[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Ah, I'll broadcast it live to you, and then you'll start complaining about Zhongli, right?

Seeing that the sand sculpture group members were getting more and more crooked as they spoke, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Sure enough, these people are just watching the excitement and don't mind it.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Stop making trouble, Yuanxiao, you should have noticed Dadalia in the crowd.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: I've seen him a long time ago, and his features are easy to recognize.

Hearing Mo Xiao's inquiry, Han Xiao subconsciously glanced in the direction of Dadalia, but he quickly looked back.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: How could a martial arts idiot like him miss the appearance of the Demon God? But why did you suddenly ask Dadalia?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I think Mo Xiao is pretty much what I thought. What do you think Ningguang will do once Zhongli's dragon-shaped body falls down?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Isn't it because the emperor was killed and the whole place was sealed off? It was already mentioned in the game.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Moxiao and joxiao mean that Ningguang is likely to throw the blame on Dadalia.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: That's impossible, Ningguang shouldn't be so damaged.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Hey, don't believe it. I have been protecting No. 5 in the northwest during this period, and Lao Chang's methods are very despicable.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Actually, it's very simple. Even if Qixing encounters an incident with the Rock King, it will be difficult to use his authority to suppress the people, so Ningguang will definitely find a resistance position as soon as possible to concentrate the conflict in one place. On target.”

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: The Fools captured the God's Heart of the Wind God in Mondstadt. When they came to Liyue, they naturally had evil thoughts towards the King of Rock. What could be a more perfect person to take the blame than them? Woolen cloth.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I still think it's impossible. Even though Ningguang knows that the Fools themselves covet the Heart of the Rock God, the other side has not jumped out now. Shifting the blame will cause diplomatic disputes between the two countries. .”

Regarding the thoughts of the group of friends, Han Xiao thought about it for a long time and still felt that Ningguang would not do this.


At the same time, he returned to Abedo's residence in the city.

Listener friends, this is the reporter Zhai Wan in front of us. The annual ceremony of inviting immortals has officially begun with Lord Tianquan Ningguang announcing that the auspicious time has arrived. Let us look forward to the arrival of Lord Yan.

No one spoke in the huge living room, only the sound of a female reporter reporting on the ceremony of inviting immortals echoed on the radio.

As the initiator of this treat, Abedo had moved his body to the very edge of the table at some point, and his entire presence was minimized.

Next to him was Wendy, who was holding a tea cup and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to. Anyway, she was feeling very uncomfortable.

Opposite the Fengshen, Zhongli, the protagonist of the Immortal Ceremony we invited this time, is drinking tea with his head down, as if everything in the outside world has nothing to do with him.

However, it can be seen from the slightly trembling palms holding the tea cup that his heart is not very peaceful at this time.

Behind Zhongli, Mandrill glanced at the side of Zhenyuezhuyang Zhenjun and Lishuiheshan Zhenjun with a bewildered expression.

Facing the gaze of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, Xieyue and Lishui couldn't help but look at each other, and then turned their heads to look at the empty walls on both sides.

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to say something after hearing the voice from the radio. However, seeing that Zhong Li didn't speak, she could only swallow back the words that had reached her lips.

Wait, what is that, something is wrong!

Just when everyone remained silent, the horrified cry of female reporter Zhai Wan suddenly came from the radio, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

Everyone was startled by the sudden sound on the radio, and then turned their attention to Zhongli, who was still drinking tea.

What is supposed to come is finally coming.

Seeing everyone in the living room turning their attention to him, Zhongli sighed silently in his heart.

How should he explain it better later?


Yujingtai, the scene of the immortal ceremony.

As the vortex in the sky grew larger and larger, a dark tornado gradually formed, and at the same time there was a thunderous explosion.

Even the originally scorching sun turned dark.

How is this going?

Isn't it like this in the past to invite immortals to the ceremony?

Quiet, I think something is wrong!

Faced with the sudden change, the people watching the ceremony started whispering to each other, and the expressions on their faces seemed a little confused.

In addition to the foreign tourists who came to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony for the first time, these Liyue merchants participated in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony once a year.

They had never seen a scene like today.

Not only them, but also Ningguang, the host of this ceremony, had puzzlement written all over his face at this time.

Chapter 253: The emperor was killed, heat up the pot!

After serving as the Seven Star for many years, Ningguang has naturally presided over many immortal invitation ceremonies, but today's strange scene is something she has never encountered before.

The tornadoes in the sky became darker and darker, and lightning and thunder even began to occur around them.

This made Ning Guang's heart immediately surge with an ominous premonition.

It's a pity that I'm afraid of what will happen.

As a scarlet lightning tore through the sky, a huge dragon suddenly fell from the dark tornado.

not good!

Ning Guang immediately retreated backwards, and then heard a loud roar, and the huge dragon body fell straight to the ground.

The entire Jade Capital Terrace trembled, and the ceremonial incense burner and incense table were smashed to pieces. A stream of gray-black smoke directly enveloped the entire Yu Jing Terrace.

All the spectators watching the ceremony were knocked around by the sudden impact, and everyone's face was full of panic.

At the same time, Han Xiao's live broadcast room specially opened for the group friends was also constantly scrolling with information.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Old clock!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Other people call me Zhongli, not Zhong!

[Locus·Hanxiao]: This live version is really good to watch, but it's a pity that the plot development has been messed up by this guy Yuanxiao, and I can't see Ying being wanted.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, your trouble is coming.

[Century of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: Ji Xiao is right. With Zhongli's fake death, the Fools are going to take action against you, Yuan Xiao.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I know, today's live broadcast ends here.

As he spoke, Hanxiao turned off the live broadcast room, and then turned his attention to the center of the ceremony shrouded in smoke.

Mo Xiao was right, Zhongli faked his death and escaped in front of everyone, while Dadalia was mixed in the crowd and watched the whole process.

Perhaps the other party may have doubts about Iwagami's death, but no matter what, this is a good time to take action against him.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao turned her attention to the chaotic crowd and tried to find Dadalia, but unfortunately, the other party had obviously noticed that something was wrong and had quietly left Yujingtai while taking advantage of the chaos.


At this moment, Ying grabbed Paimon and touched Han Xiao's side with one hand, the expression on his face was a bit ugly.

She found that her trip was a bit unsatisfactory, and she thought that Fengshen had indeed seen him, but in the end, Fengshen had his heart ripped out by the stupid lady.

I came to Liyue to see the Rock God, but something went wrong with the annual invitation ceremony.

Ying, and Paimon, just stay with me later.

Han Xiao turned around and told Ying to follow her. This was mainly because she was afraid that Ying would choose to run away as stupidly as in the game and end up making herself the center of attention.


After hearing Han Xiao's instructions, Ying nodded, and the tension in her heart eased a lot.

After all, compared to others, her trust in Han Xiao is still very high.

As the smoke gradually receded, the visibility of Yujing Terrace slowly recovered. Only then did everyone see clearly what happened.

In an instant, everyone seemed at a loss when they saw what was happening in front of them.

The ritual utensils arranged in an orderly manner in the center of the ceremony were scattered all over the floor, and the incense burner was broken into countless pieces and scattered all over the ground.

A huge dragon body was lying silently in the center.

Just when the people around who came to visit the Immortal Invitation Ceremony were whispering to each other because of the unexpected incident, Ning Guang, who had reacted, quickly stepped forward and squatted next to the giant dragon to observe carefully.

The more she checked, the heavier her heart became.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ning Guang stood up slowly, took a few steps back, then quickly turned around and raised his hands, and for the first time, panic appeared in his tone:

The emperor has been killed, the whole place is sealed off!


Pfft! Ahem...

When Ning Guang's slightly panicked order came from the radio, Wendy couldn't help but spray the tea she just drank on the table and cough repeatedly.

But at this time, he couldn't care so much anymore. He wiped the water stains from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and then turned his attention to Zhongli.

The expression on his face was indescribable amusement.

Old man, where are you playing?


Facing Wendy's slightly amused look, Zhongli rarely knew how to explain it.

As for the immortals behind him, their expressions at this time were also indescribably shocked.

If it were normal times, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng would definitely curse him when he heard Qixing arrange the emperor like this.

However, she looked at Zhongli in front of her, and then at Xieyue and Lishui, who had already lowered their heads to count ants. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

The emperor must have some reasons for doing this... Bah, there must be some serious illness!

As Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who had been with the emperor for many years and was finally good friends with King Chen back then, he complained about Zhongli in his heart for the first time.

If it weren't for his young apprentice Han Xiao asking him to help guard Guili City, he would accidentally discover the truth of the matter.

As for what happened to Qingxian Dianyi, once she knew about it, she would definitely take action to suppress Liyue Port.

Now that it's better, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is not only not angry, but actually has some sympathy for Ningguang, the Seven Stars, in his heart.

This unlucky child must be so unlucky to encounter such a rare event in a thousand years.

The whole living room was extremely quiet, everyone was waiting for the clock to leave and speak.

Oh, you ask what Abedo and Mandrill are doing?

The two of them had quietly stood in the corner.

Unlike the Three Immortals Liuyun, Mandrill, who has been working around Zhongli, actually knew the emperor's plan for a long time.

And he and Han Xiao privately persuaded Zhongli not to abdicate.

Unfortunately, facing the emperor with a firm attitude, Mandrill could only acquiesce to Zhongli's decision in the end.

As for Abedo, he now regrets agreeing to Han Xiao's request.

Although he had long known that the other party's suggestion must be flawed, he couldn't help but be curious about what the thousand-year-old famous scene Han Xiao was talking about was.

Well now, it is indeed a famous scene that is rare in a thousand years.

But Abedo now wants to disappear from the living room. Judging from the scene, he is afraid that he will be silenced.

Finally, under the silent gaze of everyone, Zhongli slowly put down the teacup in his hand and said in a calm tone:

Okay, just ask whatever you want. You don't have to be so silent.

The Emperor invites you to the Immortal Ceremony...

As soon as he finished speaking, the impatient Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun quickly asked, but he paused as he spoke.

However, the people present were all smart people, so they naturally understood the unfinished meaning of the other party's words.

Well, Liyue's rock god was killed during the ceremony to invite immortals.

Hearing Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's question, Zhongli nodded, and then said something that almost made Wendy laugh out loud.

Chapter 254: Cutting the Moon: As expected of the emperor’s chosen one

Zhongli ignored Wendy, who was about to laugh, and saw him slowly explaining the reasons why he did what he did.

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