
Time soon came to night.

Because of the major events that happened during the day, the whole of Liyue suddenly lost its usual liveliness, and everyone returned home early and stayed behind closed doors.

Ying and Paimon were still guarding the rooftop opposite.

Ying, can we really catch each other's flaws just by staring like this?

And I'm hungry!

Although he agreed to Ying's idea of ​​continuing the investigation during the day, Paimon still felt that it was a bit thankless to just squat outside the Northland Bank like this.

Just waiting for the other party to make mistakes will have to wait until the end of the year of the monkey.

Don't worry, Beiguo Bank will definitely take action within the next few days.

Ying took out two pieces of rice noodles from her pocket, handed one to Paimon, and took a hard bite of the other piece of rice noodles left in her hand.

While chewing, he said vaguely:

If the purpose of the fools is the heart of God, then they will definitely not sit still and wait for death. They will definitely find ways to find opportunities to sneak out.

The night slowly deepened.

Just when Ying and Paimon felt faintly sleepy, the Northland Bank opposite suddenly lit up, and then there was a burst of rapid shouting:

It's gone wrong, Beiguo Bank has gone bad!

The next moment, the door of Beiguo Bank was pushed open violently, and countless fools began their fire-fighting operations.

The Qianyan Army, who had never given up monitoring the Fools, rushed out immediately to put out the fire and prevent anyone from escaping in the chaos.

But what they didn't notice was that a black shadow appeared on the roof of Beiguo Bank, and then quietly slipped out of Liyue City under the cover of night.


Paimeng, who was alarmed by the noisy cry for help, saw the dark figure slipping from the roof with sharp eyes, and immediately excitedly patted Ying on the back.

I saw!

Let's go, let's catch up!

In the darkness, Ying's face showed the same smile as when she caught the prey. She immediately stood up, jumped onto the roof in a short sprint, and then chased in the direction where the black shadow left.

Chapter 261 Discussing the Young Master in the Seven Stars Palace

Under the night, two figures jumped on the roof of Liyue Port one after another, and gradually ran towards the outside of the port.


As she jumped and fell, Ying could hear the whistling wind in her ears, but her eyes were always fixed on the figure in front of her that never stopped.

Now she can confirm that the figure running out of the Northland Bank is definitely an executive-level existence.

After all, she has not caught up until now, so she can only ensure that she is not thrown away by the opponent. This running speed and endurance alone cannot be maintained by someone without the eye of God.

Moreover, the other party's behavior of setting fire to the Beiguo Bank and escaping also made Ying more and more certain that the incident of inviting the immortal ceremony was inseparable from the Fools.

The bright moonlight shines on the roofs of Liyue Port, as if all the buildings are covered with a layer of silver gauze.

Inadvertently, the moonlight flickered on the face of the figure running in front of him, revealing Dadalia's appearance.

Yes, it was our Dada duck that slipped out of the Northland Bank.

It's really troublesome!

Ying's behavior of chasing after him was naturally noticed by Dadalia in front, which made him curse in a low voice.

Due to being secretly monitored by the Qianyan Army, Foolish People's actions can be said to be basically paralyzed.

If we follow the general process, as long as the Fools stay at the Beiguo Bank, Liyue will not be able to find any evidence that the Fools assassinated Emperor Yan, even if they conduct a thorough investigation.

But this is definitely a choice that Dadalia cannot accept. After all, he also shoulders the important task of winning the heart of God Morax for Her Majesty the Queen.

If you stay in the North Country Bank and do nothing, you will be fine in the end, but the Queen's mission will be in vain.

Therefore, in order to get rid of the predicament of being monitored by Qianyan Army, Dadalia had to choose to hide his ears and set fire to get out.

Then he can use the Bai Wu Tao Lu to go to Jueyun to find the immortal for help.

Dadalia can say with a clear conscience that the incident involving the Rock King Emperor has nothing to do with them.

Regarding this, he believed that the immortals should be clear about this, so his identity as a fool should not be a problem.

As long as he finds the immortals with the Bai Wu Tao Lu, the immortals will most likely take action for the sake of the Bai Wu Tao Lu's contract.

At that time, the fools will be able to successfully escape from Qixing's surveillance, because at that time, Qixing may have a headache of how to deal with the immortals who come to ask questions.

However, what Dadalia did not expect was that the extremely risky arson plan allowed him to escape from the surveillance of the Qianyan Army.

But the figure chasing after him clearly told Dadalia that Qixing had already seen through his plan.

Sure enough, using my brain to think up schemes is not suitable for me!

At this time, Dadalia really wanted to stop and turn around to attack the pursuer who had been following him and vent his anger.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he could only suppress the eagerness to fight in his heart and chose to continue running forward with his head down, trying to get rid of the opponent's tracking.


Just as Ying and Dadalia were performing a chase, Han Xiao and others, who were still discussing the power of the Seven Stars in Yiyan Palace, also received information from someone sent by Fengyan.

Let's all take a look, there's something going on over there with the Fools.

After reading the intelligence document in his hand, Kaiyangxing handed the document to Han Xiao and said:

The secret sentinel set up by Feng Yan and the others discovered that at the same time that Beiguo Bank was leaking water, a figure ran out from the roof of the bank.

But according to what they said, soon another black shadow chased over from the roof opposite Northland Bank.

The person who escaped from the Northland Bank should be the executive son of the Fools.

After casually glancing at the information handed over by Kaiyangxing, Han Xiao passed the document to Ningguang and the others, explaining with a smile on her face:

As for the one who chased after me, that was a master I entrusted during the day.

Are you talking about Miss Ying?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Ning Guang instantly thought of Han Xiao's entrustment to Ying during the immortal invitation ceremony during the day.

Yes, that's her.

Han Xiao nodded and glanced at Kaiyang, Yaoguang and others who didn't understand.

Kaiyang Xing, you have always been paying attention to Liyue's internal problems, so you don't know much about Ying's deeds.

With that said, he explained in detail what happened in Mondstadt to several Seven Stars who didn't care much about foreign intelligence.

Among them, it is more focused on the fact that Ying himself is no less powerful than the executive, as well as the grievances between the other party and the executive ladies of the Fools.

That's good news.

After Han Xiao finished speaking, the expressions on the faces of Yao Guang and others became much more relaxed.

A master whose strength is no less than that of an executive and who can't deal with the Fools. This is indeed very good news for them in Liyue.

After all, there are not many high-level combat forces in Liyue Port at the moment. For example, Ye Lan, who is under Ning Guang, is currently investigating inside the Layer Rock Abyss.

Most of the people under Qixing who have the Eyes of God are helping them maintain the stability of Liyue Port in their own posts, and they are unable to escape.

This is not to say that there are no other combat powers with the Eye of God in Liyue Port at this time. On the contrary, there are still many people in Liyue who have the ability.

For example, Hall Master Hu from the Rebirth Hall and Baizhu from Bu Bu Lu are all possessors of the Eye of God with impressive combat capabilities.

It's just that they are all civilians, and it's hard for Qixing to directly order them to help.

So when they heard that Han Xiao had found a traveler who was registered in the Adventurers Association to take on missions, was a very powerful traveler and had a grudge against the Fools, Yao Guang and others thought it was good news.

Where do you think Dadalia will go?

After reading the information in his hand, Ke Qing suddenly asked everyone about his doubts.

She didn't quite understand the other party's motive for escaping at this time. She and Han Xiao had been cleaning up the Fools' hidden base in the wild recently.

Logically speaking, only the fools in the North Country Bank in Liyue have not been attacked by them, so why did Dadalia go to all the trouble to run out?

It should be to find immortals.

As soon as Ke Qing finished speaking, Gan Yu, who had been looking at various intelligence materials, immediately pulled out a document from the pile of documents and handed it to the other party, and at the same time explained:

According to the information collected by Master Ningguang, Dadalia obtained a non-restricted paper from the former owner of the Iwakami Tea House due to debt collection.

If I'm not mistaken, he probably wants to go to Jueyun to seek help from the immortals with the help of the Bai Wu Tao Lu.

Gan Yu stopped when she said this. After all, it would be difficult to say her next guess as the link between Qixing and the Immortal.

Chapter 262 Who will host the ceremony of sending immortals?

In other words, Dadalia wants to use the power of the immortals to contain us.

Not long after Gan Yu finished speaking, Ning Guang on one side thoughtfully guessed what the other party was thinking.

Immortals have had a very high status in Liyue since ancient times. After all, when the emperor established Liyue, the immortals were his helpers.

Moreover, the immortals worked hard for the newly built Liyue, and some of them even sacrificed their lives for Liyue.

For example, Yixiao Dao Tianjun, who used his horns to hold up Tianheng Mountain and died in the final battle, and several Yakshas who once stood alongside the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, etc.

So even though the immortals have gradually disappeared from the world, they are still respectable existences in the eyes of Liyue people.

Therefore, Dadalia's idea is quite good. The Baiwu Taolu is a certificate of the agreement between the Rock King and the people. It has the power to drive away evil spirits. The people can use this token to ask for immortals.

As long as Dadalia, who is holding the All-Inhibited Barrier, sees the immortals, the immortals will definitely come out to question Qixing for the sake of the All-Inclusive Barrier.


It's a pity that he still missed it, thanks to you Han Xiao.

Hearing Ning Guang's guess, Kai Yangxing on the side couldn't help but smile and look at Han Xiao, a trace of happiness flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, Tianshu Star persuaded the immortals to go to Guili City in advance, and the immortals seemed to have discovered something in Guili City, so they did not target Qixing for the emperor's death.

Otherwise, once Dadalia finds the immortals with the All-Abstained Barrier, the Seven Stars will really have to face the immortals to question them, and then they will have no time to care about the fools.

Hearing Kaiyang's somewhat gloating tone, the others all had a smile on their faces.

Leave Dadalia's affairs to Ying. Let's talk about business.

Han Xiao waved his hand, indicating that Dadalia's matter should be put aside for now. There were more important matters than the other party that they needed to deal with at the moment.

It's not a problem that the Emperor's Immortal Ancestor Law has been kept in the Yiyan Palace. Whether we want it or not, the matter of sending the Immortal Ceremony should be brought to the table for discussion.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was still smiling immediately lost their smiles, and everyone's face was once again covered with sadness.

The ceremony of sending immortals...

In previous years, when every immortal left, there would be a grand commemorative ceremony. This was Liyue's tradition.

Although Emperor Yanwang is the ancestor of all immortals, he is still considered one of the immortals in the final analysis.

Now that Lord Yan and his old man have passed away, it is natural that a ceremony to send the immortals should be carried out.

Is it necessary to be so fast, Tianshu Star?

Lowering his head, Yao Guangxing asked in a calm voice.

I am not opposed to holding the Immortal Presentation Ceremony now, but shouldn't the primary purpose of Qixing and I now be to find the murderer who murdered the emperor?

Only by catching the murderer can the emperor's spirit in heaven rest in peace.

I agree with Yao Guangxing's view. It's not too late to catch the murderer first and then hold the immortal ceremony.

Kaiyang looked around at the seven stars with different expressions, and then agreed with Yao Guang's suggestion.

His thoughts were the same as Yao Guang's, they tended to catch the murderer first and then hold the ceremony of sending immortals.

I object.

At this moment, Gan Yu, who had rarely interfered in Qixing's internal meetings, suddenly stood up and retorted with excitement.

The emperor attaches great importance to tradition and contracts. The ceremony of inviting immortals is so grand. Could it be that no one cares about the ceremony of sending immortals away!

If even Qixing doesn't have time to take care of this tradition, it's really shameful!

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