She really didn't expect to hear from Han Xiao that someone wanted to harm the emperor.

The information is relatively vague at the moment, and we can't find out who it is yet.

I will definitely not be in Guili City when the Immortal Ceremony is invited, so I want to ask Master Liuyun to invite several other immortals to help. After all, it is not good to alarm Mr. Zhongli for this matter.

On the conch side, seeing that Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun's anger had been aroused, Han Xiao did not tell the fools directly, but made up a reason that had not been found out yet.

He did this mainly because he wanted to tie Zhenjun Liu Yunjiefeng and several other immortals to Guili City during the ceremony.

In this case, even if Zhongli fakes his death during the Immortal Ceremony, he will be able to react immediately after seeing Zhongli.

At the same time, it also prevented the fools from taking the opportunity to provoke conflicts between the immortals and the Seven Stars.

Once Osel is really out of trouble, Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun and the others can quickly support Liyue Port.

Indeed, this little thing is not worth alarming the emperor.

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun nodded in agreement and agreed to the other party's idea.

I will send a message to Xieyue and the others later, asking me to stay with them temporarily in Guili City before and after the ceremony.

Thank you very much, Master Liuyun.

After hanging up the call with Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Han Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

He has made all the preparations that need to be done for Guili City, Liyue Port and the Immortals. Next, he just waits for the Immortal Invitation Ceremony to begin.

He now wants to know how Dadalia will face the current situation without the immortals entangled in the Seven Stars and without the opportunity to provoke.


A few more days passed.

In the past few days, people who had received Han Xiao's hints had begun to take action in private, and everyone was prepared to deal with emergencies.

However, the residents who left the city did not know about these news. On the contrary, many of them were in excitement.

No, one morning.

Ying, who had just woken up, saw through the window many residents who had left the city and were happily marching out of the city in groups.

Ying, what's going on?

Paimon, who was dragged out of the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes and flew to the window unsteadily to take a look at the scene outside the window. A look of doubt appeared on his face.

Why are they running out of the city so early in the morning?

I probably know what's going on.

After hearing Paimon's inquiry, Ying thought for a while, and then understood the whole story.

They should have gone to harvest food outside the city.

Thinking of the rice fields that he had seen when he first came to Liyue, which were already in the state of earing, he thought that these people were probably farmers who went to harvest grain outside the city.

In fact, she was quite right.

These people were so happy to go outside the city to harvest food.

When Han Xiao established Guili City, he had two main goals. One was to help share the population pressure of Liyue Port.

The other is to find a way to make Liyue produce more food.

Among them, the goal of sharing population pressure has been achieved if established in the city, and with nearly a year of development, Guili City has well digested this batch of people brought out from Liyue Port.

Even Guilicheng currently has a shortage of labor force due to its rapid development. For this reason, Hanxiao is preparing to introduce policies to encourage people to have more children to promote population growth.

As for the second point, the progress of making Guili City another planting area in Liyue is relatively slow.

After all, in order to solve the long-term salinization problem of the land, Han Xiao wasted his efforts.

He had used methods such as burning plant ashes and sprinkling quicklime to neutralize the pH of the land. He even sent people to transport a lot of soil from Qingce Village.

So by the time the land could actually grow food, Guili City had already been established for some time.

In addition, the growth period of grain is relatively long, so it was not until almost a year after the city was established that the first batch of grain entered the harvest period.

Fortunately, with the successful planting of the first batch of grain, the difficulty of planting in the future will become easier. Han Xiao's two original goals have been achieved.


outside the city.

Looking around the vast planting area, as far as the eye can see, it is filled with intoxicating golden color, which is even more dazzling under the sunlight, as if the ground is covered with gold.

People coming out of Guili City picked up their sickles one after another, walked into the golden ocean with smiles on their faces, and bent over to harvest the mature grain.

Thinking about it, after witnessing the fruitful results, who wouldn’t be happy and blooming?

Soon, with people's hard work, the harvested rice ears were piled into hills on the side.

Many farmers are moving the hills of rice ears with husks to the cement ground aside and spreading them flat, like a long golden scroll.

Then they brought the ox with the stone roller and slowly pressed it over the golden 'picture'. With the squeaking sound of the stone roller, it ran over the rice ears, and the rice shells broke apart under the pressure of gravity, revealing There are white grains of rice inside.

not far away.

Han Xiao, Xingqiu and Xu Wan were standing aside and watching what was happening in front of them.

Xu Wan, have you estimated how much food can be produced this time?

Seeing batches of rice ears falling under the sickle, Han Xiao couldn't help but turn her head and ask Xu Wan.

According to the results of previous calculations, Guilicheng can currently produce about 280 kilograms per acre.

Less than three hundred pounds per acre?

After hearing Xu Wan's report, Han Xiao couldn't help but frowned, obviously not very satisfied with the result.

You must know that the seeds of these grains are all high-yielding seeds he took from himself in the Yu-Gi-Oh! world. The low-yielding fields can produce 600 kilograms, and the high-yielding fields can even reach more than 1,600 kilograms.

Even if Teyvat is in ancient times and the land conditions and fertilization conditions are not as good as modern times, the yield of less than three hundred kilograms is still too low!

Chapter 242 Guili City achieves food self-sufficiency

“The yield per mu is nearly three hundred kilograms, which is pretty good.”

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed a little dissatisfied with the grain output, Xing Qiu stood up and said something fair.

Although the temperature here in Liyue is moderate and the air humidity is okay, compared to other areas where the underground is rocky and salty, the grain yield per acre is actually not very high.

At least it cannot be compared with the food production in the tropical rainforest environment in Sumeru.

Of course, only part of Sumeru is in a rain forest environment with extremely high food production, while the other part is in a desert area with low food production.

This has also led to ongoing internal struggles within Sumeru.

Although the output in Liyue is not as high as that of Sumeru, if compared with Mondstadt, the yield per mu is not bad at all.

The only reason why Liyue needs to import food from other countries is the lack of people on farmland, resulting in a large number of fields being barren.

Hanxiao redeveloped the wasteland in Guiliyuan into cultivated land, and the first batch produced nearly three hundred kilograms per mu, which was already a good harvest in Xingqiu's opinion.

You must know that the land in Guiliyuan was once soaked by sea water. If Han Xiao had not used various methods to deal with the salinization of the land, there would be no way to grow food here.

Maybe my expectations are too high.

After hearing Xingqiu's persuasion, Han Xiao sighed slightly.

He also knew that with the current level of farming in Teyvat, the yield per acre was close to three hundred kilograms, which was already a very high level.

But the seeds planted in Guiliyuan this time were all high-yield and high-yield seeds he brought from other worlds.

After using improved varieties, the result was less than half of the other party's minimum yield of 600 kilograms per mu. Han Xiao still felt very upset.

Lord Hanxiao, please rest assured, the food output should be higher next year.

Seeing that Han Xiao was a little disappointed, Xu Wan suddenly spoke to attract the attention of Xing Qiu and Han Xiao.

Oh, tell me why.

That's right. I specifically asked professionals from the agricultural department. They told me that if the first batch of seeds can be harvested in Guiliyuan, it means that the land has been restored to a level that can be planted.

As long as we continue to fertilize the land and supplement it with improved seeds, the yield in the coming year can be further improved.

This is good news, Han Xiao.

After hearing Xu Wan's explanation, Xingqiu couldn't help but reach out and pat Han Xiao on the shoulder, with a smile on his face.

The yield per mu can also be increased next year, which will greatly alleviate the food shortage problem in Liyue.

Approximately how much can it be improved?

Compared to the joyful Xingqiu, Han Xiao asked Xu Wan one more question more cautiously.

“According to estimates from people in the agricultural department, the yield per acre should be increased by 10 to 20%.”

Is it closer to 300 to 350 pounds? That's okay.

After a quick calculation in her heart, Han Xiao's face looked a little better, but she was still a little dissatisfied.

I remember that Xumi is researching high-yield chemical fertilizers. Has anyone in Liyue used it yet?

not yet.

Xu Wan shook her head and gave an explanation.

Although there are Xumi traveling merchants selling fertilizer in Guili City, most Liyue farmers still don't trust this artificial material.

Is that so?

Hearing that Liyue people had a certain degree of distrust towards chemical fertilizers, Han Xiao turned to look at Xingqiu and said:

Guili City should also have land in its name.

Yes, do you plan to set up a test field?

Seeing Han Xiao asking about the land in Liyue's official name, Xingqiu immediately understood what he was thinking.

This is to use the experimental field method to break Liyue residents’ distrust of chemical fertilizers.


Han Xiao nodded and admitted Xingqiu's guess.

That's what he planned.

Since the people of Liyue don't really believe in artificial fertilizers, they will first apply fertilizers on official land and take the lead.

As long as the chemical fertilizers in Xumi are useful, when the next batch of grain matures, these people will naturally use chemical fertilizers as soon as they see that the land that has been treated with chemical fertilizers has a high yield per mu.

Okay, I've written it down.

After recording the fertilizer issue in his notebook, Xingqiu asked again:

Is there anything else you would like to order?

Yes, there is, but you don't need to take care of it. I'll go find Albedo later and ask him to take over.

Looking at the Liyue people who still used stone rollers to shell rice, Han Xiao immediately put the harvester and shelling machine on the agenda.


The grain harvest lasted for four days in total, and large quantities of rice grains as white as jade were pulled into the granary that had been built long ago in Guili City.

In Kuixing Building, Han Xiao was sitting in the office talking to Ning Guang.

Hanxiao, how much is the total grain output in Guili City this time?

It's about less than four million pounds.

Not bad, beyond my expectation.

Ning Guang, who was sitting in the Qun Yu Pavilion office, was slightly surprised when he heard the numbers reported by Han Xiao.

Four million kilograms of grain is enough to feed two million people for nearly a year.

She originally thought that the output of the first batch of food would be very low, perhaps not enough to satisfy the one million people in Guili City for a year.

Unexpectedly, the output in the first year allowed Guili City to become self-sufficient.

You're not looking for me just to ask about grain production, are you?

Han Xiao was not moved at all by Ning Guang's praise.

Yes, he is also a person who has seen a thousand catties per mu.

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