The other party originally wanted to get rid of him, but found that he couldn't do it in a short time and chose to evacuate immediately.

From Dadalia's decisive decision, Ying felt that the other party must have more important things to do, so he gave up the fight with her.

It is definitely not a trivial thing to make a Fool Executive want to do something even though he knows that someone is chasing him behind him.

In this way, the two of them moved around the mountains one after another, and soon they were getting closer and closer to Jueyunjian, where Liyue people said the immortals lived.


At the same time, Zhongli, who received a communication from Han Xiao and asked him to personally handle the immortal ceremony, also said goodbye to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and others, and rode his motorcycle back to Liyue Port.

As soon as the vehicle entered Liyue Port, he was taken to Yiyan Palace by the Qianyan Army who had been waiting for a long time.

Outside the palace, Han Xiao and Qixing were waiting for Zhongli's arrival.

Chapter 266: Ying: I can’t help it, Han Xiao’s reward is too much

Mr. Zhongli.

The first time she saw Zhongli, Han Xiao came up to him.

I haven't seen you for a while, little friend Hanxiao.

Seeing Han Xiao, Zhongli nodded as a greeting, and then he looked at Qixing, who was walking towards them.

Zhongli, the guest of the Palace of Purity, has met several Seven Stars.

Hello, Mr. Zhongli.

The seven stars who followed him greeted Zhongli one after another, and then stood up under the gaze of everyone and said:

Mr. Zhongli, I think you should know why we invited you here this time.

I have heard about the emperor's murder on the radio.

Upon hearing Ning Guang's inquiry, Zhong Li immediately put on a sad expression, with a hint of deepness in his tone.

Such superb 'acting skills' made Han Xiao on the side almost burst into laughter.

There's nothing I can do about it, it's really funny to watch Zhongli 'moment' for himself.

However, the other Seven Stars didn't know the truth of the matter, so when they saw that Zhongli had learned that the emperor had passed away and showed sadness, Ningguang and the others couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the emperor was so respected by people in Liyue, even those who were used to seeing separation and death would still feel sad because of the emperor's departure.

However, this was not the time to lament these things. Ningguang sorted out his emotions and asked Zhongli solemnly:

Mr. Zhongli, I want to know if I can be sure of sending the immortal ceremony to the Rebirth Hall?

Of course there is. I still know a thing or two about the steps of the ceremony.

If you know a little bit, that's fine.

Hearing what Zhongli said, Ningguang and others immediately felt relieved.

They had also heard rumors about Zhongli from people in Liyue, and the little knowledge he said was completely different from the little knowledge ordinary people said.

As long as Zhongli shows that he knows a little bit about something, it means that he is not much worse than some people who are proficient in it, and sometimes even better.

Since Zhongli said that he knew a little bit about the process of sending immortals, it would be right to leave this matter to him.

Then please ask Mr. Zhongli to prepare the items needed for the ceremony as soon as possible. Funds are not a problem, Qixing will bear it.

Please rest assured Qixing, the Purity Hall will handle the ceremony of sending immortals properly.

Zhongli was very happy to see Ningguang's very cheerful promise that Qixing would bear all the expenses for this immortal ceremony.

At least he doesn't need to use the money from the Hall of Rebirth to organize the ceremony of sending immortals. Presumably Hall Master Hu will be less angry after learning about this.

Emmm, if you ask why Hutao is still angry, it's naturally because she was not responsible for the ceremony of sending immortals.

Senior Sister Gan Yu, please accompany Mr. Zhongli to purchase the items needed for the ceremony of sending immortals.

Seeing Ning Guang being so generous, Han Xiao's eyelids jumped, and she quickly turned her head to look at Gan Yu and gave her suggestion.

As for Uncle Zhongli's consumption concept of 'I want it all', he had to quickly arrange for someone to follow him and keep an eye on him.

Otherwise, the funds would be absolutely outrageous.


After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Gan Yu agreed with a hum, but her eyes kept staring at Zhongli, her big eyes full of doubts.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that Mr. Zhongli from the Hall of Rebirth in front of her felt inexplicably familiar.


Just when Han Xiao and the others had negotiated with Zhong Li the matters required for the immortal ceremony, the chase between Ying and Dadalia also came to an end.

The two of them ran wildly and finally stopped in the clouds. To be precise, it was Dadalia who stopped running first.

Looking up at the distant mountains shrouded in white mist, Dadalia turned to look at Ying, who was walking towards him step by step, with a helpless expression on his face.

Miss Ying, there shouldn't be any grudges between us before today, right?

As for chasing me for so long and not giving up?

I accepted Han Xiao's commission.

Faced with Dadalia's inquiry, Ying just said lightly, and then took out the edgeless sword again and held it in his hand.

Cold night?

Dadalia suddenly understood.

Before the relationship, Qian Yanjun was just a cover to lure him into action. Qixing's real purpose was to let Ying Lai catch him.

Then he looked at Ying speechlessly:

Just for a commission?

To be honest, if a commission can make a strong master do his best to complete the task, he also wants this kind of good thing.

Of course not only that, but also the lady who hurt my friend in Mondstadt.

...The lady and I are actually very difficult to deal with.

Hearing Ying's other reason, the corners of Dadalia's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Co-author: Is he taking the blame for the lady?

If you want to avenge your friend, then go find the lady. Why are you looking for me?

You are all the executive officers of the Fools, and your purpose is for the heart of God.

Yingke didn't care whether what Dadalia said and the lady didn't deal with was true or false, she only knew now that the purpose of fooling people was probably the heart of the Seven Gods.

The lady had already captured Wendy's God's Heart in Mondstadt, and now something happened to the Rock King Emperor, which made it difficult for her not to point suspicion at fools like Dadalia.

Of course, there is one most important point that Ying did not tell Dadalia.

That is, Han Xiao's entrustment fee this time is not only the news about his brother, but also a clause that reduces the home loan and car loan by 30%.

With the triple blessing of family affection, Mora, and revenge for her friends, Yingcai became so focused on this mission that she even pursued Dadalia all the way.

Heart of God, I don't deny this.

When her friend mentioned the Heart of God, Dadalia admitted it quite simply.

After all, the other party witnessed the lady taking the heart of God in Mondstadt with his own eyes, so denying it now is a bit obvious.

Before Ying could speak, he took out the glowing 100-year-old Baobao from his arms, with a smile as triumphant as his face.

But it's a pity, Miss Ying, you were still too careless.

Don't you think about why I chose to stop here?

not good!

Ying's expression changed instantly. She picked up the Wu-Edge Sword and wanted to rush forward. However, there was a loud bang and a powerful air flow suddenly burst out from the Bai Wu Tao Lu, forcing her to retreat.

In the center of the airflow, Dadalia held up the All-No-No-No taboo with one hand, and looked at Ying with a smile that said she was sure of victory.

No one can stop the fools from obtaining the heart of God.

Then, Dadalia looked at the Bai Wu Tao Lu, which was continuously injecting elemental power and emitting huge energy, and shouted:

Follow the ancient contract, there are no taboos here, please ask the immortal to show up!

Chapter 267 Dadalia, who cannot be called an immortal

As Dadalia's words fell, the Baiwu Tabu Lu, which was inspired by the elemental power, suddenly erupted into a stream of white air that shot straight into the sky.

Many white mists among the clouds that have shrouded the mountains all year round were also blown away by this airflow, forming a huge vacuum zone in the sky, which was very conspicuous.

Seeing the movement he had made, Dadalia was very satisfied. Next, he only had to wait for the immortals to arrive.

Ying, what should I do?

Looking at Dadalia who was surrounded by white air currents, Paimon stamped his little feet in the air anxiously.

Ying on the side did not speak, but tentatively thrust the edgeless sword wrapped in the wind element forward, trying to pass through the barrier formed by the white airflow around Dadalia.

However, it is a pity that the power emanating from the Bai Wu Tao Lu was very strong. As soon as the sword tip came into contact, the wind element on the blade was instantly eliminated. At the same time, a strong force was rebounded to make Ying take a few steps back.

Useless Miss Ying.

Seeing Ying constantly trying to break through the barrier formed by the white air flow, Dadalia explained to him quite kindly:

What is preserved in the Bai Wu Tao Ru is the immortal power left by the Rock King. It is quite difficult to break through its defense.

After hearing Dadalia's 'explanation', Ying's face immediately turned ugly.

It's going to be troublesome this time.

Having been in Liyue for a while, she had naturally heard the legends of immortals mentioned by Liyue people, and she also learned many true stories about immortals from Han Xiao.

The immortals in Liyue were all capable subordinates who followed Emperor Yan to fight the Demon God War, so their strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, when Liyue Port was first established, it was the immortals who maintained the safety of Liyue Port, but as time went by, they slowly lived in seclusion in the mountains.

Once the Immortals are summoned by Dadalia using the No-Forbidden Barrier, the situation will change. Faced with the fact that the emperor was assassinated, the Immortals' first thing is probably to go to Qixing to question the situation at that time.

If the communication is not smooth, one mistake will cause a confrontation between the immortals and the Seven Stars.

Then the fools will be able to take advantage of the troubled waters!

Thinking of this, Ying once again raised her sword and stabbed at the barrier formed by the white air flow. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, it was all bounced back by the barrier.

Seeing Ying who kept doing useless work but never wanted to give up, Dadalia persuaded her with kindness:

Give up, Miss Ying. I admit that your strength is stronger than what is recorded in the lady's information, but your current strength alone cannot break through the barrier of immortal power left by the King of Rocks in the Barrier of No Taboos.

Time passed by, and Ying, who had tried countless times without success, finally chose to give up. However, at this time, the expression on her face became much more relaxed, and she did not look anxious at all.

On the contrary, Dadalia's face became increasingly ugly as time went by.

Because he discovered that there was so much movement in the sky above Jueyunjian, why hadn't he seen an immortal appear until now?

It seems that the immortal did not obey your call.

Putting away the edgeless sword in her hand, Ying crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Dadalia with eyes full of smiles.

Although I don’t know why the immortal didn’t respond to Dadalia, it didn’t stop her from taunting him.

This is impossible!

Hearing Yingpo's somewhat gloating tone, Dadalia immediately mobilized the elemental power again without believing in evil.

Follow the ancient contract, there are no taboos here, please ask the immortal to show up!

One minute passed, ten minutes passed.

The vacuum zone cut by the white airflow in the sky above Jueyunjian is still very conspicuous, but no immortal figure has been seen yet.

Ask the Immortal to appear!

Ask the Immortal to appear!

Dadalia shouted angrily several times in succession, but still did not see the scene he wanted to see.

Damn it, what the hell is going on!


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