She really couldn't understand why the fools who were so stubborn and refused to leave before changed their temper in the blink of an eye.

That's because you find the other person's purpose.

What do you mean?

I gave the lady a fake heart of God. Of course she thought it was real.


Chapter 288 The Seven Stars of Liyue, no, the Nine Stars of Liyue!

Are you sure the lady can't tell?

Hearing that Han Xiao had used a fake God's Heart in exchange for the Fools all evacuating Liyue, Ningguang was happy at first, and then asked with a little worry.

Although Han Xiao's operation was very powerful, she was still a little worried that the lady would become angry after learning the truth of the matter.

When the time comes, Liyue will become passive.

Don't worry, my skills are approved by the emperor.

Faced with Ning Guang's questions, Han Xiao quickly patted her chest and assured him that except for the Seven Gods and a few of the Demon God's relatives, no one else could find out whether it was true or false.

It's not right to say that. When the lady brings the Heart of God back to the Winter Palace to meet the Ice Queen, won't your forgery be exposed?

Han Xiao didn't promise that he was fine, but when he did, Ning Guang couldn't help but cover his forehead with his hands, feeling a headache.

Since the Seven Gods can see through his craftsmanship, won't it be exposed soon?

Don't worry, the Ice Queen will never let ladies come to Liyue again.

Regarding Ning Guang's worries, Han Xiao didn't panic at all and said calmly.

How could he leave such obvious flaws.

Most of the materials used in the imitation Heart of God came from outside the world, and both the craftsmanship and the materials were almost the same as the original Heart of God.

The only thing missing may be the power attached to the heart of God by heavenly principles.

As long as the Ice Queen gets the Heart of God, the other party will know its secrets and understand Liyue's attitude at the same time.

When the time comes, the Ice God will naturally not let the lady get into trouble again.


Ningguang suddenly looked at Han Xiao in confusion, as if he didn't understand why the other party was so sure.

The water inside is very deep. It's not convenient for me to say more. I can only say that it involves some secrets about the emperor and the seven gods.

Han Xiao shook her head and explained vaguely.

The secrets involved in the Heart of God are not something Ningguang and the others can know now.

Forget it, since you're sure nothing will happen.

Seeing that Han Xiao refused to say more, Ning Guang did not continue to ask questions, as long as the other party was sure that the Ice Queen would not target Liyue again because the Heart of God was fake.


After chatting with Ningguang for a while, Han Xiao stopped disturbing the other party and stood up to leave.

Nowadays, because Liyue no longer has the jurisdiction of King Yan, many of the powers that once belonged directly to Zhongli have now been shared by Qixing.

Therefore, Ningguang Keqing and the others were basically too busy during this period of time.

As for why Hanxiao is not busy?

In fact, the answer is very simple, because he found a very easy-to-use tool man.

Clang, clang, clang!

She is our model worker, Wang Xiaomei... ahem, Miss Gan Yu.

At the Seven-Star Council, Han Xiao officially handed over his part of the power to Gan Yu, and he was specifically responsible for returning to Licheng.

In Han Xiao's words, this is the best way to handle it at the moment.

First of all, Gan Yu is Qixing's secretary and Han Xiao's senior sister, so it makes sense that he nominally assists Tianshu Xing in handling affairs.

Secondly, Han Xiao made it very clear in front of everyone without any scruples. The reason why he chose Gan Yu was because he was half-human and half-immortal.

Regarding the bad nature of human beings, as a person who came from a large flower-growing family, it was impossible for Han Xiao not to know about the bad things that happened in history.

Now that there is no supervision from Emperor Yan, the scope of Qixing's power has been further expanded. The Qixings of their generation are basically thinking about how to develop Liyue, so there are no problems for the time being.

But what about the future?

Who knows whether Qixing, who will succeed them in the future, will make some mistakes and make Liyue a mess.

Han Xiao herself agreed with the idea of ​​rule by people, so Guili City was born in order to get rid of Liyue Port with heavy rules.

However, after living in Liyue for so many years, he also knew that purely human rule would not work on the continent of Teyvat. Who allowed the existence of demon gods here.

Even Guili City, which seems to have little relationship with the immortals, still has not completely disconnected from the immortals.

Therefore, Han Xiao gave up the previous action of weakening Gan Yu's power, and let the other party become the sharp sword hanging over Qixing's head as before.

Judging from the current situation, Gan Yu can basically be said to be the eighth star of Liyue, independent of the seven stars.

In this way, while Qixing is flexing its muscles to develop Liyue, because there are supervisors like Gan Yu internally, the successor Qixing will have to think carefully even if they want to make trouble.

What? You said Gan Yu was just the secretary of Qixing, so why did he become the eighth star of Liyue Qixing?

Hahaha, Han Xiao said that you are still the same.

It is recorded in the twenty-fourth volume of Yunji Qizhuan Sun, Moon and Stars Department that in addition to Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang, the Big Dipper also has Dongming. , the existence of the two hidden stars of Yin Yuan.

Therefore, the former name of the Big Dipper was the Nine Stars of the Big Dipper, also known as the Nine Emperor Stars.

Is there something wrong with the eighth star that Gan Yu hides behind the seven stars in Liyue?

No problem at all!

As for who is the ninth star?

Hanxiao hasn't thought about this yet.

He now has two candidates for the ninth star, one is Yelan and the other is Beidou.

There is no doubt about Yelan's ability. Except for Mondstadt's problem of being a bit fond of fishing, she is excellent in other aspects.

In Han Xiao's opinion, Big Sister Beidou's words are even more consistent with the ninth star than Yelan's.

After all, the largest maritime armed force in Liyue Port is the Southern Cross Fleet in the hands of the other party.

He looks like the future commander-in-chief of Liyue Navy!

In the future, Liyue will definitely develop its naval power. If Beidou is willing to incorporate the Southern Cross fleet into the official fleet, the position of the ninth star must belong to her.

I don’t know if Big Sister Beidou is willing to accept his idea. When the time comes, I can invite her to have a drink and have a chat with her when she comes back from Inazuma.

As Han Xiao walked towards Chi Huyan's home, she kept thinking about the future plans for Liyue in her mind.

Just as he walked along the road to the vicinity of the Hall of Purity, a scene happened in front of him that made him break away from his chaotic thoughts, with an embarrassment on his face.

In front of the Hall of Rebirth, Zhongli stood on the street with his hands folded on his chest, looking no different from usual.

Well...if you ignore Hutao, who hangs on Uncle Zhongli's back like a sloth and keeps pulling his cheeks with his two little hands, this is indeed the case.


While twisting Zhongli's cheek with her small hands, Hutao complained angrily:

You eat from my hall master and drink from my hall master. You don't leave such a big thing as the ceremony of sending immortals to my hall master. Are you going to piss me off to death?

Chapter 289: Zhongli takes the blame, Hu Han fights again

Liyue, the old man, the sloth...

Ah, it's Uncle Zhongli and his sworn creditor Hu Tao.

Seeing Zhongli who was already entangled in walnuts, Han Xiao paused, then immediately turned around and planned to run away.

Although he had nothing to do with it, he didn't want to be attacked by a meteorite when he went out tomorrow because of seeing this scene.

But he was spotted by the sharp-eyed Hu Tao before he took a few steps.

Hanxiao, don't leave!

Hu Tao slid off Zhongli's back, then swooped to Han Xiao's side, stretched out a ruthless iron hand, grabbed his arm, and dragged him in the direction of Zhongli.

Come quickly and give me a review!

Hu Xiaotao, you are so unbecoming and flirting on the street, please let me go.

After twitching her arm hard and finding that she couldn't break free at all, Han Xiao had no choice but to speak and try to get the other person to let her go.

Unfortunately, Hutao ignored his request and dragged him to Zhongli.

Han Xiao, you said that Zhongli eats, drinks and uses my hall master's food. Why is it that he is responsible for all the ceremony of sending immortals and the funeral, and not me?

Hu Tao stared at Han Xiao with a pair of plum blossom pupils, pointing one finger at Zhongli Gujing Wubo's face, her tone full of dissatisfaction.

She is obviously the master of the Hall of Purity, but Zhongli is just a guest, and he is also a prostitute king who likes to bombard the Hall of Purity with bills everywhere.

Why would such a big thing as sending the immortal ceremony and the emperor's funeral be left to the other party? She, the official hall leader, didn't even know.

God knows how uncomfortable she felt when she rushed back to Liyue Port and found that the ceremony of sending immortals was over!

Hey hey hey... I haven't seen you for a few days, Mr. Zhongli.

Faced with Hu Tao's soul question, Han Xiao did not choose to answer immediately, but took the lead in saying hello to Zhongli rather uncomfortably.

I haven't seen you for a few days, I made you laugh, little friend Hanxiao.

Not to mention that Han Xiao felt a little uncomfortable, but Zhongli felt the same as well.

After all, the other party knew his identity as Morax.

Now if Han Xiao sees the dignified Liyue Rock God being hung like a sloth and having his cheeks pulled, even Zhongli will feel embarrassed.

But there was nothing we could do about it. Hu Tao's parents died young, and the old hall master was busy dealing with the affairs of the Rebirth Hall during his lifetime.

So Hutao was basically brought up by him, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were ‘father and daughter’.

Therefore, Zhongli could only let Hutao act mischievously on him.

Fortunately, he is an elder who has lived for more than 6,000 years and has rich life experience. After a moment of embarrassment, he immediately thought of a way to divert the trouble to the east.

So, in order to get out of trouble, Zhongli said to Hu Tao without hesitation:

Hall Master, delivering the immortal rituals and the emperor's funeral are Liyue's top priorities. They are tasks entrusted to the Rebirth Hall by Qixing. I am just following orders.

As soon as Zhongli's words came out, Han Xiao instantly felt that something was wrong.

Okay, Han Xiaoxiao, it turns out it's you!!

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhongli's explanation, Hutao immediately 'exploded' on the spot, grabbing Han Xiao's collar with both hands like two iron claws, standing on tiptoes and looking up at him.

Originally, she just wanted to pull Han Xiao to judge, but she didn't expect that she would actually pull the 'culprit'.

When she thought that she had missed the ceremony of sending immortals and the emperor's funeral, Hutao Yin gritted her teeth tightly, wishing she could stab Hanxiao to death with Huma right away.

Zhongli, your uncle’s!

Seeing Hu Tao's face so close in front of her and the heat hitting her face during his breath, Han Xiao quickly turned her head and looked at Zhong Li, who was watching forcefully with his arms folded, his eyes full of accusations.

Seeing Han Xiao's gaze, as if he understood the meaning in his eyes, Zhongli couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as if thinking about something, and then turned his head to the side...

Well, turning to one side probably means out of sight, out of mind.

Facing Zhongli who was completely defeated, Han Xiao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

I've seen people who are inhumane, but I've never seen people who are so inhumane.

What is the reason why Qixing and Qixing have been so busy these days? Isn't it because they can safely go through the ceremony of Uncle Zhongli?

As a result, he was a good old man and threw the pot away as soon as he encountered walnuts.

This is such a non-stick behavior. Han Xiao said that he would strongly protest against Zhongli’s inappropriate behavior!

Hey, Han Xiaoxiao, why are you mute when you talk?

Seeing that Han Xiao not only didn't speak, but also winked at Zhongli, Hu Tao instantly transformed like a pufferfish, and her bulging chest immediately increased from A- to A+.

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