Well, you guys had a really good time.

Ying was quite speechless and covered her face with her hands. Originally, she heard that Liyue Rock God was a very steady and somewhat rigid god.

But what about the facts?

She chose to fake her death in order to retire, causing Liyue to panic.

Why are all the gods she meets so unreliable?


Two days flew by.

With the ceremony of sending immortals about to be held, the death of Emperor Yanwang was finally known to everyone, including those who had just returned from Qiaoying Village and Qingce Village.

During this period, they went from disbelief at the beginning to sadness when they had to accept the fact.

Everyone passively accepted the fact that Liyue lost the protection of the Rock God.

All in all, the atmosphere in Liyue during this period has been quite depressing.

On the day of the ceremony, Ying and Paimon walked out of the hotel early and walked along the street towards the Jade Capital Terrace.

Along the way, countless Liyue residents walked with sad expressions.

Looking at the Liyue people who were in a sad mood, Paimon quietly walked to Ying's ear and whispered:

Honestly, I always feel a little weird when I think that the 'protagonist' of this immortal ceremony is actually fine at all.

Hearing Paimon whispering in her ear, Ying did not speak, but a look of approval flashed in her eyes.

Indeed, if she looked at these sad-faced Liyue people without knowing the truth of the matter, she would definitely feel some empathy in her heart.

But since Han Xiao revealed that Emperor Yanwang had actually faked his death, when she saw these Liyue people again, she felt something strange in her heart.

Well, when it comes to shortcomings, I just want to laugh.

With a different mood than ordinary people, Ying and Paimon arrived at Yujing Terrace after a while.

As soon as she stepped into Yujing Terrace, she heard the voices of Liyue residents who had been waiting for a long time at Yujing Terrace discussing with each other.

Now that the ceremony of sending immortals has been carried out, it means that those rumors are confirmed.

Old Prince Yan...he is really...but the problem is, why haven't we caught the murderer?

Nonsense. Those who can assassinate Lord Yan are definitely not ordinary people. I don't think those suspicious characters mentioned in the gossip are reliable.

There's only one theory that I think is very likely. I've heard that the assassin is a young man who is a good official among the Fools. His name seems to be Young Master.

The designated fools have not escaped. Everyone knows that they are a group of greedy and evil guys.

Also, the demon god in the sea will not escape from Prince Yan's seal for no reason, right? Is it possible that the person who assassinated Prince Yan and released the demon god was the work of this fool called Young Master?

It makes sense, it makes sense, everything connects!

It must have been done by the Fools. Master Ningguang seems to have been causing trouble for the Fools' diplomats in the past two days. It must be for this reason!

No more talking. It seems that the Qianyan Army over there is going to issue an announcement. Let's listen to what the General Affairs Department has to say first!

Ying, let's go and listen too!

Seeing that the residents of Liyue were all converging in the direction where Qianyan's army came out, Paimon also turned his head and said to Ying.


Ying nodded. Although the speculations of the residents of Liyue sounded quite interesting, she still wanted to go and hear Han Xiao's plan to announce the 'official conclusion' of this matter first.

In front of the circular arch of Yujing Terrace, Qianyan Military Instructor Fengyan glanced at the Liyue residents gathered in front of him, and immediately read aloud the announcement issued by Qixing:

Send the Seven Star Official Announcement!

Everyone needs to know: Although the soaring dragon and the flying Lin live longer than the mountains, they will eventually turn into ashes. In the immortal book of the emperor, his fate is the same as the sun and the moon. However, sometimes it is cloudy and sunny, which coincides with the thunder disaster. There are various rumors in the streets and alleys that the emperor was assassinated. Not authentic.

The emperor suffered a catastrophe and his soul returned to heaven. Therefore, I tell Liyue publicly and pray for the people's condolences to avoid being heartbroken. Also, don't listen to the rumors and make unreasonable assumptions.

Good guy!

After hearing the official conclusion released by Qian Yanjun, Ying couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

It's okay for Emperor Yanwang to die from the thunder catastrophe. It is indeed the so-called 'official conclusion'.

Chapter 282: Gifting Ceremony to Immortals (Part 2)

I always feel something is not right. Why did I give up on tracking down the murderer so quickly? And this reason... feels like it was just thought up on the spur of the moment.

When Feng Yan, the instructor of Qianyan Army, left, Paimeng immediately came to Ying's side and whispered her doubts.

Has Han Xiao already told Qixing that Prince Yan is not dead?

Probably not.

Ying shook her head and felt that Paimon's guess was not correct, and then expressed her thoughts.

I think it should be because I saw that the incident was perfectly resolved, and Emperor Yan personally told Qixing the truth that he was not dead.

That makes sense.

After hearing Ying's guess, Paimon couldn't help but nod his little head with his hands folded.

The ceremony of sending immortals should have started for some time, so we'd better go over and take a look first.


Then, the two walked along the arch into the wide square of Yujing Terrace.

At this time, Yujingtai Square was already crowded with people from Liyue who came to participate in the immortal ceremony. Each of them had a sad look on their face.

In the center of the square, Ningguang stood in the middle and kept talking, while Keqing and Ganyu stood on either side behind her.

Ying squeezed in through the gaps in the crowd, and after a lot of hard work, she finally squeezed into the front row. Then she heard Ning Guang's slightly sad voice.

...As just said, the emperor's soul returning to heaven is the severance of the [contract] and the end of an era.

Hearing the words contract was severed, Gan Yu, who was behind Ning Guang, couldn't help but have a different emotion flash in his eyes.

Now that even the emperor who signed a contract with her to protect Liyue Port has passed away, does she really have a place in this city?

Different from the sadness in Gan Yu's heart, many people in the crowd began to sigh at Ning Guang's words.

A contract of 3,700 years, it will turn into ashes when burned...

The long dream of the land of gods lasts forever.

After waking up from a dream, people learn to say goodbye.

Perhaps because he heard that the Liyue people seemed unwilling to wake up from their dreams, Ningguang fell silent for a moment and then chose to use facts to break through their last thoughts.

Then, she looked around hopefully at the people around her and asked expectantly:

After the [Contract] is reestablished, will you... bless the next era?

As Ning Guang's tone became increasingly high-pitched, the people present lowered their heads and clasped their hands together in a prayer gesture.

It's like praying for the coming new era.

Then, this is the end of Lord Tianquan's speech...

With a slightly complicated mood, Gan Yu turned to look at Ke Qing and asked:

Master Yuheng, is there anything else you want to say?

Taking his eyes away from Gan Yu, Keqing quickly turned his gaze to the crowd and found Ying and Paimon, then walked towards them:


The next moment, the people who were participating in the immortal ceremony all looked at Ying, and at the same time they couldn't help but whisper.

Is that the traveler who is rumored to have defeated the ancient gods with the Seven Stars?

So young.

Coming to Ying's side, Keqing said very politely:

Thank you for your help this time. If you need help in the future, you can always inform us. The Seven Stars of Liyue will repay their kindness.

While Yingmei was talking to Keqing and the others, Han Xiao and Zhongli were standing in a remote corner of Yujing Terrace, watching everything that was happening in front of them.

Mr. Zhongli, are you satisfied with Ningguang's performance?

very nice.

After carefully recalling all the responses of Qixing after Osel broke the seal, Zhongli nodded slightly, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

You all responded very well. I feel relieved to leave Liyue to you.

It's just that the tribulation failed, hahaha... you can't think of this reason.

Zhongli shook his head in amusement.

Really, I don’t know how to make up a better reason. Is he the kind of person who will be struck to death by lightning?

I always feel that you are much more relaxed and you like to joke more.

Haha... I will naturally feel a lot more relaxed after I have relieved myself of the burden of more than 3,700 years.

As he spoke, Zhongli's tone became more cheerful, and a smile appeared on his face.

After more than 3,700 years, I can finally take a good rest.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhongli, I revealed your identity to you. It shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Of course not.

After hearing Han Xiao reveal his identity to Ying, Zhongli said nonchalantly:

Last night, I gave Ningguang and the others a dream that hinted at the fact that the Rock King is still alive. It doesn't matter if one more person knows my identity.

Suddenly, Zhongli seemed to remember something, and sighed helplessly:

It's strange to say, obviously my entrusting Meng to Ningguang and the others went very smoothly, but when I encountered Yu Hengxing and Gan Yu, the spell always failed.

It seems that even I will become rusty if I don't use my abilities for a long time.

Uh... I guess this probably has nothing to do with your magic.

Hearing Zhongli's sigh, Han Xiao subconsciously glanced at Ke Qing and Gan Yu in the center of Yujing Terrace, and couldn't help but make a comment in her heart.

The failure of Zhongli's spells is really not a problem of his lack of skills. In fact, of the two masters, one is always 996, and the other is directly 007.

They are all ruthless people.

That's something I didn't think about.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Zhong Li remembered the work attitudes of Ke Qing and Gan Yu, and immediately understood that he had been careless before.

Forget it, I'll make up for it when I get the chance later.

For Ke Qing and Gan Yu, two ruthless people who rarely slept, Zhongli could only put the matter aside for the time being and turned to Han Xiao to ask about the business.

I heard a lot of rumors on the way here. It seems that you have thrown all the blame on the fools?

Who makes them the perfect target to dump the blame?

Han Xiao shrugged, not feeling anything wrong at all about throwing the blame on all the fools.

After all, when facing Osel, the Fools did indeed board the Qunyu Pavilion to try to cause trouble for them.

Just from this, he didn't have any psychological burden.

I heard that Ningguang is clinging to this matter on the diplomatic battlefield. It seems that you are determined to bite off a piece of flesh from the fools.

If you do something wrong, you have to bear it. It's fair.

With that said, Han Xiao took out her imitation Heart of God from Yu Perry, and then said to Zhongli:

Mr. Zhongli, next I may pass this imitation to the fools as the real thing. Are you sure this imitation can really deceive the executive?

Huh? Yes, yes, but why?

Zhong Li felt confused and looked at Han Xiao with confusion.

He didn't quite understand why the good-natured Han Xiao suddenly decided to hand over the Heart of God to the Fools.

Even if what is handed over is an imitation.

Of course I plan to give the Fools a 'big gift'.

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