The mere yield of less than 300 kilograms per mu made Han Xiao happy, so he quickly asked about the real reason for Ningguang's call this time.

Han Xiao didn't believe that Ningguang would come to him specifically for a little bit of food production problems.

As expected, after hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ningguang pondered for a moment, and then told the real reason for his call.

After I spoke to you last time, I sent a lot of extra manpower to investigate the Fools. After several days of investigation, I finally found some clues.

What did you find?

Hearing that Ning Guang had discovered the clues about the fools, Han Xiao immediately straightened up, put his head close to the communication device and asked.

First of all, my people discovered the traces of the Foolish People near Cuijue Slope. After investigation, we found that they seemed to be studying the Baiwu Taboo.

In addition, when Ke Qing was inspecting near Lingju Pass, he accidentally discovered a research institute that looked like a research institute where the Fools studied ruin guards.

The research institute, that should be the factory left by the previous doctor.

Hearing that Keqing had found a research institute near Lingju Pass, Han Xiao immediately thought of the factory that manufactured ruin guards in the Legend of Dadalia mission in the game.

As for the fools found near Cuijue Slope, they were studying the 100-no-taboo system.

Haha, is it because Gui Liyuan couldn't stay any longer, so he moved to another place to study.

Really unwilling to give up.

Han Xiao couldn't help but sneered when he learned that the Fools still hadn't given up their research on the forbidden weapon.

It seems that we will still see Osel’s hydra this time.

Chapter 243 Departure, Liyue Port (Happy National Day!)

As the day for the Immortal Invitation Ceremony was getting closer, the people in Liyue gradually became lively.

Even many people in Guili City have made preparations early and are waiting to go to Liyue Port to participate in the ceremony of inviting immortals.

Of course, for ordinary people, the Immortal Invitation Ceremony is the most important event in Liyue, but they have experienced it once every year since they were young, so it is no longer unusual for them.

Nowadays, most of the most active participants in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony are businessmen doing business in Liyue.

After all, Prince Yan will announce Liyue's plans for the next year after appearing at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony every year.

As long as they follow Lord Yan's plan and seize the business opportunities, their wealth will grow at a rate visible to the naked eye.

That's why these people who are doing business in Liyue are looking forward to the ceremony of inviting immortals.

In addition, there are also some tourists from other countries who come to visit because they have heard about the ceremony of inviting immortals for a long time.

Our traveler is also one of them.

Paimon, are everything packed?

In the hotel room, Ying was packing her belongings and packing some large items that couldn't be taken away.

She would have to put all these things in the warehouse of the small villa later.

Well, it's all packed!

Upon hearing Ying's question, Paimon quickly patted the pocket in front of his belly with a look of pride on his face.

Where's your luggage?

Looking at Paimon, who had only one extra pocket in front of his belly, Ying couldn't help but asked curiously.

You must know that in Guili City, Paimeng bought a lot of novel products, and it seemed that her small pocket could not fit them at all!

Hehe, just take Maura with you. It's so tiring to take away other things.

Reaching out and touching the small pocket in front of his stomach, Paimon smiled, full of cunning.

She had long since exchanged Maura in the bank for deposit receipts for her personal collection. As for the goods she bought, she had moved them into the warehouse of the small villa before.

Your movements are quite fast!

Ying couldn't help but shook her head when she learned that Paimon had put the things he couldn't take away into the warehouse of the small villa first.

Although this little thing is usually dull, unexpectedly, sometimes he thinks more than her.

It seems I have to speed up too.

Knowing that Paimon had already taken care of his belongings, Ying didn't say anything anymore, but his men moved a little faster.

After a while, everything in the hotel room that she couldn't take away was packed and sealed.

He called the workers he had hired before to move the things into the carriage. Ying followed the carriage all the way to the small villa he was still renovating, and then locked everything in the warehouse.


After paying the worker's bill, Ying clapped her hands and looked at her villa for a while with her hands on her hips.

Then he turned to look at Paimon and said:

Then let's go too!

Okay, let's go to Liyue Port!


Return outside the city.

The rest of Guili City will be left to you, Xingqiu.

In front of the electric car, Han Xiao looked at Xing Qiu who came to see him off, and gave a very serious warning.

Just be careful.

Don't worry, I won't worry.

Facing Han Xiao's warning, Xingqiu knew that the meaning of her whisper was to make him be wary of fools, so he responded quite confidently.

For the fools, with Zhiyi helping them, Xingqiu was still very confident in blocking them.

That's good.

Hearing this, Han Xiao felt a lot more relieved.

Xingqiu is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense. Since the other party feels confident in blocking the fools, it means that he should have been prepared.

However, Han Xiao still took the trouble to repeat:

Once you feel that things are going beyond your expectations, remember to press the shield button.


After taking a deep look at Han Xiao, Xingqiu was silent for a while before nodding in agreement, but he felt a little more anxious in his heart.

Why do I always feel like I have to push the button when something goes wrong?

Logically speaking, the destructive power of the Fools is not worth using a protective shield to deal with.

The more he thought about Xingqiu, the more he felt that this matter might be more serious than what he and Zhiyi had speculated before.

Unfortunately, although Han Xiao seemed to know something, he never said it.

In this case, Xingqiu did not ask too many questions, but kept the other party's suggestions firmly in his heart.

Once things become serious, he will press the button of the shield without hesitation.

Then I'll leave first, you go back!

After explaining all the affairs to Xingqiu, Han Xiao reached out to open the car door and got into the driver's seat, then slammed the door shut and said goodbye to Xingqiu through the car window.

Be careful on the road.


Under Xingqiu's gaze, Han Xiao started the electric car.

With a roar, the car began to move slowly, and then headed towards Liyue Port.


Maybe Xingqiu didn't expect that shortly after Han Xiao's electric car drove out, the other person suddenly stopped, parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and got out of the car.

Han Xiao clasped her hands on her chest, leaning against the body of the electric car, her eyes always staring in the direction of Guilicheng.

It seems that he is waiting for someone to arrive.

About half an hour later, when Ying and Paimon riding a motorcycle appeared in sight, Han Xiao knew that the person she was waiting for had arrived, and immediately stretched out her arm and waved to Yingmei, who was speeding towards her. .


The motorcycle approached from far away, and finally stopped in front of Han Xiao with the sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

Han Xiao, are you waiting for me?

As soon as the car stopped, Ying, who was sitting astride the car, asked Han Xiao with doubts.

He had seen the other party waving to him from afar before, obviously waiting for her to pass by.

So Ying was very curious as to why Han Xiao was waiting for her.

You are going to Liyue to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.


Then come with me.

Han Xiao pointed to the electric car behind her and said:

I know you plan to meet Lord Yan. After all, I am one of the Seven Stars. It is more convenient to follow me than to go alone.

What about my car?

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ying felt a little moved.

She went to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony this time to find a chance to meet the Rock God. If Han Xiao, the Seven Stars, recommended her.

That would definitely be much less troublesome than finding it alone.

Just looking at the electric car behind Han Xiao, Ying felt a little confused.

If she takes the other person's car to Liyue Port, what will happen to her motorcycle?

It's easy, just leave it to me.

Seeing what Han Xiao said, Ying and Paimeng got out of the car with suspicion, intending to see what the other party would do.

However, before she was ready, she only felt blurry in front of her eyes.

When I looked again, I saw that the motorcycle parked on the roadside had long disappeared.

Chapter 244 Han Xiao is targeted

Wow, Han Xiao, how did you do it?

Before Ying could speak, Paimon, who was standing beside him, took the lead and covered his mouth with both hands, curiosity revealed in his big eyes.

With some means given by the emperor, get in the car first.

Han Xiao smiled, briefly mentioned that this was a method given to him by Lord Yan, and then called Ying and Paimeng to get in the car.

Then excuse me!

Now that he no longer had any worries, he thanked her and got into the back seat.

Wait for me, Ying.

Seeing this, Paimon didn't give up and continued questioning Han Xiao, flying directly into the car through the car window.

Sitting back in the driver's seat, Han Xiao closed the car door with a bang, restarted the electric car and drove towards Liyue Port.


Hanxiao Hanxiao, can you really let me see the Rock King?

In the car, Paimeng was floating in the air, his two small hands on the back of the front seat of the electric car, curiously asking Han Xiao.

This is natural. After all, I am also one of the Seven Stars.

Hearing Paimon's inquiry, Han Xiao explained while controlling the steering wheel.

And his explanation was also recognized by Ying.

Through Paimon's previous explanation, she also knew that Liyue Qixing was a direct subordinate of Emperor Yanwang, and was also the real person in charge of Liyue.

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