It can be said that this is probably the most serious tone Gan Yu has taken in so many years. As soon as she spoke her words, even Kai Yangxing, who had previously agreed with Yao Guang's opinion, shut his mouth.

No way, although Gan Yu is nominally Qixing's secretary, he has been sitting in this position for more than three thousand years, and Qixing and them are all juniors.

If Gan Yu's thoughts were really ignored, not only would the older generation still alive in their Qixing family quit, but they would also offend the immortals.

I agree with Miss Gan Yu's view.

At this time, what everyone did not expect was that the first person to stand up to support Gan Yu and Han Xiao would be Yuheng Xing Keqing, who had always been famous for disrespecting the emperor.

Seeing Kaiyang and others looking at her with rather puzzled looks, Keqing explained the reasons for her decision.

Rules are rules. The emperor has protected Liyue for more than 3,700 years. You can't neglect the emperor's immortality ceremony just because of an excuse to find a murderer.

In that case, let's take a vote.

After Ke Qing finished speaking, Han Xiao opened her mouth to attract everyone's attention again.

Those who agree to hold the ceremony of sending immortals first, please raise your hands.

I agree!

Gan Yu immediately raised his right hand, and then Ke Qing followed closely and raised his right hand:

I agree.


I agree too.

Soon, Ningguang and Tianxuan also expressed their decisions, and Tianjixing, who hesitated for a long time, finally raised his right hand.

In this case, Yao Guang and I also agree.

Seeing that more and more people agreed to hold the ceremony to send immortals first, Kaiyang first glanced at Yao Guang, and then sighed helplessly.

But soon his conversation changed:

But while the ceremony of sending immortals is held, Yaoguang and I will continue to track down the murderer.

It's natural.

Hearing that Kaiyang and Yaoguang were not going to give up on tracing the murderer, Han Xiao didn't care and simply agreed to their request.

As for finding the murderer...hehehe.

The murderer who assassinated the emperor was the emperor himself. If they could find the murderer, there would be something wrong.

Without thinking too much about how Kaiyang and the others would not be able to find the murderer in the future, Han Xiao quickly put forward his own opinions based on the ceremony of sending immortals.

Since everyone has agreed to hold the ceremony of sending immortals first, I propose that the Goshen Hall handle this matter.

Wait, Hanxiao!

Before Han Xiao could finish his words, Ke Qing interrupted him hurriedly.

The Rebirth Hall has a long history. Logically speaking, it is most suitable for them to handle the ceremony of sending immortals. However, the current leader of the Rebirth Hall is Hu Tao. What she a bit too out of the ordinary.

As she said that, Keqing's face changed into a slightly troubled look.

Hutao is famous for being eccentric in Liyue, and even offers a weird preferential policy like half price for the second monument.

Can the other party really handle the gift of the Immortal Ceremony?

After hearing what Ke Qing said, everyone thought about Hu Tao's reputation in Liyue, and suddenly felt that what Yu Hengxing said was reasonable. The matter of sending immortal rituals must not be left to Hall Master Hu.

How about handing it over to Zhongli, the guest at the Purity Hall?

At this time, Ningguang thought of an excellent candidate.

Chapter 263 Zhongli: I will take over the task of sending rituals to immortals!

Zhongli, the guest at the Hall of Purity?

As soon as Ning Guang said these words, except for Han Xiao's face, which looked slightly strange, the others all showed expressions of excitement.

Even the Seven Stars have heard of the rumors about Zhongli.

The other party is not only knowledgeable and can be called a walking library, but he is also proficient in many things that others do not know.

Presumably the rules of the ceremony for sending immortals are also within the scope of his understanding.

It seems to be a very good choice if Mr. Zhongli handles the ceremony of sending immortals.

Emmm, no matter what, it is safer than Hu Tao, the contemporary leader of the Purity Hall.

Thinking of this, Keqing and others agreed to Ningguang's suggestion and decided to leave the ceremony of sending immortals to Zhongli.

Then just do as Ningguang said, and I will contact Mr. Zhongli.

Seeing that everyone agreed with Ning Guang's suggestion, although Han Xiao felt a little funny in her heart, she still agreed.

I didn't expect that even in the real world, Uncle Zhongli still couldn't get rid of the I bury myself joke.

By the way, what's the best reason for the emperor's death?

Keqing seemed to have thought of something and asked quickly.

Although they decided to hold the ceremony of sending immortals first, they also needed a convincing excuse.

Otherwise, it would not be as good as the residents of Liyue.

Let's just use the reason that the tribulation failed.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Ningguang came up with an excuse that looked very similar.

There are many legends about Liyue that talk about overcoming tribulations. As the emperor himself is the ancestor of all immortals, this reason can be justified.

Miss Gan Yu, I'll leave it up to you to draft the words for the imperial edict.


Gan Yu nodded, even though she knew very well in her heart that it was impossible for the emperor to die because of a small tribulation, but this was already the most reasonable excuse at the moment.

After all, if the truth about the emperor's murder is really revealed, the whole of Liyue will surely face unprecedented chaos.

After discussing the issues related to the emperor's ceremony of sending immortals, Han Xiao and others began to discuss how to redistribute the power of the seven stars and eight gates.

With the passing of the emperor, divine rule has become a remnant of the past, and the remaining old rules cannot be copied in their entirety.

But it is immeasurable to rewrite the rules for Liyue, which has a history of thousands of years.

Therefore, Qixing discussed it for a day in Yiyan Palace, and only came up with a rough prototype.

And the discussion on this matter will probably continue for some time.


Early the next morning.

Han Xiao woke up from the guest room of Yiyan Palace in a daze.

Sitting on the bed, he couldn't help but reach out and rub his swollen temples.

Yesterday, I discussed with Ningguang and the others all night how to re-divide the powers of the Seven Stars and Eight Gates and re-write the rules for ancient Liyue. I didn't go to bed until almost dawn. .

It's just that the discussion didn't go as planned.

Thinking about it, it is extremely difficult to set new rules for ancient Liyue.

It would be better to implement the ceremony of sending immortals first.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao took out the Thousand Miles Sound Transmitting Conch and contacted True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng.

After a while, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's voice came from the conch.


It's me, Master Liuyun.

What is your business with me? Guili City is relatively safe at the moment.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought that Han Xiao sent the message to ask her about the situation in Guili City, so he quickly reported to him that he was safe.

Master Liuyun, could you please ask Mr. Zhongli to answer the call?

...alright, please wait.

As Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng finished speaking, Conch's communication also hung up.

Taking this opportunity, Han Xiao also got off the bed and washed up briefly, then sat at the table and waited for the other party's communication.

After waiting for about half an hour, the Qianli Sound Conch suddenly started shaking, followed by a whining conch whistle.

Seeing this, Han Xiao picked up the conch and connected the communication.

Hello, Master Liuyun?

Hanxiao, what do you want from me?

Hearing Zhongli's voice coming from the other side of the conch, Han Xiao suddenly became energetic, and then he told everything about his previous decision with Qixing.

Mr. Zhongli, it's like this. After discussions between Qixing Yisu and I, we agreed that holding an immortal ceremony for the emperor is Liyue's top priority right now.

As for the arrest of the murderer of the emperor, we can put it on hold until the ceremony of sending immortals is completed before taking action.

Well, I'm very satisfied with your decision.

Guili City, Zhongli's residence.

Hearing that Han Xiao and Qixing from Conch planned to hold an immortal ceremony first and then arrest the murderer of the emperor, Zhongli showed a smile of approval on his face.

Very good. He was very happy that Han Xiao and Qixing could not forget to abide by Liyue's traditions even in such a panic.

In addition, the ceremony of sending immortals is relatively ancient, and not many people understand it now. Therefore, after discussing with Senior Sister Qixing and Gan Yu, I want to leave the ceremony to Mr. Zhongli.

I wonder what Mr. Zhongli's intentions are.

Of course, as Han Xiao continued to speak from the conch, Zhongli became even more satisfied after listening to it.

The process of giving gifts to immortals is indeed quite ancient and complicated, and ordinary people don't understand the rules at all.

Qixing was able to jump over Hutao and leave the ceremony to him. While he was quite pleased with this, he also felt a little emotional in his heart.

It would be an interesting experience to hold an immortal ceremony for yourself.

Thinking of this, Zhongli simply agreed to Han Xiao's request.

Don't worry, little friend Hanxiao, I'll take over the delivery of the Immortal Ceremony to Shengsheng Hall to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Then please leave it to Mr. Zhongli.

The conversation between Han Xiao and Zhong Li was quite pleasant, but Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng beside him was dumbfounded.

No, is this because she has stayed in the mountains for too long and her brain is damaged, or is the world changing too fast and unable to keep up?

Don’t forget that it’s not a good thing to give gifts to immortals, right?

Why could the emperor and Han Xiao have such a pleasant conversation about sending immortal rituals?

Moreover, this was the ceremony for sending immortals to Emperor Yanwang, and Han Xiao actually dared to ask the Emperor to conduct the ceremony himself.

What made Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun even more unbelievable was that when faced with Han Xiao's request, the Emperor not only didn't get angry, but actually agreed! !

For a moment, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun felt that his brain was about to explode.

When she saw Zhongli hanging up the call with a smile on his face, she stammered and asked:

Emperor...were you and Han Xiao just discussing the ceremony of sending immortals?

Well, that's indeed the case.


Of course it's mine. long as you're happy.

Chapter 264 The Confrontation between Ying and Young Master

After a whole night of non-stop running, Dadalia, who was in excellent physical condition, had reached the vicinity of Tianqiu Valley.

However, when he reached an open area, he suddenly stopped and turned around to look behind him with displeasure.

After a while, Ying's figure appeared in his sight.

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