And you, Zhongli!

This hall master will not reimburse you for this year's bills!

Uh, Hall Master...

Hearing that Hutao wanted to deduct his salary, Zhongli was silent for a moment, carefully considered his words before speaking:

Is there a possibility that I didn't spend any money on the Rebirth Hall this year?

You must know that this year in Guili City, he not only received official subsidies for his living expenses, but also received a large salary as a principal.

Regarding the bill, he really didn't have the chance to send it to the Hall of Purity this year.

If you didn't tell me, this Hall Master would have almost forgotten it.

After hearing Zhongli's excuse, Hutao immediately turned to look at Han Xiao and said viciously:

Han Xiaoxiao, didn't you agree that Zhongli's salary will be sent to the Palace of Purity?

Hurry up and give Zhongli's salary for this year to this Hall Master, and it will be used to cover the bills he sent to the Palace of the Past in previous years!

Hall Master, it is actually a very bad behavior to settle old scores.

Seeing that Hu Tao had full control over his financial resources again, Zhongli quickly tried to reason with him.

But facing an 'angry' woman? girl? , Hu Tao didn't listen to his words at all, and still held on to Han Xiao's collar.

No problem, I will send Mr. Zhongli's salary to the Hall of Purity tomorrow!

Before Zhongli could speak further, Han Xiao agreed to Hu Tao's request without hesitation.

Hum, Zhongli, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. It was you who betrayed me first!

Well, that's cool!

Hearing that Han Xiao agreed to send Zhongli's salary to the Hall of Purity, Hutao was satisfied and released his hands holding Zhongli's collar, and even tidied up his somewhat messy collar thoughtfully.

After finishing, Hu Tao reached out and patted Han Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile:

Forget it, now that the matter has happened, there is no point in pursuing it.

Before Han Xiao could relax, Hu Tao suddenly changed the subject:

But...this hall master who did not preside over the ceremony of sending immortals and the funeral of the emperor is very sad now.


Knowing that there was something in Hu Tao's words, Han Xiao thought about it and decided to pick up what the other party said.

You have to buy one of the services of the Rebirth Hall!

Ah this!

Chapter 290 The last dialogue between man and god

Under Hu Tao's hard work, Han Xiao finally failed to hold on and was defeated, and agreed to the other party's request.

However, he did not make a reservation for himself, but made several reservations for the services of the Hall of Rebirth for the staff of Kuixing Tower.

Forget it, this is not bad.

Although it was a pity that Hutao didn't get Han Xiao's business, she was still very satisfied when she thought that the other party had introduced several business deals to her.

Remember to send Zhongli's salary to the Holy Life Hall tomorrow. Don't forget it!

With a few words of advice, Hutao left the Hall of Purity in a skipping motion. Since he couldn't catch up with the ceremony of sending immortals, he might as well take advantage of his free time to go to the street to sell some business.

Watching Hu Tao's back jumping away, Han Xiao turned to look at Zhong Li helplessly and said:

I'm sorry, Mr. Zhongli, your salary may not reach you.


Hearing this, Zhongli sighed deeply, then waved his hand to signal the other party not to say anything further, then turned around and asked about Han Xiao's business:

Have you spoken to the lady?

Well, I also gave her the replica version of God's Heart.

Han Xiao nodded.

The imitation version of the God's Heart can be recreated by just asking Xixiao for some materials. In exchange for a replicable thing, all the Fools can evacuate from Liyue. In his opinion, this deal is a good deal.

What are your plans for Liyue in the future?

Regarding the transaction with the lady, Zhongli briefly mentioned it and then did not continue to ask further. Instead, he directly asked Han Xiao about his future plans for Liyue.

This was also the last time he formally questioned the Seven Stars as Morax.

After today, there will be no Emperor Yan Wang in Liyue, only Zhongli wandering around in the world.

Plans for Liyue?

Upon hearing Zhongli's rather formal inquiry, Han Xiao couldn't help but lower her head and think deeply.

He actually has a lot of plans, but the reality has been restricting him. After all, the maintainer of heavenly law has just declined, not kneeled down.

What if you accidentally climb the technology tree too fast and get hit?

Of course, this is only the current situation.

Han Xiao has never stopped practicing about the Flower of Heart, and she often watches other people's live broadcasts in the chat group.

Especially in the group, there is Xi Xiao, who is invested by the big boss. He is often taken by the big boss to explore the unknown world in the multiverse.

This allows them to get some weird worldviews from time to time.

Therefore, now the seeds of the Heart Flower deep in Han Xiao's soul have been completely formed, and with the nourishment of a few more worlds, they will be able to completely break through and sprout.

At that time, he will usher in a leap in life level, completely transforming from a short-lived species to a long-lived species, and his abilities will be greatly improved.

Moreover, the Flower of Heart's life level transition has another advantage, that is, it will not change the race of the cultivator. The race that was before will remain the same in the future.

To put it simply, before the transformation, Han Xiao was a human of the Black Iron Age, a short-lived species. After the jump in life levels, his race was still human, but it had changed into a human of the Golden Age, a genuine long-lived species.

At the same time, Han Xiao also had a vague premonition that as long as he completed the transition of life levels, he would become a demon-level being and officially enter the top combat class of Teyvat.

As for whether it can block the attack of the Heavenly Principle Maintainer, it depends on what kind of abilities the Heart Flower will derive when the life level changes.

Considering that the abilities derived from the Flower of Heart are generally the abilities that cultivators prefer most, Han Xiao is quite confident in this.

Well, these are all things for later. He has not reached this point yet, and for the time being, he still focuses on playing it safe.

Pulling back her wandering thoughts, and thinking quite seriously for a while, Han Xiao slowly spoke to Zhongli and said:

My current plan is very simple, which is to improve the convenience of Liyue people's daily lives as much as possible, such as systems that benefit the people, inventions that improve the quality of life, etc.

Of course, I will not forget what you said to pay attention to before. I will not touch the power of the abyss.

That's very good.

After hearing Han Xiao's plan, Zhong Li nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied that the other party had no rash plans.

Although he had previously told Wendy that Han Xiao could become a being that would surpass them in the future, that was only the future.

Before he lacks the absolute strength to face all dangers, he can calmly choose to develop without blind expansion. This alone makes Zhongli feel relieved.

At least he doesn't have to worry about Han Xiao taking over and dragging the whole of Liyue along the same path as Kanria.


Just as Han Xiao and Zhong Li were having Liyue's last 'conversation between man and god', Ying Zheng came to the border area of ​​Liyue with a road map.

This is it.

Looking at the entrance to the ruins hidden between the mountains, Ying's face showed an excited look. She had found it after searching for so long across the mountains.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's go in quickly!

Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, also clenched his fists and cheered her on.


With a slight response, Ying bent down slightly and got into the entrance of the ruins.

After walking along the long and narrow road for a while, a huge open space and ancient ruins suddenly appeared in front of her.

Ying, why do I feel something is wrong?

As he walked deeper into the ruins, Paimon felt an uneasy feeling in his heart, and he quickly expressed his feelings to Ying.

She always felt that there might be some terrible danger waiting for them in the deepest part of the ruins.

You're here now, you have to go and see it.

After flying over the cliff mechanism with the help of the wings of wind, Yingye took out the edgeless sword and held it in her hand, because she also noticed that this ruins was a little different from the ruins she had experienced before.

Ying couldn't tell exactly where it was different, but her long-term intuition had been reminding her in her mind.

Finally, the two of them walked along the corridor to the deepest part of the ruins and saw a strange scene they had never seen before.

On the high platform in the center of the huge room, a figure knelt motionless, and above his head hung a statue of the Seven Heavens God.

It's just that this seven-day statue has no sense of holiness as before, and countless purple energy flows are gathering in front of the statue's hands.

Why, why is the statue of the Seven Heavens...hanging upside down like this?

Looking at the rather strange scene in front of him, Paimon covered his heart with one hand and stammered:

It feels... so depressing. Let's get out of here quickly!

Ying silently walked up to the high platform and tentatively slapped the motionless figure kneeling on the spot with her edgeless sword.

After realizing that the other party had already lost his breath, she also hummed.

This ruins was so weird that she had to ask Han Xiaoqing if she didn't know what was going on inside the ruins.

Chapter 291 Dadalia’s War Post

Just when Ying was about to leave, the mechanism inside the ruins was suddenly activated. She managed to avoid all the mechanisms, but she was blocked by the Abyss Apostle who activated the mechanism.

After a fight, the apostle of the abyss, who was originally planning to kill him, seemed to have discovered something. After leaving a meaningless sentence, he opened the portal and left the ruins, leaving only Ying standing there thoughtfully.

As mentioned before, a lot of information about Kong had been revealed by Han Xiao, so even though the Abyss Apostle's words were a bit confusing, Ying still confirmed the information that Kong was indeed in the Abyss Order.

After confirming that the information was correct, she planned to go back to Liyue to find Han Xiao and ask him if he knew what big plan her brother was planning in the ruins.

However, as soon as he walked out of the ruins, he unexpectedly ran into Dainsreb, whom he had not seen for a long time.

After learning that Daine came here after following the apostles of the abyss, the two hit it off immediately and formed a team to start tracking the apostles of the abyss.

As for the previous plan to ask Han Xiao what he thought?

Forget it, instead of asking, it would be faster to catch up and torture the person involved.


Liyue Port

Hanxiao, why did the emperor pass away?

Yun Jin, who had just returned to Liyue Port, soon learned the news that the emperor was struck by thunder during the ceremony to invite immortals and his soul returned to heaven.

So before she had time to rest, she found Han Xiao who was at home making plans for the future of Guili City and asked him questions.

Yun Jin had a conversation with Han Xiao before, and she learned at that time that the Fools might cause trouble at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

Originally, Yun Jin planned to stay and face the fools together with Han Xiao and the others, but due to the persuasion of her best friend, she took the employees of Yunhan Society to Qingce Village.

But who would have thought that something would happen to the emperor and his elders during the ceremony of inviting immortals?

Thunder disaster?

Haha, it's okay to fool some people who don't know the inside story. People like her who know a little bit about the inside story will never believe that Prince Yan will die from a thunderstorm.

The emperor has indeed left us.

Facing the question from her childhood friend, Han Xiao pondered for a long time before deciding to play a word game.

At present, it is known that Emperor Yan Wang is fine. The only people in Liyue are their senior officials, the immortals, and a traveler sister.

The rest of the people can hide it if they can.

The main reason why he didn't tell Yun Jin the truth of the matter was that Han Xiao didn't want Zhong Li to think that he was a big talker and told everyone the inside story that the emperor was not dead.

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