Ying's side isn't interested in radios, but that doesn't mean the people in Guili City aren't interested.

Compared with Ying, a traveler from another world who has seen a lot of things, the residents of Guili City have never seen such novel things.

Although due to Hanxiao's advance warm-up, they had already roughly understood what a radio was from the Liyue Daily.

But after all, it’s not like I’ve never seen the real thing.

So as soon as the radio was put on sale, they swarmed around it like sharks that had smelled it.

Especially those who are very greedy for phonographs and don't have many gramophones in their pockets have long been eyeing the radio.

Liyue Daily mentioned that radios are not only cheap, but can also listen to various drama groups and storytellers like a gramophone.

In addition, as long as you tune the channel, you can even hear interesting stories and official news announcements.

Knowing that a small radio has so many functions, these people naturally made preparations early.

So there was a scene where a large number of people gathered around the store as soon as it opened.

In fact, after the clerk demonstrated the operation of the radio on the spot, the first batch of radios delivered by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng were snapped up by the residents of Guili City.

People who haven't even bought it have already asked the store clerk when the second and third batches will be available for sale.


Kuixing Tower Broadcasting Center.

Different from the leisurely days in the past, today's broadcast center department is full of people coming and going. Every staff member seems quite busy and has a nervous look on his face.

It is true that since Lord Han Xiao personally ordered the establishment of the broadcasting department, many staff members who were transferred to the broadcast department were very excited at first. After all, this is the department that Lord Han Xiao personally ordered to form.

Thinking that after the electric vehicles and other departments established by Mr. Hanxiao had taken off, these staff who were transferred to the broadcasting department naturally wanted to make some achievements.

However, what they didn't expect was that although the department was established, there would be nothing to do except training every day.

This huge gap led them to privately mock themselves as 'stepmothers', and some even speculated that the so-called broadcasting department was actually a 'penal colony'.

Now with the release of the radio, these people are finally relieved of their worries. Even though they suddenly become busy, their faces are full of nervousness but also a little bit of excitement.

As for why he was excited, it was naturally because of Han Xiao who was standing outside the broadcast room at this time.

How are you preparing?

After carefully looking at the broadcast room, Han Xiao turned to look at Mi Liang, who was accompanying him as the team leader of the broadcast center.

Don't worry, Lord Hanxiao. We have carefully debugged all the equipment more than three times to ensure there are no problems.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Mi Liang quickly patted his chest and promised.

That's good.

Han Xiao nodded, looking through the huge soundproof glass in the broadcast room at the host who was nervously sitting on a chair waiting for the broadcast, and said slowly.

It's almost time, get ready to start broadcasting.

Chapter 238 Zhongli’s relief

Following Han Xiao's order, Mi Liang quickly gestured to the host inside through the glass of the broadcast room.

The host, who quickly received the instructions, nodded to acknowledge receipt, then sat upright in his chair, holding the manuscript while leaning his head close to the microphone.

Meanwhile, the first people to buy radios were already back home and following the instructions in the manual to tune the channel.

Everyone's face is full of anticipation.

Sure enough, soon as the scheduled time arrived, a gentle and beautiful female voice came from the radio.

Blooming brilliantly, listen carefully. This is the Liyue Broadcasting Center. Listeners are welcome to listen to this program.

The first thing I will report to you is today's Teyvat news. Let's take a look at the Mondstadt news first.

It is reported that the dragon plague in Mondstadt has ended recently. Ms. Jean Gunnhild, the acting head of the Mondstadt spokesperson, claimed that Mondstadt welcomes major chambers of commerce to invest in Mondstadt.

Next, let's focus on the Liyue area. Guilicheng spokesperson Han Xiao said that the insurance bill compiled by Mr. Zhong Li, the principal of Guilicheng School, has been submitted to the legal department for review and is expected to be launched around this year's Hai Lantern Festival.

At the beginning, maybe because it was her first time to broadcast, the host's voice was a little nervous, but soon as the broadcast continued, her state gradually relaxed a lot, and her sentences became smoother.


Outside the broadcast room, seeing the host's condition getting better and better, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction and praised Mi Liang beside him.

You're doing a great job training, keep it up.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

After receiving Han Xiao's praise, Mi Liang could not suppress the joy on his face. With Han Xiao's praise, their broadcast center was finally no longer an insignificant department.

By the way, you should confirm the news with Liyue Daily, and don't broadcast false news.

Don't worry, we have already reached a cooperative relationship with Liyue Daily, and the news broadcast has been personally confirmed by the daily reporter.

That's good.

Han Xiao nodded first, and then gave instructions to Mi Liang.

In addition to the news, you should also pay close attention to other columns. I hope to see a hundred flowers blooming after the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

We have planned several programs to ensure that we complete the mission.

After humming slightly, Han Xiao did not continue speaking. Instead, she turned her gaze back to the broadcast room and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

He was now looking forward to waiting until Zhongli suspended his death and heard the exclusive dubbing of the Hall of Rebirth playing on the radio, and the host used a sad tone to announce the emperor's expression during his funeral.

That scene felt so wonderful when Han Xiao thought about it.


With the success of the first broadcast in Guili City, the heat of the radio quickly exploded in the city like boiling water falling into a frying pan.

Countless residents spoke highly of the new radio and the broadcast center.

In their words, although there was already a Liyue Daily to understand the news of Teyvat continent, there are still most illiterate Liyue residents who can only learn about it through other people's dictation.

Well now, with the radio, even illiterate people can learn the news about the entire Teyvat continent at the first time.

So after the first broadcast, many people flocked to the radio store to buy a radio to take home.

Unfortunately, since the first batch of radios had already been sold out, they had to choose to pre-order.

In just half a day, four batches of radio reservations were booked, and even the fifth batch of reservations was about to be sold out.


Zhongli is in the villa in Guili City.

This mechanical creation is quite useful.

Looking at the radio on the table that was still playing a storytelling program, Zhongli, who was sitting at the table, nodded with satisfaction.

Wow, this radio makes me want to start a program at the broadcast center.

Wendy, who stayed at Zhongli's house, couldn't help but echoed, but he didn't lie.

Wendy really wanted to have a show at the broadcast center. After all, he was also the best bard in the world. Naturally, he hoped that there would be many listeners to listen to his singing.

Mandrill, thank you for your hard work.

Hearing Wendy yelling at the side, Zhongli shook his head helplessly, then turned to say thank you to Mandrill who had been standing behind him.

In the past few days, he had been busy with preparations for suspended animation and had not gone out for a stroll. Naturally, he was not aware of the advent of the radio.

If Mandrill hadn't suddenly come to the door with a radio, Zhongli wouldn't have known that Han Xiao had come up with another very useful gadget.

Yes, the radio is a very useful tool in Zhongli's eyes.

Although he may not know that there is a word called public opinion, but as a god who is more than 6,000 years old, everyone's words make gold, and the accumulation of bones is still very clear.

The radio is not only a window for the people of Liyue to actively receive new news from the Teyvat continent, but it can also become a sharp tool in Han Xiao's hands to guide the direction of the wind when necessary.

The emperor is so complimentary.

After hearing Zhongli praising himself, Mandrill quickly and humbly expressed that he was just doing it smoothly.

Today, as usual, he came to Guilicheng to find Han Xiao to get the essence of holy light to eliminate the resentment of the demon that had been tainted by the recent hoeing of the earth.

Then the other party put the radio into his arms and told him that it was for the emperor.

So Mandrill came to Zhongli with the radio.

However, he did not expect that this small mechanical creation would be so magical, and even received praise from the emperor.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are indeed the Seven Stars under the old man.

Wendy was quite amused when Mandrill said that Han Xiao had forced the radio on him and asked him to bring it to Zhongli.

Why didn't Han Xiao just slip one into him?

He also likes this stuff.

Han Xiao's thinking is pretty creative, but sometimes it's too out-of-the-box.

After hearing Wendy's praise of Han Xiao, Zhongli made a calm and 'fair' evaluation of Han Xiao's strengths and weaknesses.

But I was still quite happy inside.

Even though Han Xiao often gave him headaches, no matter what, his abilities were among the best in Liyue, and he had promoted him himself.

Being praised by the gods of other countries, he, the actual ruler of Liyue, was naturally very happy.

Thinking of this, Zhongli turned his head to look at Mandrill and told him:

Mandrill, go find Hanxiao and ask him to bring another radio. Just say it's a gift for Barbatos.

Yes, Emperor.

After receiving the order, Mandrill immediately made a promise, and then disappeared into a gust of breeze.

Chapter 239 Han Xiao’s reminder

Radios are more popular than electric cars before.

After all, electric cars are expensive, and not every family must have one, but radios are different.

First of all, the price of the radio is very cheap. After many adaptations by Han Xiao and Abedo, the material price of the entire radio has been controlled at an extremely low price, and basically every family can afford it.

Secondly, Hanxiao began to work hard for the broadcasting center that had been prepared for the radio for a long time. Not only did it broadcast news in the morning, noon and evening, but also came up with programs such as folk art talks and problem solving.

It can be said that as long as a small piece of charging crystal is inserted into the radio, you can listen to various programs anytime and anywhere.

In less than two days, the radio store in Liyue Port also opened successfully, causing another buying frenzy.

Sure enough, you have a lot of money-making projects in your hands.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, looking at the day's profit bill for the radio store brought up by the secretary, Ningguang smiled softly and made fun of the Dudu communicator on the table.

I have to say that this feeling of following others and making money is really addictive. I want to just follow you and make money without doing anything.

Come on, you're the one who gets hugged the most, why are you teasing me like this?

On the other side of the communication device, Han Xiao, who was at home, couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard Ning Guang's teasing, and replied angrily.

When it comes to who is the real industry leader in Liyue, Zhongli must be number one.

After all, the other party is the one who directly adjusts national policies every year.

Apart from Zhongli, the industry leader in Liyue is none other than Ningguang. The broken snow in Qunyu Pavilion is an opportunity that all the businessmen in Liyue are eagerly looking forward to.

In other words, Ning Guang was used to being used as a thigh, and was rarely taken flying by Han Xiao a few times, so this feeling was just new to her.

And to be honest, when it comes to business, Han Xiao is no match for Ning Guang.

If Han Xiao hadn't created a series of new products with the benefit of his past life memories, Han Xiao's little business knowledge would have been played around by the other party.

Who made the things you create so novel yet practical?

On the other side of the communication device, Ningguang was slightly silent at Han Xiao's reply, and then replied with a smile.

As a big boss who has been involved in Liyue's business circle for many years, Ningguang knows one thing very well. Even though Han Xiao always says that he takes advantage of the novelty of the product, isn't this a skill?

It’s not like other countries don’t have alchemists and mechanics. There are only a handful of people who are truly capable of making these things.

Mondstadt is lucky enough to have two alchemy masters, but fortunately one of them is not in Mondstadt all year round, and the other one was hired by Han Xiao to live in Liyue temporarily.

It was unclear whether there were Ning Guang in other countries, but she believed that even if there were, the number of people who could achieve the level of Han Xiao and Abedo was quite rare.

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