I am afraid that there is a new leader behind the Qianyan Army, and this new leader seems to have a good understanding of their fool-like behavior.

Only in this way can we explain why the Qianyan Army found their hiding place so accurately recently.

Write a letter to Pantalone and ask him if there is anyone in Liyue who knows us fools well.

Dadalia, who had been thinking about it for a long time but couldn't figure out who it was, finally gave up guessing. After all, he didn't like to use his brain very much.

This kind of thing should be left to people who like to use their brains to solve it.

You need to bring back all the manpower first, so we don't continue to suffer losses.

Yes, Sir.


Guili City, the station of Qianyan Army.

So the Fools have begun to evacuate recently?

Yes, Mr. Zhiyi.

Looking at Zhiyi sitting in front of the office dressed as a frail scholar, Xi Yao, the commander of the Qianyan Army in Guilicheng, couldn't help but have a look of respect in his eyes.

In fact, Xi Yao was a little reluctant when he received the order from Master Han Xiao to select some elite Qianyan Army members and hand them over to Zhiyi for management, but he did not refute because of the order.

However, in just a few days after Zhiyi came to power, Qianyan's army, under the command of the opponent, successively destroyed several Fools' strongholds hidden outside the city.

It can be said that Xi Yao and other selected Qianyan Army elites were impressed by Zhi Yi's amazing operation.

The attitude has also changed from dissatisfaction to respect now.

There was no other way. After destroying several secret strongholds of the Fools in succession, they no longer dared to look down on this scholar who looked weak but was actually very powerful.

Chapter 214 Han Xiao: Paimon, my Superman

Now that the other party has begun to evacuate, your search work can be temporarily stopped.

After learning that the Fools had begun to evacuate from the vicinity of Guili City, Zhiyi thought for a while and then asked Xi Yao to bring Qianyan's army back.

As Guili City gradually became more prosperous, there were many places where Qianyan Army soldiers were needed to maintain order, so manpower was already a little tight.

Now that the Fools have chosen to evacuate, these Qianyan troops searching outside can also withdraw to relieve the pressure in the city.

Okay, Mr. Zhiyi.

After receiving the order, Xi Yao turned around and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Zhi Yi before he could walk out of the room.

Wait for Xi Yao first, let's leave an elite team to continue searching outside the city.

Mr. Zhiyi, are you worried?


Zhiyi nodded. Although the Fools suffered a bit at his hands this time, the main reason was due to poor information.

He had studied abroad in Zhidong before, and had very close contact with the Fools, so this time he was able to figure out the other party's behavior habits and directly dealt a cruel blow.

But Zhiyi also knew that the fools were not kind and would definitely find ways to get back.

I see.

Okay, you go down first.

After Xi Yao left, looking at the piles of information on the table that Gui Licheng had recently collected from spies from various countries, Zhiyi reached out and pinched the bridge of his sore nose, and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Oh, I seemed to have said too much before. I didn't expect that this job is really difficult to do.


While Zhiyi was still having a headache as to why there were so many intelligence agents from other countries in Guili City, the area around the hotel where he lived in Guili City was bustling with activity.

“There’s a big reward for the opening of Guilicheng Residential District!”

“All new houses close to the business district and education district are discounted by 20%, and there are three sizes of units for you to choose from!”

Outside a store next to the hotel, two children of the Keqing family were pretending to be staff, holding loudspeakers in their hands and shouting the lines they had memorized in advance.

The Keqing family itself is a large real estate developer in Liyue, and naturally they have contracted a large amount of land to build residential areas in Guilicheng.

These two children of the Keqing family are currently in charge of the family's arrangements in Guili City. Last night, they received an urgent notice from Xu Wan, secretary of Kuixing Tower, asking them to arrange a housing promotion.

Although they didn't know why the superiors suddenly came out like this, looking at Xu Wan's serious look, they didn't dare to neglect it. They even went into battle in person after memorizing their lines overnight.

It has to be said that even in a different world, human beings' nature of watching fun has not changed.

As the two men kept shouting, a large number of onlookers soon gathered near the store.

However, Qianyan Army, who could often be seen maintaining order, suddenly seemed to disappear, and no one was seen for a long time.

Ying, it's so lively down there!

In a rental room on the second floor of the hotel, Paimon lay on the window sill and stretched his little head out, but he could only see the residents of Guili City watching in circles.

This is how everything is sold.

Ying, who was sitting by the bed and maintaining her bladeless sword, heard Paimon's words and replied without raising her head.

Otherwise, she has seen this kind of promotion method many times.

It looks like they're selling the house.

After listening carefully for a while, he found out that the businessman below was selling a house. Paimon also lost interest and immediately flew back to the house.

It turned out that they were just selling a house, and she thought they were selling some delicious food.

Paimon, who couldn't understand, couldn't help but ask Ying:

Ying, why are there so many people crowded to see a house for sale?

“Because owning a house is home.”

Ying replied without thinking, but the next second her hand that was wiping the blade of the sword stopped, and the expression on her face became a little dull.


What’s wrong with you?

Seeing Ying suddenly looking a little unhappy, Paimon asked with a worried look.

It's nothing, just a little emotional.

Ying, who was awakened by Paimon's voice, raised her head and smiled reluctantly.

Is it because of the house problem?


Putting away the edgeless sword, Ying leaned back and fell onto the soft bed, then curled up into the quilt.

She has been living a life of no fixed place. It was okay to have her brother by her side before, but now she wants a warm haven.

Ying, what do you think about us buying a house in Guili City?


Ying, who was still feeling sad, suddenly sat up from the bed after hearing Paimon's sudden words and looked at him in shock.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​buying a house?

Because I think something was wrong after you heard that the house was being sold outside.


Hearing Paimon's answer, Ying felt moved in her heart. She didn't expect that this little thing that usually eats and is lazy would have such a thoughtful and delicate side.

I think you just miss home. In that case, why don't we just buy a house in Guili City and become a family.

Besides, Liyue's food is already famous in Teywat, and Xiangling's Wanmin Tang is also opened here. If we could live here, wouldn't we be able to eat delicious food every day!

As he spoke, Paimon fell into his own fantasy, with an unstoppable smile on his face and almost drooling from the corner of his mouth.

Damn retarded!

A mask of pain suddenly appeared on Ying's face. For a moment just now, she actually believed that Paimon was comforting her.

As expected, this little thing should be killed!

Ying, what do you think of my idea?

Paimon, who didn't know that he was walking around in front of the 'Gate of Hell', came close to Ying and looked at him with twinkling eyes.

You have a good idea, don't think about it next time.

With an expressionless expression, she stretched out her hand to push away Paimon's little face that was too close. Ying's tone was quite cold. She felt speechless because she had just believed in Paimon.

Oh...okay then.

Seeing Ying rejecting his proposal, Paimon couldn't help but let out a disappointed sigh.

I don’t know what happened, but Ying, who was originally planning to refuse to the end, suddenly added out of nowhere:

Buying a house is very expensive and we can't afford it.

It's not expensive!

When he heard that Maura seemed to be just worried about not being able to afford a house, Paimon immediately became energetic again and said with a small mouth:

The person selling the house just now said that as long as the down payment is 500,000 Moras, you can live in a big house.

Didn't we just earn five million molas? We can afford the down payment of five million.

This...please let me think about it.

It has to be said that after Paimeng's words, Ying, who originally had no idea about buying a house, couldn't help but have other thoughts.

Emmm, if Han Xiao knew that Paimon was the one who contributed the most in his plan to keep Ying in Guili City, he might not have to shout Paimon, my superman on the spot.

Chapter 215: Armored Cavalry with Low Universal Applicability

Early the next morning, when Ying walked out of the room to go to the Adventurers Association to pick up a mission, she saw a salesperson handing out flyers to guests in the hotel as soon as she came downstairs.

Guests, would you like to pay attention to our latest promotion in Guilicheng? New homes are all 20% off, and we also provide an installment payment model. You can move in directly with just a down payment!

The salesperson who was handing out leaflets at the hotel immediately came up to Ying when he saw her walking down, and spoke to her enthusiastically.

I...give me one.

As soon as the words that he was planning to refuse came to his lips, he suddenly changed his mind and reached out to take a leaflet from the other party's hand and put it into his arms.

Ying, do you want to buy a house?

Paimeng on the side was filled with excitement when he saw this. If Ying really bought a house in Guili City, wouldn't she be able to eat delicious food every day in the future?

Just keep it for now and look at it later.

Ying did not deny it directly this time, but gave Paimon an ambiguous answer.

She thought about it for a long time last night, and her thoughts changed to a certain extent.

The main reason why she traveled to Teyvat was to find her brother, and then to restore her own strength.

However, due to Han Xiao's spoilers, Ying already knew the whereabouts of her brother, which made her feel relieved after having no clue.

Although I don't quite understand why my 'good brother' chose to join the Abyss, judging from Ying's understanding of Kong, I am afraid that my brother with a flawed brain will not choose to leave Teyvat before the matter is over.

Since you can't leave Teyvat for a short time, it is necessary to consider the issue of where to stay. After all, traveling abroad all the time is actually not a pleasant thing.

Not to mention having to eat and sleep in the open all the time, it was even difficult to even take a good bath.

As for the issue of restoring her own strength, she is not in a hurry.

Anyway, through Han Xiao and Abedo's experiments, Ying has determined that he can unlock part of the sealed power in his body as long as he touches the seven-day statue of the corresponding element.

At worst, she could ask Wendy for a favor and ask him to call Tevalin to fly to several other countries to touch the statues of the Seven Heavenly Gods.

In the remaining time, she could live in Guili City while investigating the abyss.


Let's ignore Ying's thinking, which is getting more and more crooked, and let's turn our attention to Han Xiao.

Inside the alchemy workshop.

Because Han Xiao had studied the problem of elemental circuits when making dolls before, he had also created things like self-exploding sheep and stained sheep.

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