Of course there is Guili City.

If Liyue Port was built by the Liyue people with the help of the immortals, then Guili City was built brick by brick by the Liyue people themselves.

Yun Jin has also been to Guili City several times, and naturally knows that the influence of immortals in Guili City has actually been reduced to a minimum.

Immortals don't care about worldly affairs and just keep practicing in the mountains.

Some time ago, the emperor made an exception and appeared in Guiliyuan. Not only was he not dissatisfied with Guili City, a city that was almost free of the influence of immortal gods, he even specially gave Hanxiao a token.

Apparently he thinks his bamboo horse is doing a good job.

It seems it's time to have a good talk with Han Xiao.

Looking at the open-air auction that was about to start in the distance, Yun Jin secretly made up her mind to have a good chat with her best friend.

Ying, Yun Jin, let's start, let's start!

Just when Yun Jin was full of thoughts, Paimeng suddenly spun around in the air a few times excitedly, and reminded the two of them that the auction had begun.

Hearing Paimon's cry, Yun Jin and Ying couldn't help but move away.

Sure enough, many staff members were carrying several objects covered with red cloth onto the makeshift high platform for the open-air auction.

At the same time, a host with a loudspeaker also came up:

We welcome all Liyue residents to participate in this open-air auction.

The clay figures in this auction are all the last batch of works commissioned by Master Hanxiao to be auctioned by our company before he became the Seven Stars.

Without further ado, let's invite the first earthen puppet to be auctioned, Grand Marshal Teng She, the leader of the five great immortals and yakshas under the Emperor's throne.

As the host finished speaking, the entire open-air auction fell into an exciting bidding session.

Many people made bids one after another, intending to take pictures of these beautifully sculptured clay figures with good meanings.

Wow, they are really rich.

Listening to the continuous bidding in his ears, Paimeng couldn't help but sigh. This is the first clay doll to be offered such a high price. Are the people of Liyue so crazy?

Indeed, but there may be other factors involved.

Ying on the side understood something, and couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, no matter which world we are in, this kind of thing is inevitable.

Because this is Hanxiao's last batch of clay dolls.

Yun Jin also nodded. It is true that people in Liyue revere immortals and gods, but how many people in Liyue today really know who the so-called Grand Marshal Teng She is?

The reason for the bid was probably because this was the last batch of clay dolls that Han Xiao made before taking over as Tianshu Star.

It’s no wonder these people bid crazy for the earthen doll made by Qixing himself.

Yun Jin and Ying didn't speak anymore, just watching the auction proceed quietly.

One after another, the exquisite clay dolls were sold at high prices, until the climax came when Lord Yan's clay doll appeared.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the price of the ‘Zhongli Kicking Gun Statue’ with its hooded face invisible, exceeded 200 million molad, and it continues to rise.


Seeing that the price was heading towards 300 million Mora, Ying couldn't help but take a breath. If the previous clay dolls were sold at high prices because of the cold night.

But since the earthen puppet of Emperor Yanwang came out, she found that everyone in the entire venue fell into a state of frenzy.

Tsk tsk, Yan Shen’s reputation in Liyue is terrifying.

Thinking of this, Ying couldn't help turning her head to look at Yun Jin, and asked pointedly:

It seems that the people of Liyue really worship Emperor Yanwang.

After all, Prince Yan has protected Liyue for thousands of years. Every Liyue person has respected him very much since childhood.


On Qunyu Pavilion

Han Xiao looked down through the window and happened to see the dark Chihu Rock.

Ningguang, you are controlling this auction behind the scenes, right?

Oh, why do you think it's me?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ning Guang smiled noncommittally.

Generally speaking, Liyue's auctions are held at Yujing Terrace, but this time we chose Chihuyan.

And I remember that you bought all of this batch of clay dolls.

Looking away from the window, Han Xiao couldn't help but look at Ningguang and asked her question.

Can you tell me why you did this?

You wouldn't believe me if I said I sold it because of poor cash flow.

Nonsense, of course I won’t believe this explanation.

The first words Ning Guang spoke made Han Xiao couldn't help but curl her lips.

Just kidding, with Ningguang's wealth, how could there be poor capital turnover?

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't answer, Ning Guang didn't continue teasing, and directly told her the real reason why she held the open-air auction in Chihuyan.

Gan Yu told me that many businessmen have had problems with their accounts recently, and the whereabouts of several funds cannot be traced.

So you went out of your way to stage an auction?

Aren't you a bit alarming by doing this?

The inflow of funds cannot be traced. Only the national level can do this. And at this juncture, who else can do this except Zhi Dong.

Han Xiao didn't believe that Ning Guang didn't know this, so he was curious about the other party's purpose of holding an auction with such great fanfare.

What I want is to alert the enemy.

You may not know it because you haven't lived in Liyue Port for a long time. Recently, the hands of rich people reaching out to Liyue are getting longer and longer. I put this matter out to warn the other party not to go too far.

In response to Han Xiao's question, Ningguang picked up the cigarette rod and took a slow puff, her face looming under the smoke.

It's not that she doesn't want to have fun with rich people, it's just that the top priority right now is to invite the immortal ceremony.

Therefore, Ningguang could only choose to put the matter on the table in order to make the other party avoid it for a period of time.

After inviting the immortal ceremony to pass, she would have a good fight with him.

Chapter 250: Helpful Ying

A lively auction with some meaning behind it quickly came to an end. In the end, the earth idol of the Rock King was bought for 480 million molas.

With no excitement to see, Ying and Paimeng also took a tour of some of the more famous attractions in Liyue under the leadership of Yun Jin.

Time soon came to night.

After bidding farewell to Yun Jin, Ying sat in the hotel room, looking out at the still brightly lit night market.

Ying, what are you thinking about?

Seeing Ying sitting on the bed and not talking since returning to the room, Paimon opened his mouth and asked while eating rice noodles.

I was just wondering what kind of god King Yanwang is.

Leaning her body against the wall, Ying's eyes were still on the night scene outside the window, and the scene of the auction during the day kept reappearing in her mind.

She didn't know if it was her own misunderstanding, but Ying always felt something strange that she couldn't explain from those Liyue people who worshiped the Rock God very much.

Probably a very powerful god.

After swallowing the last mouthful of Miwowo and then sticking out his tongue to lick his fingers, Paimon responded according to his own thoughts.

In her opinion, for Emperor Yanwang to be so revered by the people of Liyue, he must be a very powerful god.


While Ying and Paimon were chatting, Han Xiao, who had just come from Qunyu Pavilion, found Yun Jin sitting in the living room waiting for her as soon as she arrived home.

A Jin, it's so late, didn't Uncle Yun call you to go home?

I told my father that I have something to do with you.

That's it.

Han Xiao walked up to Yun Jin, stretched out her hand to pull out a chair, sat down on it, and then asked:

How's it going? What do you think after meeting the screen today?

Hmm... quite helpful.

Hearing her friend's question, Yun Jin tilted her head and thought for a moment, then gave Ying a helpful comment.

Today, she accompanied the other party to visit Liyue Port. Unexpectedly, the first place the other party went to was the Adventurers Association, and he also received several commissions.

It can be said that Yun Jin accompanied Ying while doing the commission while visiting Liyue Port.

Are you willing to help others?

Seeing Yun Jin give Ying such a comment, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel happy.

This evaluation is quite accurate. After all, when I was playing games in my previous life, the title of yellow-haired fool and tool man was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Thinking of her purpose of waiting for the other party to come back today, Yun Jin asked coldly:

Tell me the truth, do you and Prince Yan know each other?

Hey, Ah Jin, you suddenly thought of asking me this, maybe you heard some rumors outside again, right?

Han Xiao looked at Yun Jin with some surprise.

He knew very well that there had been a lot of controversy outside that he was suddenly nominated by Zhongli as a candidate for the Seven Stars.

The most widely circulated thing is that the Han family, a thousand-year-old family, has a secret channel to contact Prince Yan.

God knows how strange the looks in the Han family's eyes from the children of Guilicheng were when they first heard this rumor.

It seems to ask us again that the Han family still has such powerful means?

As a member of the Yun family, Yun Jin should know that the Han family does not have such channels, but why did she ask if she and Zhongli knew each other again.

Because I'm also very curious about how you are valued by Prince Yan.

Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Something is wrong, something is wrong with Ah Jin today.

In fact, his superiors, the heads of the Yunhan family, Han Xiao's uncle and Yun Jin's father, had asked him more or less.

It's just that Han Xiao has been vague because she can't expose Zhongli's identity, and Yun Jin also knows this.

But why did Ah Jin bring up such a sensitive topic in front of her again today?

Perhaps because Han Xiao remained silent, or perhaps because she was troubled by her own speculation, Yun Jin immediately decided to open the skylight to speak frankly with her best friend.

Han Xiao, does Prince Yan have any plans, such as...

Yun Jin paused for a moment, then gritted her teeth and bravely spoke out her guess:

Is Lord Yan going to let go of Liyue?


As Yun Jin finished speaking, Han Xiao suddenly stood up from the chair, and the chair legs and the floor made a noisy and harsh noise.

It seems that my guess was correct.

Seeing her bamboo horse's eyes widening and her face frozen in disbelief, Yun Jin knew that her guess seemed to be true.

Prince Yan really wants to let go of Liyue, who has protected her for thousands of years.

For a moment, she felt mixed emotions.

The entire living room also fell into deathly silence.

a long time.

Han Xiao slowly pulled up the chair that had fallen to the side and sat back down. Then he asked in a hoarse tone:

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