The reason why Han Xiao did not choose to tell Qixing about this matter was mainly because he was afraid of the problems that would arise after inviting the immortal ceremony.

Zhongli, the leader of the Immortal Ceremony, will end with the 'death' of the Rock King. Once others learn that the other party's God's Heart is in his hands, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

After all, the Heart of God is often more like a kind of identity authentication. Han Xiao doesn't want to face the trouble of inheriting the legacy of the Rock King and becoming the second generation because of the Heart of God.

Don't say it's impossible. With the heart of God in hand and knowing that Zhongli is just faking his death, the immortals will definitely support him to take over the position of the second generation Rock God.

With the support of the immortals, Gan Yu's side will not be a problem.

Who knows that Gan Yu has a wide network of contacts and a high status in Liyue Port? Once she nods, Qixing's side will probably agree.

Therefore, in order to prevent himself from being inexplicably promoted to the position of the second generation by the others, Han Xiao did not tell Qixing that the Heart of God was in his hands.

As for Ningguang and the others, it's another matter.

Then I'll pretend I'm not here.

After taking a deep look at Han Xiao, Ningguang chose to change the subject instead of continuing to ask.

She knew very well that when the lady suddenly sneaked into Liyue and targeted Han Xiao, there must be something about him that attracted his attention.

Combining the information from Mondstadt, Ning Guang could naturally guess that Prince Yan's Heart of God was probably in Han Xiao.

But since Han Xiao didn't intend to admit it, she didn't continue to ask, but talked about something else:

Did you come back with that traveler this time?

Yes, she is here to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony and wants to meet the Emperor.

Let's meet the emperor. Is her current strength really comparable to that of an executive?

This is natural, and the other party is not in its prime yet.

In this case, I will ask the emperor to meet her during the ceremony.

After thinking carefully, Ningguang agreed to take this opportunity to help Ying meet the emperor.

His strength is not comparable to that of an executive in his prime, and Mondstadt's Fengshen seem to value each other very much, even showing up for this purpose.

They, Liyue, also want to compete for this kind of talent.

It's a pity that you may not have the opportunity to bring it up.

Seeing that Ningguang was planning to introduce Ying to Zhongli during the immortal invitation ceremony, a flash of 'pity' quickly flashed in Han Xiao's eyes.


While Han Xiao and Ning Guang were discussing Ying, the protagonist they mentioned was wandering around Liyue Port.

Moreover, when Ying and Paimon were strolling near Tiger-eating Rock, they happened to encounter an open-air auction.

The venue for the auction was very simple, that is, a temporary high platform was set up.

However, it can be seen from the large number of people watching and Qian Yanjun who is maintaining order on the side that this auction seems to have attracted many buyers.

Seeing such a lively scene, Ying and Paimon couldn't help but stop and watch.

Paimon, who likes to join in the fun, even pulled Ying's clothes and asked curiously:

Ying, what exactly are you going to auction in this auction? Why are so many people planning to participate?

It's probably something very valuable.

It's actually not expensive.

Suddenly, a female voice came from behind Paimon and Ying, interrupting their conversation, causing the two of them to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw a black-haired girl wearing regular clothes with opera elements standing behind the two of them with a smile.

Who are you?

Ying looked at the strange girl in front of her with some doubts. She seemed to have never seen this girl before.

Hello, I am Yun Jin, Han Xiao's friend. You should be Miss Ying, the honorary knight who Han Xiao mentioned, who solved the Mondstadt dragon disaster.

Facing Ying's inquiry, Yun Jin introduced herself generously.

At the same time, she was also complaining in her heart that Han Xiao suddenly contacted her through the Dudu communication device and asked her to receive this young lady.

As a result, Yun Jin had to skip work at Yunhan Club and searched for him on the streets of Liyue for a long time before she found him.

Chapter 248 Yun Jin’s bold inference

Hello, Miss Yun Jin, I'm Ying.

Knowing that Yun Jin was hired by Han Xiao to be her guide in Liyue Port, Ying also introduced herself and pointed at Paimeng beside her.

This is Paimon.

Hello Yun Jin, I'm Paimon!

Paimon on the side also happily waved his little hand at Yun Jin.

Just call me Yun Jin.

Yun Jin nodded in response to the two of them with a smile, and then introduced Ying and Paimon about the items that were about to be auctioned in the auction.

You should be very curious as to why I said that the items in this auction are actually not valuable.

Yes, yes, what exactly is going to be auctioned in this auction?

Upon hearing Yun Jin's question, Paimon couldn't help but nod his little head crazily, his eyes full of curiosity.

Although Ying didn't speak, there was a trace of the same curiosity in her eyes.

Generally speaking, things that can be auctioned should be very valuable, but why would Yun Jin say that the things being auctioned this time are not valuable.

Because this auction is for clay figures carved before Hanxiao. The reason why I say they are not expensive is because the materials of the clay figures themselves are not expensive.

Looking at the lively auction not far away that had not officially started yet, Yun Jin couldn't help but sigh.

The main reason why it was auctioned is that the clay dolls were carved with portraits of Lord Yan, his elders, and other immortals.

Han Xiao, can he still make clay puppets?

After hearing Yun Jin's explanation, Ying couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Ever since she met Han Xiao, the image he left on her was more of a 'mad scientist'.

Generally, this kind of people are relatively rational. She had seen the earth puppet when she was wandering around Liyue Port just now. It looked very much like a combination of sculptures and figures from her previous life.

But whether it’s sculptures or figures, they all tend to have artistic thinking.

Now Leng Buding learned that Han Xiao used to make clay puppets, which surprised Ying slightly.

It's unexpected. Before Han Xiao became Seven Stars, she relied on earth puppets to gain a foothold in Liyue Port.

Yun Jin was not surprised either by Ying's surprise.

Han Xiao doesn't go back to Liyue Port often, so he doesn't know much about it. In fact, he is quite popular among the people in Liyue Port.

Back then, some good people listed the deeds of Han Xiao and Ning Guang as two legends of Liyue Port, which was enough to prove how surprised the people of Liyue were by Han Xiao's rise.

Most people are familiar with Ningguang's deeds. From a barefoot merchant who walked around the streets selling goods to a seven-star star, he was treated like the protagonist in the story.

In comparison, although Han Xiao's level of legend is a bit inferior, it is still enough for people to talk about it in their spare time.

Born on the side of a big family, he chose to be independent at a young age, and quickly established a foothold in Liyue by relying on his craftsmanship, which caused the involution of the local puppet industry.

In fact, the current domestic puppet industry is still in the midst of crazy involution. According to rumors, one of the Seven Stars, Yu Hengxing, privately hoped that the domestic puppet industry would stop being involved in internal affairs. The specific reason is unknown.

Ahem, I digressed, let’s get back to the topic.

If things develop normally, the highest limit of Han Xiao's life trajectory may be to move up from the local puppet industry and then become a top artist.

But the development of things was so unexpected.

Prince Yan noticed him at some point and discovered the talent hidden in him, so he personally asked Qixing to add him to the Seven Stars candidate list.

The people of Liyue basically knew what happened next. Han Xiao, who was a candidate for the Seven Stars, first rectified Liyue Port's business and introduced a series of policies to maintain market stability.

Later, he shined in the Strata Abyss incident and proposed a new city plan.

Nowadays, the development of Guili City is changing with each passing day, and Han Xiao also stands out from the seven-star candidates and officially becomes the new Tianshu Star.

Wow, Han Xiao is so powerful.

After listening to Yun Jin's story, Paimon couldn't help but put his hands in front of his mouth, shock written all over his face.

From an ordinary craftsman to becoming the Seven Stars of Liyue all of a sudden, this experience is too legendary.

This class of Seven Stars is very powerful.

Unlike Paimon, Ying feels that this Seven Stars is quite extraordinary.

Although she has only met Han Xiao from Liyue Qixing, she can get a glimpse of his abilities from Guili City.

Think again that among the seven stars, there is a Tianquan star, Ningguang, who is even more legendary than Han Xiao's experience.

The experiences of these two people alone are enough to prove that this Liyue Seven Stars is definitely not simple.

From what you said, it seems to be true.

Being exposed to this, Yun Jin narrowed her eyes slightly.

Perhaps because she was in Liyue, she was a little obsessed with the authorities. She, no, it should be said that most people in Liyue may not have noticed this.

This Seven Stars seems to be quite special.

First of all, there are those who don't appear often. For example, Po Jun Yaoguang and the others are all old people who have served for many years, and they are basically in a state of retirement.

Then there are the three seven stars that are well-known in the hearts of Liyue people, Hanxiao, Ningguang and Keqing.

After all, Yun Jin also comes from a big family. Even though the Yun family has transformed, she still has some political acumen.

Han Xiao and the three of them who often appear represent two classes.

gentry and common people.

Among them, Hanxiao and Keqing are different from each other, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they are three classes.

In fact, this is nothing. The key is that these three people all have the idea of ​​​​rule by people, and among them, Ke Qing, who comes from a direct lineage of a famous family, is the most radical.

It’s not like there were no seven stars in the past who could match or even surpass this seven stars. What really made Yun Jin realize that this seven stars were special was Han Xiao’s thoughts.

Is it possible...

Thinking of this, Yun Jin's heart trembled. How Han Xiao came to be favored by the emperor in the first place has always been an extremely curious mystery among Liyue people.

And now she may know what Prince Yan thought of Zhong Hanxiao.

Because when she and Han Xiao were very young, they heard some 'treasonous and unethical' words said by their best friend.

Now that I think about it, those words are quite similar to the ideas Keqing originally proposed.

Yun Jin, what's wrong with you?

Seeing that Yun Jin suddenly became silent and the expression on her face flickered, Ying couldn't help but ask a question.

No...nothing, I just thought of something else.

Yun Jin, who was distracted by her thoughts, raised her head and smiled reluctantly at Ying and Paimon, but her heart seemed to be pressed by a huge boulder.

Ning Guang's superior position, Ke Qing's 'rebellious ideas of ruling by man', and Han Xiao's Guili City, which is completely managed by Qixing.

Everything was slowly connected in Yun Jin's mind like scattered pearls, and then she came to a conclusion that she couldn't even believe.

Could it be that Prince Yan is planning to let go of Liyue?

Chapter 249: The Ningguang of Fishing Law Enforcement

When this conclusion was drawn, even Yun Jin herself felt that her inference was too ridiculous.

Lord Yan has ruled Liyue for thousands of years, why would he suddenly choose to let it go?

However, recalling the conclusion reached in her mind by connecting various fragmentary clues, Yun Jin could not deny this speculation.

Different from the game, when she was a child, Yun Jin was often shocked by some of Han Xiao's outrageous remarks. Over time, her mind broadened a lot.

This is why Yun Jin can boldly infer that Zhongli wants to retire based on some scattered clues.

More importantly, the two facts of Han Xiao's sudden rise to power and the establishment of Guili City strongly supported her guess.

Ever since Han Xiao assumed the position of Seven Stars, Ke Qing's reputation among the people of Liyue has gradually improved, and some of her actions that were considered 'rebellious' have also allowed people to see the other party's thoughts on Liyue's development.

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