas.

He wanted to ask Zhongli, but the key was that the other party had to be willing to tell him.

The problem of the original man is the most important secret of Teyvat at first glance. Even if Zhongli knows the key, he probably will not speak easily.

At this time, the friends in the chat group gave him some suggestions.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Yuanxiao has now reached the level of the demon god. I think you can find some hidden history and explore it yourself.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I think it's better to keep going and wait until we can compete with the maintainer of heavenly principles.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Oh, let me think about it again.

After closing the chat group, Han Xiao sat in front of the study and stared out the window at the night-shrouded sky.

He was actually a little moved by Gui Xiao's suggestion.

The way Abedo looked at him today was obviously not right, and he obviously mistook him for some special condition.

And the only thing Han Xiao could think of that was related to Albedo was the original man, which was related to Fanes' secret.

Zhongli would not reveal secrets in this area easily, so the only way he could obtain information seemed to be the collections in Yuanxia Palace.


Han Xiao, who was debating whether or not to set out to explore Yuanxia Palace in person, suddenly had an idea flash in his mind, and thought of a perfect candidate to go on his behalf.

It was a certain yellow-haired girl who was still chasing the abyss between Mondstadt and Liyue.

Chapter 308 Cooperation with Mond

As the Seven Stars of Liyue, Han Xiao actually didn't want to leave in person. After all, Yuanxia Palace was located on Daozhi's Haiji Island.

The relationship between Kaijijima and Inazuma's homeland has always been relatively delicate. Especially when Inazuma issued the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, this relationship, which was like walking on thin ice, was directly broken.

Kaiji Island directly became the base of the rebels who resisted the Eye Hunting Order.

Therefore, Han Xiao did not want to set foot on the land of Haiji Island in person unless necessary. Doing so would be too sensitive and could easily cause misunderstandings between Liyue and Daozhi.

The collection buried in Keyuanxia Palace should be the place with the most secret records in the entire Teyvat. The answers to many things Zhongli doesn't want to say can be found there.

If you want to find out what the so-called original people are, apart from the Seven Gods, it seems that the only place where you can get the answer is.

Han Xiao was still a little confused about whether he should go or not, but when inspiration flashed in his mind, he thought of the perfect candidate to replace him.

Really, how could I forget that I can ask Ying to do this for me.

When she thought that she hadn't even thought of this just now, Han Xiao couldn't help but patted her head in annoyance and muttered to herself.

It is true that I can't go to Haiji Island because of my sensitive identity, but I can.

Anyway, Yingmei will embark on the journey to Inazuma soon, and I am afraid that Haji Island will not be left behind. When the time comes, it will be nice to let the other party bring back the information about Yuucha Palace.

After thinking about this, Han Xiao began to prepare the necessary tools for Yingmei to record information, such as cameras, photo recorders, etc., intending to hand them over to her when she comes back.


The next day.

Han Xiao, who had not been out much since returning to Guili City, finally walked out of the house and came to Kuixing Tower.

As soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by the sights of the staff of Kuixing Tower, and everyone had a look of astonishment in their eyes.

Everyone seems to be thinking that this is really our top boss, Lord Hanxiao?

Is my change really that big?

Feeling the staff's eyes focused on her, Han Xiao walked towards her office without changing her expression, but she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

It was the same for Abedo before, and now it's the same for the staff at Kuixing Tower. It's obvious that he doesn't feel anything when he looks in the mirror.

I haven't seen anyone else paying such attention to Zhongli, right?

This is actually because Han Xiao doesn’t understand.

That's right, after all, he has just stepped onto the level of the Demon God, so how can he compare with veterans like Zhongli and Wendy.

Zhongli and Wendy have long been able to perfectly control their dissipated auras and prevent them from leaking out, so they look no different from ordinary people.

Compared with them, Han Xiao is just a newcomer who has just upgraded his life level. It is natural that he does not understand that he can still control it.

Not long after entering the office, Xingqiu heard the news and walked in.

Hey, Hanxiao?

As soon as he entered the door, Xingqiu couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise when he looked at Han Xiao's face, and the expression on his face became a little confused.

Why do you feel that after you went to Guili City, you came back so changed?

Well, you are the second person after Albedo to say this about me. Have I really changed a lot?

Hearing that Xingqiu was as curious about his changes as Abedo, Han Xiao couldn't help but reached out and touched her cheek with a look of doubt on her face.

Xingqiu pursed his lips, organized his words in his mind, and said:

Your face hasn't changed, it's just that your aura has changed a bit...

As he said this, he couldn't help but make a joke.

In other words, this is the feeling of superiority after taking control of the Seven Stars.

You can pull him down!

Hearing the teasing of her own child, Han Xiao couldn't help but roll her eyes at the other party, but she didn't refute.

It didn't matter if the other party thought so, he could explain it easily.

So Han Xiao quickly skipped the topic and asked the other party why he came to find him.

You probably didn't come here specifically to tease me today, right? Tell me, why did you come to see me?

Is such that.

Seeing Han Xiao asking about business, Xingqiu also reached out and took out a document from the Eye of God and handed it to him, explaining in his mouth:

Mondstadt has proposed to deepen cooperation between the two countries. This is an official document sent by the Knights of the West Wind.

Raising her hand to accept the document handed over by Xingqiu, Han Xiao carefully read the contents of the document.

In the document, Qin, the acting leader of the Knights, first expressed deep condolences for the death of Emperor Yanwang in an official tone.

However, both parties actually knew that Emperor Yan Wang was still alive.

Needless to say, Han Xiao, Qin also got some vague hints from Wendy, so she also guessed some of the secrets.

Omitting the high-sounding part of the document, Qin soon put forward the real purpose of her official letter in the document.

Simply put, she wanted to take this opportunity to achieve deeper business cooperation with Guili City.

The reason lies with Grandpa Lu.

Since Diluc got the right to sell electric vehicles in Hanxiao, he opened a sales store in the city under the name of the Legenfund family after returning to Mondstadt.

That's a lot of money to make.

Now, members of the local Chamber of Commerce in Mondstadt were a little jealous.

Since the Legenfund family was one of the three top families in Mondstadt, it was easy for them to make a covert move.

So they joined forces to find the Knights, hoping to contact Guili City from the official side, and then get a chance to compete with the Legenfund family.

As the acting leader of the Knights and a member of the Gunnhild family, one of the three major families in Mondstadt, Qin was caught in a dilemma between the two.

Diluc had already signed an exclusive agency contract with Guili City, but Liyue had always attached great importance to the contract and it was impossible to violate it.

However, the actions of the major chambers of commerce in Mondstadt to unite to get a piece of the pie cannot be left alone.

In the tangle, Qin had no choice but to send an official letter to Han Xiao, hoping that Guilicheng could deepen its business cooperation with Mondstadt.

This will not harm Diluc's interests, but can also meet the requirements of the Mondstadt Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Deepen business cooperation?

Handing the official document in his hand to Xingqiu, Han Xiao waited for the other party to read it before asking in a consultative tone:

Do you think we should agree to cooperate with Mondstadt?

I think it's okay.

After pondering for a moment, Xingqiu nodded, feeling that he could agree to Mond's request.

First of all, Mondstadt and Liyue have been on good terms for thousands of years, and the cooperation between the two parties has never been interrupted.

Secondly, Abedo, the core talent, is also a Mondstadt.

No matter from any aspect, working with Mond is a good choice.

Chapter 309 Han Xiao: I told you I don’t know how to blacksmith!


Hearing Xingqiu's approval of cooperating with Mond, Han Xiao murmured to herself.

To be honest, if he were asked to choose a partner in Mondstadt, then only Diluc would be the best candidate.

Emmm, it's not that there are no reliable businessmen in Mondstadt except Diluc.

It's just that after Han Xiao played the game in his previous life, he had already left a relatively reliable image of the entire Mondstadt, only Captain Qin and Diluc.

Later, he personally went to Mondstadt. Even if he didn't stay for a few days, he could still see the so-called freedom of Mondstadt.

How should I put it? Although the real Mondstadt is not as unorganized as described in the game, and the strength of many chambers of commerce is not bad, it is indeed too 'free' in some places.

That's why the last time Diluc came to Huili City and wanted to get the exclusive agency rights for electric vehicles, Han Xiao readily agreed.

It is precisely because Grandpa Lu behaves very steadily, both in the game and in reality, that he is indeed an ideal partner.

It seems that you are not willing to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce in Mondstadt?

Seeing Han Xiao's hesitant look, Xingqiu, who had been friends with him for many years, naturally saw what he was thinking and asked immediately.

That's not true.

Han Xiao shook her head at first, then stopped talking, and finally decided to tell Xingqiu what she thought.

I personally know a lot of information about Diluc and know who the other party is, so I feel comfortable cooperating with him.

I really don't know anything about the situation of those chambers of commerce in Mondstadt. Xingqiu, even my uncle's Feiyun Chamber of Commerce may not be too confident with a strange partner who is cooperating with him for the first time.

What you said makes sense.

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, Xingqiu nodded involuntarily.

The most taboo thing among businessmen is not knowing the details of the other party. Even his father will have a scrutinizing attitude towards the allies he cooperates with for the first time.

Han Xiao's worries are not exaggerated.

However, Xingqiu immediately changed the subject and persuaded:

Han Xiao, this time Captain Qin personally wrote a letter in the official name of Mondstadt to seek cooperation. I think we can give it a try first.

I also received a lot of information from Mondstadt during my time in Guili City. Captain Qin has been very capable and prestigious since he became the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

In response to Xingqiu's persuasion, Han Xiao kept tapping the table with his right index finger. After a long time, he said:

Let's do this. Let's try the gramophone business with Mondstadt first and see how capable those chambers of commerce are.

If we can see through it, we will continue to cooperate in depth.


Xingqiu also thinks Han Xiao’s suggestion is good. Although Liyue Port has cooperation with Monddo, Guili City is still new, and the trust relationship between the two parties needs to get along slowly to build up.


After seeing off Xingqiu, Han Xiao got up and returned home after handling official duties in the office for more than an hour.

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