Unexpectedly, among the remains of the Salt of the Earth, these salt statues corroborate the records in that unofficial history.


In the Silver Plains Hall.

When they heard the conclusion drawn by Yu Zhao and what they saw before their eyes, many young people who believed that the Salt God was assassinated by Morax instantly felt that their world view collapsed.

Among them, Wanyan is the most popular.

She heard a bang and accidentally knocked over the water glass beside her. She stood up from the chair involuntarily and yelled like crazy:

Impossible, this is impossible!

I don't believe this is true!

Wan Yan is right, this must be a lie made up by the followers of Morax!

Many young people among the other descendants of the Salt God's people also spoke in agreement, and everyone involuntarily looked at the current director of the Yinyuan Hall.


Seeing these young people looking at him with hopeful eyes, the director of Yinyuan Hall seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. He slumped on his chair in a dejected manner and sighed deeply.

A lie is a lie after all, and one day it will be exposed.

So what if you don't admit it now, no one will believe them, the descendants of the 'betrayers'.

What's more, the thing is actually true.

I originally wanted to use the death of Morax to help Yinyuan Hall seize greater power from Qixing, but now it seems that even Yinyuan Hall cannot be saved.

You guys should keep reading. There is also a stone tablet in the ruins.

It records the truth of the matter.

Thinking of this, the director of Yinyuan Hall said a word, then sat on the chair and closed his eyes and stopped talking.


Inside the Salt of the Earth ruins.

Han Xiao and Yu Zhao, who were under the camera, searched inside the ruins and found the stone tablet mentioned by the director of Yinyuan Hall.

What is engraved on the stone tablet is the confession written by the people of Heulia in order to pray to the Salt God not to curse.

...We are determined to repay our betrayal to you from generation to generation, pray for your forgiveness, and sincerely tell the gods that we will be happy.

As Yu Zhao finished reading all the words on the confession inscription, he couldn't help but sigh:

In fact, according to the gentle character of Salt God Heulia recorded in the classics, the other party will not cast a curse.

The darkroom is full of bad intentions, even if it means surviving, what will God do?

In the many squares of Liyue Port, countless Liyue people followed Han Xiao and Yu Zhao to watch the whole process. The expressions on everyone's faces were basically sympathy mixed with happiness.

The sympathy was naturally because what happened to Heulia made them feel unworthy of the demon god, who had protected some ungrateful people in vain.

Maybe Heulia did not have enough ability to bring a better life to her people during the Demon God War.

If they want to pursue a stable and prosperous life, these people can actually directly report to the Salt God and pray to escape and find another way out, right?

Not to mention the issue of faith, they dare to attack the gods they believe in. The above-mentioned things are completely trivial compared to them.

And in the end, didn't these people go to Liyue to seek the protection of Lord Yan?

They don't understand which evil is more serious, betraying one's own beliefs and finding another way out, or killing the gods one believes in and seeking another refuge?

As for being lucky, I am naturally grateful that I was born in Liyue.

Fortunately, during the Demon God War, they had Prince Yan and his old man lead a group of immortals to clean up all directions, and there were countless thousands of Yan Army soldiers who fought bravely to kill the enemy.

Compared with the people of Heulia, how could the people of Liyue not feel happy in their hearts.


Yin Yuan Hall

At this time, the Silver Plains Hall was completely silent. All the young people who had always believed that Morax was the god who killed them sat motionless on their chairs with their eyes blank.


Anger at being deceived by ancestors?

Or shame and guilt?

All kinds of emotions surged into their hearts like a tide.

Even Wan Yan, who was convinced that Morax was the murderer of their god, felt as if his spine had been removed. He fell to the ground, lowering his head and unwilling to get up for a long time.


At this moment, the door of Yinyuan Hall was suddenly pushed open, and Kaiyangxing and Qianyan Army soldiers strode in.

Seeing the director of Yinyuan Hall who was sitting on the chair with his eyes closed and silent, Kaiyangxing immediately grinned:

Privately spreading rumors to smear the emperor and trying to disturb Liyue's stability.

What happened to you has happened, come with us!

Chapter 300: Liyue quickly completed the correction

As Kaiyangxing led Qianyanjun to arrest people with evidence, the turmoil in Yinyuan Hall was easily resolved by Han Xiao and others with a novel public live broadcast before it arose.

Then Ningguang took action to disperse the members of the Yinyuan Hall, and then arranged these descendants of the Salt God's people to other departments.

It can be regarded as a complete solution to the situation of Yinyuan Hall that had been controlled by the Salt God believers many years ago.

As for the staff of Yinyuan Hall, because the statements they had believed to be true since childhood were severely shattered by the facts, they did not object to Qixing's rectification of Yinyuan Hall.

In other words, they didn't have the nerve to refute, so they all accepted Qixing's arrangement honestly.

On the other hand, Wan Yan and some others who still didn't want to believe it and only wanted to trust their own judgment chose to leave their jobs and embarked on a journey to Salt of the Earth to witness the truth.

Ningguang also readily let go of this.

Anyway, according to Han Xiao's idea, the seal of the Salt of the Earth ruins will be re-strengthened in the future, and then a history museum will be built above the ground to remember history.

If these resigned guys can't find a job in the future, they can become staff members there.

This is not because Han Xiao and Ningguang have thought too much about it, but it is something that is likely to happen in reality.

After all, after this public archaeological live broadcast, some people in Yinyuan Hall who secretly spread slander against Prince Yan have been arrested, and the reputation of the remaining people in Liyue has also plummeted.

How should I put it, in a continent where there are gods and beliefs, you live in the country of another god and still curse the other god's bad words.

To be honest, I was really lucky not to be beaten to death.

If this had been the case in the Middle Ages in Europe in Han Xiao's previous life, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been burned at the stake.

Of course, Qixing set out to solve more than just the Yinyuan Hall, but took this opportunity to sort out the eight doors from top to bottom.

A large number of bloated and redundant officials, redundant expenses, and cumbersome office procedures have been eliminated.

With Yin Yuan Hall being pulled out as a conspicuous target, the other eight gates could be said to be quite honest and obedient during this period.

They have cooperated very well with Qixing to complete reforms such as organizational reduction and responsibilities refinement.

Today, Liyue is like a patient who has just been cured of a stubborn disease. Although he has fallen into a weak state in a short period of time, everything is developing towards a good state.

As for our Han Xiao, after finishing these things, he finally set foot on the road back to Guili City.


I've really learned a lot this time.

On the cement road between Liyue Port and Guili City, an electric car was driving at a constant speed in the direction of Guili City.

In the car, Abedo controlled the steering wheel with both hands while speaking to Han Xiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

After experiencing Han Xiao's live broadcast of archeology, he finally understood why the other party said it was Liyue's family scandal.

It has to be said that the well-informed Albedo couldn't help but sigh over and over again about the Salt God Heulia. At the same time, he felt a little lucky in his heart.

Originally, he thought that the pile of dark history-like past events in Mondstadt would be enough to cause headaches, but he didn't expect that Liyue had a lot of troublesome things as well.

All things in the world are very similar in happiness, but different in misfortune. The ancients do not deceive me.

Oh, let's not mention this matter.

Hearing Abedo's slightly teasing tone, Han Xiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, waved his hands repeatedly to signal the other party not to continue talking about this topic.

Then he immediately changed the topic to business:

By the way, Albedo, how is the research on mobile phones going recently?

The progress is not slow at the moment.

Seeing Han Xiao talking about business, Abedo stared ahead and quickly talked about the recent research progress.

Before asking Xian Dianyi, he received the project of finding cheap materials for the replacement of the Dudu communication device, the mobile phone in Han Xiaokou's mouth.

Then he kept experimenting with various materials in the alchemy workshop.

Judging from the current progress, relatively cheap replacement materials have been found for most of the core accessories of mobile phones.

I believe that soon, he will be able to create the first mobile phone with lower cost and richer functions than Dudu communicator.

That's good news.

After listening to Abedo's report, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with excitement.

There have been too many troubles recently, and now he finally heard some happy news.

With mobile phones, Liyue's communication level will be greatly improved, and it will further promote business development.

Han Xiao firmly believes that from the moment mobile phones are launched, there will be a pillar industry in Liyue's future.

The benefits are immeasurable.

However, even though he was happy, he did not forget to ask Albedo cautiously:

The mobile phone materials you are looking for don't involve ley lines, right?

Don't worry about this. I can't say it's 100% non-existent, but it's definitely minimal.

Abedo knew very well why Han Xiao asked him this, so he gave his guarantee with certainty.

He and his teacher Reindot had found many holy relics in the past, and the sacred relics of the Crown of Ceremony series would naturally not be left behind.

In the story recorded in the water sacrificial crown, the chief priest finally went to the depths of the earth.

In the Thunder Sacrifice Crown, human beings not only went to the depths of the earth, but also tried to seek the wisdom hidden in the silver tree in the ancient capital.

These ancient texts engraved on the holy relics all indicate that someone on Teyvat was punished by heaven for being involved in the earth's veins.

So Abedo is very aware of the dangers involved in ley lines.

Just thinking about the records engraved on the sacred relics of the Crown of Ceremony series, Abedo couldn't help but said to Han Xiao with some worry:

Han Xiao, do you feel that you are developing Liyue too quickly now?

In the past, I probably wouldn't have done this.

Han Xiao shook her head gently, indicating that the other party did not need to worry, but instead said with a hint:

But today is different from the past. All circular eternity will eventually come to an end.

When did you become so talkative?

After hearing Han Xiaoyunzhewuluo's explanation, Abedo couldn't help but complain.

In response, Han Xiao just smiled and said nothing. Only his eyes sparkled with a different look.

As a research party in his previous life, he had also read the stories recorded in the Crown of Ceremony series of sacred relics.

As for Abedo's concern that the rapid development of science and technology might lead to divine justice, Han Xiao did a lot of homework before the establishment of Guili City, and also asked Zhongli about many secrets.

Based on the information he has obtained so far, if Teyvat is really in a cycle, then they are just in the era when the Thunder Sacrifice Crown has just begun.

It is far from reaching the level that Kanria was targeted by Tianli during its heyday.

Moreover, in this era, with two unexpected people, he and his wife, the recurring 'eternity' recorded in the series of sacred relics of the Crown of Ceremonies will also come to an end.

Chapter 301 There is finally a new member!

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