Seeing that Ke Qing's mood dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, Yao Guang on the side quickly spoke to comfort him:

You seem to have been working all night before delivering the ceremony...

Although Yao Guang didn't finish what he said, the meaning was already clear.

To dream to dream, as the name suggests, you must be asleep to dream.

The reason why Keqing did not receive a dream from the emperor was entirely because she worked all night long during this period and did not go to sleep at all.

Was it because of myself?

After hearing Yaoguang's explanation, Ke Qing fell down on the chair with a thud. The purple cat's head was lowered, looking extremely disappointed, and it almost made the cat cry.

Outsiders may think that Keqing is quite disrespectful to the emperor, but those present are Qixing, and they naturally know that Keqing actually respects the emperor very much in private.

Again, except for a few characters in Liyue, the rest are all emperor fans and twisted fans.

Ahem... let's have a meeting first. By the way, Ke Qing, remember to bring this news to Gan Yu after the meeting is over.

Seeing that the meeting was about to stall before it even started, Ningguang coughed quickly and tried to turn everyone's attention back to the meeting.

At the same time, she did not forget to tell Keqing to tell Gan Yu that the emperor was okay.

After all, Gan Yu had been working overtime with Keqing all night long, so the other party probably didn't know the news either.

After giving the warning, Ningguang talked about the main topic of this meeting:

Everyone knows the current situation. Since the emperor is fine, how should we deal with the Immortal Ancestor Fa Shen of Yiyan Palace?

Due to the emperor's dream, the senior management of Qixing now knows the truth that the old man is actually fine, so Ningguang is now very worried about how to deal with the immortal ancestor's slough in Yiyan Palace.

If it is not dealt with, the people of Liyue will be watching, and rumors will definitely spread by then.

But if you bury it according to the rules, it will always feel like you are in the old man's house, Prince Curse Rock.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of Qixing present looked a little strange.

It sounds awkward to hold a living funeral for the still-living emperor.

For a moment, no one spoke to answer Ning Guang's question.

I don’t know how long the silence lasted, but Han Xiao suddenly spoke and broke the silence in the conference room.

After all, we have to consider the public opinion of Liyue residents, so let's continue according to the original process. The emperor will not blame me for this trivial matter.

Hearing Han Xiao's words, several Seven Stars present couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

In their opinion, the relationship between Han Xiao and the emperor is closer than their seven stars combined, and he is also the disciple of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

Now that Han Xiao has made a guarantee, they finally don't have to worry about the Immortal making trouble.

Then the emperor and his old man's immortal ancestor's transformation should be left to Mr. Zhongli, the guest at the Hall of Rebirth.

In the end, Ningguang made the final decision and decided that Zhongli should accept the matter.

After all, the other party handled the previous ceremony of sending immortals perfectly, so that even the immortal family could not fault it.

Just as Ningguang Hanxiao and the others were discussing how to bury the emperor's immortal ancestor, Hutao was running rapidly from Wuwangpo towards Liyue Port, cursing as he ran:

Asshole! Asshole! No one came to inform this hall master about such a big thing.

Chapter 285 Early Morning Funeral

Hu Tao's heart at this time can be described in one word, that is, heart is like blood.

Because she felt that she had been tricked by Zhongli.

Hutao originally planned to stay in Liyue Port until the Immortal Invitation Ceremony and then set off to Wuwangpo to check out the border between life and death.

After all, the Rebirth Hall has been responsible for maintaining the balance between life and death from its inception until now. As the current leader of the hall, she naturally has to shoulder this responsibility.

But what's the result?

She hadn't stayed in Liyue Port for a few days when Zhongli suddenly told her that someone had noticed something strange at the boundary between life and death.

In order to prevent the balance between life and death from being broken, Hutao immediately set off from Liyue Port to Wuwangpo.

However, it was only after she arrived at Wuwangpo that she learned that any abnormality at the border simply meant that there was no trace!

Hu Tao, who had made a wasted trip, simply ignored the mistake and directly inspected the boundary between life and death and strengthened the seal at the intersection of the two worlds.

When she came out of the border area, she received shocking news from Lao Meng without any precautions. Prince Yan was actually assassinated and passed away during the ceremony to invite the immortal!

At first, Hutao, who heard the news, felt sad for losing the emperor like most people in Liyue.

But soon, she thought of a very important thing. Since the emperor passed away, Liyue Qixing must hold a ceremony to send immortals, so Qixing will definitely leave the affairs of the ceremony to send immortals to their Rebirth Hall.

Whoever asked the whole of Liyue to take them to the Rebirth Hall is the leading company in the funeral industry.

However, Hutao hadn't been happy for long before Lao Meng's words were like a basin of cold water poured on her head.

Qixing did hand over the handling of the ceremony of sending immortals to the Palace of Heavenly Life, but it was not she who took over but the guest Qing Zhongli.

Hearing the news, Hu Tao felt bad.

This is a big business that is rare in thousands of years, and she missed it like this!

And it was also caused by false rumors that Zhongli had heard from somewhere before!

When he thought of this, Hu Tao wanted to take Humo and stab Zhongli hard several times.

The frustration of not holding the ceremony to send immortals by myself is even more uncomfortable than losing a hundred million molas.

Ever since, there was the scene where we saw Hutao desperately rushing to Liyue Port.

She couldn't make it in time for the ceremony of sending the immortals, but she definitely couldn't miss the burial ceremony of the Emperor and Immortal Ancestor Fashe.

Although Hu Tao had good intentions, unfortunately the reality was not as she wished.

In order to give himself a decent funeral and to avoid Hu Tao from messing around, Zhongli decided on an auspicious date for his burial early.


The next day, early morning.

It's still dark, the sun is still hidden below the horizon, and a light drizzle falls on Liyue Harbor, seeming to reflect the sad atmosphere of Liyue people.

At this time, both sides of Yiyan Hall were already crowded with people who had been waiting for a long time. Everyone stood there wearing their most solemn clothes with sad faces.

With the whimpering sound of the trumpet, the door of Yiyan Palace was slowly pushed open, and Zhongli, who was presiding over the funeral, walked out first.

Followed by the Qixing led by Han Xiao Ningguang, they crossed the threshold of Yiyan Palace and followed Zhongli.


The next moment, a series of musical instruments such as gongs, drums, and suonas began to play, and firecrackers also sounded.

Obviously the whole scene is quite lively, but in today's atmosphere, even the lively music and the sound of firecrackers cannot wash away the sadness in the hearts of Liyue people.

As the honor guard of the Rebirth Hall walked out of the Yiyan Hall, the special longevity coffin containing the emperor's immortal ancestor's dharma shed also appeared in front of everyone.

Soon, the funeral procession formed a long black dragon, heading towards the geomantic treasure land that Zhongli had decided on before.

There was still light rain falling in the sky, and everyone silently followed the funeral procession all the way to the Feng Shui treasure land where the emperor was about to be buried.

The clouds are condensed in the sky, the pure cold weather is steep, the cold wind is howling, the sorrow and music are low, the sky is weeping, and the earth is filled with sorrow.

On this heartbreaking day, the soul of the emperor, the most respected figure among Liyue people, passed away to heaven and left his people.

Good guy, good guy!

Looking at Zhongli, who was standing on the high platform that had been set up, saying his eulogy into the loudspeaker with a 'grievance' on his face, Han Xiao in the audience lowered his head and kept shouting in his heart!

He didn't expect Zhongli to be able to say such a long list of words to praise himself with a sad expression. This acting skill must have been something he grew up with after receiving the golden award!

At this time, there was also a big discussion in the chat group because of Han Xiao's live broadcast:

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I give full marks to my great Zhongli for his acting skills!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Isn't it...that this series of words to praise oneself makes him feel disgusting?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: It's too strong, I Han won someone!

[Locus·Hanxiao]: As expected of a strong man who buried himself with his own hands. I can't learn this operation.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I am inexplicably reminded of the classic picture of Zhongli's tomb in the previous life.JPG

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Very good, I already have the picture.

When the chat group kept praising Zhong Li for his performance that surpassed that of an actor, Han Xiao subconsciously glanced at Ning Guang and the others beside him.

Then he noticed that each of Ningguang and the others had their heads lowered like him, and the muscles around their mouths were twitching constantly.

Apparently, like Han Xiao, they were all so shaken by Zhongli's eulogy that they didn't know what expression to use to face it, so they could only lower their heads and pretend to be sad.

The auspicious time has come for burial!

On the high platform, looking at the seven stars with their heads lowered, Zhongli clearly presided over the burial ceremony in an orderly manner, but felt slightly depressed in his heart.

It's not that he regretted letting him preside over his own burial ceremony.

Zhongli was depressed that he should wait until the funeral ceremony was over before entrusting the dream to Qixing to tell them the truth that the emperor was fine.

Now Qixing all lowered their heads and looked distracted, and the sense of ceremony was suddenly reduced by half.

But now that the matter was over, Zhongli couldn't say anything more, so he could only complete the downloading ceremony according to the procedure.


As soon as the ceremony ended, Zhongli said goodbye to Qixing immediately. When he left, he was still upset that he was a little unskilled in organizing his own funeral for the first time, which caused some flaws in what should have been a perfect funeral.

If I had known earlier, I should have rehearsed it in my head several times in advance.

Han Xiao and others did not know what Zhong Li was thinking. As soon as the funeral was over, Ning Guang found Han Xiao who was about to leave.

Hanxiao, what are you going to do next, return to Licheng or come with me to find trouble for the Fools?

We should return to Licheng first. After all, Licheng also needs me to take charge of the overall situation.

Han Xiao thought for a moment and then expressed her thoughts to Ningguang.

But before returning to the city, he decided to meet someone first.

Chapter 286 Han Xiao’s first meeting with the lady

After the funeral, the first thing Han Xiao did when she returned to Liyue Port was to find the children of the Han family and ask them to bring a letter to Yekaterina of Beiguo Bank.

As soon as night fell, a fool quietly left Beiguo Bank and left Liyue Port under the cover of darkness.

Naturally, Han Xiao's actions could not be hidden from Ning Guang, who had a huge intelligence network in Liyue Port.

Early the next morning, Ningguang came to the door.

As soon as she saw Ning Guang coming to the door, Han Xiao understood the purpose of his visit.

Before Ning Guang could speak, he took the lead and said:

You came to me to ask about last night, right?


Seeing Han Xiao tell the matter straightforwardly, Ningguang couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and asked in a guessing tone:

It seems like you have your own plan?

Han Xiao nodded and expressed his thoughts quite simply:

I plan to meet and talk with the executive officer of the Fools, so that the Fools can completely evacuate from Liyue.

Is this possible?

After hearing Han Xiao's plan, Ning Guang leaned against the door frame, took out the cigarette rod from the Eye of God and took a puff, then spit out a piece of white mist, but there was a little doubt in his eyes.

It is natural to say whether she wants to drive all the fools out of Liyue.

And this time, because he had grasped the handle of the Fools, Ningguang had always wanted to achieve this goal during the negotiations.

It's just that the temporary envoy excluded by the Fools is also a difficult opponent. The opponent insisted that everything that happened before was Dadalia's personal behavior and had nothing to do with the Fools.

At the same time, to support this point, the temporary envoy of the Fools also produced evidence that members of the Fools had been helping the Liyue people in the Layer Rock Abyss.

This made it impossible for Ningguang to take this opportunity to drive away the fools.

After all, according to the information sent back by Yelan's people, the members of the Fools under the Rock Abyss did indeed bring huge help to Liyue.

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