Your sensitivity is still a little low.

Seeing that Keqing didn't understand what he meant by reading the letter to her, Ningguang could only sigh helplessly, and then explained to the other party.

Captain Qin from Mondstadt probably mentioned in his letter why the honorary knight came to Liyue.

Of course, it's to find the Seven Gods and learn the whereabouts of my brother from the other party.

In that case, why did she suddenly choose to find a job in Guili City?


When asked by Ning Guang, Ke Qing was stunned.

Yes, why?

Obviously, the honorary knight even helped Mondstadt solve the dragon disaster problem in order to meet the Fengshen when he was in Mondstadt.

She came to Liyue to meet Emperor Yan Wang, so why did she stop in Guili City to find a job?

Unless something happens and the other party changes their mind.

Perhaps because he saw what Ke Qing was thinking, Ning Guang directly said what the other party had not said.

Then do you think this is possible?

After hearing Ning Guang express her inner thoughts, Ke Qing also looked at the other party curiously, wanting to hear her judgment.

It's possible, but I think there's a greater possibility.

What's possible?

Didn't our new colleague get a commendation from the Emperor not long ago? Maybe the honorary knight has already set his sights on Han Xiao.

Ningguang didn't hide anything and directly told Ke Qing his suspicions.

The main purpose of the honorary knight from Mondstadt came to Liyue was to meet the emperor and then ask the emperor about his brother's whereabouts.

Although Qin's letter was vague, Ningguang speculated based on the intelligence he had collected that the other party might have met Fengshen and obtained some information.

In addition, the emperor just appeared in Guiliyuan not long ago to reward Han Xiao.

Based on these two reasons, Ningguang felt that the reason why the honorary knight named Ying chose to stay in Guili City was probably because he hoped to find the emperor and his old man through Han Xiao.


If Han Xiao knew that because of Ying's series of actions, Ning Guang and Ke Qing began to think about the reasons for the other's actions, she would probably laugh out loud.

Because this time they really went too far.

Chapter 233 Mass production of radios begins

A few days later, it was still in Qunyu Pavilion.

Ke Qing and Ning Guang were sitting face to face across a desk, and the atmosphere between them was quite strange.

I don’t know how long it took, but Keqing took the lead to break the silence, with a weird smile on her face:

Ningguang, you should have investigated clearly in the past two days.


Hearing Ke Qing speak, Ning Guang couldn't help but turn his eyes to the side, and his tone seemed erratic.

I found out that Miss Ying was deceived by Han Xiao into taking out a loan to buy a car and a house. She worked hard to pay off the debt.


Seeing the wandering look in Ningguang's eyes, Ke Qing finally couldn't help but burst into laughter, and the laughter spread throughout the entire conference room.

Even Baiwen and the others who were guarding the door were a little surprised as to what Master Ningguang and Master Keqing were talking about so happily.

She stretched out her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes because she laughed too hard. Keqing shook her head and pretended to sigh:

Come on, come on, my Lord Tianquanxing, give me another thoughtful reasoning!

In fact, it's not surprising that Keqing smiled so happily. Ningguang had always guessed accurately about this kind of thing before, but this was the first time she saw the other party make a mistake in guessing.

The other party also targeted Han Xiao, but unexpectedly the result was just the opposite. Han Xiao deceived Ying into working part-time to pay off her debts.

Facts have proven that making assumptions without solid intelligence is prone to error.

Although he felt a little embarrassed inside, Ningguang still admitted quite calmly that he was indeed a little unprepared this time.

After all, who knew that the other party would be deceived by Han Xiao into buying a house and a car.

But having said that, isn't it inappropriate for Han Xiao to treat an honorary knight of Mondstadt like this?

After laughing enough, Keqing talked to Ningguang about the serious matter.

Ying was an honorary knight recognized by the Knights of Mondstadt, and Han Xiao tricked others into working for him to pay off his debts. She was a little worried about whether it would affect the relationship between Liyue and Mondstadt.

Don't worry about this, I contacted Han Xiao yesterday.

Hearing Keqing's worry, Ningguang immediately shook his head and told the other party not to worry.

Realizing that she was overthinking, she directly contacted Han Xiao using a communication device yesterday, and learned from the other party his attitude towards this honorary knight.

According to Han Xiao, Miss Ying's force value is very high. She is currently no less than an executive, and she will even be stronger in the future.

If we in Liyue can win for such a master, we should try our best to win.

So that's it.

After listening to Ningguang's explanation, Keqing finally understood why Hanxiao had tricked Ying into taking out a loan to buy a house and a car in Guilicheng.

The purpose of co-writing is to deepen the connection between the other party and Liyue.

After thinking about this, Keqing continued to ask:

So you agree with Han Xiao's approach?

why not.

Ningguang smiled. Ever since she learned from Han Xiao yesterday that Ying's force value was now comparable to that of the Fool's Executives, and would be even stronger in the future, she agreed with the other party's approach.

A master who might be able to grow into a top player in the Teyvat continent in the future could be placed in any country.

Besides, Han Xiao didn't deceive the other party. At most, it was just a bit of an inducement to consume.

The garage and everything are genuine things, and I am very satisfied with the garage and have no dissatisfaction at all.

As for Captain Qin, I’m sorry!

Ningguang felt that Liyue was more suitable for Miss Ying.


Let us turn our attention to the protagonist who was discussed by Ningguang and Keqing.

At this time, she had just finished taking out lunch and was counting the Mora she earned today in the hotel with Paimon.

As for why they are still living in the hotel now, it is because Paimon and Ying went to view the small villa after buying it.

It turned out that it still needed renovation before it could be habitable, so I still lived in a hotel for the time being.

Ten thousand molas, I feel like I have lost a lot of money all of a sudden.

After carefully counting Mora, Paimon's little face suddenly fell.

After deducting the share given to Xiang Ling from today's income, they only earned 10,000 molas.

Suddenly half of it was lost.

Well, because imitators have already appeared.

After hearing Paimon's complaint, Ying thought it was normal.

The businessmen in Guili City are not fools. After a few days of fermentation, they saw that they had made a lot of money, so they naturally chose to join in.

The current turnover has only been reduced by half, which is already due to Manmintang's excellent craftsmanship.

But how will we repay the debt in the future?

Paimon knew what Ying said was correct, but she was still very confused. Now they had tens of millions in debt.

It would be troublesome if you couldn't exchange it for money.

Don't worry, this business is just a transition. The real money-making projects haven't started yet.

Ying didn't care about Paimon's worries.

Choosing to deliver food in Diba was just a temporary way for her to make money, and she didn't feel bad about the loss at all.

After all, if you really want to make a lot of money, you have to wait for Han Xiao's mobile phone to be born.

After the other party makes mobile phones popular in Guili City, that's when she will join the wealthy class of Teyvat.

That's right, Ying.

Paimon, who felt that what Ying said was very reasonable, quickly put aside his little worries and turned to ask the other party:

There is less than half a month until the ceremony for the immortals. Do we still want to attend?

Of course I want to go, but it's still half a month away, so there's no rush.

Ying waved her hand and said that she would definitely go to the Xian Dian Yi. After all, no matter how dissatisfied she was with her brother, she still had to see Liyue's Rock God.

Although Ying had already learned the general image of Morax from Wendy, she was basically certain that the other party was not the god who blocked her and Sora in the first place.

However, considering that Wendy said that Liyue's Rock God is the oldest of the seven gods, Ying felt that the other party still had a high chance of knowing why his brother went to the abyss to become his 'Prince'.

Moreover, because Ying knew in advance that Rock God was not the keeper of heaven and the whereabouts of Sora, her desire to see Rock God was actually not as eager as before.

The best thing you can see is that it doesn't seem to be a problem even if you can't see it.

At worst, she could just continue to stay in Guili City and investigate the abyss while working.


Alchemy workshop.

While Ying and Paimeng were discussing the ceremony of inviting immortals for half a month, Albedo in the alchemy workshop also brought good news to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao, Zhenjun Liuyun has started mass production of radios.

Refrigerators, air conditioners and other products have also been put on the production schedule by Zhenjun Liuyun. I believe that finished products will be produced in the near future.

This is really good news.

After hearing Albedo's message, Han Xiao also showed an excited look on her face.

Chapter 234: Han Xiao prepares to kill Zhonglishe

How long will it take for Master Liuyun to make the first batch of radios?

After learning that Mingyun Town had begun producing radios and other items, Han Xiao immediately asked Abedo.

His broadcast center has been established for a long time, and he has even trained several hosts. However, it has not been put into use because it lacks the radio puzzle piece.

Now I finally heard that Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng started producing radios.

About three days or so.

After hearing Han Xiao's question, Abedo gave his answer after thinking for a moment.

It is not difficult to manufacture radio parts, but with the current production capacity in Mingyun Town, it will take about three days to assemble the first batch of radios.

Three days, it should still be enough.

Knowing that there were still three days before she could see the first batch of radios, Han Xiao couldn't help but lowered her head and muttered to herself.

What's wrong with you?

It had only been three days, and Abedo was a little confused as to why Han Xiao looked so anxious.

Oh, the main reason is that I may have to go to Liyue Port in a few days, so I am a little worried about whether I can catch up with the release of the radio.

After coming back to his senses, Han Xiao waved his hand and briefly explained the reason.

If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten that Liyue's ceremony for inviting immortals is in half a month.

Abedo also thought of the key at this time. The Immortal Invitation Ceremony is the most important event in Liyue of the year. As one of the Seven Stars, Han Xiao must go to watch the ceremony.

Yes, this is a major event of the year in Liyue.

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