According to the previous agreement, if you have anything to ask, just ask. As long as I know and can tell you, I can tell you.

Seeing that Han Xiao was so ready to pay the previously promised reward, Ying, who was still a little tired, immediately cheered up and asked quickly:

In that case, should I ask?

Just ask.

How much information do you know about my brother, and do you know where he is now?

Without thinking, Ying asked the news that she wanted to know most at the moment.

Although he had learned some things about his brother from Han Xiao before, he had never met the real person after all.

So taking this opportunity, she wanted to get Kong's whereabouts from Han Xiao.

Kong Mo, I don't know where he is now.

When Han Xiao said that she didn't know where Kong was currently, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Ying's face.

But... there is one thing I think you will definitely be interested in.

However, as Han Xiao changed the subject, hope immediately rekindled in her eyes.

Chapter 280: Prepare to block my brother’s screen

What's going on?

After hearing Han Xiao say that she would definitely be interested in what he was talking about, Ying immediately asked curiously.

She really wanted to hear what it was that made Han Xiao think she would be very interested.

This starts with something I discovered a long time ago.

Han Xiao leaned against the wall, folded her hands on her chest, and said in a faint tone:

When I led the people to build Guili City in Guiliyuan, I sent the Qianyan Army to wipe out the treasure thieves in Liyue.

No wonder we rarely see the treasure thieves group since we came to Liyue!

When he heard that Han Xiao had sent soldiers to wipe out the treasure thief group, Paimeng on the side suddenly realized and patted his head.

She said that after coming to Liyue, she and Ying rarely encountered people from the treasure stealing group, and it turned out that Han Xiao was responsible for it.

Paimon, don't interrupt yet, listen to Han Xiao!

Seeing Han Xiao's words being interrupted by Paimon, Ying immediately glared at him.

Really, this little thing doesn't know how to look at the atmosphere.

Oh, okay.

Paimon stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, then flew to Ying's side and waited for Han Xiao to continue.

Ahem... let me think about what I said?

Eradicate the treasure thief group.

Oh yes, it's about wiping out the treasure thief group.

Han Xiao reorganized her words and continued:

But the good times didn't last long. Not long after you arrived in Guili City, someone told me that the treasure stealing group's activities in Liyue became rampant again.

It seems that the arrest of the leader of Mondstadt, Strange Bird, caused a large number of members of the treasure stealing group to pour into Liyue.

Strange bird...

Ying and Paimon glanced at each other subconsciously. Unexpectedly, they heard a familiar name from Han Xiao's mouth.

The sudden rampage in Liyue's treasure-stealing group's activities was actually due to them.

Han Xiao didn't notice Ying and Paimon's little actions, and continued along the lines of thought he had organized:

After learning about this situation, I sent the Qianyan Army to clear it out. That is to say, during the process of clearing it out, I learned a piece of news.

The members of these treasure stealing groups came to Liyue, on the one hand, because the leader from Mondstadt was arrested, and on the other hand, they discovered a ruins in Liyue that had never been discovered before.


Ying raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but raise her own questions. She had a vague hunch that this ruins might be the key to finding Kong's whereabouts.

Yes, a ruin that is secretly and closely guarded by the Abyss Order.


When she heard Han Xiao say that the ruins were guarded by the Abyss Cult, Ying's eyes immediately lit up, and she knew that her sixth sense was correct.

Honestly, contact with the abyss is very dangerous, but with the thinking of the treasure thief group, they will only think that there are treasures in the ruins.

So they formulated a plan to send a group of cannon fodder to draw away the Abyss Order's troops, and then rely on only one of the most elite experts to go deep into the ruins, collect the treasure, and escape.

To do this, they invited a big treasure thief from Fontaine.

The Great Thief of Treasures sounds like a very impressive title.

After hearing this, Paimon couldn't help but comment.

Well, the so-called great treasure thief's status in the hearts of the treasure thief group should be equivalent to the status of the great adventurer in the hearts of adventurers.

Han Xiao smiled and explained the so-called big robber family, and then continued:

However, because I suddenly sent people to clean up, the troops of the Abyss Religion and the members of the treasure stealing group stationed outside the ruins were all dealt with.

It's just that the big robber Bao family had already entered the ruins before we cleared it.

Through interrogating the prisoners, I learned from the Abyss Mage what plans their prince was preparing in the ruins.

Saying that, Han Xiao shrugged at Ying, showing a helpless expression.

Originally, I planned to personally lead a team into the ruins to investigate, but you all know what happened during this period. Liyue, which has suffered a huge change, simply cannot spare the time to investigate what the Abyss Cult plans to use the ruins for.

I understand what you mean.

Ying understood Han Xiao's remarks very well.

She had seen everything that happened in Liyue during this period. Whether it was the assassination of Emperor Yan or the attack of Osel, every one of them was a major event that could threaten Liyue's safety.

It is normal for Han Xiao to be unable to spare the time and manpower to deal with the affairs of the Abyss Order.

However, the news was indeed as promised by the other party, and she did become quite interested in this matter.

After all, this matter is related to the abyss, and Han Xiao also learned from the captives that the prince of the abyss, his brother, planned to cause trouble in the ruins.

It seems that as long as you stay near the ruins, you really have a high chance of encountering Sora.

Thinking of this, Ying said very simply:

Leave this matter to me to investigate!

Thank you so much!

Seeing that Ying happily accepted the commission, Han Xiao took out her right hand and put it on her chest before saluting him. At the same time, she did not forget to ask:

Besides this matter, is there anything else you want to ask?

Let me think about it, is it true that you promised to forgive my mortgage and car loans?

Ying glanced at Han Xiao with some embarrassment, then quickly shifted her gaze and asked in a low voice.

She is still burdened with a large amount of debt, and it would be great if some of it could be reduced.

of course it's true.

Han Xiao nodded without hesitation. Ying had already started to have a lot of interactions with Liyue and got to know a lot of people.

And based on Ying's performance in the battle with Osel, Ningguang will definitely find a way to win over the opponent.

With Ning Guang, a master who understands people's hearts, Han Xiao believes that as time goes by, Liyue will gradually gain more weight in Ying Mei's heart.

I have one last question.

After learning that her mortgage and car loan had been successfully exempted, Ying felt a little happy for a while, and then asked the doubts she had buried in her heart for a long time.

what is the problem?

That's it...Did Emperor Yan Wang really die after being assassinated?

After thinking seriously for a long time, Ying decided to ask this question.

Because afterwards she discovered that all this happened seemed to be a coincidence, and Yan Shen was inexplicably assassinated during the ceremony of inviting immortals.

Moreover, when they were chasing Dadalia, there were some conversations between the two, and Ying also heard that the other party's attitude towards the assassination of the rock god was a bit strange.

Especially Dadalia's words: Since this is the idea of ​​the Rock King, then I will awaken the sleeping demon god of Lord Guyun as he wishes. 】

This made Ying have to doubt the assassination of Iwagami.

Chapter 281: Gifting Ceremony to Immortals (Part 1)


Upon hearing that Ying suspected that Emperor Yan Wang was not dead, Han Xiao immediately put her right index finger in front of her mouth and made a silent gesture.

Then he walked to the office door, opened it, stuck his head out, looked around, and then closed the door tightly after finding no one around.

Then he leaned against the door panel and said meaningfully to each other:

You can go to Guili City to visit when you have time. Recently, a bard came to Mondstadt to meet old friends.

Although Han Xiao's words were vague, Ying and Paimon still understood the meaning of each other's words.

Oh my God!

Paimon couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hands, his big eyes full of surprise.

Emperor Yanwang is not dead?

Unlike Paimon who was shocked, Ying on the side actually showed an expression that was true.

She knew that the assassination of Emperor Yanwang was not that simple.

But why is this, Han Xiao?

After the shock, Paimon also quickly asked in a low voice why the Rock King had staged a 'farce' of pretending to die during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

Leaning against the door of the office, Han Xiao sighed softly and asked:

Do you know how many years Prince Yan has protected Liyue?

Hearing this, Ying and Paimon shook their heads at the same time.

After more than 3,700 years, even a god would feel tired.

So the King of Rocks planned to retire and caused such a fake death incident?


Han Xiao nodded and continued:

Although the emperor plans to retire, he doesn't know whether the people of Liyue can support the whole of Liyue after leaving the protection of the gods, so he planned all this.

Then about Osel...

Hearing what Han Xiao said, the corners of Ying's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and she asked in a rather difficult tone:

Could it also be the work of Emperor Yanwang?

Indeed, Osel is the last test that the emperor gives to the people of Liyue.

So Dadalia has actually been plotted by you a long time ago?

Thinking of what Dadalia had said before when she released Bai Wu Tao Lu, she didn't know what to say.

It's really sad that the other party has been controlled by the Rock King from the beginning to the end.

Then do Ningguang and the others know about this?

After finally digesting the news that Emperor Yan Wang had faked his death, Ying suddenly thought of Ning Guang and others, and immediately asked Han Xiao curiously.

Among the Seven Stars, I am the only one who knows this.

Han Xiao shrugged and said matter-of-factly:

I have said that this is a test. If we knew in advance that Lord Yan was not dead, how could we see clearly what Ningguang and the others were thinking in this desperate situation.

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