Chapter 306 Han Xiao: I’m sure of the power bank

As long as it works.

After learning that her ability had indeed had an effect on the law of wear and tear, Han Xiao was quite satisfied with it.

He is not afraid of poor results, but afraid of no results.

Now that abilities can act on the law of wear and tear, it's much easier to handle.

In the future, just observe more power systems in other worldviews in the chat group, and then turn them into nutrients for your own growth.

Hanxiao, I want to feel it too!

Seeing that Zhongli seemed to be much more relaxed due to Han Xiao's energy input, Wendy on the side also wanted to experience it for herself. problem.

Always feel like you have become the exclusive power bank of the Seven Gods?

With a little embarrassment, Han Xiao came to Wendy's side, put her hand on the other person's back, input some energy, and withdrew her palm.

Well, after all, he just spent a lot of power on Zhongli, and now he can only use his ability symbolically.

Oh oh oh!

Although Han Xiao didn't output much power, Wendy still couldn't help but let out a series of slightly excited screams when she felt that the power entered her body and had an entanglement and elimination effect with the law of wear and tear.

Sure enough, there are some things that it is better to experience for yourself than to hear others tell them.

This feeling of watching the wear and tear in the body being constantly eliminated is so refreshing.

No wonder the expression on the old man's face was very complicated before. If Teyvat could be born with this ability earlier, maybe the current situation would be very different.

Thinking about it, Zhongli has lost too many old friends due to wear and tear, the most typical of which is our Tuozi brother.

Just because of wear and tear, a good second-in-command in Liyue Port was imprisoned for thousands of years.

Ignoring Wendy, who behaved in a somewhat embarrassing manner, Zhongli immediately said thoughtfully after hearing Han Xiao's emotion:

It seems you have a way to quickly improve your abilities.

It should be no problem.

Han Xiao was not completely sure in his words, but it could be seen from the confident look on his face that he was quite sure about this.

Then I will wait for your good news.

This time, Zhongli said it with extra care.

If Han Xiao can really improve his abilities quickly, there may be a high chance that his old friend will be released from under the Fulong tree.

Don't worry, I will.

Seeing Zhongli's eyes twinkling and his tone so serious, Han Xiao made a solemn promise.

He knew that what Zhongli cared about most at the moment was Dragon King Ruotuo, and he also attached great importance to this.

After all, the fact that Dragon King Ruotuo suffered wear and tear and lost his mind was not entirely the fault of Heaven. The residents of Liyue also had a share in it.

After thousands of years of continuous excavation, the Liyue people almost dug through Brother Tuozi’s hometown.

It was precisely the destruction of the earth veins and wear and tear caused by the Liyue people's excavation of the giant abyss of stratiform rock. The combination of the two caused Brother Tuozi to completely lose his mind.

So now that he had the opportunity to make up for the mistakes that Liyue people had to make in order to survive, Han Xiao would naturally not shirk it.

He was determined to take this god's 'power bank' for granted.


After making an agreement with Zhongli and Wendy to receive 'physical therapy' once a week, Han Xiao saw them off.

In the remaining days, he stayed at home without leaving the house, devoting himself wholeheartedly to training, in order to master his abilities in a short period of time.

It was just a few days after the peaceful days. One day when Han Xiao was preparing to continue practicing, there was a knock on the door, which forced him to stop.


With some doubts, Han Xiao walked to the door and opened the door. He wanted to see who came to him at this time.

With a creak, the door was slowly opened, and Albedo's figure outside the door came into view.

Hey, Albedo?

You're here like this?

Seeing that the person coming was Albedo, Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then asked about her doubts.

Are you... Han Xiao?

On the other hand, when Abedo heard Han Xiao ask him, he frowned uncharacteristically, staring at the other person with his eyes, and asked in an uncertain tone after a long time.

It's me, don't recognize me after just a few days?

It's not that I don't know each other, it's just...

Looking at Han Xiao who looked like a different person although his face remained unchanged, Abedo thought for a while and then expressed his true feelings.

The other person is still the same person, but they haven't seen each other for a few days. Has the change been too big?

Well, it must be that I have made a breakthrough in my recent practice of immortality.

Hearing Abedo's thoughts, Han Xiao smiled and then told the reason that she had already thought of.

It is difficult to explain that he has stepped into the level of the devil. It just so happens that he has a cheap immortal master woman.

So Han Xiao decided to explain her changes during this period by using the magic of immortality.

Anyway, the rumors about immortal magic among the people in Liyue have spread over time and are so miraculous.

Is it magic... let's just treat it like this.

Regarding Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo just gave the other party a meaningful look, and then acquiesced to the other party's words.

As a son of chalk born from alchemy, especially Albedo who is also proficient in creation, he is still somewhat confident when it comes to the breath of life.

Moreover, Han Xiao's current state in front of him was very similar to the records about the 'original people' he had left in the notes left by his teacher Reindot.

Immortal magic may not reach this level yet.

But since Han Xiao had no intention of explaining, Abedo didn't ask any more questions and just decided to go back and take a closer look at the notes left by the teacher.

Because from the moment he saw Han Xiao, he felt like 'this is what he should chase'.

By the way, Abedo, what do you want from me?

Not wanting to dwell on this issue any longer, Han Xiao quickly changed the subject and asked the other party why he came to the door today.

Is such that.

Hearing Han Xiao ask why he came to the door, Abedo suppressed his thoughts and then took out a rectangular block from the Eye of God.

You asked me to find all the replacement materials for the Dudu Communicator. I have already completed it. This is the prototype that has just been built.

It's done so quickly!

Han Xiao took the rectangular block handed over by Abedo with a look of surprise and looked at it carefully.

The rectangular block or 'mobile phone prototype' is not light in weight. It also has a microphone, buttons and a hidden antenna. It looks quite similar to the mobile phone in the previous life.

Have you tested its performance?

Weighing the slightly heavy mobile phone prototype in his hand, Han Xiao asked what he was most concerned about.

Chapter 307 An exclamation mark appeared on Han Xiao’s head.

The current coverage signal range may only be the size of Guili City.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo quickly gave the results of his test.

Why is there only so much?

Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

The results of the mobile phone signal coverage test made him a little dissatisfied. Obviously, the projectors used for live broadcasts could cover the entire area from Liyue Port to the Salt of the Earth.

Why is the range suddenly reduced so much when put on mobile phones?

Any miniaturization requires a process. After all, the materials we use are not those of the original Dudu communicator.

Abedo said this is normal. An invention requires a lot of time to develop from birth to application to miniaturization.

Moreover, the so-called replacement materials can only replace the original materials in certain functions, and their performance is definitely much better than the original crotch lift.

How about using the original materials for the signal?

After listening to Abedo's explanation, Han Xiao thought about it and gave her own suggestions.

He still understands that it takes time for a thing to go from birth to miniaturization. In the previous life, it took nearly a hundred years for computers to go from a giant state at the beginning of their birth to miniaturization later.

It is extremely difficult for Abedo to complete the research and development of mobile phones in such a short time in Teyvat, which has a poorly developed industrial base.

Some people may ask, hasn't Alice's Dudu communicator been developed, and it also has the advantages of miniaturization and long communication distance.

But if you think about it carefully, when Alice, an alchemist, made the Dudu communication device, she used very precious alchemical materials in the Teyvat continent.

How can ordinary people afford such a thing.

Abedo's mobile phone prototype was different. At Han Xiao's suggestion, he replaced the Dudu communicator with relatively common materials on the mainland.

With this ability, there is nothing else to say.

Therefore, after hearing Abedo say that the signal was not ideal, Han Xiao immediately thought of using the original materials.

If you use alchemy materials that originally received the signal, there should be no problem.

Abedo reached out and pinched his chin, calculated carefully in his mind for a while, and gave an affirmative answer.

Ms. Alice has already completed the miniaturization of the Dudu communicator, so as long as the design of the bayonet is slightly changed, it can be used perfectly.

But then, his conversation changed:

But Han Xiao, the materials on the Dudu communication device are basically precious alchemy materials.

If we adopt your suggestion, the cost of making mobile phones will increase a lot, and the output will also decrease.

Let's use this method for now.

Han Xiao squinted her eyes and thought for a moment, then decided to adopt this method.

In any case, since the prototype is already available, it is better to build the mobile phone first.

Aren't mobile phones in previous generations very expensive when they first came out? It wasn't until later, when technology advanced and takeaway production capacity was increased, that the price gradually dropped.

Therefore, it is not a big problem for mobile phones to become a luxury product for a period of time after they are released.

And there is also an advantage to doing this, that is, the difficulty of imitation will be greatly increased. Only a few of Alice's skills can be understood in the entire Teyvat.

While making the decision, Han Xiao did not forget to tell Albedo:

In addition, regarding the signal issue of ordinary materials, you still have to continue to follow up. Whether mass production can be achieved in the future depends on it.

Well, I understand.

After discussing the solution for the mobile phone with Han Xiao, Abedo said goodbye.

Before leaving, he took a special look at Han Xiao, and then left with a heavy heart.

Compared to the problem of the mobile phone, he was more concerned about the other party's current status.

And all this was seen by Han Xiao.


At night, when Han Xiao told the chat group friends about this incident, it also triggered a burst of speculation in the group.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I'm a little curious. Does Albedo really have the strength to detect your state? It seems that the other party has not reached the level of the devil yet, right?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I think I have the right to speak on this point. Abedo probably didn't notice it, but faintly noticed it because of some causal relationship.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Can you detect this?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Don't forget, Albedo is the son of the chalk, and is Golden Reindot's highest masterpiece on the chalk layer.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Although I don't quite understand what the original state is like, your current state is obviously misunderstood by Abedo.

[Ingenious World·Han Xiao]: It's not necessarily a mistake. Think about it. Although Yuan Xiao's current race is still human, his life level has long exceeded the scope of normal humans.

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