So it only took half the usual time for Ying to complete today's mission and rush back to Guili City.

Ying, let's go see the house quickly!

After Ying submitted the task to Miss Catherine, Paimon immediately rushed to her, with excitement written all over his face.


Ying nodded and sat on the motorcycle again.

Upon seeing this, Paimon rushed into Ying's arms and grabbed the corners of Ying's clothes with both hands.

Then the two of them rode their motorcycles and drove slowly towards the new shop selling houses next to the hotel.

After a while, they arrived at the store next to the hotel.

After parking the car in a parking space on the roadside, Ying and Paimon walked into this new store that had just opened.

Guest, welcome!

As soon as Ying entered the door, one of the several clerks who were chatting in the store immediately stood up and greeted him with enthusiasm.

I heard that you are holding a new house promotion event, is it over now?

Before the clerk could ask, Ying bluntly stated the purpose of his visit.

No, no, guests, please rest assured that this event will continue.

Perhaps because he saw that Ying was not just here to watch the excitement but was very willing to buy a house like some of the previous customers, the clerk's tone was more enthusiastic.

The new houses this time are built between the commercial district and the education district, and the geographical conditions are very favorable.

“You can enjoy a 20% discount when purchasing a house now, and there are three types of units for you to choose from.”

Can you tell me what types of apartments there are?

Hearing that the new house was built between the business district and the education district, Ying felt that the clerk was not lying. The geographical conditions of this house were indeed good.

It's a pity that she doesn't have much obsession with housing in the school district. After all, she doesn't have children.

Therefore, Ying is not very concerned about the good learning conditions near the house. On the contrary, she is more concerned about the size and price of the house.

Guest, please follow me!

Jian Ying asked to see the floor plan, and the clerk immediately led her to sit down at an empty table in a corner of the store.

At the same time, several other clerks who were chatting just now got up and walked into the warehouse behind the point. After a while, everyone walked out of the warehouse holding a house model and lined up next to the two of them.

The clerk who received Ying first took the model from one of the clerks who was holding the model and placed it on the empty table.

Guest, please see, this is our first apartment, one bedroom and one living room, with a separate bathroom and kitchen.

It's very suitable for one person to live in, and the price is only three million molas.

Good guy, it’s nearly a year’s worth of food expenses, what do you think you only need?

Hearing the price quoted by the clerk, Ying couldn't help but be speechless.

In fact, she didn't think it was expensive for Paimon to earn 300,000 moras a month at first. After all, he earned nearly a million moras from doing tasks in the Adventurers Association every day in a month.

But after she started doing business in Guilicheng, she realized that her values ​​​​were probably led astray by Paimon and the Adventurers Association.

The net profit after a busy day yesterday, excluding Xiangling's share, was only 20,000 molas, and this was earned on the first day without competition from other merchants.

If competition from other merchants is included, the money earned would probably be even less.

Therefore, if an ordinary person can earn about 100,000 molas a month, it is considered a good condition.

The reason why Ying was led astray in the first place is actually very simple, that is, she did not consider that many of the high-paying tasks in the Adventurers Association are basically high-risk tasks such as cleaning up Qiuqiu people and monsters.

These may not be difficult for those who have the Eye of God or some experienced adventurers.

But it's different for ordinary people. When they face attacks from monsters in the wild, they basically don't have much power to fight back.

Naturally, they cannot do such a high-risk, high-reward task.

As soon as Ying entered Mondstadt, he became a member of the Adventurers Association. Over time, his understanding of Mora naturally became biased.

One bedroom and one living room is too small, please change to a larger one.

Pulling his consciousness away from his thoughts, Ying quickly asked the clerk to change the apartment.

In her opinion, the one-bedroom apartment was too small and would be inconvenient to live in.

Is it too small? What do you think of the guests with two bedrooms and one living room?

Just go to the largest apartment.

Seeing the clerk getting up to get a model of a house with two bedrooms and one living room, Ying interrupted him directly and asked to see the largest house type.

No problem, a two-story independent villa with a small garden and an open-air balcony and a free garage.

When he heard that he wanted to see the largest apartment, the clerk simply placed the largest apartment in the store on the table.

Now with a 20% discount, the full price only costs 24 million molas, and the down payment only costs 1 million molas. It's a very good deal.

Ying, this house is so beautiful!

Looking at the miniature model of the internal structure of the house on the table, Paimon couldn't help but praise it.

This is okay.

Similar to Paimeng, Ying was quite satisfied with the house model that the clerk finally brought out.

There are bedrooms, gyms, study rooms, etc., as well as a yard and an open-air balcony. There is enough space for inviting friends to play at home.

That's it!

Since I thought it was good, and I was not a troubled person, I immediately made the decision to get this house.

Guest, do you plan to pay in full or in installments?

Once Tingying decided to buy it, the smile on the face of the clerk who was in charge of receiving her became more enthusiastic, and he also asked about her payment method.

In installments, a down payment of one million molas, right?

Ying directly took out the half-price discount card given by Han Xiao and placed it in front of the clerk:

This is the half-price card for all the products that Hanxiao gave me. With a 50% discount, the total price should be fifteen million molas, right?

Please wait a moment, we need to make sure.

Looking at the half-price discount card that Ying took out and placed on the table, several clerks first looked at each other in surprise, and then one of the clerks picked up the discount card and walked out of the store towards Kuixing Building.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, the clerk hurried back and nodded to the other clerks who stayed in the store, indicating that the other party's card was genuine.

Guest, this is a contract. Please sign your name.

Now that it was confirmed that the discount card in Ying's hand was genuine, the clerk quickly took out the contract and placed it in front of the other party.

At the same time, they also determined that the target of these family members who were sent here to sell houses was probably the owner holding the seven-star special discount card in front of them.

Chapter 232: Ke Qing and Ning Guang are overthinking

Maybe they guessed that Ying's identity might not be simple, so these clerks who were descendants of the family did not dare to neglect, and handled all the affairs for the other party very thoughtfully.

After Ying signed his name on the contract, the clerk who received him at the beginning handed the key and the card with the address to the other party respectfully.

This guest, here is your key and villa address. You can go and sign for it. You can also contact us if you need interior decoration.


After taking the key and address card handed over from the other side, Ying carefully folded her contract and put it into her pocket, and then nodded to the clerk.

After carefully checking that nothing was missing, Ying took Paimeng and left the house sales store with the warm farewell of the clerks.

Ying, why did you decide to buy a house so quickly?

As soon as he left the store, Paimon couldn't help his curiosity and asked quickly.

Although she also thought that buying a house was a good idea, and the house model brought out by the clerk looked beautiful, she really didn't expect that Ying would make such a decisive decision.

Obviously I didn’t plan to buy a house before.

Because I really like Guili City. Is this an acceptable reason?


Looking at Ying who was teasing him with a smile on his face, Paimon couldn't help pouting and said with dissatisfaction.

Well, I just want a place to stay.

Seeing that the teasing was almost over, Ying finally spoke what was in her heart.

After traveling for so long, she either slept in the wild or stayed in a hotel.

It's okay for a short time, but as time goes by, I always feel uneasy, and even my sleep is not very stable.

Before she knew the whereabouts of her brother Kong, she could still endure these small difficulties.

However, ever since she learned from Han Xiao that her brother was living a good life, Ying felt a little disgusted with such a life of sleeping in the open air.

How come Kong's living conditions are good, and a bunch of subordinates call him His Royal Highness, while she herself is living a wandering life.

So Ying, who became more and more depressed the more he thought about it, decided to settle down in Guili City first and find a stable place to stay.

And another thing is that after these few days of contact, she has discovered that Han Xiao's thinking is different from that of most Teyvat people, and he knows a lot about other worlds.

Guili City also showed a prosperous scene under his governance.

Ying feels that it is a pleasure to live in a city with people who speak a common language with her.

As for his brother?

Well, let's look for it later when we have free time.


Liyue Port·Qunyu Pavilion.

Ningguang, why did you call me here today?

Ke Qing looked at Ning Guang sitting at the desk and directly asked the doubts in her heart.

During this period, because of the specific practical guidance from Han Xiao, Keqing was also planning to expand Liyue Port.

However, due to the complicated relationships in Liyue Port, she is still trying to sort them out.

Originally, Keqing planned to continue visiting several major chambers of commerce today as usual, but before she could go out, she was invited to Qunyu Pavilion by Ningguang's secretary.

You take a look at this first.

Faced with Keqing's question, Ningguang did not answer but handed her a letter and a piece of intelligence information.

What's this?

Keqing, who didn't know why, took the envelope and information, first took out the letter in the envelope and read it carefully.

The person who wrote the letter was Qin, Mondstadt's acting team leader. In the letter, Qin first apologized to Qixing in an official tone for the previous problem of missing formulas.

He also claimed that he had reached a compensation plan with Han Xiao, one of the Seven Stars.

Then Captain Qin privately asked Ningguang to take care of Mond's honorary knight Ying.

Why are you showing me this?

After reading the contents of the letter, Keqing couldn't help but frown. She didn't quite understand the reason why Ningguang showed her this letter.

Full of doubts, she turned her attention to the intelligence information handed over with the envelope.

The honorary knights of Mondstadt are doing takeout business at the United People's Hall in Guili City?

How are you doing? Did you find anything?

After Keqing read the letter and documents, Ningguang asked her what she thought.

Don't tell me that you want to compete with the other party for this business.

If it were the old me, I might compete with him like you said.

Ningguang shook her head. Back when she had not yet made a fortune, she estimated that she would definitely compete in this business.

As for now, forget about this little money.

Then what exactly did you want me to discover?

Seeing that Ningguang looked down on the other party's small business, Keqing didn't know what the other party was thinking.

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