At least when faced with emergencies, the people of Liyue responded very quickly.

Liu Yun.

What are your orders, Emperor?

Seeing Zhongli suddenly turning his head to look at him, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun stepped forward and asked respectfully.

In the next period of time, I hope you and Qixing will work together and Liyue's future will be left to you.

I will obey the emperor's decree.

After hearing Zhongli's instructions, True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng couldn't help but look at each other with True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building Yang and True Lord Lishui Dieshan.

Then they all responded in unison.

I'm relieved now, you can just step back first.

Didn't Han Xiao entrust Guili City to you to guard it? Now Guili City needs you to come forward to stabilize the people.


Liuyun Sanxian immediately agreed, then flew out of the living room and galloped towards Kuixing Tower.

Albedo, you and the Great Sage of Conquering Demons should go out first. The old man and I have something to discuss.

When the Three Immortals Liuyun left, Wendy asked Albedo and Mandrill to retreat first as soon as Wendy opened her mouth.

After seeing Zhongli acquiescing to Wendy's words, Mandrill left the living room without saying a word.

Lord Barbatos, Lord Rock King, I will take my leave now.

Hearing Wendy's words to ask him to retreat for the time being, Albedo quickly followed Mandrill and turned around to leave.

He didn't dare to stay in this miserable place for any longer, it was too exciting.

But excitement is excitement, and from the bottom of his heart, Albedo felt that today's Hanxiao dance was worth it.

After all, he learned some secrets between gods at close range.

Of course, Abedo thought that he would have to seek Zhongli's consent later to see if he could properly reveal the news about Yanshen's fake death to Captain Qin.

To save some careless guys in the Knights from causing trouble, the matter with Diluc's father had not happened for a few years.

Qin is just the acting leader, and sometimes she really can't suppress these people.

Chapter 256 The conversation between Zhongli and Wendy

As Abedo and others left, only Wendy and Zhongli were left in the entire living room.

What do you want to tell me, Barbatos?

Old man, your choice to abdicate this time may not be as simple as you said.

Oh, what do you say?

Hearing Wendy's question, Zhong Li suddenly became interested. He wanted to hear what the other party thought of besides the reasons he gave.

It must be wear and tear.

Wendy expressed her guess without hesitation.

Wear and tear is a ‘Sword of Damocles’ imposed by heaven on the heads of all living beings. Even the devil cannot escape the effects of wear and tear.

For example, Dragon King Ruotuo, who was originally a good dragon, gradually forgot everything due to wear and tear, and finally turned against Zhongli.

In fact, Wendy still admires Zhongli on this point.

He himself chose to sleep in order to avoid wear and tear, while Thor locked himself in his own consciousness space, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

But whether it is his sleep or Thor's operation to isolate himself, the main purpose is to avoid the damage caused by wear and tear.

But Zhongli was different. He actually chose to endure the wear and tear and keep working for thousands of years. It was scary to think about it.

So when she heard that Zhongli was planning to retire from the position of Rock God, besides the reasons mentioned by him, the only reason Wendy could think of was wear and tear.

After all, once Zhongli's wear and tear is too serious, he may lose his mind like Ruotuo Dragon King back then and choose to attack Liyue.

How about it, old man, my guess is pretty accurate, right?

After saying her guess, Wendy set her sights on Zhongli, wanting to see his reaction.

You are right, wear and tear is indeed one of the reasons why I chose to abdicate.

After listening to the bard's guess, Zhongli nodded, and instead of denying the other party, he admitted it generously.

Even solid rock will be worn away by time and turned into dust.

Liyue is the hard work of me and many comrades-in-arms. I really don't want Liyue to be destroyed in my irrational hands.

Old man, are you already so worn out?

Seeing that Zhongli even said that he was afraid of destroying Liyue with his own hands, Wendy was shocked and asked nervously.

It's okay not to be nervous. Although he does hide a lot of strength, it will definitely not be enough if he goes head-to-head with Zhongli.

Once Morax becomes like Ruoduo Dragon King and loses his mind due to wear and tear, then the Tiyvat continent will be really dangerous.

My wear and tear is indeed serious.

Zhongli did not hide anything from Wendy, and told his current physical condition quite frankly.

If I continue to hold the position of god, in about a thousand years I will become as completely irrational as Ruo Tuo.

A thousand years is indeed a bit short.

Once she heard that Zhongli could only hold on to the throne for another thousand years, Wendy immediately understood why Zhongli was in a hurry to abdicate.

A thousand years is a long time for mortals, but compared to nearly immortal demon gods like them, it is quite short.

Well, old man, can you estimate how long you can last after abdicating?


Zhongli immediately lowered his head and calmed down. After briefly assessing his physical condition, he raised his head and looked at the bard and said:

After abdicating the throne, I estimate that it will be extended for about two thousand years.

That means you still have about three thousand years left, old man.

Wendy was relieved to learn that Zhongli could at least resist the wear and tear of nearly three thousand years after his abdication.

Seeing that the bard's mood had eased a lot, Zhongli said calmly:

Now is the time when Teyvat is undergoing drastic changes. Maybe the wear and tear imposed by heaven on us may not be unraveled one day.

No, old man, do you have so much confidence in travelers?

Wendy, who had just taken a breath, was immediately shocked by what Zhongli said.

Wear and tear, that is a law established by heaven.

Now Zhongli actually said that they might one day be able to solve the law of wear and tear.

Even if Wendy is very confident in her, and because she bets on the Ice Queen.

But to say that the other party can lift the law of wear and tear, he can't believe it at all.

It's not because of her.

Zhongli shook his head, rejecting Wendy's conjecture.

The Traveler is indeed worth betting on, but it would be great if the other party can overthrow the keeper of the Heavenly Law. He wants to face the illusory Heavenly Law that even their demon gods have never seen.

To be honest, Zhongli didn't have that confidence.

Then who are you talking about?

Hearing that Zhongli didn't think travelers could unravel the laws of wear and tear set by heaven, Wendy was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him in disbelief:

Old man, you are not talking about Han Xiao, are you?

Yes, it's this little boy.

No... Master, is this possible?

Seeing Zhongli admitting it happily, Wendy quickly reached out to interrupt him.

He met Han Xiao once when he woke up from his deep sleep.

At that time, Han Xiao itself was not very strong, and was at the upper-middle level among the owners of the God's Eye in Teyvat Continent.

Until this time when he came to Guili City, Han Xiao's strength had undergone a major transformation, rising to a level that was close to that of a demon god's dependent.

Although it seems that the opponent's strength has indeed improved very quickly, even the maintainers of the heavenly principles are at the level of their demon gods, let alone the illusory heavenly principles that are still above the maintainers.

Although there is only one level difference between the Demon God's followers and the Demon God, there is a huge gap between them.

At least the Geminis were fierce men who could fight against the Heavenly Law Maintainer, and their strength was still higher than that of the Demon God.

Why is the old man unwilling to believe in a traveler who has stepped through the threshold of the devil, but is more willing to believe in Han Xiao, who has not even jumped to the level of life?

Just because Han Xiao is from Liyue, this is impossible! ?

The devil is not his end.

Zhong Li couldn't help but recall Han Xiao who had caused the strange phenomenon, and the aura that vaguely threatened him.

The essence of Holy Light, the alchemy that is completely different from the continent of Teyvat, the technique that even he can't see through, and so on.

It was from that time that Zhongli knew that Han Xiao had more secrets than he imagined, and that he even had the means to connect to other worlds.

However, he did not point out this point. On the contrary, he was happy to see the results and let Han Xiao grow up.

Zhongli believed that sooner or later Han Xiao would step into the realm of the devil and become stronger and stronger.

Chapter 257 Han Xiao: The scene was so touching, I almost laughed immorally

Just when Wendy and Zhongli were talking about the issue of wear and tear in Hanxiao, there was also a conversation going on at the Liyue Port Beiguo Bank.

Morax is dead.

I didn't expect that the other party still chose to fake death.

The lady's face showed no surprise when the first words she heard after Dadalia came back were the 'death' of Morax.

After all, in the previous plan, Morax planned to fake death to see whether the Liyue people could grow quickly. Even after the contract was changed, the other party still did not give up on this point.

The news that Dadalia brought back now only confirmed that the other party really dared to do this.

Now is not the time to admire the generosity of that rock god.

Hearing the lady's sigh, Dadalia retorted unceremoniously, with a relatively impatient expression on her face.

Do you know that without the knowledge of Liyue Seven Stars, we Fools are the most suspicious targets.

At the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, when he saw Morax's dragon body plummeting from the sky to the ground with his own eyes, Dadalia knew that their fools were in trouble.

Then you have to work harder, don't be forced to release the devil too early.

Seeing Dadalia's impatient look, the lady just glanced at him, and then replied in a calm tone.

Anyway, the commander in Liyue's side is his son Dadalia, not her.

Even if Liyue Qixing wants to cause trouble, it is still trouble for Dadalia, and it has nothing to do with Rosalin.


Hearing the lady's careless words, Dadalia clicked her tongue in displeasure, but could not refute the other party for a while.

Now he is the leader of the fools in Liyue, and the lady is just a helper who came to assist him at the Queen's order.

He really can't command a lady.

With Morax's fake death, we Fools are definitely the first target of their suspicion. In this case, how do you plan to get the Heart of God from Han Xiao?

This was what Dadalia couldn't understand. They, the Fools, had captured the God's Heart from the Wind God in Mondstadt. There was no way Liyue hadn't received the information.

The death of Morax is definitely the most suspected among the fools.

The current situation is obviously quite unfavorable to the fools, but why does the lady seem not to care at all?

Haha, compared to the lives of millions of people in Guili City, I believe Han Xiao will make a wise choice.

Regarding Dadalia's doubts, the lady just sneered and said some rather terrifying words.

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