Looking at Yingmei who was chatting happily with Keqing, Han Xiao immediately laughed maliciously.

Chapter 283 Han Xiao: I want to put an end to the lady

Big gift?

Zhongli was a little confused. Although Han Xiao's imitation Heart of God was weaker than the original Heart of God in some places, it was still a rare treasure.

It's not like his character to be so simple and ready to hand over this fake Heart of God to fools.

After all, he was well aware of how petty this unfortunate child was.

Isn't there an old saying in Liyue that if you don't want to give up your child (shoes), you won't be able to trap the wolf.

The Fools are not only causing trouble with Osel this time, they also lure Bashi to the sea near Guiliyuan in an attempt to cause damage to Guili City.

If it weren't for the backup force I left behind and the obstruction of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, the newly built Guili City would have been completely destroyed.

Thinking that Guili City was almost in ruins, the smile on Han Xiao's face became brighter, but there was no smile in her eyes.

The city he worked so hard to build was almost destroyed, how could he give up the idea of ​​revenge.

And this counterfeit God's Heart is the first step in his revenge.

So what are your plans?

Hearing Han Xiao's story, Zhongli suddenly became curious.

Mr. Zhongli, what do you think of Madam's character?

Han Xiao did not tell her plan immediately, but first asked Zhongli what he thought of the lady.

Ma'am... your personality may be a little extreme.

After thinking carefully, Zhongli gave his opinion on the lady.

As an elder who has lived for more than 6,000 years, he feels that his vision of people should be quite accurate.

Madam, or rather the former Rosalind, Zhongli also knew a little bit about some of her deeds.

The accident that year inevitably distorted the lady's character, and now she can no longer look like she was before.

In other words, the former Rosalyn has passed away with Rustan's death, and now all that remains is the executive lady who fools everyone.

If Mr. Zhongli thinks so too, then I will be even more relieved.

Seeing Zhongli commenting on the lady like this, Han Xiao felt that there would be no problem with her plan.

He just wants to take advantage of the opponent's slightly extreme and gradually expanding mentality to complete his plan.

In the game, it is precisely because she has obtained the hearts of gods in Mondstadt and Liyue that the lady behaves so arrogantly in Inazuma.

He even dared to speak nonsense when facing General Thunder, and ultimately led to his own destruction.

Since the game has arranged a dead end for the lady, Han Xiao thinks that as long as she pushes her a little bit from behind, the other party will take the same path as in the game.

Moreover, even if the plan does not succeed, he still has a backup plan.

After all, buried in the heart of the counterfeit god is a high-tech remote control timing device that he bought from the chat group mall.

It seems that you have made up your mind, then I will wait to see what your gift is.

Although Zhongli didn't know the specific details of Han Xiao's plan, he believed that with how narrow-minded this unfortunate child was, the lady who planned a ruthless attack on Guilicheng this time was probably going to send it.

However, the warrior god Morax has never been a soft-hearted person.

The lady dared to lure the devil's family to Guili and originally planned to attack Guili City. Han Xiao would naturally choose to support her if she wanted to take revenge and go back.

It doesn't matter even if this unlucky kid of his own is planning to kill the other person.

Hmm... In the next two days, go treat that drunkard Wendy to some Liyue's specialty wine, and then have a little chat.

Soon, Zhongli mentally prepared himself for Han Xiao.


As time went by, the ceremony of sending immortals came to an end successfully.

After chatting with Keqing, Ying also noticed Han Xiao and Zhong Li in the corner and walked towards their direction.

Hanxiao, the traveler is here to see you. I'll take my leave now.

Seeing Yingmei walking towards them, Zhongli immediately said something to Han Xiao and then turned around and walked towards the outside of Yujing Terrace.

Although the news that Morax was alive has been revealed to Ying by Han Xiao, he still doesn't want the other party to associate his identity of Zhongli with the Rock King Emperor so early.

Han Xiao, who was that just now?

Leading Paimon to Han Xiao, Ying asked curiously as she watched Zhong Li leave.

That is Mr. Zhongli, a guest from the Hall of Purity. He is responsible for this ceremony of sending immortals.

Understanding that Zhongli didn't want to be too exposed yet, Han Xiao immediately smiled and explained the other person's identity in the world, and then changed the topic:

By the way, what did Keqing say to you just now?

Hehe... Han Xiao, I will definitely scare you if I say it!

Paimon instantly became energetic and looked at Han Xiao with a proud look on his face, his tone was very harsh.

Oh, that's interesting. Let's talk about it.

Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. After Paimon said this, he really wanted to hear what Ke Qing said to Ying.

It's actually nothing.

Ying embarrassedly reached out and brushed the hair hanging behind her ears, and said softly:

From now on, all my living expenses in Liyue will be borne by the General Affairs Department. If I have any difficulties in the future, I can go to her directly.

Also, Grandma Ping seems to be planning to give me something, but she seems to have to make it temporarily, so she asked me to come to Yujing Terrace to pick it up in a few days.

I kind of know what it is.

After hearing what Ying said, Han Xiao understood what Grandma Ping planned to give to sister Ying.

Is the legendary Chengge Kettle finally going online?

Hanxiao, what exactly is Grandma Ping going to give you? Why do you think we will definitely like this gift?

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to know what the gift Grandma Ping was planning to give, Paimeng immediately flew to his side and asked repeatedly, curiosity written on his little face.

It's similar to my jade pendant.

As Han Xiao said this, she quickly took out a few random things from Yu Perry and then put them back.

It turned out to be space equipment!

Ying's eyes suddenly lit up, this was really good news.

When I left Mondstadt before, I couldn't take too many things with me, so I had no choice but to discard some items.

Now, with the space equipment, it will be much more convenient for her to travel in the future!

But while she was happy, Ying did not forget her true purpose of coming to see Han Xiao.

Han Xiao, can you tell me the address of the ruins you mentioned before? I plan to go and have a look tomorrow.

No problem, do you need me to accompany you?

No need for now, I will come to you if necessary.

After thinking about it seriously, Ying decided that she didn't need Han Xiao's company for the time being. She was just a relic. She had been through a lot in Mondstadt.

Chapter 284: The emperor is not dead, so do we still have a funeral?

As the ceremony of sending immortals came to an end, the people of Liyue Port could only accept the fact that Emperor Yan Wang had passed away, no matter how unwilling they were to believe it.

The next day, inside the General Affairs Department.

Seven Stars are gathering together for a meeting.

“I really didn’t expect that we would have so many meetings together during this period.”

After everyone arrived, Yao Guang looked at several colleagues in the conference room and couldn't help but sigh.

You must know that before this, it was actually not easy for Qixing to get together for a meeting.

For example, Ningguang has always been working in Qunyu Pavilion and rarely comes to the General Affairs Department.

There is also Han Xiao, who is more concerned about the development of Guili City and only comes back to Liyue Port a handful of times.

It seems that only Yu Hengxing and them can appear frequently in the General Affairs Department.

It is really rare to have several meetings in a day like this recently.

It's just a special period, a special situation.

Ningguang replied with a smile on his face, then looked around at his colleagues and asked tentatively:

I wonder if any of you have dreamed about anything recently.

Hey, did you dream about Ningguang too? What about you?

Kaiyangxing's eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at Han Xiao and others.

What a coincidence, I dreamed about it too.

Seeing Kaiyangxing looking towards her, Han Xiao smiled and nodded to indicate that she had also dreamed.

Me too.

It seems that everyone has dreamed about it.

Tianji Yaoguang and others all agreed, and then everyone couldn't help but look at each other, with knowing smiles on their faces.

Oh no, except for one person.

Isn't this the Seven Stars Council? Why are you dreaming?

Seeing Han Xiao and the others with mysterious smiles on their faces, Ke Qing couldn't help but asked in confusion.

She didn't understand. Wasn't it just a dream? As for discussing it in a serious occasion like the Seven Stars Council?

However, Ke Qing found that as her words fell, Han Xiao Ningguang and the others turned their attention in unison.

There was a little pity in his eyes, as if he was talking about this unlucky child.

Hey, what do you mean?

Ke Qing, who was stared at by everyone, suddenly felt uneasy, and at the same time, she also realized that she seemed to have missed something.

It seems that everyone has been entrusted with dreams by the Emperor.

Withdrawing his gaze from Ke Qing, Ning Guang immediately made the matter clear.


I knew that the emperor could not be assassinated and died so easily.

It has been more than 3,700 years. It is only natural for the emperor to want to rest.

Wait...what are you going to say?

In an instant, Ke Qing jumped up from her chair, her eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

They also said that the emperor gave us all a dream before sending the immortal ceremony, telling me that the old man waiting for him was not really assassinated.

Seeing Keqing's shocked look, Han Xiao explained to her in a kind-hearted way.

The emperor gave you all a dream before sending the immortal ceremony?


Is the emperor okay?

Of course, who can assassinate the emperor?

Then why don't I know!

Thinking that Ningguang Hanxiao and the others were told the truth of the matter by the emperor himself in their dreams, but she was not, Keqing couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

Could it be that the emperor really treated me differently because of my disrespectful attitude towards immortals and gods?

I think... it's probably because Yu Hengxing is working too hard.

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