As for the effect of the magic formation, it is the same as the magic formation set up by Zhong Li, it is used to isolate energy leakage.

After the formation was activated, Han Xiao sat directly on the floor and immersed himself in his consciousness.

Spots of light exuding a mysterious aura began to appear around him, and slowly gathered together to form beautiful flowers of the void.

One flower, two flowers, four flowers...

As the number of flowers increased, Han Xiao's momentum also increased.

Click, click, click——

The energy shield composed of the alchemy formation suddenly made a sound similar to cracks in glass, and it was obvious that it could no longer withstand the aura coming from his body.


Just hearing a crisp crackling sound, the alchemy formation set up by Han Xiao instantly burst apart, and an aura comparable to the pressure of the devil surged towards the surroundings like a tide.

Fortunately, at this moment, the immortal magic formations carved by Zhongli appeared from the void one after another, blocking the breath from flowing outside.



At the Liyue Port Teahouse, Zhongli put down the teacup in his hand and looked in the direction of Guili City with a frown.

He felt that all the magic formations he had set up in Han Xiao's home seemed to be activated.

Just send the bill to the Palace of Purity.

After briefly speaking to the boss, Zhongli stood up and left the teahouse to find a deserted place.

Then in a flash, he disappeared completely.

When Zhong Li appeared again, he had already appeared in the living room of Han Xiao's home.

Starting to transform so soon?

Feeling the immortal magic formation that was almost reaching its limit, Zhongli couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Although he had told Wendy before that he believed Han Xiao would soon become their biggest trump card against Tianli.

But I didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

However, the situation in front of him did not allow Zhongli to think too much. At this time, the immortal magic formations were already on the verge of collapse, so he immediately activated his divine power. One after another, the fairy magic formations appeared out of thin air and completely enveloped Han Xiao's entire family. .

Chapter 303 Han Xiao: I always feel like I’m getting weird

Old man, what's going on?

As a breeze passed through the living room, Wendy's figure appeared next to Zhongli.

During this period of time, he had a very comfortable stay in Guili City. Not only did Abedo prepare wine and food for him, but he could also appreciate the old man's great work up close.

My little life was simply not too good.

Today, Wendy was going to the tavern to have a drink as usual, but she noticed the power of Morax coming from the direction of Hanxiao's residence just halfway through.

Out of curiosity, he followed the wind to Han Xiao's home and caught a glimpse of Zhongli who was mobilizing the power in his body to maintain the magic formation.

Come help.

Seeing that the person coming was Wendy, Zhongli's eyes lit up and he quickly called to the other party to come over and help.

It had to be said that even though he had been prepared, Han Xiao's transformation caused more noise than he had imagined.

Due to excessive wear and tear, Zhongli, who was not at the peak of his martial arts, found that it was already difficult for him to suppress the opponent's escaping aura alone.

It happened that the bard came at this time, so he immediately decided to let the other party help him share some of the pressure.

Oh well.

Although she didn't quite understand what happened, since the old man had spoken, Wendy didn't hesitate.

He slowly raised his right hand, and a burst of emerald green divine power instantly poured into the magic formation.

With the input of divine power, the expression on Wendy's face instantly became one of shock.

Boy, what did he find?

Under the immortal magic formation, someone is undergoing an unprecedented transformation of life levels, and that person is actually Han Xiao?

Darling... I've learned a lot.

No wonder the old man is so confident in Han Xiao. He really has this ability to love others.

Feeling the tyrannical aura trapped in the formation, Wendy couldn't help but sigh.

Judging from the aura leaking from Han Xiao's body, it was not inferior to some of the demon gods who were in the front row during the Demon God War.

To put it simply, apart from not having the natural powers possessed by demon gods, Han Xiao is no different from a group of top demon gods, including the Seven Gods.


Han Xiao didn't know what was happening in the outside world. His consciousness had sunk to the deepest level.

There were still steps paved with countless books. Han Xiao walked towards the deepest step step by step, and finally came to the book engraved with complex patterns.

Last time, it was here that he was bounced back to the real world.

Looking at the books floating in the air in front of her, Han Xiao took a deep breath, and then slowly stretched out her right hand again to grasp the spine of the book.

Unlike the previous time, the book felt like a real object to him.


The book suddenly trembled, and ripples like water splashes spread out toward the void with it as the center.

Immediately afterwards, fluorescent lines extended from the book, and continued to move upwards with Han Xiao's right hand, and soon they covered his entire arm.

The moment the fluorescent lines climbed up his arms, Han Xiao felt an unprecedented sense of relief throughout his body.

He even felt that he was almost omnipotent at this moment.

Fortunately, Han Xiao also knew that this was just an illusion caused by the improvement of his life level, so he quickly calmed himself down and carefully felt the changes in his body.

As the fluorescent lines crawled all over his body, the books in Han Xiao's hands disappeared into his palms at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then these lines slowly shrank, and finally condensed into the shape of the book again at his heart.

As if blessed to the soul, he understood that from now on, he would step into another level of life and get rid of the limitation of life span.

At the same time, the Heart Flower also fed back to him the special abilities that were born after taking shape.

[The same person among all the differences, the master of similarities and differences]

What the hell kind of adjective is this?

At first, Han Xiao felt a little strange about this strange explanation of abilities, but when he actually felt it with his hands, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The co-authorship ability is described in such a high-level manner, but the result is the ability to control temperature?

Hey, that's not right...

Han Xiao suddenly came to his senses. After feeling it carefully again, he realized that describing it as controlling temperature seemed a bit inaccurate.

To be precise, this ability is the uniform control of differences in all physical quantities that can do work.

It was only then that Han Xiao used his modest knowledge of physics to roughly figure out that he might have derived an extremely terrifying ability.

Xi Xiao was right, the abilities derived from the Flower of Heart were just embellishments.

Only after the Flower of Heart is formed, a special ability will be derived based on the user's inner tendency. This is the basis of all powers.

At first glance, my ability seems to be just controlling temperature, but if you look deeper, it is completely about entropy.

Perhaps it is precisely because he is under the Sea of ​​Trees system that he is extremely afraid of the law of the death of the living, so the abilities related to it were born.

After all, Honkai Impact is also entropy...

It can be said that from this moment on, Han Xiao has gained stronger Honkai energy resistance than the Shaniyat family in the Honkai Impact world.

Oh no, it shouldn't be described as resistance, because he can completely eliminate the impact of Honkai on himself.

I always feel like I'm growing in a weird direction.

With a little speechlessness, Han Xiao closed her eyes.


real world.

The aura that was constantly escaping from Han Xiao's body slowly recovered, and it returned to its normal state after a while.

When the energy and breath dissipated, the alchemy equipment in the secret room turned into powder in an instant. Even the surrounding walls and iron doors became decayed despite the protection of the magic circle.

It was obvious that the internal structure of this instrument had been completely destroyed by the dissipation of breath and energy just now.

Of course, Han Xiao's clothes couldn't be avoided either.

Not long after, Han Xiao, who had kept his eyes closed, opened his eyes and returned to reality.

Ah this...

The first time he woke up, he found that he was completely naked, and the only item that was still intact was the jade pendant at his feet.

After hurriedly taking out new clothes from Yu Perry and dressing neatly, Han Xiao pushed open the rotten iron door of the secret room and walked out.

Immediately, he saw Zhongli and Wendy who were resting in the living room.

Hey, you're finally out.

The first time she saw Han Xiao, Wendy, whose upper body was lying on the table, slowly raised her arms and weakly said hello to him.

Today's work exhausted the alcoholic poet, and he felt that he must ask Han Xiao to compensate him twenty, no, fifty barrels of fine wine this time.

Chapter 304 Zhongli: Someone finally takes care of the bad debt in his hand!

It seems like you gained a lot.

Beside Wendy, Zhong Li also greeted Han Xiao slightly tiredly.

There was no way, it wouldn't matter if he was at his peak, but now his strength has dropped a lot due to wear and tear, so he consumes a lot of energy to suppress the aura and energy leaked by the opponent.

After all, Han Xiao's current life level has reached the same level as the Demon God. Even with Wendy's help, it is still a big burden for Zhongli to use his divine power to maintain the magic formation for a long time.

Thank you Mr. Zhongli and Sir Wendy for your help.

Seeing that the two gods were tired because of him, Han Xiao bowed to them solemnly, then stretched out his right hand and flicked it gently in the air.

The next moment, Zhongli and Wendy were surprised to find that the lost power in their bodies suddenly increased a lot. Their bodies, which had been a little tired due to the consumption of a lot of divine power, instantly felt much more relaxed after the power was re-injected.

Feeling the changes in their bodies, Zhongli and Wendy couldn't help but look at each other, and an idea came to their minds.


This power... is not simple.

Sorry, that's all I can do now.

Han Xiao said embarrassedly.

No, no, no, this ability is already terrifying!

Hearing Han Xiao's slightly apologetic tone, Wendy, who was full of energy after replenishing her energy, quickly waved her hands crazily.

Han Xiao's move just now was not good, but he was able to control the long-dissipated energy back.

Wendy said that she had never seen such an outrageous ability during the Demon God War.

Indeed, Barbatos is right this time.

Zhongli on the side couldn't help but nodded in agreement after hearing Wendy's words.

This ability is indeed a bit outrageous.

Of course, it wasn't just the ability that was outrageous. What Zhongli didn't expect was that Han Xiao would master such terrifying power, or power, after breaking through the life level.

If placed during the Demon God War, he could call himself the Demon God of Entropy.

Hehe...Thanks for the compliment.

Hearing that both Zhongli and Zhongli were amazed at their new abilities, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Originally, his control ability was intended to replenish the energy lost by Zhongli and the two, but the effect did not meet his expectations.

But Han Xiao was quite satisfied with his newly acquired abilities, and Zhongli and Wendy's comments proved that his judgment was correct.

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