Return to the city.

True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, True Lord Cutting Moon Zhuyang and True Lord Lishui Dieshan were standing on the high roof of Kuixing Tower, looking in the direction of Jueyunjian.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, they were still aware of the movement among the clouds.

Liu Yun, that is the all-forbidden seal left by the emperor, why don't you let us go and fulfill the contract?

Having received the fluctuations of immortal power through the magic weapon left in the cave, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun was about to leave for Jueyunjian to see who was summoning the immortal with the Baiwu Taolu.

As a result, he didn't expect to be stopped by Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun before he even flew out of Guili City.

The emperor asked us to guard Guili City before he left. Did you forget to cut the moon?

But that's a no-no...

Zie Yue, don't be anxious, just listen to what Liu Yun has to say.

Lord Lishui Dieshan on the side guessed something, and immediately began to persuade his old friend, asking him to listen to Liu Yun's words first.

Seeing that Li Shui was persuading him in this way, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun calmed down and planned to listen to Liu Yun's explanation.

As soon as Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun opened his mouth, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun and Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun were taken aback.

I've known about the One Hundred No Taboos for a long time.

That boy Han Xiao told me a few days ago that Dadalia, the executive officer of the Fools, obtained a non-restricted urn from the Yanshang Teahouse when he was collecting debts in Liyue.

He contacted me again last night and said that Dadalia sneaked out last night while taking advantage of the fire in the Northland Bank. The purpose seemed to be to find us in Jueyunjian.

Seeing the changing expressions of his two old friends, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but have a sense of superiority flash in his eyes.

This feeling that others don't know but you only know is really very...well, pleasing to the bird.

I see!

After listening to Liuyun Jiefeng's explanation, True Lord Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang and True Lord Lishui Dieshan ignored the secretly superior woman beside them. They just looked at each other and understood the mystery.

The Seven Stars of Emotions have long known that the Fools have a passed down 100-No-Taboo Rui, and they also understand that the other party wants to take the 100-No-Taboo Rui in order to provoke a confrontation between their immortals and the Seven Stars.

That's why Han Xiao informed Liu Yun of this matter early in order to prevent the other party from doing this.

Foolish executive officer Dadalia, huh, his heart is to be killed!

After understanding the truth of the matter, Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang immediately snorted coldly, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

If they hadn't been called by Liu Yun to come to Guilicheng to help and see the emperor's incarnation in the human world, then they might have chosen to go to Liyue Port to confront Qixing because they didn't know the truth of the matter and had no taboos.

You fools...this is a really good plan!

Chapter 268 Dadalia: Activate the magic card No Taboo

Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang and True Lord Lishui and the Mountain also understood what was going on with the Baiwu Tabu Lu, which was emitting immortal power among the clouds at this time.

It must have been the good deeds of Dadalia who Liu Yun said took advantage of the Beiguo Bank fire to sneak out last night and tried to use Baiwu Tabu Lu to instigate the conflict between the Immortal and the Seven Stars, so as to take advantage of the troubled waters.

I am going to capture such a person with ulterior motives and hand him over to the Emperor.

After understanding the truth of the matter, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun felt that he should capture the opponent immediately and hand it over to the emperor for disposal.

Seeing that his old friend still had no intention of giving up the idea of ​​going to Jueyunjian, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was just about to speak when a breeze suddenly came from the top of Kuixing Tower, and then Mandrill's figure appeared beside them.

Zieyue, no need.

Great Sage of Conquering Demons, why is this?

Hearing Mandrill speak to dissuade him as soon as he appeared, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun looked at him with confusion.

Shouldn't a guy like Dadalia who is trying to provoke civil strife in Liyue be captured as soon as possible?

The emperor has an order. Everything Dadalia did in Liyue is within the scope of the contract signed by the emperor and the Ice God, so the immortals can ignore it.

Ah this...

After listening to Mandrill's message about the emperor's will, Liu Yun and others were a little surprised.

Emperor, why did he do this?

Why is his old man's will so strange during this period?

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons, you fools are trying to provoke civil strife in Liyue. Why would the emperor still issue such a decree?

Master Lishui Dieshan glanced at the two old friends beside him, then stood up and took the lead in raising their doubts to Mandrill.

I don't know the details...

Hearing the inquiry from Lord Lishui Dieshan, Mandrill first shook his head and said that he was not particularly clear about the specific contents of the contract signed between the Emperor and the Ice God, but he soon changed the topic:

But according to the few words the emperor once revealed, it seems to be to test the Seven Stars one last time before abdicating.


Mandrill's words made all the three Liuyun immortals fall silent. Yes, how could they have forgotten this matter.

The emperor is ready to abdicate.

Since Dadalia is the emperor's candidate to test the Seven Stars, let's spare his life for the time being.

Having said that, what else can Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun say? He can only give up the plan of capturing Dadalia for the time being.

Suddenly, several immortals seemed to sense something at the same time. They all suddenly turned their heads to look at the calm sea in the distance, and the expressions on their faces gradually became serious.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons... something is wrong.

Looking at the sea from a distance, which was still no different from usual, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's tone was a little more solemn.

Just now, she felt a heavy pressure coming from the sea. It felt like a chilling atmosphere that she had not seen for a long time.

Not only Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, but also several immortals present felt the breath blowing from the sea.

The facts were not what they expected. Soon the sky in the distance suddenly became gloomy, and the continuous dark clouds were gradually approaching Guili City.

Liu Yun, go notify Xingqiu and ask him to evacuate the residents in the city as soon as possible. Liyue... is in danger!

Looking at the gradually growing black shadow breaking through the water in the distance, Mandrill disappeared from the spot after saying a word. When he reappeared, he was already in mid-air. There was also a weapon emitting a cold light on his originally empty right hand. Spear.


Time is transferred back to Jueyunjian not long ago.

Dadalia, who had been shouting for a long time with the help of the power of Bai Wu Tao, but no immortal came, was about to overflow with anger at this time.

He really didn't expect that these immortals would ignore the call of Bai Wu Tao Lu.

Isn't it agreed that the Baiwu Taolu is the proof of the agreement between the Emperor Yanwang and the people of Liyue, so that the people can use it to seek an audience with the immortal?

This is simply unreasonable!

Although she didn't quite know what Dadalia was planning, seeing the furious look on her face, she knew something was probably wrong, which made her couldn't help but gloat:

It seems your plan didn't succeed.

Damn it, what on earth is going on!

Dadalia's face was so gloomy that it seemed like it was about to drip.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly understood something. The violent aura that was originally like the eruption of a volcano suddenly fell silent.

This sudden change caused Yingya to suppress the mocking smile on his face and change it to a serious expression.

Because she found that the other party did not seem to have lost his temper, but was brewing greater anger and was ready to explode.

Haha, I probably know what's going on. It's really well done.

Under Ying's gaze, Dadalia sneered first. He probably knew why Bai Wu Tao couldn't summon the immortal.

Morax's fake death may have been known to the immortals, and the relationship between Han Xiao and the Rock God in Qixing is very close, so the immortals may have known about the fact that he was carrying the Taboo-Free Barrel.

Now that the immortals know that there is a Baiwu Taboo in him, they will naturally not respond to the call of the Baiwu Taboo.

Ying, is this guy's head going crazy with anger?

Looking at Dadalia who kept talking to herself, Paimon quietly leaned into Ying's ear and asked in a low voice, looking at the other party with worried eyes while asking.

Be careful later.

Unlike Paimon, Yingke didn't think that Dadalia was really angry and had something wrong with her brain. On the contrary, a bad premonition was swirling in her heart.

Really, I didn't expect that I would be plotted against by my new friend. He is indeed the opponent I have chosen a long time ago.

Dadalia, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly laughed at himself, and then his face immediately turned crazy:

But I don't know if you expected what I'm going to do next!

As he spoke, he reached into his arms and took out a large stack of non-taboo jars.

Wait, what are you going to do!

Seeing Dadalia take out a large pile of non-taboo jars from her arms, Ying's eyelids couldn't help but jump, and she quickly asked loudly.

Hey, Miss Ying, originally I didn't want to use such a plan, but unfortunately it has come to this, and I can no longer be picky.

Hearing Ying's loud shout, a trace of madness flashed in Dadalia's eyes, and a slightly mad smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

Since this is the idea of ​​the Rock King Emperor, then I will do as he wishes and awaken the sleeping demon god of Your Excellency Guyun.

The next moment, the Baiwu Tabu Lu seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, and one after another flew out of Dadalia's hands, and then surrounded him and emitted a dazzling yellow light.

Chapter 269 The Demon God of Whirlpool

As the dozen or so hundred-no-taboo jars surrounding Dadalia's body emitted a golden light, a bright golden beam of light shot straight into the sky and flew towards Liyue Port in the distance.

Damn it, stop it!

Hearing that Dadalia was about to release the devil through the Absolute Barrier, Ying couldn't help but shouted, picked up the edgeless sword in his hand and slashed at it, trying to interrupt the opponent's 'casting'.

It's too late!

Faced with the slashing attack that hit him, Dadalia laughed wildly, then nimbly dodged the sword light, and then flew into the sky and into the distance with the power of Bai Wu Tao Lu.

Before leaving, he left behind a sentence that made Ying look ugly:

I have temporarily released the seal of the Demon God of the Whirlpool, Osel. I want to see if Morax has really figured everything out!

Ying, what should we do? Liyue Port is not going to be destroyed!

Watching Dadalia's figure gradually flying away, Paimon was spinning in circles in the air with an anxious look on his face.

That was the Demon God. Back in Mondstadt, it was just the remnant image of the Wolf of the North Wind. It was so terrifying, let alone a complete Demon God.

Let's go back to Liyue Port to help!

Facing everything that suddenly happened in front of her, Ying ran towards the nearest teleportation anchor point without thinking.

The Demon God's seal has been unsealed by Dadalia, and now he can only rush back to Liyue Port to see if he can be of any help.


Liyue Port

Because of what happened at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, rumors spread throughout Liyue Port during this period, and people were panicked.

In order to calm down this chaotic situation, Han Xiao and others, who had ended the Seven Star Conference, quickly used all their strength to maintain the stability of Liyue Port.

Within the General Affairs Department, Qixing divided the work and worked together to arrange the changes Liyue was going to make one after another in an orderly manner.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the General Affairs Department, and the sound even reached the ears of Han Xiao and others through the thick wall.

Why is it cloudy?

No, it's going to rain heavily!

The next second, the door of the General Affairs Department was slammed open, and a Qianyan Army soldier stumbled in, shouting in a panic:

Report, there's something strange happening over at Guyun Pavilion!

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Xiao, Ning Guang and the others suddenly stood up from their seats, and everyone's expressions were indescribably solemn.

Guyun Pavilion is the place where the emperor once suppressed the demon god. It is very serious to see strange phenomena there.

I'll ask Qun Yu Pavilion to go check on the situation.

Thinking of this, Ningguang left the General Affairs Department in a hurry without saying a word. She was going to personally go to Qunyu Pavilion and go to Guyun Pavilion to check what was going on.

As the person who knew the most about the situation among everyone present, Han Xiao certainly knew what the strange phenomena in Guyun Pavilion meant. She immediately turned to look at the other seven stars:

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