Even if the owner of the God's Eye can increase his physical fitness, Han Xiao's martial arts and physical fitness are completely inconsistent with the information he received.

Killing four well-trained Fool soldiers in less than two minutes without using elemental power, even if these people lost their consciousness due to brainwashing, is terrifying enough.

At least Rosalin thought she could do it without using elemental power.

In other words, among the entire Fools executive officers, the only ones who can do this easily are the captain and a few other top-ranked executive officers.

Bury them on the spot and we retreat.

Madam, shall we continue to test?


Rosalin smiled coldly. From today's game, it can be seen that Han Xiao himself and his intelligence made many mistakes.

Now that she knew that the opponent's force value might be higher than expected, she did not intend to continue testing.

After all, I spent a lot of money to buy these brainwashed soldiers from the doctor.

Chapter 246 Conversation between Executives

After repelling the attack of the Fools, the rest of the journey was quite uneventful. Soon Han Xiao and Ying arrived in a car on a high slope outside Liyue Port.

This is Liyue Port.

Ying, who got off the car, first came to the anchor point and activated it, and then cast his sights towards Liyue Port below.

Looking along the line of sight, an ancient city made of wooden buildings stands at the mouth of a natural bay with rolling mountains as its back.

This Liyue Port looks a lot like China...

Looking at the urban buildings with five steps to the first floor and ten steps to the pavilion, each built according to the terrain, Ying couldn't help but think of a world she had passed through in her memory.

Yes, this is the city where the people of Liyue have lived since 3,700 years ago.

Han Xiao didn't know what was going on in Ying's heart at this time. When he heard the other party sighing, he put the electric car back into the jade pendant, then came to Ying's side and looked at Liyue Port in the distance.

A port city surrounded by mountains and rivers, nestled quietly in the steep stone forest. Baifan sent away batches of merchants, and at the same time brought endless wealth to Liyue Port.

It's a pity that this city that has been peaceful for thousands of years is about to fall into unprecedented chaos.

In short, welcome to the 'Golden Port' recorded by various countries. There will never be a shortage of money and guests here.


At the same time, somewhere outside Liyue Port, in a secret camp of fools, Dadalia was in a confrontation with the lady Rosalin.

Did you send someone to intercept Han Xiao?

It's just a test.

Faced with Dadalia's straightforward question, the lady replied unhurriedly, with a careless look in her eyes.

You are really brave enough to assassinate Qixing on Liyue's territory.

Seeing that the lady didn't care at all, Dadalia couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

When he received the news from his subordinates that the lady sent people to attack Han Xiao, the anger in his heart never went away.

This is not Winter, this is Liyue.

The lady acted so boldly that she was simply causing trouble for him.

Don't worry, there's no evidence from Liyue.

Seemingly sensing that Dadalia was on the verge of bursting into anger, the lady finally explained.

The people she sent out this time were completely brainwashed soldiers obtained from the doctor, and they also changed their clothes.

Even if they were caught by Liyue, they would not be able to extract any information that was detrimental to Zhidong from these soldiers.

What's more, the four chess pieces she sent out before had all been killed by Han Xiao, and they were already dead without evidence.

There is no definite evidence, so what if Liyue is suspicious.

If it weren't for the lack of evidence, do you think I would still be standing here talking to you now?

Dadalia couldn't help but snorted.

Although they are both fools, their relationship is not that good.

In addition, there is only one Heart of the Rock God, and the goals of Dadalia and the lady are to obtain the Heart of God. Strictly speaking, the two of them are still competitors.

If it weren't for the fact that the lady didn't leave any direct evidence, he would have been ready to betray the other party.

Tell me, what's going on over there at Han Xiao?

Since the lady could not be held responsible for this matter, Dadalia decisively gave up the entanglement and turned to ask the other party about the conclusion after testing Han Xiao.

Very strong.

Seeing Dadalia talking about business, the lady did not continue to put on her arrogant air. Instead, she looked at her colleagues quite solemnly.

Then she told all the clues she got after investigating the scene.

In less than two minutes, you can kill four brainwashed soldiers you transferred from the doctor without using elemental power and relying only on physical fitness.

After listening to the lady's story, Dadalia repeated the information in his mouth, with high fighting spirit in his blue eyes.

Han Xiao was indeed a master at hiding things, and he knew that his feeling when he first saw the other person was right.

He is indeed a formidable enemy.

You should also know the results of this test very well. Han Xiao's frontal combat power may be slightly better than ours.

Perhaps sensing Dadalia's thoughts, the lady gave a 'kindly' persuasion.

If you are using force to seize the Heart of God from the opponent, I advise you to forget it.

So you are planning to give up the frontal capture?

After hearing the lady's words, Dadalia asked rather unconvinced.

Of course, he knew that it would be difficult for him to kill four brainwashed soldiers in two minutes without using elemental power.

From this point, we can see that Han Xiao's martial arts skills are indeed extraordinary.

Koda Dalia feels that he can also do this. Although it is a bit difficult to do, it may not be impossible.

So after learning about Han Xiao's record, he wanted to fight against him even more.

The loss of a frontal capture would be too great. It's not like you to think about fighting the opponent.

After this trial, the lady knew very well that it was very unlikely to seize the Heart of God from Han Xiao head-on.

Although she is arrogant, she still has a clear self-awareness.

As a mage-type character, Rosalin thought that with the power of the Ice Queen, she was better at controlling elemental power than Han Xiao, who had only obtained the Eye of God for a year, but her physical fitness and martial arts skills were obviously better. A bit higher than the average owner of God's Eye.

If they really had to fight, she might not be able to win.

In this case, it is better to give up the idea of ​​​​capturing it head-on and find another way to get the Heart of God from the other party.

You'd better not interfere here in Liyue Port.

Seeing that the lady seemed to have a new plan, Dadalia expressed her attitude unceremoniously.

He is now the envoy sent to Liyue by Her Majesty the Queen, and he should be responsible for managing all the actions of the fools in Liyue Port.

Don't worry, my goal will be Guili City.

Upon seeing this, the lady didn't bother to argue with Dadalia and directly stated that her goal was to return to the city.


Liyue Port Bridge.

Let's part ways here for now, I have something else to do here.

On the bridge, Han Xiao proposed a farewell plan to Ying.

The Immortal Invitation Ceremony will not be held for a few days. You and Paimon can take a good look around Liyue Port in these days.


Ying nodded, that was exactly what she meant.

Because of the Wind Demon Dragon in Mondstadt before, she didn't even have time to go shopping. Now there are still a few days left for the Immortal Ceremony, so she can take advantage of this time to go shopping.

After bidding farewell to Ying, Han Xiao walked all the way to Yujing Pavilion and found Buyun. After exchanging some secret codes, he boarded the Qunyu Pavilion on the floating stone.

Master Hanxiao, Master Ningguang is already waiting for you in the conference room.

As soon as he set foot on the land of Qun Yu Pavilion, his secretary Baishi, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came to greet him.

Chapter 247 Ying and Yun Jin’s first meeting

Qun Yu Pavilion conference room.

Ningguang and Hanxiao sat opposite each other across a square table.

I heard that you ran into some trouble when you came back?

Is the news coming so quickly?

Han Xiao raised her eyelids and couldn't help but look at Ning Guang, who was holding a cigarette rod in his hand as if he was holding a pearl of wisdom.

How many spies does this guy have in Liyue?

He obviously chose a very remote place to do it.

In response, Ningguang just smiled and did not answer Han Xiao's question.

She has been in charge of Liyue for some years. She can't say that she has complete control of the entire Liyue area. At least the generation from Gui Liyuan to Liyue Port is basically within her intelligence network.

Even if the place where Han Xiao chose to take action was remote, she could not escape her intelligence network.

How about it, do you know who did it?

Who else could it be? Someone from Beiguo Bank.

Hearing Ning Guang's rhetorical question, Han Xiao couldn't help but curled her lips and spread her hands out in a helpless manner.

No matter how you say it, he is also the Seven Stars of Liyue, even if the introduction of market management and other regulations in the past has cut off the wealth of some Liyue businessmen.

Those people didn't have the guts to attack him.

Excluding these people, the only people who dared to attack him in Liyue were the Zhidong Fools who were just about to break their skin.

It seems that the lady has indeed come to Liyue as you expected. Someone from my intelligence staff has already seen her.

Seeing Han Xiao directly tell the person behind the temptation, Ning Guang's expression became solemn.

To be honest, she seemed to have a headache for the lady sneaking into Liyue at this juncture.

After all, compared to the lady, Ningguang felt that she would rather fight against an executive like Dadalia who looked more like a warrior.

At least you don't have to worry too much.

It's normal. Just look at the actions of the Fools in Mondstadt and you'll know what their goal is.

Han Xiao was not surprised at all when Ning Guang told her that the lady had sneaked into Liyue.

In the past game plot, the opponent spanned Mondstadt Liyue and Daozuma Three Kingdoms. Now something has happened in Liyue, and Beiguo Bank is struggling.

It would be strange if the lady didn't come.

Speaking of which, Hanxiao.

Not sure what came to mind, Ningguang put the cigarette rod in his hand on the table, stared at Han Xiao and asked seriously:

Is the Emperor's Heart of God really in your hands now?

What do you think?

Facing Ning Guang's question, Han Xiao folded her hands on her chest and looked at him with a half-smile.

At present, there are not many people who can confirm that Zhongli's Heart of God is in their hands, and only Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abeido know about it.

Even Xingqiu only informed him of the details when he was about to leave Guili City.

Han Xiao from Qixing didn't disclose this information at all.

It's not that he doesn't trust Qixing. He can even tell Abedo and Xingqiu, so he can naturally tell Qixing that the Heart of God is in his hands.

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