You come to judge. My father is going to make the one-handed sword into a prototype rock-cutting shape. Can you give such an old-fashioned style to a girl?

Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not like this look. girl!

Hearing Han Yue's comments, Han Rui immediately blew his beard and stared in anger.

The prototype Zhanyan is the origin of the Liyue sword. The streamlined sword body and the sword grid symbolize the thickness of the rock. Why are they so old-fashioned?

Thinking of this, Han Rui immediately turned his gaze to Han Xiao and asked very seriously:

Hanxiao, don't care about your sister Yue's feelings. Tell me what you really think.

Yes, Axiao, if you think it doesn't look good, just say so!

Han Yue on the side heard her father's words and quickly agreed, then stared at Han Xiao intently.


Seeing that both father and daughter were looking at him, Han Xiao couldn't help but ponder for a moment, and then expressed his thoughts.

Uncle Rui, actually I think what Sister Yue said is reasonable. The style of the trial rock cutting perfectly expresses the meaning of our Liyue, which is as heavy as a rock.

It's just that the person I want to give it to is a girl, and the style of the trial rock cutter is a bit bulky.

Why do you even say that?

Upon hearing that Han Xiao's thoughts were similar to those of his daughter, Han Rui immediately collapsed on the chair like a deflated ball, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Ever since he received the news from Han Xiao that he was going to make a one-handed sword as a gift for the travelers who helped Liyue defeat the ancient gods, he had turned over all the one-handed sword drawings that had been kept in his family for thousands of years. come out.

In the end, after some screening, he decided to use Zhanyan, the prototype that best represented Liyue, as a template.

But the result was not good, one or two people actually thought that the style of the trial rock cutting was too old-fashioned and a little bulky, and did not meet the requirements.


Thinking of this, Han Rui sighed sadly, and then called his servants to move all the drawings in the study to the living room.

After the servants brought all the drawings, Han Rui pointed at the pile of drawings and said to Han Xiao:

This is a copy of the drawings of all the weapons that our family and the Yun family have kept over the years. Since you think the template I selected is not good, then you can do it yourself.

You can do it by yourself, Axiao, we can choose it ourselves!

Han Yue agreed without hesitation, and then took Han Xiao to look through the drawings together.

Han Rui sat on the chair and looked at Han Xiao and the others without saying a word. He wanted to see what style of one-handed sword these two little guys would choose in the end.

However, as the two of them rummaged through the thick pile of drawings, they still couldn't find a shape that matched their hearts.

I can tell. Our family and the Yun family used to be practical and didn't care about appearance at all.

Throwing aside a copy of the drawing in his hand, Han Yue couldn't help but complain.

There was no way, there were indeed many styles of weapons recorded in the drawings, but none of them satisfied her.

The weapons here basically continue the style of the trial Yanyan, with thick sword grids and ever-widening sword blades.

Especially the sword that imitates the emperor's sword of suppressing ancient dragons. It's really eye-catching. Does Prince Yan have no problem with his aesthetics?

Obviously the green rock looks much better.

Axiao, if it doesn't work, let's imitate the rock-green shape.

Seeing that she couldn't find a satisfactory shape, Han Yue took the design drawing recording the green shape of the rock in her hand and said to Han Xiao.

This was one of the few shapes she could find in the drawings that looked pleasing to the eye.

Chapter 295: The Unfamiliar Yinyuan Hall

The rock cannot be green.

Hearing that Han Yue planned to choose Panyan Jielu as a template to build a one-handed sword for Ying, Han Xiao rejected her proposal without hesitation.

The reason is also very simple. Zhongli had previously thought that the meaning of green rocks was not suitable as a gift.

It would be unlucky to use the green shape of rock as a template.

That's it...

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation of the reason for the rejection, Han Yue nodded regretfully.

Indeed, if the rock is really green as Han Xiao said, then it is indeed inappropriate to use it as a gift.

How about it? Have you chosen it yet?

Seeing Han Xiao and Han Yue being quite entangled, Han Rui couldn't help but cross his arms, his face full of pride.

I really thought he hadn’t considered the rock forming green.

If the meaning wasn't so bad, he would have chosen this emperor's sword as a template.

At the same time, he did not forget to add:

Nearly all of Liyue's weapon blueprints are gathered here. If you can't find something you're satisfied with here, then it basically doesn't have the shape you want.

No, I'm not even satisfied.

After hearing Han Rui's words, Han Xiao put down the drawing in his hand and sighed softly.

If it wasn't really inappropriate to use the shape of another country as a template, he wanted to use the shape of a ceremonial sword as a template.

Father, are there really no other drawings?

Seeing that Han Xiao was not satisfied, Han Yue couldn't help but eagerly asked her father questions.

The Qian Qian Han family couldn't come up with a style that satisfied the orderer. If word spread, it would be treated as a laughing stock.

I have another idea.

any solution?

Faced with his daughter's rather urgent inquiry, Han Rui calmly looked at Han Xiao and expressed his thoughts.

Han Xiao, although you have chosen independence since you were a child, you are still a member of our Han family anyway.

Since you are not satisfied with the shape of the drawings at home, why not design it yourself?

As mentioned earlier, the Han family has always felt sorry that Han Xiao had deft hands but did not choose to inherit the family business. They once repeatedly tried to persuade Han Xiao to look back.

It wasn't until Han Xiao later became the Seven Stars of Liyue that Han Rui stopped mentioning this matter.

Now it's better, now the other party wants to customize a one-handed sword as a gift for the traveler, and he is not satisfied with the shape of all the drawings.

Han Rui thinks this is a good opportunity for Han Xiao to master the family craft. After all, the Han family will need him to support Han Yue in the future, so he must know some casting knowledge.

Shall I design it?

Upon hearing her uncle's suggestion, Han Xiao was ready to refuse at first, but she swallowed it before she could say it.

Because he thought about it carefully and found that it was really a good idea.

He has many beautiful and unique styling templates in his mind, which he can definitely use!

Thinking of this, Han Xiao quickly asked her servants to bring them paper and pen, and under the watchful eyes of Han Rui and Han Yue, she quickly started drawing on the paper using her art skills accumulated from making clay dolls.

After a while, a beautiful one-handed sword with Liyue style (Hua Feng) appeared in front of Han Rui and his daughter.

The sword body is long and slender and shows a gradient of blue. The ancient characters of Liyue are engraved on the blade, which adds to the ancient meaning.

Both sides of the sword grid are slightly curved upward and inward, and the hilt is made of polished blue jade. The sword head adopts the same style as the sword grid, and there is a tassel inlaid with jade hanging from the end.

What a beautiful sword.

As soon as Han Xiao finished the painting, Han Yue couldn't help but praise it, with little stars twinkling in her eyes. It was obvious that she loved the shape of this sword very much.

I knew your boy was talented.

Han Rui on the side looked at the shape of the one-handed sword on the drawing and was even more satisfied.

It is said that one method can be applied to all methods. Han Xiao can show his dexterous hands skills and design talent on the clay puppet. Sure enough, it is feasible to use it in the design of weapons.

Then use this sword. I will provide the ore and jade, which are extremely rare and precious varieties.

Seeing that his uncle and sister were very satisfied with the shape of the one-handed sword he took out, Han Xiao immediately made a decision.

Don't worry, I will summon the top craftsmen from the Yunhan family soon, and I will not let you down.

Han Rui first made a very solemn promise to Han Xiao, and then an excited look appeared on his face.

With the rare ore provided by Han Xiao, perhaps the Yunhan family will once again create a magic weapon that is no less than a trial rock-cutting weapon this time!

Uncle Rui, I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go back first.

After finalizing the weapon, Han Xiao stood up and prepared to leave.


Don't leave yet, I have something else to tell you.

Do you have anything else to say?

Han Rui did not speak immediately, but waved his servants to leave. After only the three of them were left in the living room, he said in a serious tone:

Hanxiao, have you Qixing noticed anything unusual recently?


Hearing Han Rui's question, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown, thought about it carefully and then shook her head.

There doesn't seem to be anything unusual.

Hmph, it seems those guys have some skills.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't seem to know, Han Rui immediately sneered, the expression on his face full of sarcasm.

Uncle Rui, what exactly did you find?

Han Xiao's expression became solemn, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

What his uncle is going to say next may not be good news.

Sure enough, Han Rui's next words confirmed his hunch.

You also know that our Han family has always been in contact with all the major families, and we have more frequent contacts with the Eight Gates than you, the Seven Stars.

Those people in Yinyuan Hall seem to feel that the emperor is no longer around. They have been secretly trying to make some moves recently, and they are spreading some bad words about Prince Yan and his old man.

Is there such a thing?

After listening to Han Rui's story, Han Xiao's face instantly darkened, and the pressure of a superior person involuntarily emanated from him.

The pressure made Han Rui and Han Yue feel a little tight in their chests.

It was only then that they had some real feelings about their junior being elected to the Seven Stars.

I remember that the Yinyuan Hall is all descended from the people of Salt God Heulia. They are really a bunch of ignorant white-eyed wolves.

Han Xiao, who had a gloomy face, murmured to herself, a stern look flashed in her eyes, and then she warned Han Rui in a low tone:

Uncle Rui, please pay more attention to this matter from all your major families. I will go to Ningguang and the others to discuss how to deal with it.

After saying that, Han Xiao walked straight out of the living room and strode towards Qunyu Pavilion.

Chapter 296: Large-scale public archaeological event in Liyue

Han Xiao went straight all the way, first went to the General Affairs Department to find Ke Qing, and then took the unknown person with her to board the floating stone to Qunyu Pavilion.

Hanxiao, I still have some work to do. Why are you suddenly dragging me to see Ningguang?

On the floating stone, Ke Qing used some force to break away from Han Xiao's hand, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across her beautiful face.

Han Xiao left everything to Gan Yu so she wasn't very busy, but the work she was doing was almost scheduled for next year.

I have something important to discuss with you.

Han Xiao simply explained Ke Qing's doubts and then stopped talking.

important things?

Seeing the serious expression on Han Xiao's face, Ke Qing couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart, and then fell silent.

Although the other party is usually a bit lazy, he never makes nonsense on important matters.

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