Seeing that everyone had arrived except for herself, Han Xiao was the first to say something apologetically.

Don't worry about this little thing. Everyone is here now. Tell us your plans.

He didn't care at all that Han Xiao was late to Kaiyang. Now he just wanted to know how Han Xiao wanted to deal with those guys with bad brains.

After Ningguang informed him of the specific situation yesterday, Kaiyang originally planned to personally lead the Qianyan Army to arrest all those bastards.

If he hadn't heard Ningguang say that Han Xiao already had a better solution, he wouldn't have waited until now to take action.

Don't get excited yet.

Han Xiao waved her hand to Kaiyang to calm down first, then turned to look at Gan Yu, who had a tight face:

Senior Sister Gan Yu, now that the Seven Stars are here, can you tell us the truth about the death of Salt God Heulia?


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Gan Yu nodded heavily, and then slowly told the truth about Heulia's death under the gaze of Ningguang and others.

Salt God Heulia is a very gentle Demon God, but during the Demon God War, gentleness means weakness.

As the war progresses, the Salt God's territory gradually shrinks, and the living environment of his people becomes increasingly difficult.

In the end, her people could not bear the hardship of life and pierced the Salt God's chest with their own hands.

Hey...are these the ancestors of those people in Yinyuan Hall?

After Gan Yu finished speaking, Yao Guang on the side immediately sneered, with a mocking expression on his face, and Kaiyang and others also had a smile on their face.

They dare to make up lies and deceive their descendants. These people are really thick-skinned.

What Senior Sister Gan Yu said is similar to what I understand.

Han Xiao first confirmed what Gan Yu said, and then expressed her plan in front of everyone:

I think today's Liyue is a little vague about its past history. As Seven Stars, we have an obligation to let the people of Liyue remember history and not forget the ancestors who made sacrifices and contributions to Liyue.

I have obtained permission to unseal the salt of the earth, so I propose to hold a public archaeological event starting from the matter of the Salt God Heulia.

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up, and what he said was so high-sounding.

It's time for the people of Liyue to know that if it hadn't been for Prince Yan to clean up the world, Teyvat might not have had the country of Liyue.

Although Han Xiao didn't mention much about Yin Yuan Hall in his words, how could they not know the other party's intention to do so.

So when his words fell, Ningguang and others looked at each other and smiled, and then said in unison:

I'll wait for the second opinion!

Chapter 298 Han Xiao’s live broadcast

Qixing's mobility is very high, especially when all of them have the same opinion and there are two overtime bosses, Ke Qing and Gan Yu, in the team, the efficiency simply takes off.

When Abedo drove overnight to Liyue Port, Gan Yu and the others had completed all the preliminary preparations for the public archaeological activity.

For example, installing broadcasting equipment on street lights, setting up large curtains in major squares in Liyue, etc.

Han Xiao, can you tell me what's going on now?

At Han Xiao's home, Abedo asked while taking out the prototype of the remote live broadcast projector from the Eye of God.

He was very curious about what the other party planned to do with this untested equipment.

It's a bit of a family scandal. You'll understand it in a few days.

Facing Abedo's inquiry, Han Xiao was a little vague in her words, and only excused herself by saying that the other party would know the specific situation in a few days.

Seeing that Han Xiao even said the word family scandal, Abedo did not continue to ask questions. Anyway, after a few days, it should be clear what was going on.

By the way Han Xiao, I installed a signal repeater in Guili City before coming here. Now I should be able to receive the Salt of the Ground signal stably.

It's such a help!

Hearing that Abedo was so impressive, Han Xiao immediately gave him a thumbs up, then hurriedly took the device and walked out the door.

He had to install and debug the equipment first, and then ask Zhongli to transport him to the Salt of the Earth.

Although Han Xiao could run to the Salt of the Earth overnight with her superhuman physique, it would be too tiring, so she might as well let Uncle Zhongli take her there.


Early the next morning.

When the people of Liyue were preparing to spend a normal day as usual, the announcement on the street light suddenly rang.

Audio audition.

Good morning to all residents of Liyue, I am Tianquanxing Ningguang.

As Ningguang's voice came from the loudspeaker, many Liyue residents poked their heads out of their rooms, and newcomers on the street couldn't help but stop.

What is Master Ningguang doing?

I don't know, but this is probably a broadcast invented by Guili City. I didn't expect it to be used in Liyue Port so quickly.

Shh, stop talking now, wait and see what Master Ningguang has to say.

Just as the people in Liyue were whispering to each other, Ningguang's voice came out from the loudspeaker again.

Based on my discussion with the Seven Stars, in order to enhance Liyue people's understanding of history, we have unanimously decided to start a public historical and archaeological live broadcast today.

Please put down your work for the time being and go to various squares in Liyue Port to gather in an orderly manner and wait to watch.

In the Yuehai Pavilion, Ningguang stood in front of the microphone and read the manuscript given by Han Xiao, but he was a little curious about what this live broadcast was about.

live streaming?

Not only Ning Guang was curious, everyone in Liyue was filled with doubts after hearing this new term.

So, driven by curiosity, everyone followed Qixing's suggestion, opened the door and headed to the square closest to their residence.

As soon as they arrived at the square, they saw that a huge curtain had finally been erected in the square, and beside it stood soldiers from the Qianyan Army to maintain order.

Is this the method Han Xiao came up with?

In front of the Yujing Stage, Han Rui and his daughter Han Yue stood side by side among the crowd. Among the people present, they were the only ones who were the heads of aristocratic families who vaguely understood Qixing's plan.

But he didn't understand. Could such a trendy thing created by Han Xiao really solve the troubles in Yinyuan Hall?

Father, since Ah Xiao chose to do this, he must have his reasons. We will find out after a while.

Unlike his father Han Rui's worries, Han Yue on the side was very calm.

He has had so many clever ideas since childhood, and as long as the other party wants to achieve something, he can achieve it in the end.

So she still trusts her brother.

About half an hour later, when Ningguang got the news about Han Xiao from the Dudu communication device, he immediately decisively pressed the button on the table in front of him.

In an instant, Han Xiao and Yu Zhao, a famous historian in Liyue, appeared on the big screens in all the squares.

There's a picture, there's a picture!

Hey, aren't the people above Master Han Xiao and Master Yu Zhao?

Not long after, someone discovered that the people on the curtain were Tianshu Xing Hanxiao and Liyue's famous historian Yu Zhao.


Ahem...can everyone hear it?

Salt of the Earth, Han Xiao and Yu Zhao, who had enjoyed an immortal's express delivery service, were standing in front of the projector.

Looking at the two element indicators on the instrument, Han Xiao coughed first, and then explained the purpose of this activity.

Keeping history in mind is what everyone in Liyue should do. Therefore, after discussions with Qixing, we specially launched this open and real-time archaeological activity.

As he said that, Han Xiao extended his hand to Yu Zhao on the side as an invitation:

And for this event, we specially invited Master Yu Zhao, a famous historian in Liyue, to go with us.

Thank you, Lord Hanxiao, for the invitation. I am deeply honored.

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning himself, Yu Zhao humbly expressed that he was very happy to participate in this event.


Wow, you can actually see the salt of the earth from this curtain!

Awesome, is this Master Hanxiao's new invention?

With Han Xiao's introduction, everyone here in Liyue Port understood the purpose of the curtain in front of them, which was to allow them to see the archaeological site on the Salt of the Earth side at the same time.

In an instant, everyone's interest was piqued by Han Xiao.

After all, there are too many things recorded in Liyue's history, and too many things have been lost. They simply shouldn't be too interested in Qixing being able to publicly show the public the actions of investigating the history of the ruins.

Haha, those guys in Yinyuan Hall are finished!

At Yujing Terrace, after hearing Han Xiao's words on the curtain, Han Yue suddenly laughed out loud with gloating.

She knew that her younger brother had a lot of clever ideas, and he could think of such a way to publicly execute the other party.

What a loss!

The expressions on the faces of those guys in Silver Plains Hall are definitely not pretty right now.

The square outside the Yinyuan Hall of the Eight Gates of Liyue.

Contrary to Han Yue's imagination, when Han Xiao finished speaking, the expressions on the faces of everyone in Yinyuan Hall could be described as distinct.

The faces of the younger generation like Wan Yan are mostly excited, and they even have a sense of pleasure in their hearts that the seven stars selected by Morax are about to reveal the scandals about their gods.

However, the expressions on some people's faces are wonderful.

There are those who are shocked, those who are panicked, those who are overly ashamed, etc.

Because unlike the younger generation, some of them still inherited the secret inheritance passed down from ancient times, so they knew the truth of what happened back then.

It's fine now. Soon the people in Yinyuan Hall will be embarrassed in front of Quan Liyue.

Chapter 299: The darkroom is unfaithful, what is God’s will?

What happened next was just as the people in Yinyuan Hall imagined.

As Han Xiao opened the seal of the Salt of the Earth according to Zhongli's instructions, he and historian Yu Zhao stepped into this ruins that had been sealed for thousands of years.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the scene inside the ruins appeared in front of them with the camera.

The interior of the ruins is very wide, and there are no buildings everywhere. There are only human-shaped salt statues running around.

What the hell is going on?

I don't know, it feels a bit infiltrative.

Why are there so many weird things in the ruins of the Salt God?

Looking at the human-shaped salt statues running around inside the ruins, even through the curtain, everyone in Liyue Port could vaguely feel a chill flowing from their feet to their whole bodies.

Along the way, the two of them moved forward unimpeded. The shelves that originally held the salt shakers and salt rulers were already empty. Only a long sword that was broken into two parts in one room was still enshrined on the shelf.

As mentioned before, Han Xiao once asked Zhongli to clean up the ruins near Guiliyuan. It must have been at that time that he took away the salt ruler and salt shaker.

Not long after, when Han Xiao and Yu Zhao pushed open the door at the deepest part of the ruins, the scene before them made the people watching in Liyue Port exclaim in surprise.

I saw a pool of salt that had not dissipated even in the past thousand years, located in the center of the room, extending radially outward.

And above these 'paths', countless humanoid salt statues running towards the door stood quietly in the room, their blurred faces vaguely revealing a sense of despair.

The weirdest thing among them is the salt statue closest to the salt stain, which seems to be holding something in its hands and is still moving forward to assassinate.

Teacher Yu Zhao, how do you think you should explain the scene in front of you?

Looking at the scene that was exactly the same as in the game, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly, pretending not to understand anything and asked Yu Zhao a question.

Then, he heard the explanation he wanted to hear most from the other party.

It seems that what is recorded in the legend is indeed correct. The Salt God Heulia was assassinated by her own people.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Yu Zhao looked excited.

As a brick scholar who is different from Han Xue, he is a real master of history in Liyue.

A long time ago, Yu Zhao read a folk history that recorded the truth about the death of Salt God Heulia. However, this book was rarely circulated and lacked substantive evidence, so he finally gave up on research.

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