Using the lives of the people of Liyue as a threat is really cruel.

Although he didn't know the general outline of the lady's plan, Dadalia could still tell from her limited words that the other party planned to use the lives of a large number of ordinary people to blackmail Han Xiao.

But even if Dadalia doesn't like Madam's method of involving ordinary people who have no ability to resist in the whirlpool, he can still be ruthless at critical moments for Her Majesty the Queen's orders.

Therefore, he had no objection to the lady's methods.

You don't need to interfere in my affairs. It's better to think about what to do on your own first.

Me, I'm going to use the Bai Wu Tao Lun to search for the Immortal among the clouds.

After sneaking away from Yujingtai, Dadalia was thinking about how to restrain Liyue Seven Stars so that they would have no energy to target the Fools.

Naturally, he thought of the immortal who had long since escaped from the world in Liyue.

It just so happens that he has a hundred-forbidden weapon in his hand. As long as he can provoke a conflict between the immortal and the Seven Stars, the fools can take advantage of the troubled waters.

Then I wish you good luck. I hope you can hold on for a while longer.

After listening to Dadalia's thoughts, the lady was noncommittal. It had nothing to do with what the other party planned to do, as long as Dadalia could delay it for a little longer.

According to reports from her confidants, they have found the traces of the remnants of the whirlpool, the wife of Osel, Bashi.

They are currently being led to Guili City, and it is estimated that it will take some time.

Therefore, the lady also hopes that Dadalia can stand on the stage and attract all the firepower of the Seven Stars and Immortals.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room, and at the same time, Yekaterina's voice came from outside the door.

Sir, Sir, Madam, a large number of Qianyan troops have arrived outside Beiguo Bank.

I know, you go down first.


After Ekaterina left, Dadalia put her hand on her forehead with a headache.

It came really quickly.


Set the time back to the time when the Immortal Requesting Ceremony was just started.

After seeing off Ying who had accepted the commission, Han Xiao and Ning Guang did not stay at Yujing Terrace any longer, but escorted Zhongli's dragon body to Yiyan Palace together.

As a place dedicated to the Emperor Yanwang, Yiyan Hall is also the highest-level power building in Liyue.

The reason why Yiyan Palace was chosen instead of Qunyu Pavilion was because as a rule, the Seven Stars would hold a meeting in Yiyan Palace whenever the most important event in Liyue happened.

So when Han Xiao and Ning Guang escorted Zhongli's Immortal Ancestor Fa Sheo to Yiyan Palace, Qixing had already been waiting at the door for a long time.


As soon as they saw the Immortal Ancestor Fashe who was transported by the Qianyan Army behind Han Xiao and Ningguang, Yaoguang and the others immediately screamed and grabbed the ground with their heads.

Even Ke Qing, who usually disrespected the emperor in the eyes of the Liyue people, now had red eyes and her whole body was crumbling.

The Qianyan Army soldiers stationed at Yiyan Palace couldn't help but sob softly.

You are Qianyan Army, why are you crying? Hold it back!

Although the scene was very touching, Han Xiao, who knew the truth of the matter, couldn't cry.

But now, Lian Ningguang, who had always been calm and composed, was still in a daze because he was the one who was most shocked at the scene. The other seven stars also looked sad. He had no choice but to stand up and stop Qian Yanjun's fragile behavior, and then loudly ordered:

First welcome Emperor Fa Shei into the palace. The Qianyan Army will guard Yiyan Palace for me. All Seven Stars will follow me into the palace!

After saying that, Han Xiao strode forward to the palace door, stretched out her hands to push open the heavy door and walked straight in.

Han Xiao is right, let's welcome the emperor and his old man Fa Shei into the palace first.

Although she was still in a daze, Ningguang slowly came back to her senses amidst Han Xiao's loud instructions, and immediately followed him into the Yiyan Palace.

Seeing this, Keqing and others also calmed down their grief and anger, and staggered into the hall one by one.

As soon as they entered the hall, they saw Han Xiao standing in the center of the hall with his hands behind his hands and his head raised, staring at the statue of the emperor.

Chapter 258 Seven-Star Council (Part 1)

Standing in the center of the hall and staring at the statue of the Rock God, Hanxiao did not speak for a long time. It was not until all the Qianyan Army exited the hall, leaving only Qixing Hou, that he turned around and looked at Ningguang and the others.

Although the faces of Ningguang and others were still a little sad at this time, at least they seemed to be emotionally stable.

Let's hold a seven-star meeting here.

Wait a moment, Tianshu Xing, I have something to ask Tianquan first.

Kaiyangxing was the first to stand up, pointing his finger at Ningguang.

Ningguang, you are the host of this Immortal Ceremony. Among the seven stars, you are the first to come into contact with Lord Yan's Immortal Ancestor Method. Can I ask you if you have discovered anything?

As soon as Kaiyangxing said this, Tianxuan Yaoguang and others turned their attention to Ningguang. What Kaiyang asked was exactly what they were thinking.

Sorry, I didn't find anything.

Faced with Kaiyangxing's question, Ningguang shook his head.

When Prince Yan's Immortal Ancestor Fa Shen fell to the Yujing Terrace, she immediately went up to check, but she did not find any wounds on the Immortal Ancestor Fa Shen.

What Ningguang said should be true.

Before Yao Guang and others could speak, Han Xiao pointed at the dragon-shaped Immortal Ancestor Fashu in the hall.

Then why did Prince Yan suddenly suffer this disaster?

Yao Guang's expression was quite excited. He also looked at the Immortal Ancestor Fa Shen and found that there were indeed no wounds on his body, but he still didn't understand what caused the emperor's sudden death.

That's what we're going to discuss in this parliament.

Seeing that Qixing became emotional and unable to act rationally because of Zhongli's fake death, Han Xiao, as the calmest person at the scene, immediately stood up and began to take charge of the overall situation.

First of all, I want to ask you a question. With the strength of the Emperor and his old man, who can quietly harm the Emperor.

Saying that, Han Xiao turned her gaze to Keqing:

Yu Hengxing, what do you think?

No one in Liyue has this ability.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Keqing, whose eyes were still red at this moment, shook her head without hesitation.

According to historical records, the emperor's name as the God of War was resounding throughout the Teyvat continent during the Demon God War.

No one in Liyue has the ability to make the emperor die quietly, not even Qixing, not even immortals.

As soon as Keqing's words came out, the entire hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone's face became a little more doubtful.

Yes, what Yu Hengxing said is reasonable. The Emperor was a Martial God back then. Who has the ability to assassinate a Martial God?

Yes, no one in Liyue has such ability to harm the emperor.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from deep in the hall, and then a haggard-looking Gan Yu walked out of the shadows.

Miss Ganyu.

Seeing that the person coming was Gan Yu, Qixing nodded to each other one after another. Although Gan Yu was not Qixing, Qixing had watched each other grow up in the past.

So Gan Yu suddenly showed up at the Seven Star Conference and no one thought it was wrong.

Senior Sister Gan Yu, you are here too.

How could I not come to such a big event?

Hearing Han Xiao greeting him, Gan Yu smiled reluctantly, then stood next to Ke Qing, looked around at the Qixing present and said:

As for Yu Hengxing, I, as a person involved during the Demon God War, can testify that the emperor's power is definitely stronger than you imagine.

Even the combined power of the immortals cannot match the emperor.

Wait, let me interrupt.

Tianji on the side suddenly asked:

Now we have reached a consensus, but what about the immortal side?

As soon as these words came out, many people present had solemn looks on their faces.

Indeed, Qixing has basically ruled out the possibility of internal crimes, but Immortal doesn't know about it.

If the immortals came to ask for help, how should they respond?

Leave it to me, the Immortal.

Gan Yu immediately spoke up and took over the matter.

She is a half-immortal beast, and she is the link between the immortals and the Seven Stars. It is natural for her to do this.

Senior Sister Gan Yu, there is no need to go to such trouble.

Han Xiao suddenly spoke and attracted the attention of everyone present. Only then did someone notice that the other party called Gan Yu.

Tianshu Xing calls Miss Gan Yu his senior sister. Doesn't that mean that the other party worships the immortal as his teacher?

Under everyone's gaze, Han Xiao took out the Thousand Miles Sound Conch from her jade pendant.

Just this move made the eyes of everyone present jump. Xumi accepted the mustard seed. It was indeed an immortal trick!

Soon, in everyone's sight, Han Xiao began to contact Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

After a while, the slightly deep voice of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng came from the thousand-mile sound transmission conch:


Master Liuyun.

Hanxiao, you don't need to elaborate. I have already heard what happened on the radio. I, Xieyue, Lishui and others believe you.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng over there seemed to know what he was going to say, and quickly expressed the attitude of the immortals.

There must be external causes for the emperor's death. I hope you and the other seven stars will work together to find the murderer. Immortal has never been Liyue's burden.

After saying that, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun hung up the communication.

Ah this...

Is this really what my grumpy cheap master can say?

Looking at the conch in his hand that suddenly lost communication, Han Xiao couldn't help but make a comment in her heart.

Based on the level of what he said just now, it seems that Zhongli was directing it behind the scenes!

But now is not the time to dwell on this. Han Xiao takes the conch back into the jade pendant and looks at Qixing again:

Okay, what we were most worried about won't happen.

Seeing that the immortal's attitude was also on their side, Qixing was relieved. In this way, both Qixing and the immortal were united in their opinions.

They no longer have to worry about internal strife in Liyue.

Only Gan Yu was a little confused.

Judging from her many years of experience in getting along with Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun, the first thing that the other party can think of must be to personally suppress Liyue Port.

Why did the conversation end with such a simple sentence: I believe in Qixing?

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's abnormal attitude made Gan Yu a little uneasy, and she vaguely felt that there must be something fishy in this.

Of course, Gan Yu only thought about it in his heart and did not choose to say it out.

After all, Qixing and Immortal have reached an agreement now. If she expresses her doubts at this time, wouldn't it mess up the newly stable situation again?

So she planned to have a good talk with Han Xiao after the meeting.

The attitude of the immortals is the same as ours. They think it is not an internal problem in Liyue, and think it is an external cause. What do you think this external cause could be?

Han Xiao also saw a flash of doubt on Gan Yu's face, but at this time he didn't care about a showdown with the other party, and still directed the conversation to the result he wanted.

Chapter 259: Seven-Star Conference (Part 2)

Fools all!

As soon as Han Xiao's words came out of her mouth, Ning Guang on the side subconsciously blurted out the names of the fools.

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