Unlike the lady who felt regretful, the faces of intelligence officers from other countries were full of shock.

Liyue actually has weapons that are enough to repel the devil, and they seem to be mass-produced.

They originally thought that the rock god Morax was suddenly assassinated and died, and they could use this information to allow their country to seize some of the benefits from Liyue.

Now, as luck would have it, two bombs were fired from Liyue's side, and all the intelligence personnel felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads.

My heart is cold, my heart is flying...I can't feel it anymore.

All the previous information was invalidated, and now there was only one sentence written on the information they sent back to the country, that is, Liyue, who had lost the protection of the demon god, still had the strength to repel the demon god and must not be an enemy.

At the same time, all the intelligence personnel began to frantically search for all clues, just to find the source of the weapons Liyue used to repel Osel.

Ever since, when the intelligence personnel discovered that Liyue's newly appointed Tianshu Xing was a talented blasting master and had been taught by the legendary witch Alice, Han Xiao's previous joke on Ning Guang and the others came to an end. Success was achieved.

He's really famous, and he's famous.

All high-level officials in the entire Teyvat continent knew that Liyue had a blasting genius who was comparable to the legendary Alice.

Osel, who exploded after two shells, chose to escape back to the seal.

Liyue is still so terrifying!

Countless high-level officials threw the intelligence documents recording the murder of Morax into the trash can, and then issued instructions for business as usual for diplomatic relations with Liyue.

While issuing the order, they also did not forget to tell the diplomatic envoys stationed in Liyue to pay close attention to the newly appointed Tianshu Star Hanxiao.

After all, they were really afraid of a being who could create a killer weapon at any time.

If they accidentally offend the other party and get hit with a cannonball, then their country will be a real pill.

There were even some radical senior officials who strongly suggested in their own meetings that their country introduce a bill banning the entry of Liyue Tianshu Star.

However, considering the diplomatic relations with Liyue, this regulation was not passed in the end.

But privately, they planned to discuss with Liyue that it would be best not to let Tianshuxing Hanxiao serve as a diplomatic ambassador to other countries in the future.

After all, they really can't stand this kind of natural disaster that is comparable to walking.


Liyue Port.

As Osel was sealed back to Guyun Pavilion, the dark clouds that had been pressing down on Liyue's sky finally dispersed, revealing a clean and transparent blue sky.

The heavy rain gradually became lighter as the dark clouds departed, and then were replaced by the warm sunshine.

The danger has been eliminated, everyone should go back.

Looking at the clearing sky, Kaiyangxing and others also showed joyful smiles on their faces, and then turned around and spoke loudly to the residents of Liyue Port who had gathered by them.

What danger happened this time?

I don't know, but the rain before was really strange.

It shouldn't be a big deal.

After hearing Qixing's notice that they could go home, the residents of Liyue Port walked towards their homes while discussing what had happened before with their friends or family members.

Well, they know the least about this crisis.

The residents of Liyue Port only knew that there was a sudden and strange heavy rain, and then Qixing asked Qianyan Army soldiers to arrange for them to move to a temporary greenhouse outside the city.

Just when they felt uneasy, two dazzling white lights flashed in the sky and there was a deafening sound.

The next day it cleared up and Qixing asked them to go home.

This coming and going has left the residents of Liyue Port, Monk Zhanger, confused.

They could only vaguely feel that there might have been some danger in Liyue just now, but the specific danger was not clear.

I didn't expect that Tianshu Star and the others would really succeed.

Looking at the residents of Liyue Port returning to the city under the escort of Qianyan Army soldiers, Tianxuanxing couldn't help but let out a sigh.

He had received intelligence from the front that the whirlpool demon Osaier had escaped from Lord Guyun's seal. He thought he would really abandon Liyue Port completely this time.

But the result was beyond his expectation. With the two white lights shining, the sky in Liyue returned to its former appearance.

Isn't this pretty good? I'm afraid other countries won't dare to underestimate us, Liyue.

Compared to Tianxuanxing's sigh, Kaiyangxing was actually quite happy.

Although he still doesn't know the specifics of what happened, it can be seen from the weather conditions that Tianshu Star and the others must have repelled the Demon God of the Whirlpool.

This is really good news for Liyue right now.

After all, now that Prince Yan suddenly met with misfortune, Liyue suddenly lost the protection of the gods.

Without the protection of gods, it is not good news in the continent of Teyvat.

This is especially true for a rich country like Liyue. The other countries will naturally focus on this piece of fat and tender meat, intending to take a big bite.

It's okay now, no matter what means Tianshu Star and the others used to repel Osel, the whirlpool demon.

At least they can prove to other countries that even if Liyue loses the protection of Lord Yan, they can still defeat the demon.

I guess there are definitely countries that are modifying the actions they were just about to implement.

Hearing Kai Yangxing's words, Yao Guang on the side also echoed, and then the two of them looked at each other with a strange smile on their lips.


Return to the city.

As the heavy rain stopped, Xingqiu, who was standing on the balcony on the top floor of Kuixing Tower, also smiled. Then he pressed the button in his hand again, and the energy shield covering the entire city gradually disappeared.

An unprecedented crisis was finally overcome safely.

It can be said that in the entire Liyue, the residents of Guili City were the calmest, because they didn't even understand what happened before the matter was settled.

Therefore, they were more interested in the energy shield that suddenly rose on Guili City, thinking that it was another new thing invented by Master Han Xiao.

And on the other side.

On the top of the mountain closest to Guyun Pavilion in Gui Liyuan, Abedo was leading the soldiers to disassemble the special version of Gui Liyuan's final machine.

Every soldier had an excited smile on their face. After all, what they had done today was enough for them to brag about for the rest of their lives.

Mandrill was found and helped away from the mountain by the Three Immortals Liuyun, Qunyu Pavilion slowly flew from Guyun Pavilion to Liyue Port, and Zhongli stood under the eaves and stared at the sky.

Everything is so ordinary.

At this point, an unprecedented crisis has completely come to an end.

Chapter 279 Han Xiao prepares for revenge after the war

This is the general story of what happened, Han Xiao.

I see, you were attacked by Bashi, but were blocked at sea by the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

In the General Affairs Department, Han Xiao, who had just come down from Qun Yu Pavilion, was talking to Xing Qiu on the phone, and he also learned from the other party what happened in Guilicheng during this time.

It turned out that at the same time that Osel broke the seal, Guili City was also attacked by Bashi.

Fortunately, Mandrill intercepted it in time so that Guili City did not receive any attacks, and even the energy shield did not suffer any damage.

At present, everything is fine in Guili City, and most people don't even know what happened.

I almost forgot, there is something I need to tell you.

After reporting what happened during this period to Han Xiao, Xingqiu whispered the news he had received into the Dudu communication device he borrowed from Abedo.

According to the news from Zhiyi, they discovered that there were fishermen on the path where Bashi appeared and found traces of Yu Fang going out to sea.

You are all fools, I understand.

Hearing Xingqiu say Yu Renzhong's name, Han Xiao was quite calm and didn't look surprised at all.

Thinking about it, all the fools dared to come out and cause trouble openly while they were dealing with Osel, so the mere act of luring Ba Shu to Guili City was nothing.

I still have to trouble you to manage the affairs in the city during this period. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first.

Wait! Han Xiao... Prince Yan... really passed away?

Just when Han Xiao was about to hang up the communication, Xingqiu suddenly hesitated and asked a question he really wanted to ask.

Ever since I heard the news of Emperor Yan's assassination on the radio, private discussions in Guili City have never stopped.

However, because there is no accurate information, everyone has different opinions on the assassination of the emperor.

Some said that the emperor was assassinated by fools, some said that Prince Yan was not dead at all but was injured, and some said that this was actually fake news, etc.

In order to prevent the spread of these rumors, Xingqiu was very busy during this period, but he was actually full of doubts in his heart.

Now that he finally got in touch with Han Xiao, the person involved in the immortal ceremony, he naturally wanted to hear the true story of the matter.

As for this matter, Qixing will give the public an accurate answer in a few days.

Han Xiao did not immediately answer Xingqiu's question, but just asked him to pay attention to the subsequent announcement jointly issued by Seven Stars, and then hung up the communication.

As soon as he put down the communication device in his hand, Han Xiao, who was sitting in the office of the General Affairs Department, had a playful expression on his face.

Foolish people, arrogant people...it's really interesting.

He had roughly guessed the reason why the other party asked Bashi to attack Guili City. He probably wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the city so that he could be alone, and then snatch the Heart of God from him.

This kind of skill is something a woman can do at first glance.

After all, when the opponent was in Mondstadt, he took advantage of the relative chaos in the city and found the opportunity when Wendy was alone and successfully obtained the Heart of God in a sneak attack.

As we all know, Han Xiao is not big-minded.

Now that he knew that the lady dared to lure Bashi to Guili City just to cause chaos and win the heart of God, he was also ready to find an opportunity to teach him a lesson.


Just when Han Xiao was thinking about how to take revenge on the lady, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and Ke Qing's figure appeared outside.

Hanxiao, what are you thinking about?

When she saw Han Xiao sitting in the office with a sinister smile on her lips, Ke Qing couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and her tone became a little weird.

Having known Han Xiao since she was a child, she naturally knew that this was an expression indicating that the other party wanted to plot something.

Uh, nothing, just a little thing.

Han Xiao, whose train of thought was interrupted by Ke Qing, immediately came back to his senses. He quickly waved his hand to indicate that the other party did not need to pay attention, and then asked with a serious face:

What did you come to see me for?

...Forget it, Ningguang asked me to inform you. Remember to attend the Seven Stars Meeting later to confirm the matter of sending the immortal ceremony.

Seeing that Han Xiao was not going to tell her what he was planning, Ke Qing didn't ask any more questions and directly told her the purpose of her visit.

However, I already had some guesses in my mind.

Anyway, based on her years of understanding of Han Xiao, the only thing the other party can do now is probably thinking about how to take revenge on the fools.

Okay, I get it.

After seeing off Ke Qing, Han Xiao immediately called his secretary to invite Ying over who was resting in the guest room.

After a while, Ying and Paimon appeared outside the office.

Han Xiao, are you looking for me?

She had just experienced a big battle, and her face was still a little tired. However, after hearing from her secretary that Han Xiao had something to ask her, she still dragged her tired body to the office.

Sit down first and let's talk slowly.

Han Xiao first led Ying to sit on a chair, and then saluted her solemnly.

Thank you very much for your help this time, Ying.

It's nothing. I can't stand fools either.

As Han Xiao thanked her so solemnly, Ying immediately waved her hands to indicate that the other party didn't need to be so polite.

The reason why she put in so much effort was, on the one hand, because the commission reward promised by Han Xiao was very exciting to her, and on the other hand, it was true that she could not deal with fools as she said.

You can't say that. No matter what the reason is, you helped Liyue after all.

Han Xiao shook her head and denied the other party's remarks.

In the beginning, it was indeed because of his entrustment that Ying took action to keep an eye on Dadalia, but she also played a great role in solving the troubles of the Fools during the battle of Osel.

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