Maybe the other party stopped too suddenly. Ying, who couldn't react for a moment, saw Dadalia who was parked in front of her waiting for her arrival, and it was too late to brake.

Tsk, are so patient after chasing me all night.

Seeing her hurriedly stopping from the highway, Dadalia couldn't help but clicked her tongue, with a hint of irritation in her tone.

Originally, he had thought well that Qixing would be unable to escape and stare at him because of the emperor's transformation of the Immortal Ancestor. Yelan, who could fight against the rich, was also lured under the rock abyss by her previous cooperation with the Fools.

At the official level in Liyue Port, there should be no one who can catch up with him.

Unexpectedly, shortly after taking the opportunity to sneak out of the Northland Bank last night, Dadalia found someone following behind him.

And the pursuit lasted all night, which forced him to choose to stop, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with being chased all the time.

Foolish executors, where is the lady?

Ying calmly took out the edgeless sword and held it in his hand. The tip of the sword was pointed directly at Dadalia and asked rather rudely.

Are you looking for a lady?

Hearing that Ying's first question was to ask his colleagues, Dadalia was stunned for a moment, then stared at Ying seriously, and then reached out and patted his forehead with a stunned expression.

I know who you are. Miss, you must be the traveler that the lady met in Mondstadt before, right?

In response to Dadalia's inquiry, Ying did not answer, but tightened the edgeless sword in his hand, with a serious expression written on his little face.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Dadalia also felt a little bored, but he did not choose to take action immediately. Instead, he spread his hands in front of the other party, shrugged, and asked with a smile on his face:

I remember that the lady's name is Ying, right? So, Miss Ying, can you tell me how you know that the lady is in Liyue now?

It seems that Han Xiao's guess is correct, the lady has indeed come to Liyue quietly.

Hearing Dadalia admitting that the lady was in Liyue, Ying thought to herself that Han Xiao's guess was really accurate, but she still said with a serious expression on her face:

If you fools are still here for the heart of God in Liyue, I will not let you succeed!

Well, when I read the intelligence, I said that Madam's actions in Mondstadt were too public. Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Dadalia shook her head helplessly. The lady's actions in Mondstadt were so great that other countries knew what the Fools had done in Mondstadt, and also knew that their target was the God of the Seven Gods. heart of.

After being messed with by the lady, the actions of their other executives were really difficult to handle.


As soon as he finished speaking, a water element suddenly surged around Dadalia, and then a long bow appeared in his hand.

Turning the longbow in his hand slightly, Dadalia moved his neck left and right, and then returned his gaze to Ying, who had already taken a defensive posture:

Miss Ying, I really want to know one thing. You were easily defeated by the lady in Mondstadt before. Now where do you have the confidence to think that you alone can catch me?

Do you have the confidence? I'll catch you first!

Hearing Dadalia's slightly provocative words, Ying immediately uttered a harsh word, then kicked the ground with his right leg, and shot straight towards the opponent like a sharp arrow.


A sound of metal collision resounded on the empty Tianqiu Valley, and Dadalia was seen holding up the long bow in his hand quite easily. The metal bow body firmly held the edgeless sword that Ying was slashing at.

Miss Ying, you know how to use your tongue when talking big words.

Dadalia pushed hard with a smile on her face, and Ying felt a huge force coming from the blade, and immediately used the force to retreat several meters.

Forget it, then I will accompany you, Miss Ying, to have some fun.

Dadalia didn't take Ying's attack seriously. Instead, he slowly unbuttoned the stand-up collar around his neck and the cuffs of his hands, and adjusted his body to the most comfortable state.

He didn't think that a traveler who couldn't even beat a lady could pose much of a threat to him.

After all, among the executive officers of the Fools, although he was ranked last, that was only due to his age and the short time he had joined the Fools.

As a pure warrior, Dadalia's combat power is no less than that of some veteran executives.

Even if the woman is ranked eighth, he is confident that he can win over her.

Therefore, when she heard Ying say that she was going to catch him, Dadalia only felt funny.

While speaking, Dadalia raised his hand and pointed the long bow in his hand at Ying, and quickly pulled the bow string with his other hand.

The water element magic arrow quickly formed on the bow string, and then pierced the air and shot towards Ying.

Seeing this, Ying didn't dare to neglect. A wind element instantly wrapped around the edgeless sword, and he immediately shot away the magic arrow that was shot at him.

Whoosh whoosh——

Before she could finish her move, a series of piercing sounds were heard in the air again, and one after another water element magic arrows seemed to form a line in the air and hit her.

What a speed!

Yingxin was startled and quickly rolled forward several times on the spot, and then managed to avoid the opponent's continuous arrow attacks.

Miss Ying, if you only have this level, I'm afraid you can only use big words to catch me.

Looking at Ying who was fleeing in panic under his own bow and arrow, Dadalia quickly pulled the bowstring and said with a hint of ridicule.

Damn it, this is not the way to go.

Running quickly along the ground to avoid the attacks of arrows, Ying secretly thought something was wrong.

If the opponent continues to attack like this, sooner or later he will be shot due to lack of physical strength, and he has to find a way to get closer to the opponent.

With this thought, Ying's feet wrapped around the wind element, and her speed instantly increased by three levels. Almost in the blink of an eye, she was in front of Dadalia and jumped high.

He raised the edgeless sword with both hands and struck Dadalia hard on the head.

too naive!

Faced with Ying's sudden attack, Dadalia curled up into a sneer. The long bow in his hand disappeared in an instant. The two streams of water turned into two sharp blades and blocked the sharp blade without any bias, followed by a fierce whip kick. Kicked Ying away.

Looking at Ying who rolled on the ground several times before standing up with her hands on her waist, Dadalia walked towards her unhurriedly, saying mocking words:

I may have forgotten to tell you, Miss Ying.

I still have some experience in close combat.

Chapter 265: The young master who can’t win the bride will run away immediately

Ying, are you okay?

Seeing Ying suffer a loss, Paimon, who was hiding aside, couldn't help but fly to her side and asked anxiously.

It's okay, I'm just a little careless. Get out of here first.

Ying shook her head and signaled Paimon not to stay here any longer. It would be too dangerous if he got involved in the battle between her and Dadalia.

Then you must be careful.

Seeing Ying say this, Paimon had no choice but to fly away from her. While flying back, he couldn't help but turn around and give a warning.

Are you just a little careless?

Dadalia walked forward with a pair of swords transformed from water in her hands, a proud and conceited smile on her face.

Miss Ying, do you know why I use bow and arrow as my weapon?

That's because the bow is the weapon I'm least good at. In order to overcome my weakness of not being good at using bows, I chose bows and arrows as my weapon.

It seems you are very confident in your skills.

After hearing what Dadalia said, Ying clenched the hilt of the edgeless sword with both hands, pointing the sword tip directly at the opponent in a defensive posture.

At least it's enough to deal with you.

The smile on Dadalia's face did not diminish, and he still gave people the impression of a gentle and well-behaved young man. It was only the occasional cold and sharp look in his eyes that prevented people from forgetting that he was the most dangerous organization in Teyvat. An executive among fools.

As the words fell, Dadalia stepped forward again, and the water-flowing blades in his hands slashed at Ying in two fatal arcs in mid-air.

Crazy waves!

Go back!

Seeing the two slashes falling rapidly towards him, the wind elements instantly gathered at his feet. Ying jumped back into the air, and then swung the edgeless sword forward with all his strength.

The violent wind element instantly turned into a three-meter-high phoenix dragon scroll and caught all the water knives struck by Dadalia.

Seeing this, Dadalia could only twist his waist and abdomen, and then used his powerful core strength to dodge the incoming tornado out of thin air.

But the next second, the sword blade exuding a cold edge stabbed him from the blind spot.

No, I was caught in a loophole.

Realizing that something was wrong, Dadalia had no choice but to disperse the double blades of water flow in his hands. The floating water flow turned into a small shield as he controlled it, which could only block the sword blade coming from a blind corner.

Seeing that the hit missed, Ying's movements were not slow at all, and she launched a series of violent combos at Dadalia.

Having lost the opportunity, Dadalia could only defend passively. After receiving a series of sword attacks from the opponent like a shower, he saw an opportunity to retreat and widen the distance between the two.

Not bad, but I underestimated you. You do have some strength.

Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to capture the opponent immediately, but he was forced to retreat. Not only was Dadalia not angry, but the smile on his face became more and more prosperous.

Then I can show off to my fullest, but my free will may be a bit rough for you!

Facing the power of the executive, let me see what else you can do!

The next moment, purple light suddenly appeared around Dadalia, and the clothes on her body were dyed black.

Thunder element?

Seeing Dadalia's sudden transformation, Ying was immediately shocked. She didn't expect that the other party could master both elements like her.


Suddenly there was a sound of electric current in the air, and a spear glowing with purple electric light appeared in front of Ying instantly as if it had cut through the space.

So fast!

Ying, who had no time to react, could only try her best to tilt her head, and then she felt a stinging pain. A small wound appeared on her white cheek, and blood flowed out from the wound.

Without thinking too much, Ying immediately raised her left hand, and the rock elements quickly condensed into a round stone pillar to block her face.


Caught off guard, Dadalia felt as if he had hit a wall, and his whole body flew out involuntarily, rolling on the ground several times before barely stopping.'s really unexpected.

Covering his chest with one hand and coughing hard several times, Dadalia half-knelt on the ground with an incredible look on his face.

I originally thought that the other party wouldn't be able to escape this time.

You can actually use two elements at the same time without the Eye of God. This intelligence lady never mentioned it.


Seeing that her trump card was exposed, Ying said nothing, but tightened her right hand holding the edgeless sword tightly, while her left hand unabashedly held the lithium elemental dagger.

Dadalia couldn't help but frowned when she saw that the other party could use two elements at the same time just as he had guessed, and that he didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all.

His thunder element is activated by the evil eye. Even if the owner of the God's Eye will not extend his life due to activating the evil eye, it will consume a lot of physical strength.

The opponent's strength has exceeded his expectations. If the fight continues like this, he may be the one who suffers.

His primary purpose now is not to fight with the other party, but to go find the immortal with the All-Inclusive Barrier.

It seems that I won't be able to take you down in a short time. In that case, let's say goodbye!

Thinking of this, Dadalia stood up directly, left a few words and galloped away into the distance, leaving only a fleeting purple current.


Seeing Dadalia fleeing far away, Paimon flew to Ying's side with a happy face:

Great, you finally beat that bad guy away.

Paimon, let's go, we'll chase you!

Before she had time to tell Paimundo, Ying put away the edgeless sword in her hand and chased after him.

Oh! Wait!

Seeing this, Paimon had no choice but to follow him. While flying back, he looked at Ying who was running at high speed and couldn't help but question:

Ying, do we still want to continue chasing?

There must be something wrong with him!

Looking at the gradually smaller black dots in the distance, Ying couldn't help but speed up her speed.

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