With an expression that Abedo couldn't understand, Han Xiao sighed melancholy.

This ceremony for inviting immortals is probably the last one Liyue will see Yan Shen. From now on, the burden of Liyue's future development will rest entirely on Qixing's shoulders.

The ancient Liyue is about to say goodbye to gods and humans. It is not known whether Liyue, which has ushered in the era of human rule, can stand firm on the continent of Teyvat, which is about to be in chaos.

To be honest, Han Xiao herself was not sure.

Although Zhongli just faked his death, this is a truth that only a few people can know. Most of the people in Liyue only know the news of Yan Shen's death.

Inexplicably, he suddenly understood why Zhongli allowed Dadalia to unblock Osel from Lord Guyun.

Testing the Seven Stars of Liyue is probably just one of them, and the other one is probably to show Liyue's heritage to the rest of Teyvat.

Tell them that even though Liyue has lost the protection of the Rock God, she is still not someone to be trifled with.

But luckily I was prepared.

As a person who knows the 'plot', Han Xiao has long ago provided a large amount of arms to the Qianyan Army through the alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town.

In addition, a large number of Guiliyuan and Elemental Editions have been set up on the high mountains on the coast near Guyun Pavilion in Guiliyuan.

These imitation versions of the ultimate machine are filled with the latest new bombs developed by Han Xiao. Each one can blow up one-third of the wind dragon ruins.

A single volley of shots would be enough to make the other party drink a pot even if Osel was a demon.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao suddenly felt that Ningguang should thank him properly.

After all, if it weren't for him, whether it was to smash Osel back into the seal or to show the hidden potential of Li Yue, the opponent's Qunyu Pavilion would probably not be able to be saved.

There shouldn't be any problems with the immortal invitation ceremony this time, right?

Seeing Han Xiao sighing and then falling into a long silence, Abedo's smart little head immediately realized that something was not right.

Last year, Han Xiao personally presided over the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, and I had never seen the other party look so worried.

Unless... this time the Immortal Invitation Ceremony may be very different from usual.

Albedo, how about asking Xian Dianyi to do something for me one day?

Tell me what's going on first.

It's very simple. Just go and invite Mr. Zhongli to tea that day.

? ? ?

Wait a minute, isn't Mr. Zhongli the rock god Morax?

After hearing Han Xiao's request, Abedo couldn't help but be stunned.

When inviting Xian Dianyi, shouldn't the other party reveal his true identity in Liyue Port? How can he be asked to invite Mr. Zhongli to tea?

What's going on?

Don't ask yet. It will become clear when you go.

Seeing Abedo opening his mouth to ask, Han Xiao quickly interrupted him with a wave of his hand and continued:

Your Excellency Wendy may be there by then. Although Wendy should already know that you know his identity, you still remember to address him by name.

You are trying to trick me!

Abedo instantly felt an inexplicable chill coming over him.

If he directly uses the honorific title to Wendy, wouldn't it be clear to Zhongli that he already knows the other party's identity?

Don't worry, Mr. Zhongli won't do anything to you. Remember to keep in touch with me using the Dudu communicator. Real-time news will be sent from my side.

It will be a famous scene that is rare to see in a thousand years. If I hadn't been able to escape, I would have wanted to witness it myself.

I always feel like you're going to do something big.

The more Han Xiao talked about Abedo, the more he felt that the other party was probably planning something bad. Originally, he wanted to refuse.

But hearing Han Xiao say that there will be a famous scene that is rare to see in a thousand years, Albedo fell into a tangle.

He didn't want to seek death, but he was also curious about what situation Han Xiao would call a rare and famous scene in a thousand years.

After pondering for a long time, curiosity finally took over and Abedo agreed.

Okay, I'll treat you then.

Hehe, trust me, you will never regret it.

Seeing that Abedo struggled for a long time and finally chose to agree, Han Xiao also showed a mysterious smile on his face.

Humph, Zhongli, Zhongli, when the time comes from Albedo’s Dudu communication device to hear the shouting of ‘The Rock God has been assassinated, the whole place is blocked’, the expression on Wendy’s face should be quite exciting.

And Abedo, when I come back from the Fairy Ceremony, I will be counting on you to recreate the scene with your brushes. You must live up to your expectations.


After making an agreement with Abedo, Han Xiao stayed in the alchemy workshop for a while before getting up and heading to Kuixing Tower.

Liyue Port was already making preparations for the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, and he had to make good arrangements for Guili City first.

When the time came, chaos broke out in both cities at the same time.

When they arrived at Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao asked Xu Wan to call Xingqiu.

After a while, Xingqiu walked into the office under the leadership of Xu Wan.

Han Xiao, what do you want from me?

Well, I have something to tell you.

After Xu Wan went out and closed the office door, a khaki barrier suddenly enveloped the entire office.

What are you doing?

Looking at the room shrouded in rock elements, the expression on Xingqiu's face suddenly became solemn.

Han Xiao was suddenly so cautious, and what the other party said next was probably not trivial.

Chapter 235 Han Xiao: You can press the button if necessary

What on earth are you going to tell me? Why are you so cautious?

Seeing that Han Xiao actually used the rock element to isolate the entire office, Xingqiu's face became serious.

As Han Xiao's child, of course he knew his child's temperament. Although the other party usually looked lazy, but once important matters were involved, his whole appearance would change drastically.

I remember that when Han Xiao first became independent from the Han family, Xingqiu was initially prepared to persuade the other party to think calmly.

As a result, he heard that Han Xiao planned to use the puppets to make money, and even brought in the money Yun Jin had saved over the years.

At first, Xingqiu thought that she had just become independent and wanted to find a way to make money, so she rushed to see a doctor.

But who would have thought that within one year Hanxiao would successfully establish a firm foothold in the Dodo circle, and it would also cause the Dodo industry to involute.

So when he saw Han Xiao's cautious look, Xingqiu couldn't help but recall the look on his face when he told him that he planned to become independent from the Han family.

Looking at Xingqiu with a serious face, Han Xiao motioned for him to sit down first before talking.

After Xingqiu sat on the chair, he slowly said:

The Uninvited Immortal Ceremony is coming soon. I won't be in Guili City for the next period of time, so you have to manage it for me.

From what you're saying, are you just fooling people?

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Xingqiu's brows furrowed even more.

As the secretary-general of Guili City on the surface and the deputy city lord secretly, he naturally knows that since the establishment of Guili City, the fools on the Zhidong side have been the most active.

If Han Xiao guessed that someone would cause harm to Guili City while he was participating in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, Xingqiu could only think of fools.

Well, you should have read the information from Mondstadt.

Have seen it. The Fool Executives are really audacious, and they even tried to take advantage of Fengshen's God's Heart.

“What I didn’t expect even more was that they succeeded.”

Seeing Han Xiao talking about what happened in Mondstadt, Xingqiu couldn't help but sigh, but a look of horror appeared on his face the next second:

Wait, Hanxiao!

Are you trying to say that the Fools and others also have thoughts about Prince Yan's divine heart?

How bold!

When I thought that the Fools might be trying to trick Lord Yan's heart, even a gentle and polite young man like Xingqiu couldn't help but reveal a hint of murderous intent.

If it was as he suspected, then he would let the fools have a taste of his three unique skills of the Guhua Sect.

To tell you the truth, the token the emperor gave me a few days ago is the heart of God.

Up until now, Han Xiao had not concealed anything, and very frankly told the fact that the Heart of God was currently in his hands.

So if the target of the Fools is the Heart of God, then they will definitely come back to Li City.

You said that the token given to you by the Emperor is the Heart of God!

Hearing Han Xiao say that the Heart of God is now in his hand, Xingqiu almost jumped out of his chair, with shock written all over his face.

God's heart, God's heart, how could something with the word god be a simple thing?

He really didn't expect that Lord Yan would give Han Xiao such an important thing as a token.

For a moment, Xingqiu's eyes changed when he looked at Han Xiao, but when he saw the other party's unblinking eyes, he knew that Han Xiao had not lied to him.

I really didn't expect it, Han Xiao. It seems that the emperor trusts you so much that he even entrusted the heart of God to you for safekeeping.

Why Han Xiao jumped directly from a white body to a seven-star candidate was also spread from the mouths of the staff of the General Affairs Department after the other party became a seven-star candidate.

With the establishment and rapid development of Guili City, while the talents of his young family were fully revealed, the people of Liyue became even more enthusiastic about the emperor's original discernment.

From that time on, the big businessmen in Liyue basically knew that the relationship between Han Xiao and Prince Yan was much closer than that of the other seven stars.


Hearing Xingqiu's sigh, Han Xiao subconsciously turned her eyes in other directions, and a strange look flashed across her face.

From a certain perspective, the relationship between him and Zhongli is indeed closer than that of the other seven stars.

But to say that Zhongli entrusted the Heart of God to him for safekeeping because of his trust, Han Xiao wanted to complain.

It was obvious that this 'social loser' had given him the hot thing of the Heart of God just to have fun, and then hid aside and watched him fight with the fools.

And the Heart of God is not a good thing. If it weren't for its usefulness, Han Xiao would have given the Heart of God to the chat group in exchange for points.

I probably understand. Don't worry, I will guard Guili City during your participation in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

After knowing the seriousness of the matter, Xingqiu sighed for a moment, then returned to his serious expression, and assured Han Xiao very solemnly:

But I still need to talk to Zhiyi about this. With his cooperation, I can better keep the fools away from the city.

no problem.

Even though Han Xiao agreed with Xingqiu's idea, she took out a small box from her jade pendant and handed it to him while speaking.

I almost forgot, this is for you.

What's this?

He took the box and opened it. Seeing that the box was full of precision machine parts, which were also connected to a small red button, Xingqiu asked with some confusion.

This is the last protective device I have set up for Guili City. As long as the button is pressed, the entire Guili City will raise an energy shield.

According to my calculations, the shield should be able to withstand an attack deadly enough to destroy a city.

If it's an emergency, you can push the button.

Han Xiao simply explained to Xingqiu what this small box represented.

As the Immortal Invitation Ceremony proceeds, news of Zhongli's fake death will soon spread. The Fools' executive officers may know the true situation, but they may not explain it to the Fools below.

Therefore, when the time comes, those fools who are afraid of the anger of the gods and dare not act unscrupulously may very well choose to attack Guili City in order to perform meritorious deeds.

As for Uncle Zhongli's Huha, the other party may not take action at that time in order to test Liyue.

Han Xiao's handing of the box to Xingqiu can be considered as leaving a safe trump card for Guili City. After all, the activation device must be near the Heart of God to be activated.

It seems you are well prepared.

Hearing that Han Xiao had already set up a defense mechanism in Guili City, Xingqiu carefully put the activation device into his God's Eye space, and the serious expression on his face finally looked much better.

With this defensive device, he became more confident in guarding Guili City.

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