In addition to this, he also wanted to ensure the image of the emperor in his childhood heart.

After all, once Yun Jin learns that Zhongli, the street kid who often comes to hear her sing and never brings any money, is Liyue's Rock King.

At that time, my Qingmei's three views will probably explode.

Is this what fools did?

Well... I don't know.

Han Xiao spread her hands and said helplessly:

We don't know much about Lord Yan either. All we know is the fact that the Immortal Ancestor Technique was shed during the Immortal Ceremony.

As for the specific circumstances of the matter, the immortals are investigating. I believe a conclusion will be reached soon.

In this way, under Han Xiao's fooling, Yun Jin left his home full of doubts.


The next morning.

Dong dong dong——

A sudden knock on the door woke up Han Xiao, who was still sleeping soundly.


Han Xiao, who was awakened by the knock on the door, suddenly sat up from the bed. After dressing briefly, she rubbed her eyes and yawned and came to the door.

With a creak, the door was opened, and Ah Fu, the servant of the Han family who had not appeared for a long time, was standing outside the door.

Master Xiao!

Afu, why are you here?

Han Xiao asked in surprise when she saw Ah Fu, the Han family's servant, standing outside the door.

Young Master Xiao, someone sent a letter to Han Mansion today. Your name is on the envelope.

Ah Fu first bowed to Han Xiao, then took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to him, explaining the situation.

Letter to me?

Han Xiao was startled for a moment, then reached out and took the letter from Ah Fu's hand, tore open the envelope several times, took out the letter paper inside, and began to read it carefully.

Hey, that's really interesting.

After reading all the contents on the letter, Han Xiao couldn't help but sneer, and the expression on his face was extremely strange.

Master Xiao?

Seeing that something was wrong with Han Xiao's expression, Ah Fu quickly asked cautiously.

Afu, you have nothing to do here, go back first.

Master, I will leave first that night.

After sending away Ah Fu who came to deliver the letter, Han Xiao just leaned against the door frame carelessly, looking at the contents of the letter repeatedly in her hands, with amusement in her eyes.

Faith comes from the crowd of fools.

To be more precise, the letter was written to him by Dadalia.

As for the content of the letter, it was also very concise. It was that the other party wanted to compete with Han Xiao before leaving.

To be honest, after reading the contents of the letter, Han Xiao almost laughed in front of Ah Fu.

Before, he had asked the lady to warn Dadalia to be careful about being put in a sack before leaving. Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not take it seriously, but also took the initiative to give him a battle invitation.

This is really tough.

Originally, Han Xiao felt that her harsh words were in vain because she couldn't find Dadalia's hiding place.

Little did he know that the opportunity would come in the blink of an eye, and it was the other party who took the initiative to come forward.

Since the other party was so considerate, Han Xiao felt that it was unjustifiable for her not to entertain the other party properly.


At the same time, in the secret base of the Fools.

Sir, is your brain broken?

The lady was looking at Dadalia, who was wiping his weapon with excitement, with an expression of disbelief on his face, as if looking at another mentally retarded person.

Han Xiao's words were so clear, it was clear that as long as they could find an opportunity, Liyue would take action against Dadalia.

Generally speaking, Dadalia should hide her tracks at this time and leave Liyue as soon as possible to return to Zhidong.

As a result, he was lucky. Not only did he not run away, but he took the initiative to write a war message to Han Xiao.

The lady behind this saucy act began to wonder if there was something wrong with her and the other party being both executive officers.

You don't understand, ma'am.

Hearing the lady's uncontrollable angry words, Dadalia carefully wiped the weapon in his hand and explained:

A long time ago, I wanted to have a fight with Han Xiao, but due to various reasons, it has never been possible.

Now that such a good opportunity is in front of me, how could I let it go.

Are you sure you can win?

Not sure, but I want to fight!


Facing Dadalia, who was completely distracted, the lady could only reach out and cover her aching forehead, speechless.

Chapter 292 Dadalia doubts that in life

The next day.

Han Xiao left Liyue Port early in the morning and rushed towards Lisha suburb.

Around afternoon, he finally arrived at a valley agreed upon in the Dadalia war post.

At the same time, Han Xiao's live broadcast was always on, and other members of the chat group gathered in the live broadcast room early.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: When I played games before, I knew that Dada Duck was a relatively pure warrior and liked to fight, but I really didn't expect that the opponent was so stubborn.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Who says it's not the case? Anyway, if he puts this operation on my head, I will definitely not go to the appointment like Yuan Xiao.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Oh? Then what will you do?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: If someone posts a fight to ask me for a fight, I will drive a dump truck and beat him to death.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Fuck, you studied under Chen Haihuang?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Ip Man will cry when he sees you.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Stop talking, it's coming, it's coming, Dada Duck is coming!

In an instant, everyone in the chat group stopped noticing and quietly watched the content in the live broadcast room.

Outside the camera, Dadalia's figure has appeared in Han Xiao's field of vision, and is slowly walking towards him.

It's been a long time since we last saw each other, my friend.

Soon, Dadalia stopped about five meters in front of Han Xiao and said hello with a bright smile on his face.


Han Xiao immediately laughed and looked at the other party with a sarcastic face:

Are there really friends in this world who cause trouble in other people's homes?

Well, I can't say that. After all, you and I are our own masters. But personally, I still hope to make a friend like you.

Dadalia shrugged and replaced the smile with a look of pity on his face.

In fact, what he said was true.

Personally, Dadalia still hopes to make friends with Han Xiao, but it is a pity that his release of Osel has cut off this possibility.

But it’s not bad now. Even if we can’t be friends, we can still be rivals.

The look of pity on Dadalia's face flashed away, and then she looked at Han Xiao with fighting intent:

I know that you and the higher-ups in Liyue have strong opinions on me. Why don't we take this opportunity to resolve the grievances between us?

Well, since you want to be beaten, I won't be polite.

Seeing that Dadalia could no longer suppress her fighting spirit, Han Xiao sighed deeply.

Since the other party is so stubborn, he will let Dadalia have a taste of what it means to have a fist as big as a sandbag today.


On a high mountain near the outskirts of Lisha, Zhongli and Mandrill were standing on the top of the mountain, watching the battle below.

... Han Xiao was a bit harsh.

When he saw Han Xiao hit Dadalia hard on the chin with an uppercut, knocking the opponent into the air and continuing to deal damage, Zhongli couldn't help but clicked his tongue, feeling a little unbearable.

It's not that our Uncle Zhongli's mother's heart burst out, it's mainly because Dadalia's act of releasing Ossel was his tacit approval.

As a result, the other party was beaten up by Han Xiao because of this, and Zhongli felt a little bit regretful.

After all, if Hanxiao continues to fight like this, Dadalia will probably have to lie in bed for at least half a month.

Emperor, Dadalia has caused harm to Liyue after all. I think Han Xiao handled it well.

Mandrill on the side was very satisfied with Han Xiao's fierce attack.

Anyone who dares to attack Liyue should be severely beaten.

Although this matter really matters, Zhongli may also bear some responsibility, but as a brainless fan of the emperor, how could our Demon-Conquering Great Sage think that the emperor was at fault.


Hearing Mandrill's double standard view, Zhongli suddenly laughed and shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, Dadalia is just an outsider, so let's just fight him. Let's find an opportunity to compensate the other party in the future.

As a result, Zhongli and Mandrill stood on the top of the mountain and watched the entire process of Han Xiao beating Dadalia.

True, only Dadalia's injured world achievement is achieved.


About two hours later, a refreshed Han Xiao walked out of the valley full of potholes.

Not far behind him, Dadalia was lying in a pit about one meter deep with a purple complexion and swollen body. The Winter Pole White Star, which was almost an artifact next to him, was also broken into two pieces.

Hiss... I really suffered a big loss this time.

In the deep pit, Dadalia, unable to move, looked at the blue sky and felt the pain throughout his body. For the first time, he felt that his previous decision was a little too impulsive.

Didn't the intelligence confirm that Han Xiao was just an ordinary person without the eyes of God before he became Tianshu Star?

Thinking that his dynamic vision could not catch up with the speed of the opponent's figure before, Dadalia couldn't help but feel ridiculous.

Why does the physical fitness of a person who has obtained the Eye of God in less than a year become so terrible, while others have not improved so much!

Who else can tell him why Han Xiao can break his own Dongji White Star with his bare hands?

That is the top weapon in the Teyvat continent!

This is too unreasonable!

When he remembered that the duel just now was not a fierce fight between the two sides at all, but that he was beaten unilaterally by Han Xiao, Dadalia, who was lying in the pit unable to move, could only doubt his life.


[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: Cruel, Han Xiao, you are too cruel!

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Indeed, the fish sellers are not as cruel as you. Dada Duck is simply a tragedy.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Yuanxiao, is the physical bonus given to you by the flower of your heart so terrifying?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Now you finally know why Flower of Heart is considered the most advanced cultivation method here.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: As long as the ability is bred by the flower of the heart, it almost ignores the threshold and is a complete conceptual bonus.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: I fully understand what Xi Xiao said. After being nourished by several power systems in the world, my physique has been constantly improving, and has long surpassed the limits of ordinary humans.

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