A Jin, can you tell me how you guessed it?

Zhongli's desire to retire can be said to be top secret, and few people in Liyue know about it.

So Han Xiao now wants to know how Yun Jin guessed it.

It was Miss Ying's words today that woke me up.

Seeing that Han Xiao did not deny it but only asked how she guessed it, Yun Jin told her in detail the conversation she had with Ying today.

Then he explained how he came to this point.

Ajin, I have to say that you are sharper than most people in Liyue.

After listening to Yun Jin's explanation, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh, and it was still his fault.

Thinking about it, if Yun Jin hadn't deliberately cultivated Yun Jin's open thinking when she was young, she wouldn't have been so imaginative that she could even guess that Zhong Li wanted to retire.

At this point, he could only admit it.

The emperor and I do know each other.

Sure enough.

After Yun Jin heard this, she couldn't help but secretly thought in her heart.

The fact that Han Xiao and the emperor knew each other has been speculated for a long time, but it has never been confirmed. Now this mystery has finally been solved.

However, she did not interrupt, but concentrated on waiting for Han Xiao's next words.

As for the conclusion you guessed, it is correct. The emperor does want to retire.

But why?

Hearing this, Yun Jin could no longer hold back the huge doubts in her heart, and immediately interrupted the other party.

Ajin...how long has the emperor protected Liyue?

It has been more than 3,700 years since Liyue Port was established.

Yeah...more than three thousand years.

Facing the somewhat excited Yun Jin, Han Xiao raised her head slightly and looked at her, and asked in a calm tone.

Then do you think the emperor will feel tired after he has protected Liyue for so long?


Yun Jin was stunned for a moment. She was about to open her mouth to refute the emperor, but she stopped before she could say anything.

Then a look of extreme confusion appeared on her face, and she murmured to herself:

It turns out... the emperor will also feel tired.

Chapter 251 The Immortal Invitation Ceremony is About to Begin

I don’t know what the two talked about after that. Not long after, Yun Jin left Han Xiao’s home with a worried look on her face.

Early the next morning, Han Xiao issued a decree to the General Affairs Department on the grounds of arts and literature going to the countryside.

After discussion, the staff of the General Affairs Department decided that Yunhanshe would be the team leader this time, leading most of Liyue's entertainment personnel to Qingce Village to perform a condolence performance for the elderly who stayed behind in Zhuangzi.

That afternoon, Yun Jin set foot on the road to Qingce Village with Yunhanshe's motorcade.

After sending Yun Jin away, Han Xiao still did not stop his actions. He specially found the heads of the Yun Han family and Xing Qiu's father, and contacted many chamber of commerce bosses through them.

Then they announced that the Immortal Invitation Ceremony was coming soon, and they should set an example and let the employees rest and go home to see their parents and children, so as to gain the praise of Prince Yan.

Since Prince Yan had once made an exception to show up in Liyuan to commend Han Xiao, it was widely spread. These people did not have the slightest doubt about Han Xiao's reason for making it up, and they all patted their chests and promised that it would be done.

With the help of this power, Han Xiao's proposal at the Seven Stars Association to set the days before and after the Immortal Ceremony as legal holidays was also approved.

Soon, many people received the news that they would have a two-day holiday before and after the Immortal Ceremony.

Since Liyue locals have long been accustomed to the ceremony of inviting immortals, they felt that instead of staying in Liyue Port, they might as well take advantage of the holiday to go back to their hometown to see their parents.

As a result, a large number of clerks working in the chamber of commerce, with their wives and children, were 'driven' back to Qiaoying Village, Qingce Village and other places by Han Xiao.


Time soon came to the day of the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

Although some people have temporarily left Liyue Port and returned to their hometowns after Hanxiao's 'evacuation', the city is still bustling at this time.

After all, for most vendors, the Fairy Ceremony is not only a good opportunity to earn money from foreigners, but also a chance to hear Prince Yan’s development plans for the next year.

Maybe they can seize some opportunities and fly into the sky.

So many tourists.

On the way to Yujing Terrace, Paimon suggested to Ying while watching the flow of people heading towards Yujing Terrace:

I heard that on this day every year when you invite immortals, making wishes is very effective. Would you like to try it?


Hearing Paimon's question, Yingya responded with a smile.

Although she didn't really believe in this kind of thing, she might as well ask for a good omen.

Following the flow of people, the two of them soon arrived at the square where the Immortal Invitation Ceremony was held at Yujing Terrace.

Hey, isn't that Han Xiao?

As soon as he entered the square, the sharp-eyed Paimon immediately spotted Han Xiao standing in front of a large incense burner and quickly pushed Ying's shoulder.

Come on, let's go there.

Looking along the direction of Paimon's finger, Ying also saw Han Xiao not far away, and immediately walked towards him.


After the two of them had walked in a lot, Paimon waved to Han Xiao and called each other's name.

Hearing someone calling him, Han Xiao couldn't help but look back and saw that it was Ying and Paimon. He immediately responded with a smile.

Long time no see, Ying, and Paimon.

You guys also want to get some celestial energy?

Well, please give me a good omen.

Ying first responded to Han Xiao, and then asked in a low voice:

What you promised before...

Don't worry, you will see Prince Yan.

Before Ying could finish speaking, Han Xiao interrupted her and directly made her promise.

What Ying didn't know was that she didn't see the inexplicable look flashing in Han Xiao's eyes.


On the other side, Guili City.

Old man, today we are inviting an immortal to attend the ceremony. Isn't it a little bad that you are still thinking about attending the banquet at this time?

Looking at Zhongli walking towards Albedo's residence, Wendy on the side finally couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart.

Emperor, Lord Fengshen is right.

Beside Zhongli and Wendy, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also added hesitantly.

Originally, she had come to Guili City today at the invitation of her apprentice Han Xiao, but as soon as she entered the city, she saw the Emperor and Fengshen walking together.

It can be said that Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was confused at this moment.

Today is obviously a big day for the ceremony of inviting immortals, but who can tell me why the emperor went to the banquet leisurely at this time?

As for True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, who was called to help, True Lord Cutting Moon Zhuyang and True Lord Lishui Dieshan looked at each other, and then acted as if they were wandering in the sky.

You will naturally know the reason later.

Compared with the doubts of Wendy and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Zhongli was also a little troubled and couldn't express his feelings.

Two days ago, Abedo suddenly came to me and said that he wanted to invite him to tea and talk to him about what Han Xiao had told him before he left.

So Zhongli followed his good habit of having sex for free and agreed.

But who would have thought that as soon as he went out, Wendy appeared out of nowhere, and then Lian Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and the others also showed up and returned to Licheng.

After asking, Wendy was also invited by Abedo, while Liuyun and the others were invited by Han Xiao to garrison Guili City.

It was only then that Zhong Li realized that he had been 'set up' by Han Xiao, a bastard.

But because he agreed to Abedo and in order to abide by the contract, he had no choice but to go to the appointment.

However, in Zhongli's heart, he had once again remembered Han Xiao harshly.

After hearing Zhongli's somewhat vague words, Wendy and Sanxian followed him to Albedo's residence without asking any more questions.

The initiator of this banquet, Abedo, had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

Seeing several people coming, he quickly greeted them.


His eyes returned to the vicinity of Yujing Terrace.

Dadalia mixed in the crowd and carefully observed Han Xiao who was talking to Ying.

Is that the traveler the lady met in Mondstadt?

Seeing Paimon next to Ying, he immediately thought of the traveler who had reported the probability of solving the Mondron disaster.

Of course, what made Dadalia even more curious was how Han Xiao got involved with the other party.

But before he could think about it, a salute sounded, and the whole crowd suddenly became commotion.

The ceremony to invite the immortal is about to begin.

Realizing this, Dadalia withdrew his gaze, and then focused all his attention on Ningguang, who was standing in the center of Yujing Terrace.

He came here this time to keep an eye on Han Xiao and see if he could find some opportunities to snatch the heart of God.

As for the other point, of course I want to meet Morax.

After all, as a qualified warrior, Dadalia certainly wanted to experience for himself what kind of oppression the so-called God of War would bring to him.

Chapter 252: The time of taboo has arrived and the ceremony begins

As the scheduled time got closer, Ning Guang, who was standing in the center of Yujing Terrace, couldn't help but raise his palms covered with black sleeves and gold nail polishes to cover his eyes and look at the sky.

After confirming that the sun was shining brightly at this moment, she passed over the ceremonial maids standing on both sides and spoke slowly.

The auspicious time has come.

Hearing Ningguang's announcement that the time had come, the ceremonial maids on both sides bowed respectfully, and then stepped away, while she activated the power of the Eye of God.

The khaki rock elements quickly gathered under the control of Ning Guang, and quickly formed several gems that quickly rotated around her body.

The next moment, Ning Guang reached out and pointed, and several gems flew out in the direction of her finger.

Then Ning Guang pinched a spell on his chest with his right hand, and the rock elemental gem suddenly rushed into the huge incense burner.

In an instant, golden light suddenly exploded from the incense burner, and a bright beam of light soared into the sky.

The sky immediately seemed to be stirred by a golden beam of light, and all the clouds turned into layers of whirlpools at this moment.


Just as Ningguang started the ceremony of inviting immortals, Han Xiao, who was apparently watching the ceremony, had actually started a live broadcast in the chat group.

After all, he had promised his friends before that he would live broadcast the scene of the immortal invitation ceremony.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Good guy, this is the live version of the Immortal Invitation Ceremony. This is much grander than the scene seen in the game.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Nonsense, the game is for the sake of your mobile phone, so not many people are arranged to watch.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Xi Xiao's words make sense. If it were really designed according to the big scene, no cell phone would be able to carry it.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Isn't it time to say, welcome to The Fall of the Rock King?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: I think the time has come for taboos.

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