Chapter 236: Ying: Radio, isn’t that an antique?

Although he was confident of guarding Guili City, the pressure on Xingqiu was still quite high.

Especially after learning that the Heart of God that the Fools had been coveting was currently in Han Xiao, he knew that Guili City would always have a chance to encounter the Fools.

So what can be done now is to minimize the loopholes left for the Fools to attack Guili City.

With this thought, Xingqiu stood up and said goodbye to Han Xiao, and went out to discuss with Zhiyi.

After sending Xingqiu away, Han Xiao was also thinking about whether she had left anything out.

After all, he must have been in Liyue Port when he requested the Immortal Ceremony. If something happened to Guilicheng, it would be difficult to use his arms even with the Dudu communication device.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the office door, and Xu Wan's voice came from outside the door.

Lord Hanxiao!

come in.

After hearing Han Xiao's permission, Xu Wan walked into the office and reported to the other party in a low voice:

Lord Han Xiao, my subordinate just met Mr. Zhongli outside Kuixing Tower.

Mr. Zhongli asked me to bring you a message.

What did Mr. Zhongli say?

Knowing that Xu Wan met Zhong Li at the door of Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and asked in surprise.

Mr. Zhongli said that he had clarified all the insurance regulations. In addition, he also said that he was very satisfied with the new car.

This old man's efficiency is really slow. It took him so long to get it done.

Hearing Zhongli mention that the rules and regulations related to insurance were finally settled, Han Xiao couldn't help but complain.

He had already left the insurance matter to Zhong Li, but he didn't expect that the other party had only completed it now.

In other words, Zhongli is the rock god of Liyue. If anyone else dared to delay like this, Han Xiao would have already attacked him.

Emmm, to a certain extent, Han Xiao is worthy of being a ‘double standard’ leader.

I can fish, but others can't.

Without worrying too much about Zhongli working too slowly, Han Xiao quickly turned his attention to Xu Wan and gave instructions.

Give Yan Fei the insurance regulations compiled by Mr. Zhong Li and let her see if there are any loopholes in it.

If not, find someone to make preparations in the past few days, and then tell the residents about insurance in the Liyue Daily.

“After all these prerequisite tasks are completed, the insurance system will be implemented.”

Okay, Lord Hanxiao.

Xu Wan nodded, firmly remembering Han Xiao's order in her heart, and turned around to leave the office.

But before she even left the office, she was stopped by Han Xiao again.

Wait a minute.

Do you have anything else to give me, Lord Hanxiao?

How's the situation at the broadcast center?

Sir, the construction of the broadcast center has been completed, and all the hosts trained previously are in place.

Speaking of this, Xu Wan couldn't help but asked Han Xiao out of curiosity:

Lord Hanxiao, can you tell me what the broadcast center does?

As a secretary who followed Han Xiao to build Guili City from scratch, Xu Wan knew that her boss's attitude towards his subordinates was quite tolerant.

Otherwise, she would not dare to be so bold as to ask the questions in her heart.

The main reason is that Xu Wan is really curious that this broadcast center has been established for a while, but Han Xiao seems to have never cared about it.

As a result, many people who were transferred to the broadcast center always talked privately about whether they were 'exiled'.

Broadcast Center, you will soon know what it can do.

Seeing that his subordinate was very curious, Han Xiao pretended to be mysterious and smiled, but did not directly tell what he wanted to do with the broadcast center.

He just used words to reassure Xu Wan and told her that the broadcast center would be of great use in the future.

Just like that, Xu Wan left the office with full of doubts without asking the reason.


A few days passed quickly.

After Ying made money selling fast food in Guiliyuandiba, some businessmen immediately chose to follow up and create business competition with Ying.

It is a pity that Wanmintang, which Ying chose to cooperate with, has a great advantage compared to other merchants in terms of price and taste.

After learning about this situation, it was not as if no one had tried Wanmintang. Unfortunately, those businessmen who came to seek cooperation were rejected by Xiangling.

The reason is also very simple. She has signed a cooperation contract with Ying before, and the dishes of Wanmintang are only provided to Ying for sale.

In desperation, these businessmen can only find ways to lower prices and try to win with small profits but quick turnover.

But Ying was not a fool. She quickly signed contracts with the owners of several mobile restaurants that specialized in selling several special dishes.

Slowly stabilized the reputation.

Therefore, although the number of molas he earned was not as much as the first day, it has stabilized and he can basically earn a net profit of more than 10,000 molas every day.

On this day, as usual, Ying, who had just closed his stall in Guili, rode his motorcycle and drove Paimon slowly into Guili City.

Just as she was about to walk through the business district to her temporary hotel, a store full of people caught the attention of Paimon and Ying.

Ying, why is it so busy there?

Paimon, who was sitting in Ying's arms, poked his head out to look at the crowd of people watching not far away, and asked curiously.

It seems to be a new store.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Ying sat on the motorcycle and squinted her eyes to carefully observe the crowd. Soon she saw some clues through the gaps in the crowd.

These onlookers seemed to be crowding in front of a store, waiting for something.

Should we go and ask?


After hearing Paimon's suggestion, Ying got off the motorcycle, pushed the motorcycle to the parking area on the street, and then led Paimon towards the crowd.

Before she could get closer, whispers from the crowd reached Ying's ears.

What do you think Master Hanxiao is planning to sell this time?

I heard that the products sold this time are new. I didn't get the gramophone last time. I must get the first batch of the new products this time.

You haven't read Liyue Daily!

Perhaps because he heard the two chatting, someone next to him immediately added something.

The newspapers have said that the items sold this time are similar to gramophones, but the price is many times cheaper than gramophones.

Is there such a thing?

Isn't that right? I heard that this thing called a radio that was launched this time not only has the same functions as a gramophone, but also has many functions that a gramophone does not have.

And the price is not expensive, everyone can afford it.


Ying, who had just squeezed into the crowd, heard the conversation in her ears, and felt a lot of sighs for Han Xiao in her heart.

She didn't expect that she could still hear such an antique thing as a radio in Teyvat.

Chapter 237 The first appearance of the broadcast department

Should we go over and take a look?

Seeing many people gathered in front of the store, Paimon wanted to join in the fun.

It's just selling radios, there's nothing lively or interesting about it.

Compared with Paimon who wanted to join in the fun, Ying seemed much calmer.

She had played with radios when she was very young, and she vaguely remembered that her favorite thing as a child was singing to the song channels on the radio with her brother.

It's a pity that as people grew up and technology developed, radios couldn't keep up with the times and slowly withdrew from the stage of history.

I didn’t expect to see a radio in Teyvat after so many years.

Ying couldn't help but feel a little sigh in her heart.

But she didn't want to join in the excitement. After all, it was all something she got tired of playing when she was a child.

Oh well.

Seeing that Yingying didn't think about it, Paimon had to give up his plan to take a look and asked other questions:

Ying, there will be a ceremony for the Immortal Ceremony in the near future. Should we get ready?

You really need to prepare.

Hearing Paimon talk about the ritual of inviting immortals, Yingya agreed with him.

Although she now knows her brother's whereabouts, she can still go to Xian Dianyi.

After all, the rock god Morax is the oldest god among the seven gods, and he must know a lot about things on Teyvat.

The god who called himself the 'Keeper of Heavenly Law' who stopped her and Sora at the beginning, Ying didn't believe that Morax, being both a god, would not know the other's identity.

Not to mention the rock god Morax, Ying had already figured out that even Wendy, the fisherman, should actually know the identity of the 'Keeper of Heavenly Law'.

But every time she brought it up, Wendy would either deliberately change the topic, or just pick out something unimportant.

I hope Iwagami won’t think that Wendy’s singer is generally unreliable!

Thinking of this, Ying couldn't help but pray for herself in her heart. She was now afraid that the Rock God was also a Riddler like the Wind God.

Then our business doesn't need to be done?

Hearing that Yingya was thinking of leaving to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, Paimon's little face immediately showed an excited smile.

This is really good news. She finally doesn't have to be dragged out of the warm bed every day before dawn!

This is all money. What are you thinking about?

Ying couldn't help but roll her eyes at Paimon. She didn't know what this little guy was thinking. Isn't he just lazy?

It was hard for her to gain a foothold in the competition with others, so how could she abandon the business and stop doing it?

Ten thousand to twenty thousand a day, which is an income of three to five million molas a month.

This is not a small amount of money for someone who has a mortgage and car loan.

But we won't be in Guili City by then.

Don't worry, I have asked Xiangling to help me find a clerk. She will take over on my behalf when I am away.

Facing Paimon's question, Ying explained calmly.

As early as after she decided to go to Liyue Port to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, she had already privately asked Xiang Ling to help her find a diligent and capable clerk.

The reason is that she can help him maintain his business during her absence in Guilicheng.

So you've been ready for a long time, so when will we leave for Liyue Port?

Upon hearing that Ying had already thought of a solution, Paimon couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and praise him repeatedly.

At the same time, he did not forget to ask Ying and the others when they would go to Liyue Port to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

There's still half a month left, don't worry.

Ying pointed at the motorcycle parked in the parking area.

Anyway, we have motorcycles. We can reach Liyue Port in less than a day along the main road.


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