The chance of following Han Xiao to attend the Immortal Invitation Ceremony to meet Emperor Yan is indeed much higher than if she went alone.

So Han Xiao, how are the other Seven Stars?

Speaking of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Paimeng turned to Han Xiao and asked about the personalities of the other seven stars.

Ying, who was sitting in the back seat, couldn't help but pricked up his ears to listen to the other party's answer.

As for the rest of them, Yaoguang Pojun and others rarely appear in public due to their positions, so it should be harder for you to run into them.

The ones I encountered more often were Tianquan Ningguang and Yuheng Keqing.

This time Han Xiao did not lie to Ying and Paimeng. Each of Liyue's Seven Stars had their own division of labor. Po Jun and others mainly led the military power and other aspects, and they were the kind who were not suitable for showing up too much.

He, Ningguang and Keqing are more inclined to be civil servants, so in addition to inviting the immortal ceremony, the three of them mostly appear on occasions that require the appearance of the Seven Stars.

Among them, Ning Guang is the most important. After all, Han Xiao is just a 'newcomer' who has been in the job for less than a year, and he is not in Liyue Port all year round.

Therefore, the one who appears the most in Liyue Port is Ning Guang.

Tianquan Xing Ningguang, is he the super businessman who built Qunyu Pavilion?

Paimon tilted his head and thought for a moment, and then found the description of Ningguang from his memory.

Yes, that's her.

Then how is she?

Ning Guang, she's quite a nice person. I believe you two will get along well by then.

Sitting in the back seat, Ying smiled and watched the interaction between Han Xiao and Paimon. She was about to say something, but when her eyes inadvertently glanced at the rearview mirror, her expression immediately changed.

Han Xiao's driving speed was not very fast, and the road conditions were also very good. Then she found that not far behind them, an electric car was following them leisurely.

There is no intention of overtaking at all.


What's wrong?

Has the car behind us been following us for a long time?

Is there a car following?

Hearing this, Han Xiao turned her eyes to the rearview mirror. Sure enough, just as Ying said, there was a car following them.

Wait a moment, let me explore the situation first.

Since he was not sure that the car behind him was following them, Han Xiao first tried to slow down. After the car slowed down, he looked at the rearview mirror again.

Through the rearview mirror, he noticed that the car behind him was also slowing down. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He then increased the speed and slowed down several times before confirming that he was indeed being targeted.

Oh, I'm really being targeted.

Do you know who the other party is?

It's probably the fools.

Ying frowned slightly, Han Xiao was Liyue's Seven Star, how dare all the fools dare to follow a Seven Star in Liyue's territory?

It should be a chess piece thrown by someone to test it. Let me meet them for a while.

Maybe Ying didn't quite understand, but Han Xiao basically guessed what the other party was thinking.

The group of people following him behind him were basically tool men who came to die, just to test his strength.

After all, before Han Xiao became a Seven Star, he was just an ordinary person without the Eye of God. It was not until he became a Seven Star that he 'claimed' that he had obtained the Eye of God.

The only time he took action was at Wuwangpo more than half a year ago, and there was also suspicion of a sneak attack.

So the person behind these people naturally wanted to get to know him.

As for who the person behind was, Han Xiao estimated that it was basically the lady who had not run away.

Sit tight, I'm going to take a shortcut.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao first reminded Ying and Paimon, and then turned the steering wheel.

Accompanied by a rapid sound of tire friction, the car body turned instantly. The entire car made a 90-degree turn and drove off the cement road towards the wild.

The huge inertia made Ying unconsciously hold on to the car door on the side to maintain balance.

As for Paimon, it might be because her hands were on the car seat. When the car suddenly turned, her whole body was thrown into the air and spun around for several times before she was held in Ying's arms.

No, I'm so dizzy!

Paimon, who was paralyzed in Ying's arms, rolled his eyes in circles and covered his forehead with both hands with a look of discomfort on his face.

But at this time, Ying couldn't care less about the uncomfortable Paimon, and looked directly into the rearview mirror. The car that had been following them also left the concrete avenue and chased them.

Are you fools so unscrupulous?

Looking at the car that was still following, Ying's face looked very ugly.

She had already seen the extremely arrogant Fools in Mondstadt, but she didn't expect that the Fools in Liyue not only failed to restrain themselves, but ended up looking even more arrogant.

Maybe he was given a death order or his brain was tricked.

Hearing Ying curse in a low voice, Han Xiao glanced sideways at the rearview mirror, and then explained casually.

Maybe the Fools would not be so bold in their actions under normal circumstances, but that would not necessarily be the case if the lady gave the order to die or was brainwashed.

There is a ruthless person among the executive officers of the Fools who dares to slice themselves into pieces. It is not simple for the Fools to be brainwashed by just a few dead soldiers.

As the vehicle moved forward on the dirt road, Hanxiao soon drove the vehicle to a small, deserted and remote valley and stopped.

You guys just stay in the car and I'll take care of them quickly.

After getting out of the car, Han Xiao raised her hand to stop Ying, who was about to get out of the car to help. Then she leaned against the car and waited for the arrival of the other party.

Chapter 245 Rosalin’s Temptation

Before long, an electric car appeared not far from Han Xiao and the others, and also stopped.

Then the car door opened and four people wearing Treasure Thieves costumes stepped out.

Tsk, tsk, you know it's necessary to change clothes.

Han Xiao curled her lips as she looked at these strong men who were clearly wearing treasure-stealing group clothes but exuding a military aura.

It’s really trying to hide something.


Facing Han Xiao's teasing, these people didn't answer at all, and gathered their own weapons and surrounded him.

Hey, Han Xiao, you really don't need my help?

Ying put her head in front of the car window and looked at the people gathered around her, then asked.

Need not.

Seeing that these people had no intention of stopping, Han Xiao raised his hands and squeezed each other. His eyes became sharp as his knuckles made a snapping sound.

They're just some chess pieces that were thrown out.

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Xiao disappeared from the spot in an instant, and the next second he appeared behind a strong man holding a giant hammer. The palm of his right hand had touched the opponent's junior without knowing when.

Turn your wrist, contract your fingers, and push.

Cun Jin.

Ying, who was sitting in the car, heard a muffled bang, and then saw the figure of the strong man holding the giant hammer froze, and his chest protruded unnaturally.

The next moment, the whole person seemed to have lost the ability to stand and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Seeing that their teammates lost the ability to resist almost instantly, the remaining three people not only did not feel scared, but still rushed towards Han Xiao desperately.

The bright red pupils shone with an unnatural luster.

Han Xiao, who tapped the ground lightly with his feet and leaned back to avoid a slash, also noticed the strange look in the eyes of the three of them.

Sure enough, it's because of brainwashing.

While muttering in his mouth, Han Xiao followed the inertia and turned around, and used his right leg to whip hard on the face of the man who was slashing him with the knife.

There was a crack of bones and another person fell to the ground.

In less than ten seconds, two of the four people who besieged Han Xiao were gone, but the remaining two were still launching fatal attacks desperately.

Since it was a chess piece that was thrown out and had no intention of recovering it, Han Xiao didn't bother to leave it alive. He took a big step forward with his back foot, and took half a step back diagonally with the other foot to the opposite side. His body turned from the front to the side when he stepped up.

While dodging the two attacks, he made fists with both hands and hit them hard on the wrists.

The two of them felt pain instantly, and the hands holding the weapons involuntarily let go, and the weapons suddenly fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

Han Xiao raised his elbow and used an Iron Mountain Kick to directly hit one of them in the ribs. Then he took advantage of the situation and kicked the other person's jaw hard with a back kick.

The whole set of moves was so smooth that in less than two minutes, all four attackers were taken care of by him.

This surprised Ying who had watched the whole process in the car.

She didn't expect that Han Xiao, who had always impressed her like a 'mad scientist', would strike so swiftly and fiercely.

By the way, are all scientists today so capable?

Surprised, Han Xiao had already sat back in the driver's seat of the car.

Are they dead?

Seeing Han Xiao return to the car, Ying recovered her thoughts that had wandered off a bit, and then pointed at the four motionless people on the ground and asked.

Well, these few outcasts who were brainwashed were probably sent by the Fools to test me.

Han Xiao nodded nonchalantly and started the electric car to turn around and prepare to return to the cement road.

It seems that the fools seem to attach great importance to you.

Watching the people lying on the ground behind her gradually disappear from sight, Ying could not help but become extremely interested in Han Xiao.

The fools changed their ways, not only changing their appearance, but even using brainwashing methods, just to test it out.

What is it about Han Xiao that makes the fools take the risk of assassinating high-level officials of other countries?

The Fools and I also have an account to settle. Han Xiao, can you tell me the reason why you are being targeted?

Well, you will know this later.

Facing Ying's inquiry, Han Xiao still looked at the front of the vehicle, but subconsciously glanced at Paimon with the corner of her eye.

It's not that he doesn't want to tell her, it's just that he's not sure about Paimon's identity right now.

Who knows if Paimon has any connection with Sky Island? If there is a connection between the two, then telling him that the Heart of God is in his hands would be self-destruction.

Oh well.

Although Han Xiao's movements were very subtle, Ying, who had been staring at the other party, naturally noticed that Han Xiao had briefly looked at Paimon.

For a moment, Ying felt a wave of emotion in her heart.

Is it because I'm not sure about Paimon's identity that I don't want to tell him.


Shortly after Han Xiao and Ying drove away, another group of people arrived at the location where the battle had just occurred.

Judging from their appearance, they were all fools. One of the debt collectors quickly stepped forward and began to check on the four people who had fallen on the ground.

How is it going?

While the debt collector was inspecting, Rosalind, a lady wearing a gorgeous dress, also appeared here.

Go back to my lady, they are all dead.

How did you die?

All four of them were killed in one blow. It can be seen that the person who did it was very decisive and fierce.

Didn't you use elemental power?

No, they are all physical attacks.

Upon hearing the debtor's answer, a flash of understanding flashed in the lady's eyes.

No wonder Her Majesty the Queen personally told her to be careful about Han Xiao when she came to Liyue. Now it seems that the other party is indeed not simple.

According to the intelligence, Han Xiao had obtained the Eye of God for no more than a year, and he had only learned martial arts piecemeal for a few years before.

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