In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

Facing everyone's gaze, Ningguang took a deep breath, sorted out the somewhat confusing thoughts in his mind, and then said slowly:

If anyone is the most suspicious target in the matter of the emperor's death, I think it is the fools.

What's the reason?

Kaiyang and Tianxuan looked at each other, and then asked in unison.

They are usually in charge of the Qianyan Army and know very little about diplomatic intelligence, or they don't pay much attention to it. After all, Ning Guang is usually in charge of this.

So seeing that Ningguang was so sure, they certainly wanted to know the reason why the other party was so sure.

First of all, based on the intelligence, the Fools planned a series of actions on Mondstadt, which finally led to the appearance of the Wind God and successfully took away the Heart of God.

Secondly, the Emperor is a God of War. No one in Liyue can match him, but the Ice God, who is also the seventh ruler of the world, may not have this ability.

It feels very reasonable.

It has to be said that after Ning Guang explained his reasons one by one, except for Han Xiao, all Qixing including Gan Yu felt that the other party's ideas were reasonable.

The Fools captured the God's Heart of the Wind God in Mondstadt, so it is very likely that they are also eyeing the God's Heart of Prince Yan.

And Ningguang was right, perhaps no one in Liyue could hurt Prince Yan, but what if the Ice God, who was also the Seven Gods, suddenly took action?

Even if Lord Yan is a god of martial arts, it is very possible for him to be caught off guard and be attacked by the ice god.

Tianquan's words are reasonable. Immortal just now said it was due to external factors. Overall, the Fools are the most likely suspects.

Tianji was the first to break the silence in the hall and made remarks in agreement with Ningguang's speculation.

Then I will send people to arrest all the fools!

Seeing that most of the people were beginning to be more suspicious of Fool, Kaiyang said angrily and was ready to go out and command the Qianyan Army to find trouble for the opponent.

Wait, Kaiyangxing.

The moment Kaiyang turned around, Gan Yu suddenly called out to him.

We are just suspicious now and there is no conclusive evidence, and rash actions are likely to cause hostility between the two countries.

It's okay, Senior Sister Gan Yu.

At this time, Han Xiao stood up and said:

The most important thing for us right now is to find out who is the murderer of the emperor. Now after discussion, we believe that the Fools are the most suspicious, so just let Kaiyang send people to investigate.

Currently we must establish Liyue's tough image.

I agree with Tianshu Xing's idea.

As Han Xiao finished speaking, Ningguang also expressed his agreement.

No matter who the murderer is, the problem before us now is that Liyue has lost the protection of the emperor and his elders.

If Liyue's style is not tough at this time, there will be trouble in the future.

For a moment, even Gan Yu, who had previously opposed Kaiyang's hasty actions, had nothing to say.

The meaning of Ningguang's words was very clear. Now that the emperor's murder had become a fact, Liyue could be said to have lost the protection of the gods.

The last country to lose the protection of gods was Xumi. At that time, the whole of Xumi was in chaos. If it hadn't been for the little lucky grass king who later ascended to the throne of God, Xumi would still be in chaos now.

If their Qixing style is not tough enough, then the wealthy land of Liyue will inevitably arouse the covetousness of several other countries.

What Gan Yu could think of, several other Seven Stars naturally thought of it too, so everyone had a slightly ugly look on their face.

After all, although what Ning Guang and Han Xiao said was unpleasant, it was indeed the truth.

Seeing that everyone acquiesced to his and Han Xiao's ideas, Ningguang turned back to look at Kaiyang and said.

Kaiyangxing, you go and instruct Qianyan Army to surround Beiguo Bank and say that we have found clues about the assassins. We hope they can accept their cooperation for inspection.


Kaiyangxing nodded without hesitation, then walked out of the hall and told Qianyanjun his order.

After giving orders to the Qianyan Army, he closed the palace door again and walked back into the palace.

I have asked Feng Yan to lead Qian Yan's army to surround Beiguo Bank on the grounds of looking for clues about the assassin.

If anything unusual happens, we will get the news soon.

Okay, let's discuss another matter now.

Hearing that Kaiyangxing had issued an order to surround Beiguo Bank, Han Xiao nodded and immediately spoke about another topic:

Now that Liyue is in its most dangerous moment, I suggest that Qixing take over the entire Liyue Port.

Is Tianshuxing crazy?

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Han Xiao in disbelief.

Hanxiao, what do you mean by this!

Before anyone else could speak, Keqing took the lead with an ugly expression:

The emperor has just been killed, and you are going to let Qixing take over the power. If you do this, let me wait for Qixing to explain it in front of the people!

Although the others did not speak, they obviously agreed with Keqing's thoughts.

Do they want Qixing to take over all the power? Of course they do.

It's just that the emperor has just passed away. If they can't wait to seize power, not only will it be difficult to explain to the residents of Liyue, but the other countries will also have different views on Qixing.

Liyue needs to centralize power now so that all scattered forces can be concentrated to deal with the impact that will be faced next.

Faced with everyone's doubts, Han Xiao spoke out her thoughts without hesitation, and then she didn't intend to hide it anymore, so she directly took out the monkey version of the 'Heart of God' from the jade pendant.

As soon as the chess piece, which was mixed with a strong aura of rock element authority, appeared, everyone's eyes were focused on it.

The aura of the emperor is on this. Could it be that Han Xiao is...the emperor's divine heart?

Looking at the chess piece in Han Xiao's hand, Gan Yu frowned and asked in an uncertain tone.


Hearing Gan Yu's question, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth raised slightly. Fortunately, he had asked Zhongli to put his mark on the monkey version of God's Heart.

You haven't forgotten that the emperor showed up and returned to Licheng some time ago. This is the token given to me by the emperor.

I see. If the black hand this time is really a fool, are you afraid that the other party will not be able to find the heart of God to launch an attack on Liyue Port.

Ningguang suddenly realized when he saw Han Xiao taking out the token given to him by Emperor Yanwang.

If the emperor was really assassinated because of the problem of God's Heart, then now that God's Heart is in Han Xiao's hands, it is obvious that the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes has not been achieved.

In this way, Liyue was not out of danger.

Seeing this, the others also understood Han Xiao's worries.

As a result, in the Yiyan Palace, which had been dedicated to the Yanwang Emperor for thousands of years, Qixing completed the integration of Liyue's power.

Chapter 260: Waiting for the rabbit

Northland Bank conference room.

When he heard the news that the Qianyan Army had surrounded Tuanyuan at Beiguo Bank, Dadalia really felt a headache.

This is simply to be afraid of what will come.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. The reputation of the Fools on the Teyvat continent had never been very good, and Liyue definitely had news from Mondstadt.

Now that Emperor Yanwang is 'faking death', the uninformed Qixing will naturally target them.

But what he didn't expect was that Liyue would send the Qianyan Army to find him so quickly.

Dadalia, I'll leave this matter to you.

Compared to Dadalia's headache, the lady seemed extremely relaxed and did not look panicked at all. After saying a word, she left the conference room and walked towards her resting room.

Anyway, the power of the fools on Liyue's side does not belong to her. Even if Liyue's side raises an issue, it will be aimed at Dadalia.


Looking at the lady's back, Dadalia couldn't help but clicked her tongue, then quickly walked out of the conference room towards the downstairs hall.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw Tou Fengyan, the head coach of Qianyan Army, who was being entertained by Yekaterina.

Seeing Dadalia appear, Feng Yan also put down the tea in his hand, bowed quite politely, and then said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone:

Mr. Dadalia, I'm sorry to disturb the Northland Bank's business, but we have got some clues. The assassin who assassinated the emperor may be hiding in this area.

So I hope Mr. Dadalja will be able to make it easy for us to take a closer look.

Coach Feng Yan, Zhi Dong is deeply saddened by the death of King Yan. I also understand the urgency of the coach and Qixing in wanting to capture the assassin.

Faced with Feng Yan's request to search the North Country Bank, Dadalia first sincerely expressed that they were deeply saddened by the murder of King Yan in Zhi Dong, but then changed the subject and his tone became tougher:

But I don't think it's necessary to search Beiguo Bank. Beiguo Bank is not something that an assassin can sneak into casually.

So Beiguo Bank is unwilling to cooperate with our work?

Hearing Dadalia's rejection, Feng Yan narrowed his eyes and his face instantly darkened.

No, we are naturally willing to cooperate with Qianyan Army's work.

Seeing Fengyan's expression of concern, Dadalia waved his hand with a smile, and then said word by word:

I will ask my men to thoroughly inspect Beiguo Bank later and I will definitely give Qixing an answer.

I think, as the envoy of Zhidong, Liyue Qixing should give me this face.

Seeing that Dadalia was talking about this, Feng Yan also knew that the Northland Bank might not be able to be searched today.

Fortunately, the purpose of deterrence has been achieved.

In this case, Fengyan will leave first.


The next moment after watching Feng Yan leave with a smile on his face, Dadalia immediately put away the smile on his face and called Ekaterina with a serious face.

Go ahead and tell me to be careful during this period. Don't give Qianyan Army any clues.

I understand, Sir.


Ying, Qianyanjun is gone.

On the rooftop opposite Beiguo Bank, Paimeng couldn't help but look at Ying who was standing next to him when he saw Feng Yan walking out of the bank.

Well, it seems that the Qianyan Army returned without success this time.

After hearing Paimon's words, Ying hummed softly.

Then shall we continue to investigate?

Paimon asked hesitantly.

The North Country Bank is the stronghold of the Fools in Liyue, and must be very tightly guarded. Even the Qianyan Army cannot enter now, but it is obvious that the relationship between Liyue and Zhidong has become very tense.

Is it appropriate for them to step in now?


Ying's tone was light but extremely serious.

When Paimeng raised his head in surprise, she said with burning eyes:

That foolish executive lady hurt Wendy. Han Xiao also said that the other party has come to Liyue. I want to take the opportunity to see if I can avenge him.

Previously, he was attacked by a lady at the door of Mondstadt Church, and Wendy lost his God's Heart as a result.

This matter has always been brooding in Ying's heart.

As soon as the other party came to Liyue, Liyue's Yanwang Emperor was assassinated during the immortal invitation ceremony. She had to suspect that it was all the fault of the lady.

Since Han Xiao had entrusted this matter to herself, Ying felt that she could take this opportunity to report the revenge of the previous sneak attack in Mondstadt.

At the same time, it can also destroy the fools' plan to collect the hearts of gods, so why not do it.

Oh well.

Seeing that Ying had made up her mind, Paimon didn't say much. Anyway, she was just a guide, and everything was based on Ying's ideas.

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