After joking with each other for a while, Ningguang and Han Xiao got down to business.

By the way, Han Xiao, the Immortal Ceremony will be held soon. You have to prepare to return to Liyue Port. Qixing will all be present by then.

I understand. If you are familiar with the process of the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, I will not interfere. I will come back three days before the ceremony begins.

After holding the communication device and considering it carefully, Han Xiao thought it would be better to give Ningguang a heads up, so as not to be in a hurry when encountering problems.

Ningguang, you should have received the news from Mondstadt.

You're talking about the incident where the Fools successfully captured the heart of the God of Wind, I know.

In the Qun Yu Pavilion office, Ning Guang frowned slightly when he heard Han Xiao's voice coming from the other end of the communication device, and his tone became more serious:

Are you trying to say that the Fools are planning to do the same thing in Liyue?

Based on the information I've collected, I'm afraid there won't be any mistakes. The time should be around the time of the Immortal Requesting Ceremony.

Oh, the mantis is using its arms as a chariot!

Hearing Han Xiao confirm his guess, Ningguang suddenly sneered.

Just because the fools still want to deal with Lord Yan, are they too wishful thinking? Do they really think that the name of Lord Yan as the Martial God is just blown away?

Don't underestimate the fools, Ning Guang.

Regarding Ning Guang's confidence, Han Xiao on the other side of the communication device seemed a little helpless. After all, he couldn't say that an old man who went out without money would have to spend the whole life in the ceremony of inviting immortals.

Therefore, Han Xiao could only try his best to exaggerate the harm caused by the fools.

You also know that Albedo is with me. According to his information, Mondstadt's Wind God was attacked by an executive head-on, and was defeated by the power of the Ice God in the other party and took away the Heart of God.

It turns out that this is how the wind god's divine heart was lost!

After hearing Han Xiao's exaggerated facts, Ningguang started to take it seriously.

No wonder the God of Wind, as a god, was so easily deprived of the heart of God by the fools. The Emotional Executive also possesses the power of the Ice Queen.

So, except for some special circumstances, the only time Liyue people can see Lord Yan is to invite him to the Immortal Ceremony.

Do you think the fools will let this opportunity pass by?

It seems that the Immortal Invitation Ceremony hosted by me this time will not be peaceful.

Faced with Han Xiao's reasonable speculation, Ningguang also felt that if the fools wanted to seize the heart of God from Lord Yan, the only chance they could find would be to ask Xian Dianyi.

The weapons Qianyan Army shipped over from Mingyun Town must have been equipped. Let them be ready with the equipment when the time comes.

And I suggest that you'd better have Captain Beidou's fleet ready on the day of the ceremony.

This...I need to discuss this with Po Jun and the others.

No problem, you discuss it with them first, and then we can have a meeting when I come back.

After hanging up the communication with Ningguang, Han Xiao sighed softly.

Without revealing Zhongli's plan, he had tried his best to remind Ningguang and the others to prepare for defense.

I hope the other party can listen to what I said.

After all, they will not only face the fools, but also the whirlpool demon Osel who escaped from the seal.

Just when Han Xiao was thinking about how to end the Immortal Invitation Ceremony half a month later with minimal losses, Zhiyi suddenly came to them.


Zhiyi, why are you here?

I've already told you everything, are you really going to make trouble for Liyue during the ceremony?

Zhiyi asked urgently with a look of disbelief on his face.

If their goals haven't changed, it's pretty much the same thing.

Facing Zhiyi's inquiry, Han Xiao shrugged.

Liyue, who is worthy of being the emperor's fan among all people, has to explain everything when he meets someone. This is the third time he has to explain.

Chapter 240: Borrowing a lady to get involved

Can you tell me who is behind the possible attack on Guili City by the Fools?

Unlike Xingqiu and the others, after a brief period of shock, Zhiyi immediately returned to his senses and asked Han Xiao about the mastermind behind this possible instructing the Fools to raid Guili City.

As someone who had studied in the Winter Solstice Kingdom, he was still very aware of the style of fools.

As long as the Fools determine the mission goal, their style can be described as unscrupulous.

Normally speaking it should be Dadalia.

Master Executive Officer?

Hearing Han Xiao say Dadalia's name, Zhiyi nodded thoughtfully.

That's right, the envoy stationed in Liyue in winter is Dadalia. Logically speaking, the fools in Liyue should obey each other's orders.

But since Han Xiao said it was Dadalia according to common sense, it seemed that there was more than one executive coming to Liyue this time.

Thinking of this, Zhiyi frowned and asked:

Tell me, besides the executive son, who else is there? Could it be the doctor?

It's not Doctor. According to my information, the other party should be in Xumi now.

Han Xiao shook his head. For the doctor who almost abducted many children in Qingce Village, he naturally sent people to keep an eye on his movements.

Judging from the returns so far, it seems that the Doctor has been active in Sumeru recently.

Who could that be?

80% of the time it's a lady.

Facing Zhiyi's inquiry, Han Xiao did not hide anything and directly stated her guess.

According to the plot in the game, regardless of the actions of Mondstadt or the Fools of Liyue, there are actually women standing behind them.

As for Dadalia, it is just a distraction that attracts Seven Stars' attention.

Therefore, based on the reference to the plot in the game, Han Xiao believes that the commander behind the Liyue Fools this time is very likely to be the lady, the scroll king.

Is this the lady who captured the heart of the God of Wind in front of Mondstadt?

Upon hearing that the person hiding behind the crowd of fools in Liyue this time was the executive who caused trouble in Mondstadt before, Zhiyi's lips curved into a sneer.

This guy is really brave. Not only did he offend Mond, he also wants to continue to offend Liyue.

So while I'm away from Guili City, you and Xingqiu must be careful not to get into trouble with each other.

I see.

Now that he knew who might be behind the attack on Guilicheng, Zhiyi was mentally prepared. He planned to discuss with Xingqiu later how to entertain the lady.

There is one more thing you should pay attention to.

Just when Zhiyi was about to leave, Han Xiao suddenly stopped him.

What's up?

Keep an eye on the people in Guili City, there will be a lot of trouble this time.

Seeing the instant change in the expression on Zhiyi's face, Han Xiao said meaningfully:

The moths inside Guili City may need you to take action by then.


After sending away Zhiyi, who was full of thoughts and had an ugly face, Han Xiao slumped in his chair and opened the chat group after a long time.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: There is only half a month left until the ceremony to invite the immortals begins. This time I am really going to get busy.

After a while, there was a reply in the group.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Luanxiao, just be satisfied. It took more than ten years for the plot to begin. I was reincarnated directly into the country where the plot started, and I have been involved since I was a child.

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: I'm okay. Although Wang Lufei has gone to sea, it has no impact on my side at all.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Of course it won't affect you if you follow Dr. Bega Punk. Hai Xiao, did you adopt my last suggestion?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Is it the operation of giving the Red Book to the dragon? Are you addicted to giving away books?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Indeed, if you don't tell others to give away books yourself, but also instigate others to do so, I'm afraid that late-night snacks are really addictive.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Your world is not in war, but I think the world of One Piece is quite suitable for the Little Red Book.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Probably only some of them are suitable. After all, the world of One Piece is a world with extraordinary power. Many times, we are still accustomed to respecting power.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: I can't get away now. It's hard for the science team to leave Malinfando. I can only wait and see during the annual vacation.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Let's put aside Haixiao's matters for now. Anyway, even if Long gets the Little Red Book, it will take some time to digest it.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Jo Xiao is right. Let's focus on Yuanxiao first. What are your plans for Yuanxiao.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: What else can we plan? I have already hinted a lot to Ningguang. Qianyan Army should be able to react by then.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: No, the fools should already know that the Heart of God is in your hands, right? Why haven't they found you yet?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I don't know, I guess I'm holding back something bad, and I'm going to do something big for me.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Aren't you worried about Guili City?

[Original God Hanxiao]: The defense measures are all in place. I also informed Xingqiu and Zhiyi of the speculation that the Fools might attack Guili City. I did everything I needed to do.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Luanxiao, remember to start a live broadcast when you invite the fairy ceremony. This is a live version of the famous scene where Lord Yan faked his death!

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: No problem. When I start the live broadcast, remember to record the screen and send me a copy.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: By the way, Yuanxiao, how are you going to solve the twin problem?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Yes, you can't just want Yingmei now, right?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Don't forget that the lady may also come to Liyue. Just let Yingmei and the other party meet each other then.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Tsk tsk, Yingmei and the lady have a grudge, so they plan to use the lady to lure the other party into the game. You are bad enough.

Hahaha, since I have a ready-made executive-level combat capability, why don't I use it.

Han Xiao, who casually said diving and closed the chat group, smiled nonchalantly.

The lady over at Mondstadt unceremoniously beat the girl who was in a bad state. She must be holding a lot of anger in her heart.

Since the lady had probably sneaked into Liyue, Han Xiao thought it would be better to let Yingmei have a good fight with her.

It just so happened that he could get his sister to help him hold the lady back.

On the other hand, the immortals probably need to prepare in advance.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao took out the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Conch from the jade pendant and prepared to contact Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

Shen He, or Han Xiao?

After a while, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's voice came from the other end of the conch.

Chapter 241 The food harvest finally came

Master Liuyun, it's me.

Oh, it's Han Xiao.

Hearing Han Xiao's voice coming from the conch, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun glanced at the staff who were working overtime to produce radios, and then came to a secluded place.

What's the matter with me?

Master Liuyun, when we ask for the immortal ceremony, can you and several immortals, including Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang, gather together to return to Li City?

What does this mean?

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was a little puzzled as to how he could let her find Xieyue and Lishui in such a smooth way to return to Guilicheng.

Some young people may be interested in Mr. Zhongli during the immortal invitation ceremony.

“It’s so heart-warming and courageous!!”

Upon learning that someone was interested in the emperor, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was immediately furious.

Who is it! Han Xiao, tell me quickly, I will teach these daring rats a lesson!

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