Controlling temperature is just an appearance, controlling differences in physical quantities is the essence of ability.

That is to say, Han Xiao has just gained strength now. When he absorbs more ability systems from other worldviews as information nutrients in the future, he will be able to control the differences in all physical quantities.

It is indeed the most advanced genius cultivation method in the multiverse where Xi Xiao lives. The improvement after the Flower of Heart is formed can be described as terrifying as often said in fantasy novels.

You make me feel more at ease now.

Zhong Li looked at Han Xiao in front of him and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of joy.

At this time, Han Xiao's whole body revealed a different kind of temperament, which was a feeling that naturally came out after the level of life was improved.

If it were Han Xiao in the past, before he didn't use his power, he would have felt like an ordinary person. At most, he would have a little more sense of superiority than ordinary people because of his high position and authority.

So now Han Xiao can be noticed by others just by looking at him.

To put it simply, people with high life levels can unconsciously make people with low life levels feel a faint sense of oppression.

For example, this is the case with Zhongli. When he looks at Hu Tao with a straight face, even an eccentric person like Hall Master Hu will look a little uneasy.

You mean Barbatos?

Emmm, although the other person is a fun-loving person and usually not serious, there is still a sense of oppression when the other person becomes serious.

Just like when he appeared in front of Stanley at the end of the game, he changed his clothes and let out a little breath, and the whole person looked like he had added special effects.

That's why Zhongli sighed like this when he saw Han Xiao, who not only changed his temperament but also gained terrifying power.

Liyue has such a 'Demon God' who is almost as good as his peak, and many of the troubles left over from before can be completely handed over to the other party.

For example, the old friend who is currently pressed under a certain Fulong tree in Nantianmen, and Chi who is always restless in a certain ruins over at Qingce Village.

Wait...Mr. Zhongli!

Hearing Zhongli dictating a long list of things to himself, Han Xiao quickly interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

It was really his life, why did he have so many things waiting for him to deal with as soon as he was promoted?

Also, although Han Xiao knew that during the Demon God War, the Liyue area was a relatively intense area.

But are there too many demon gods here? He has already heard from Zhongli's mouth no less than ten things that need attention.

I've just entered the level and haven't stabilized myself yet. How about you give me a little more time?

Thinking that there were so many demon-god-level matters waiting for him to deal with, Han Xiao quickly elaborated his thoughts tactfully.

He is just a newbie who has just stepped into the level of demon god. It is better for such a serious matter to be handled by a veteran like Uncle Zhongli.

That's... okay.

Zhongli thought for a moment, and then agreed with Han Xiao's opinion.

Although he didn't deliver the last piece of work in his hands right away, he still had hope.

When the opponent's realm stabilizes and he takes over the last troublesome thing in his hands, he can truly wander around in the world.

Hey, are you done talking?

After Han Xiao and Zhong Li finished talking about the matter, Wendy on the side raised her right hand with a smile and said:

I helped you a lot this time, right?

This is natural. Sir Wendy's kindness will be engraved in my heart.

As soon as Wendy opened her mouth, Han Xiao immediately understood. He first thanked the other party for his help this time, and then changed the subject and revealed what the other party wanted most at the moment.

Don't worry, as long as Lady Wendy is in Guili City for a day, all kinds of top-notch wines will be provided to you for free.

Furthermore, Guilicheng is currently developing a stronger liquor. I hope that Lady Wendy can come and taste it by then.

This is good, this is good!

Wendy immediately applauded non-stop, and the expression on her face became quite excited.

Han Xiao is really on the road!

As expected of the old man's designated heir, this attitude... tsk tsk tsk, how generous.

He likes this kind of generous people best.

Barbatos, why don't you go back to Mondstadt?

Hearing that Han Xiao was going to supply Wendy with unlimited wine, Zhongli twitched his lips, quickly turned to look at Wendy, and tried to get the alcoholic poet to return to Mondstadt.

Is it reasonable for a Mondstadt god to get drunk all day long in Liyue?

This is unreasonable!

He didn't want to see the other person smelling of alcohol every day.

Chapter 305: The entanglement with wear and tear is eliminated

Mond is fine now, why should I go back?

Wendy spread her hands towards Zhongli nonchalantly and spoke in a very disdainful tone.

Although Mondstadt does not have the protection of the gods today, it is not a bad life.

And if he went back to Mondstadt now, he wouldn't have so much wine to drink.

Of course, the wine of Chenxi Winery is also good, but there is also an Angel's Gift branch in Liyue. In addition, there are all kinds of specialty wines.

Totally superior in terms of variety.

As expected of you, you always want to be lazy.

Hearing Wendy's explanation, Zhongli couldn't help but shook his head. He shouldn't expect this drunkard to say anything serious.

Old man, I don't like hearing what you say.

Wendy raised her eyes and immediately retorted in a joking tone:

And don't you, old man, have started to be lazy? You still resort to feigning death.

At least I can't afford to bury myself.

To be honest, Wendy wanted to laugh when she thought of Zhongli presiding over the ceremony to send immortals to her.

He was jumping around in front of his own grave. He had never seen this scene before!


Seeing Wendy using this incident to 'slander' him, Zhongli couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

So it’s not good for people who are familiar with you to know about it. It’s very easy for people to make fun of you.

It would be fine if the immortals knew about it. They wouldn't use it as a talking point. Only this drunkard poet had the courage to tease him in front of him.

Han Xiao stood quietly watching the fight between Zhongli and Wendy. After the two stopped, he spoke again:

Mr. Zhongli, Sir Wendy, I have a small request.


Zhongli and Wendy turned their attention to Han Xiao in unison, as if they didn't understand how the other party who had already reached the level of the demon god still needed their help.

what you up to?

With some doubts, Zhongli directly asked his doubts.

I want to see if I can help you two relieve the wear and tear.

Han Xiao reached out and touched his head and expressed his thoughts.

After reaching the Demon God level, he wanted to see if he could use his own abilities to help Zhongli and the others delay wear and tear.

Once the idea is successful, the strength of Wendy and Zhongli without wear and tear is extremely powerful.

After all, one used the wind to blow away thousands of years of snow and ice in Mondstadt, and the other earned the title of God of War in the Demon God War.

Mondstadt and Liyue have been friends for generations. As long as the two gods can return to their peak, it will be good news for Mondstadt and Liyue.

I'm afraid that's not possible, Han Xiao.

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, Zhongli sighed slightly and denied the other party's plan.

In order to help Ruotuo get rid of the erosion of wear and tear, I tried to use divine power to help delay it, but unfortunately, the effect was minimal.

Regarding Han Xiao's idea of ​​using power to delay wear and tear, Zhongli said that he had tried it on Ruo Tuo a long time ago, but the effect was not as good as expected.

Is this method effective?

Yes, but only a little bit.

Therefore, Han Xiao's plan to use his own power to help them delay the wear and tear may not work.

Wear and tear are shackles imposed on us by nature, and they are not easy to remove.

Wendy on the side also shrugged, and although the expression on his face was still a little awkward, there was also a solemn look in his eyes.

Although he likes fishing, that doesn't mean he likes sleeping.

If it wasn't to minimize the wear and tear on his body, he wouldn't use this method.

You know how many opportunities and time he missed to drink because of his deep sleep!

It makes my heart ache just thinking about it.

My abilities are different, maybe they are useful.

Even though Zhongli and Wendy rejected his idea one after another, Han Xiao still wanted to try it himself.

Both Teyvat and the Collapse World are under the Sea of ​​Trees system, and the new abilities they have acquired touch on the concept of entropy, which may have some effect on the law of wear and tear.

After all, this is an ability he derived in order to deal with the law of the death of the living!

In that case, that's okay.

Seeing that Han Xiao was not going to give up, Zhongli and Wendy looked at each other, and then Zhongli nodded and agreed to each other's plan.

With the consent of both of them, Han Xiao came behind Zhongli without saying a word, raised her right hand and placed it on the other's back.

The next moment, a faint blue light gathered on his palm and slowly poured into Zhongli's body.


Feeling the power pouring into his body, Zhongli was surprised to find that this power was actually repairing the cracks caused by the wear and tear deep in his soul.

Even though the repair area was not very big, it did play a certain role.

After maintaining the position of outputting power for a long time, until she felt a little too much, Han Xiao panted and withdrew her palm, and then quickly asked: it effective?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Zhong Li closed his eyes and felt the situation inside his body.

The law of wear and tear that had been eroding his soul had become entangled with the power input by Han Xiao, and the two were constantly colliding and annihilating.

It's effective, much better than what I had before.

Slowly opening his eyes, Zhongli spoke with a complex expression.

The original input of his own power into Ruotuo's body did not have such a good effect. It seems that the ability obtained by the other party is even more outrageous than they thought before, and it can actually eliminate the erosion of the soul by the law of wear and tear to a certain extent.

Hey, doesn't this mean that I will soon be able to see the old man at his peak?

On the sidelines, Wendy also had a happy smile on her face after hearing Zhongli personally admit that Han Xiao's method was effective.

Even the old man said that Han Xiao's ability was effective, so there must be something wrong.

He has such a good relationship with the old man, so he will definitely be able to get Han Xiao's help.

Wendy couldn't help but feel excited when she thought that she would no longer have to sleep to avoid wear and tear.

After all, he doesn't have to fall asleep, so he has a lot of time to spend on drinking!

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Seeing Wendy's expression, Zhongli immediately guessed what his unreliable old friend was thinking in his heart, and couldn't help but cast an annoyed glance at her.

Although Han Xiao's ability was useful, and it did repair some of the cracks deep in his soul, in general, it only repaired a piece no bigger than the nail of his little finger.

If he wanted to repair all the wear and tear he had accumulated over the past six thousand years, either Han Xiao could quickly improve his abilities, or it would only take him a few hundred years.

If we include the Dragon King Ruotuo who is older than him and more severely worn than him, it is estimated that Han Xiao will take one or two thousand years to do it.

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