I'm not radioactive...

Han Xiao rolled her eyes and couldn't help but retort.

What a joke, how can an explosion without radioactivity be called a nuclear explosion? This is 'fireworks'!

It's just that the equivalent amount is a little bit too spicy.

By the way, will Osel die?

Just when everyone was shocked by the 'fireworks' Han Xiao said, Paimon suddenly thought of Osel who was at the center of the explosion, and couldn't help but raise her doubts.

After all, from the beginning of the explosion to now, she didn't hear any sound from Osel. Could it be that he really died in Hanxiao's explosion?

Who knows the Demon God best, it is naturally the immortals present. However, after hearing Paimon's inquiry, they couldn't help but look at each other.

In the end, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun stood up under the pressure of the sight of all his old friends, and said in an uncertain tone:

The devil's power is still very strong, so Osel...should be still alive?


We'll see if he survives or not.

On the top of the mountain closest to Guyun Pavilion, listening to the whispers of the soldiers, Abedo's expression remained calm and seemed quite calm.

However, it can be seen from his right hand that is tightly clenched into a fist behind his back and still shaking, that he is actually deeply shocked in his heart.

Is this Han Xiao after studying with Aunt Alice for a period of time?

Damn it, this is a different person!

Underneath Abedo's expressionless face was a roaring heart.

Han Xiao's explosive ability was clearly within his acceptable range before, but after just a few days of hanging out with Aunt Alice, he was completely transformed!

Hanxiao, Alice and Keli.

When he thought of being surrounded by three explosion artists, Abedo felt that his eyes were dark and his future was bleak.

Mr. Albedo, Osel...the Demon God of the Whirlpool is still alive!

Just when Abedo was worried about his future, a soldier suddenly pointed forward and shouted in astonishment.

Still alive?

Hearing the soldiers' shouts, Abedo couldn't help but follow them.

Sure enough, as the mushroom cloud gradually dissipated, Osel's body reappeared in front of the world.

But at this time, Osel looked quite miserable.

Only two of the five heads that were originally exposed above the sea were now left, and the other three had long since disappeared, leaving only broken necks with bloody flesh.

In addition, the surface of his body was also in tatters, and even if the water flowed continuously to heal the wounds, it seemed to be of no avail.

Since he's not dead yet, let's do it again!

Seeing that Osel was still alive even though he was a little miserable, Abedo didn't think much and directly gave the order to launch again.

Now is not the time to worry about the future, let's get Ocell down first.


The soldiers who received the order looked at each other, swallowed involuntarily, and then mechanically repeated the previous actions.

Load, adjust the angle, watch the wind speed, and launch.

The next moment, the world became quiet again.


Ah, here we go again!

When they saw the fire light up again on the top of the mountain, everyone in the Jade Pavilion suddenly had a thought in their minds.

Then, everyone stretched out their hands to cover their ears as if they had reached an agreement. Even the immortals subconsciously used their immortal power to block their ears.

After all, the tinnitus caused by the previous explosion was really uncomfortable.

Familiar white light, familiar mushroom cloud.

When the previous scene was played out again, everyone was already calm, and they even felt a strange sympathy for Ossel in their hearts.

Chapter 277 Osel: The world is changing too fast, I don’t want to play anymore!

Unlike Han Xiao and others who were calm, Osel felt extremely aggrieved at this time.

After thousands of years, he finally waited for a small opening in the seal to allow him to escape, but as soon as he came out, he was bombarded continuously.

Osel was a little panicked at first, but when he discovered that Morax was not among the people who attacked him, he instantly became energetic.

The formation of those who attacked him was in chaos as soon as he fired his ultimate move.

Just when Osel thought he could finally take revenge on Morax's Liyue Port, a cannonball hit him solidly.

As a result, Osel enjoyed a treatment that no demon god in the Teyvat continent had.

The severe pain caused by the explosion made him vaguely recall the pain Morax suffered when he hit him with a rock gun.

However, when He paid a heavy price and finally survived the explosion, he planned to fight back.

A shell that was exactly the same as before hit him again.

The familiar pain struck again, and Osel's whole body (god) felt bad.

Damn it, after thousands of years, how come people outside have become so cruel?

I voted, I don’t want to play anymore!

After once again paying the price of a head, Osel endured the pain and got into the water and swam towards the sealed land.

Taking advantage of the opportunity before the opening in the seal had healed, he rushed in.

It's really scary outside, so He should just stay inside the seal.


When the second mushroom cloud dissipated and there was no trace of Osel on the sea, Paimon asked with some uncertainty:

Osser is gone?

Probably...not so much.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun replied a little unsurely, and then looking at the empty sea, she couldn't help but release her magical power and began to explore.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, no trace of Osel was found.

No way, is Osel really gone?

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiufeng, who couldn't find any trace of the other party, was immediately dumbfounded.

He is still alive, but has returned to the seal.

Fortunately, Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang, who had just used his immortal power to explore the sealed land, spoke out the clues he found.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, how miserable.

Osel, who originally had five heads, looked quite majestic, but now he has only the last one left, and his whole body is still in tatters.

Thinking of what he saw with his immortal power, Zhen Yue Zhu Yang Zhenjun couldn't help but feel pity for this emperor's old rival.

It's not that Osel isn't strong, it's that Han Xiao, an unlucky kid, is not a human being.

He now even suspected that if he were to receive such a blow, he would probably have to see Master Yixiao.

No wonder the emperor chose to abdicate so confidently, Qian Liyue's generation of Seven Stars has become so cruel that even the devil can be crushed to pieces!

Doesn't that mean we won?

Paimeng doesn't know the inner activities of Zhenyuezhuyang Zhenjun. She only knows that Osel has been sealed again. They seem to have won!

Yes, we won.

Hearing Paimon's uncertain tone, Han Xiao nodded with a smile, confirming her guess.


We won!

I can't believe we defeated the devil!

The next moment, all the Qianyan Army soldiers who were still able to move couldn't help but burst into bursts of excited shouts, and everyone's face was filled with ecstasy.

Thank you all the immortals for your help.

After confirming that Osel was really repelled by them, Ningguang finally let go of the big stone in his heart. He turned around and respectfully thanked Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and other immortals.

There's no need to be so flattering, we didn't put in much effort.

Regarding Ning Guang's thanks, Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun refused the other party's gratitude without even thinking about it.

After all, in this battle with Auxerre, they immortals could only save some soldiers of the Qianyan Army. It was Han Xiao and his 'fireworks' that really repelled Auxerre.

As he said that, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun glanced at Han Xiao who was standing beside him without speaking, and his tone was a little more pleased:

Han Xiao, you have lived up to the emperor's expectations, you have done a good job!

Right now, Qixing still has to complete the finishing work, so I'll take my leave first!

As soon as she finished speaking, she flew towards Guili City together with True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building Yang and True Lord Lishui Dieshan.

The problem here has been solved. They have to go and see how the battle against the Demon-Conquering Sage is going in Guili City.


Just disappear!

Following the mandrill's stabbing blow that flashed with cold light, Bashi, who was stabbed in the body, let out a mournful scream, and then quickly escaped into the sea and fled far away.

Looking at Bashi's non-stop escape behavior, Mandrill slowly took back the spear in his hand, took off the Nuo noodles and put them back to his waist, then took out a bottle of Holy Light Essence and drank it all in one breath.

After feeling that the demonic resentment in his body had been purified a lot, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that Mandrill doesn't want to continue chasing Ba Shu, it's because his body has been soaked in the demon's resentment for too long and can no longer move. If it weren't for the Holy Light Essence provided by Han Xiao, he wouldn't be able to continue fighting Ba Shu with his ultimate move. Nearly half an hour.

And the reason why he was able to successfully repel Bashi in the end was because the two white lights that flashed across the sky just now caused the opponent's aura to weaken a lot.

Dragging his exhausted body, Mandrill flew tremblingly to the nearest hilltop on the shore and sat down, feeling no nervousness at all.

If he guessed correctly, Liyue Port should have successfully re-sealed Osel, which was probably the reason for the two white lights.

After all, with the appearance of white light, Bashi's aura weakened a bit. After two attacks, Osel's power on the opponent's body basically disappeared, and then he felt defeated and chose to escape.

Looking at Guili City, which was wrapped in an energy shield in the distance, the corners of Mandrill's mouth rose slightly.

Although I'm a little tired, this feeling... isn't bad!

At least this time, he succeeded in saving the lives of all the residents of Guili City.


Hey, hey, isn't it? Real or fake?

After coming out of the underground base, he found a high ground and watched the whole process of Han Xiao and the others' battle against Osel. Dadalia felt bad.

Alas, the devil, the real devil!

What happened to that terrible bomb? Just two shots made a demon god willing to give up his freedom and return to the seal.

Isn't this really what he is dreaming about?

Tsk, Liyue will be in trouble from now on.

Unlike Dadalia, whose face was full of astonishment, the lady who also watched the entire process had a gloomy face that was almost dripping with water.

Faced with the terrifying weapon Liyue brought out, even as arrogant as she was, she didn't think she could survive the devastating blow before.

It seems that even if Morax chooses to step down from the throne, Liyue cannot continue to provoke him.

For the first time, the lady felt extremely regretful about her decision to send fools to attack Qunyu Pavilion.

Chapter 278 The crisis is over

In addition to the fools, there were also many intelligence agents from other countries lurking in Liyue Port who also witnessed with their own eyes the entire process from Ossel's escape to being sealed again.

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