On the first day after returning to Guili City, Xingqiu came to the door.

It's not a short time since you left!

The first time he saw Han Xiao, he couldn't help but complain.

During this period, one thing happened one after another. First, the emperor suddenly passed away, and then there was some public archaeological activity.

This has made people in Guilicheng panic. Many people sit in front of the radio every day just to know what major events have happened in Liyue Port recently.

God knows how busy he has been these days in order to stabilize the order in Guili City and prevent chaos in the city.

I'm sorry, I've been hard on you lately

Han Xiao was also a little embarrassed about Xingqiu's complaints.

Originally, he was planning to come back soon, but this was a matter of temporarily removing Yinyuan Hall.

So what exactly is going on right now?

After complaining a little, Xingqiu immediately asked Han Xiao about business, and at the same time, his tone became a little more uneasy.

The emperor, the old man, really... his soul has returned to heaven?


Han Xiao nodded, and then told in detail what happened in Liyue Port during this period.

Of course, regarding Zhongli's fake death, the theory of the emperor's death is still adopted.


After getting a positive answer from Han Xiao, Xingqiu sighed deeply, and the last hope in his heart was gone.

The emperor who had protected Liyue for more than 3,700 years finally left them.

Xingqiu, tell me what happened in Guili City during this period.

Seeing Xingqiu's expression downcast, Han Xiao quickly changed the topic.

Fortunately, less than half a month has passed since the emperor passed away, and the sadness that should have been felt has long since passed.

So after hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xingqiu quickly cheered up and talked about what happened to Guilicheng during this period.

You guessed it right, the Fools did take action when they asked for the Immortal Ceremony.

Then he told Han Xiao that the Fools had led Oser's wife to attack Guili City, but they were blocked by the immortals at sea and repelled.

After finishing speaking, Xingqiu also deliberately teased his own little boy:

I turned on the protective device you gave me, but it seems to have prevented loneliness.

It's better not to use it than to use it.

Hearing Xingqiu's teasing, Han Xiao was very glad that the final defense mechanism she had set up did not come in use.

After all, if it is really used, it means that Guili City is in a desperate situation.

What about the other aspects?

For example, what is the mood of the residents in the city?

Skipping the topic, he quickly asked about other aspects of Guili City. Naturally, he was most concerned about the mood of the residents in the city.

There was a little confusion in the first few days when we got the news of the emperor's death, but now it's basically back to normal.

Xingqiu shrugged.

When he first received the news of Lord Yan's death, Guili City was indeed in a bit of chaos. Fortunately, with the help of Zhiyi by his side, the order in the city was quickly stabilized.

After half a month of buffering, the residents of Guili City have now accepted the fact that the emperor's soul has returned to heaven.


While Han Xiao was talking to Xingqiu.

After less than half a month, what happened at Liyue's Immortal Invitation Ceremony finally spread across the ocean to Daozhu, a closed country isolated overseas.

The rock god Morax suffered a thunderstorm and died during the ceremony to invite immortals?


In Narukami Taisha Shrine, looking at the message sent by the miko in his hand, Yae Kamiko, the palace priest with multiple identities such as the grand miko in charge of Narukami Taisha Shrine and the continuation of the fox bloodline, suddenly let out a chuckle, with helplessness under his lavender eyes. .

Do the people you send out to collect intelligence really have no brains?

Does anyone believe such fake news?

It wasn't that Yae Kamiko was too harsh on intelligence personnel, it was the behavior of these people that left her speechless.

It would be fine if other countries thought so, but it would be inappropriate for the intelligence personnel she sent to think so too.

After all, Inazuma has a shining example!

Don’t you remember the turmoil over the death of the demon god Orobus on the Yalu Island for so many years?

Assuming that Morax really died, where was the energy collapse caused by the death of the demon god? Why didn't she see the record of Liyue Port being petrified in the intelligence?

You must know that after the death of the demon gods, their power will burst out in an instant.

The power of the lonely tower king in Mondstadt after his death still left wind walls in the Wind Dragon Ruins.

Morax is the God of War. If he really died, how could there be no movement at all?

The more Yae Shenzi thought about it, the angrier he became. He crumpled the information in his hand into a ball, and then kept it on the ground.

These idiots are really going to be pissed off!

After about a while, the Yae Shenzi, who had calmed down a lot, called the shrine maiden and gave instructions:

Nana, tell those intelligence officers who are out there snooping to get back!

They need to be re-educated.

Yes, Lord Palace Secretary.

Although Kano Nana was summoned, she didn't quite understand why Miyaji-sama was so angry after reading the information, but she still responded to the matter honestly.

However, she still felt a little embarrassed about this task.

After all, Inazuma is currently under a national lockdown, and if she wants to go to sea, she has to cross the powerful thunderstorm.


On the other side, after sending Xing Qiu away, Han Xiao had time to open the chat group.

The group was already extremely lively.

The reason is also very simple. After saving so many points, Hai Xiao finally decided to use the points to anchor new members.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: There is a newcomer here. I'm really tired of seeing old faces like you every day.

[宵 【]: Well, really mentioned the pants and said that the newcomers welcomed the room this year, the old man lost the wall!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Can you drive on this broken road?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Everyone is an experienced driver with thirty years of driving experience, and they don't even drive around corners.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Okay, okay, let's get down to business, everyone, Haixiao, have you really thought about it?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Well, I plan to find a world with extraordinary power and not weak in technological power.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Is it a world where both sides develop? It seems like there aren't many choices.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: No more words, I'm going to charge!

As Hai Xiao finished speaking, Han Xiao heard the prompt from the chat group.

[Searching for worlds tagged 'technology'...]

[Searching for worlds tagged 'supernatural power'...]

Chapter 302 The Newcomer and Han Xiao’s Transformation

The last time Han Xiao invested the accumulated points in one go, the world he found was Xi Xiao's thigh that made the entire chat group take off instantly.

Now that Haixiao has accumulated points for so long, everyone in the group is looking forward to the upcoming new members.

As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

The search time this time was even longer than the time Han Xiao spent searching for points before. People in the group were bored and sat down to do what they were doing in reality.

About three hours later, a notification sound finally came from the chat group that had been silent for a long time.

[Join the group chat with only a spoon in my hand. ]

Ah this?

The moment they saw the newcomer's nickname, not only Han Xiao, but also everyone else had a look of astonishment on their faces.

What the hell is a spoon?

The newcomer’s nickname is a bit strange!

Just when Han Xiao and the others were still curious about the newcomer's nickname, the newcomer was already filling up the chat group.

[I only have a spoon in my hand]: Hey, it's actually a chat group. I didn't expect that after all these years, I still have cheats?

[I only have a spoon in my hand]: Looking at the names of the big guys, I feel a bit scary. I'll change the names first.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Okay, I am Hanxiao from the Ultraman world. Please give me your advice.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Gan, it turns out to be the Giant of Light!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Fuck...this wave of childhood memories is killing me!

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I think I understand what the nickname is for the new couple at the beginning. Emotions are transformed from spoons.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Newcomers are welcome to join the group. In addition, Hai Xiao has both technology and extraordinary power. The arcane system perfectly meets your requirements!

Seeing that the newcomers came from the world of Ultraman, Han Xiao first educated the newcomers on the universal rules in the chat group, and then continued to express his opinions in the group.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: The arcane world is not weak, at least the world view is already a multiverse.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: What Yuanxiao said is reasonable. The world view of the arcane system is diverse, and it will be of great help to us in cultivating the Flower of Heart.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Newcomer, tell me about your experience?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I am just a little transparent person from the Blue tribe. I am still in the learning stage. My previous goal was to enter Aguang's laboratory and use some plug-ins to defend myself.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Still studying, what are you studying now?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Uh, just a little bit of self-defense.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: I always feel that this self-defense technique is weird. Can you explain it a little more clearly, newcomer?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Okay, the school recently invited Teacher Ace to teach us the practical use of the eight-point light wheel.

[Original God Han Xiao]: What a guy! Your self-defense teacher turns out to be the famous Saw of Light!

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I can't offend him, I can't offend him. When I saw Ace's eight-point light wheel, my whole body hurt.

After everyone teased the newcomer for a while, Han Xiao and the others informed each other about the cultivation method of the Flower of Heart.

Then they observed the Ultra Universe during the live broadcast. Although they have not yet observed the full picture, everyone in the group learned a lot.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I feel good now. My seeds should bloom soon.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Anyway, it's not dangerous here. It's enough for now. Let's practice like this for now.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I'm envious. Apart from playing hide-and-seek with Chromie, I basically spend the rest of my time practicing. Who makes me have troubles here one after another?

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: No, Mo Xiao, why are you still being chased by Chromie after practicing the Heart Flower? He shouldn't be able to beat you now, right?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Hey, aren't you used to being chased? Anyway, even if I get caught up now, my life is not in danger. I just use it as a way to relax after practicing.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Okay, use the bronze dragon as a recreational tool, great job!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Goodbye everyone, the flower of my heart is about to bloom!

After completing the observation of the Ultraman world where Ao Xiao was, Han Xiao immediately felt the throb from his soul.

He quickly closed the chat group, hurried to the darkroom at home and trapped himself in the alchemy circle.

Zhongli was alarmed by the movement when he was just practicing the Flower of Heart. Later, the other party even set up many magical formations in his home to prevent his aura from leaking.

After understanding this, Han Xiao also carved an alchemy circle in the secret room that was obtained from Albedo for free.

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