Even he thought it was a big deal, so how serious should it be.

Just when Ke Qing was slightly uneasy, the floating stone also rose to the platform of Qunyu Pavilion.

Master Keqing, Master Hanxiao, why are you two here?

Secretary Bai Xiao, who was instructing his subordinates to clean the platform of Qunyu Pavilion, saw Han Xiao and Ke Qing arriving hand in hand, and immediately walked up to them and bowed respectfully.

Where is Ning Guang?

Master Ningguang is at work, please come with me.

Afterwards, Bai Xiao led Han Xiao and Ke Qing to the conference hall where Ning Guang usually worked.

Hanxiao, Keqing, why are you here?

Hearing the door of the conference hall being pushed open, Ning Guang couldn't help but raise her head from the desk. When she saw Han Xiao and Ke Qing, she asked in surprise.

I have something important to discuss with you.

Han Xiao first mentioned something to Ning Guang, then turned around and ordered Bai Xiao:

Bai Xiao, you stay outside and don't let anyone in.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao.

Baixiao nodded, then walked outside the door and reached out to close the door of the conference room, leaving only Ningguang and the three of them inside.

What on earth makes you so solemn?

Seeing Han Xiao act so solemnly, Ningguang couldn't help but put down the file in his hand, and the expression on his face became much more serious.

Regarding Han Xiao, she and Ke Qing have basically the same understanding. The other party will never talk nonsense about big things. If they say it is a big thing, it will definitely be a big thing.

I went back to the Han family today, and Uncle Rui told me that the major families in Liyue discovered that there was something unusual happening in the Yinyuan Hall, and they were also spreading rumors to slander the emperor.

Is this happening?

Ke Qing, who had just sat down, slammed the table, and then jumped up from the chair. She looked at Han Xiao with disbelief, and her tone was full of anger:

Why didn't anyone in my family tell me!

Come on, you're almost living in the General Affairs Department.

Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but roll her eyes at Keqing.

The other party has moved out of her home since she became a Seven Star, and during this period she has been living in the General Affairs Department and busy with work, and has not even been home a few times.

This matter was only revealed after the Immortal Ceremony, so it is normal for Keqing to be unclear about it.

Hearing Han Xiao's complaints, Ke Qing closed her mouth in embarrassment.

So that's what happened.

However, Ning Guang's expression did not change after hearing Han Xiao's story. Instead, he pulled out an investigation report from the file on the side and handed it to him.

You all should take a look, this is the information I have collected recently.

Han Xiao and Ke Qing looked at each other, the same thoughts flashing through their minds.

As expected of Ning Guang, the information about Liyue Port could not be hidden from her.

Taking the intelligence documents collected by Ning Guang, Han Xiao read them carefully and then handed them to Ke Qing with an ugly expression.

Asshole, what on earth do they want to do?


After reading the information recorded in the document, Ke Qing suddenly raised her hand and slammed the document on the table, her face looking extremely ugly.

What are you doing? I think they want to cause division.

Hearing Ke Qing's angry voice, Han Xiao crossed her arms and sneered.

The intelligence collected by Ningguang was more detailed than what Uncle Rui told him. It not only recorded the people in Yinyuan Hall who had recently secretly found people to spread rumors, but also recorded that the other party was secretly hoarding war preparation materials.

Obviously, the descendants of the Salt God's people in Yinyuan Hall have other thoughts.


After hearing the words of the two people, Ningguang sighed deeply and then said:

Actually, if you don't come to me, I will choose to convene the Seven-Star Council in a few days.

After all, this matter is not easy to deal with.

If there is anything difficult to deal with, arrest all the culprits. Any behavior that dares to be detrimental to Liyue will not be tolerated!

Keqing's words were full of iron-blooded flavor, and her eyes were flashing with anger.

In her opinion, these people from Yinyuan Hall should receive severe sanctions if they dare to do this.

Things are not as simple as you think, Keqing.

Ning Guang shook his head helplessly, if only things could be as simple as Ke Qing thought.

The Silver Plains Hall is the most special among the eight gates. Their members are basically the descendants of the original people of the Salt God Heulia.

After the death of the Salt God, these people fled to Liyue and were taken in by the emperor, who found them a job to make a living, which was the predecessor of Yinyuan Hall.

To be honest, the descendants of the other party's people were not only ungrateful to the emperor, but even spread rumors to slander Prince Yan after the ceremony of sending immortals.

While Ningguang was angry, he also felt that it was quite troublesome.

After all, it has been too long since the death of the Salt God Heulia. If they take action rashly without finding conclusive evidence, it is easy for people to think that the Seven Stars are using their power to suppress dissidents.

Gan Yu should know this very well, right?

After hearing Ningguang's worries, Ke Qing immediately thought of Gan Yu. The other party had lived from the Demon God War to the present, so he should be quite clear about Heulia's affairs.

No, Gan Yu's dictation alone cannot change the minds of those in Yin Yuan Hall who have been brainwashed by their ancestors.

During my investigation, I discovered that a woman named Wan Yan in the Silver Plains Hall was in the most serious condition. She had been trying to obtain evidence that the emperor had killed the Seven Salt Gods Heulia.

Haha, she wants evidence?

Hearing a familiar name from Ningguang's mouth, Han Xiao, who had not spoken for a long time, let out a sneer:

Okay, then I will give these stupid guys solid evidence to see if they still have the nerve to cause trouble.

Han Xiao, do you have any idea?

Ningguang and Keqing immediately turned their gazes over, and Keqing even asked with surprise.

Ningguang, you go and discuss with Senior Sister Gan Yu tomorrow about holding a public historical archaeological event.

how about you?

I have to ask for permission.

Chapter 297 Han Xiao’s plan to kill the people of the Salt God

After bidding farewell to Ningguang, Han Xiao quickly found Zhongli who was listening to the calligrapher's story at Heyu Tea House, and immediately walked over and sat down next to him.

Mr. Zhongli.

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Zhongli used his spiritual thoughts to isolate the space around the two of them, and then said:

What's the matter?

I'm here to ask you for permission to open the seal of the Salt of the Earth.

The seal of the salt of the earth?

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Zhongli was stunned for a moment, and the memories from a long time ago suddenly came back to his mind.

After a long time, he finally asked quietly:

Why...why do you want to open the seal of the Salt of the Earth?

Because some ungrateful guys want to cause trouble.

Are they those people from Yinyuan Hall?

As soon as Han Xiao said this, Zhongli understood which group of people he was talking about.

If anyone in the entire Liyue territory is hostile to Morax, it is only those descendants of the people of Silver Plain Hall who were once the people of Salt God Heulia.

It seems that Mr. Zhongli also knows the virtues of those people.

Seeing that Zhongli immediately guessed which group of people he was talking about, Han Xiao covered his forehead with one hand and looked at him helplessly:

Since you know, why didn't you tell the truth earlier?

He really didn't understand what Zhongli was thinking and why he turned a blind eye to the actions in Yinyuan Hall that were enough to offend the gods.

It's just some memories from the old days. Nothing can be changed by speaking out.

In response to Han Xiao's question, Zhongli just sighed softly, with a hint of desolation in his tone.

He had known a long time ago that the people of Heulia's descendants in Silver Plains Hall wantonly made up lies to deceive their descendants for their own peace of mind.

But he always adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards it.

Nowadays, traces of the old times have gradually disappeared on the land of Liyue, and these people are the last proof that Heulia remains in this world.

After all, Zhongli couldn't bear to punish these people.

But because of your indifference, these people have undue ambitions.

Although Han Xiao understood that Zhongli didn't want to personally erase the last traces of his old friend in the world, it had to be said that after so many years of evasion by those in Yinyuan Hall, their descendants were very hostile to Morax.

Once it is not handled well, there will be strife within Liyue.

Furthermore, Mr. Zhongli, Liyue is about to enter a new era, and some old illnesses must be removed.

If that's the case, then just go ahead and do it.

As if he heard Han Xiao's determination, a smile appeared on Zhongli's face again.

You should be considerate of my old man's nostalgia before now.

Then you agree?

Tianheng is in the south, Yaoguang is in the east, Jueyun is in the west, and Qingce is in the north. This is how to release the salt seal in the earth.


After obtaining permission from Zhongli, Han Xiao quickly left Heyu Teahouse and returned home.

As soon as he entered the house, he took out his Dudu communication device and contacted Abedo.

Hello, Hanxiao?

Albedo, if you have time now, come and drive to Liyue Port.

The moment the communication was connected, Han Xiao immediately asked Albedo to come to Liyue Port immediately.

What happened?

You'll know when you come here, by the way... How is the research on a projector that can transmit images simultaneously?

The prototype has been built.

On the other side of the communication device, Abedo immediately reported the progress of his previous research.

Because of the radio principle given by Alice, Abedo also developed the technology of converting the signal into an external image based on this.

However, since there is no high-altitude signal receiver, the signal range of the prototype is only about half of Liyue.

If we are here in Liyue Port, can we receive the signal from Salt of the Earth?


That's good. Come to Liyue Port quickly with the prototype.

After hanging up the communication, Han Xiao directly opened the chat group mall, found the modern playback device uploaded by You Xiao and bought a set.

If Albedo's prototype doesn't work, he might as well have a backup.


The next day.

When Han Xiao arrived at Yuehai Pavilion, Qixing and Gan Yu had been waiting for a long time, and the expressions on everyone's faces were very serious.

Sorry, I'm late.

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