Honestly, I didn't expect there to be so many.

After taking the deposit slip and looking at the crooked numbers on it, a happy smile appeared on Ying's face.

Five million Mora is enough to cover her and Paimon's living expenses for a whole year!

If Miss Ying still has electrical crystals next time, you can still come to me. The price is guaranteed not to be lower than the market price.

no problem!

In that case, I'll take my leave first. I wish Miss Ying and Paimon a happy life in Guili City.

Seeing that Ying was planning to leave, Xingqiu said goodbye very discerningly:

Well, thank you Xingqiu!

Ying thanked Xingqiu, then greeted Paimon and walked towards the outside of Kuixing Tower.

Great, we finally have money!

Well, let's go to the bank to withdraw some money first, and then go out to Wanmin Hall to find Xiang Ling for a good meal.


Ying and Paimeng walked out of Kuixing Tower talking and laughing, but they did not find that Xingqiu did not leave the place, but commented on their departure with a rather 'pitying' look.

Lord Xingqiu, why do I feel that the way you look at Miss Ying is a bit...

After looking at Ying and Paimeng who had gone away, and then at Xingqiu, Xu Wan asked cautiously from the side.

Before she finished speaking, Xingqiu automatically added the next words.

Do you think I look at them with pity?


That's because they were unlucky enough to be targeted by that bastard Han Xiao.

Xingqiu shrugged, with unspeakable 'regret' in his tone.

As the nominal secretary-general of Guili City, he is actually the 'deputy city lord', and he is very clear about many of Han Xiao's plans.

Therefore, Xingqiu naturally knew that for this honorary knight of Mondstadt, he had already begun to think of leaving him in Liyue.

Oh no, it’s no longer a plan but a preparation for action.

Because Han Xiao specially sent someone to find him last night and told him to find ways to connect Ying and Guilicheng more closely.

It would be best if the other party can spend money to buy a house in Guili City.

That's why Xingqiu deliberately appeared in front of Ying after seeing him walking into Kuixing Tower.

Then Miss Ying's money can't be saved, isn't it?

As the confidant secretary to the chief and deputy city lord of Guili City, Xu Wan was also dumbfounded by the coquettish tactics of her two immediate superiors.

Yes, I guess the other party's money won't last long.

But Master Xingqiu, isn't it a little bad for you and Master Hanxiao to do this?

There is a reason for us to do this. You can find someone to do some house promotions in front of the hotel where Miss Ying is staying tomorrow.

Xingqiu did not answer Xu Wan's doubts. After all, there were some things that he and Han Xiao just wanted to know.

According to the information given by Han Xiao, Ying's combat power is comparable to that of the Fool's Executives, and may even be stronger in the future.

Such a master who can be hired with money, since Han Xiao wants to keep him tied to Liyue, he will naturally not let him go.


After Ying suddenly made a huge sum of money, she started eating and drinking with Paimon in Guili City, and Han Xiao's research also gained some insights.

In front of the experimental table in the secret room, Han Xiao was carefully putting the Liufeng that Wendy had given him into his pocket watch, and then sealing the metal back cover.

As the mechanical gears etched with elemental circuits inside the pocket watch were turned on, the hands of the pocket watch began to move.

Finally finished.

Putting the tools in his hand aside, Han Xiao picked up the pocket watch with excitement on his face and pressed the button above the pocket watch with his thumb.


The next moment, the environment of the secret room, centered on Han Xiao, turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All the sounds disappeared at once, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

But only about three seconds later, this scene that seemed forbidden by time and space receded like the tide, and everything in the secret room returned to its original color again.

It's only about three seconds.

Han Xiao, who felt the sense of rupture or stagnation caused by the pocket watch throughout the whole process, murmured to herself, and her eyes looking at the pocket watch became a little regretful.

The feeling just now was very similar to the effect caused by the space-time rupture device next door, except that the time was a little shorter.

What makes Han Xiao even more regretful is that although the pocket watch can indeed temporarily suspend or slow down the surrounding time and space, it may be that the time power contained in the flowing wind given by Wendy is not much, so the duration of the pocket watch is still too short. a little.

If only it could last longer.

Unfortunately, it only lasted for a short while, and soon Han Xiao's face was replaced by a happy look again.

Thinking about it, it seems that this is Teyvat's first time-manipulating prop. Even if the time is shorter, it still controls time, right?

Let's call you Moon Clock.

Putting the pocket watch he named Moon Timepiece into the jade pendant, Han Xiao walked out of the secret room with the drawings of the armored cavalry and went straight to the alchemy workshop.

After all, a small prop like a moon timepiece can be completed in his private alchemy room, but a large item like an armored cavalry cannot.

He had to ask Abedo to help make the parts needed for the armored cavalry.


Inside the alchemy workshop.

So you designed a new type of two-wheeled vehicle?

After hearing Han Xiao's reason for asking him for help, Abedo put down the experimental tools in his hands, reached out and picked up the drawings placed on the experimental table and looked at them carefully.


It didn't matter. Abedo was also shocked by the energy method recorded on the drawings about the new vehicle.

Use life force to charge vehicles?

Han Xiao, is your idea a little too bold?

Chapter 213: The secret fight in Guili City

I don't think your new design is good. Not many people can use it.

After reading the content on the drawing, Abedo shook his head repeatedly, not optimistic about Han Xiao's latest design.

To be honest, it's not like he hasn't seen all kinds of weird alchemy products or some weird mechanical creations.

But Abedo has never seen a vehicle like the one developed by Han Xiao that relies on life force as energy source.

Is this really a vehicle and not a torture device?

Not to mention ordinary people, even the owners of the Eye of God cannot withstand this kind of consumption.

After all, the physical fitness of the owner of the Eye of God is just a little better than that of ordinary people.

That's why I came to discuss it with you.

Han Xiao shrugged. Of course, he knew that although the armored cavalry could use life force instead of magic power as energy, this extravagant consumption method destined that the armored cavalry would not become popular in Guili City.

It's just that he's not very willing to change Han Xiao into an electric version.

Because if it is changed to an electric version, the speed will drop too much.

As a conceptual magic costume, the Armored Cavalry can use magic power to accelerate to extremely high speeds.

Without this kind of speed, the appearance alone would be of no use.

So what's your plan?

Hearing that Han Xiao was going to discuss with him, Abedo also wanted to hear if the other party had any ideas on improving the armored cavalry.

I want to see if I can change the magic drive to an elemental drive.

Han Xiao's idea is very simple. Since the electric version is slow and the magic version is too expensive, is it possible to come up with a compromise version?

For example, if you use the elemental version, although the speed will drop a bit, it should be stronger than the electric version, and it doesn't require krypton life.

Do you mean to change the method of absorbing life force and converting energy into one that can be converted by elements?

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, Abedo couldn't help but look back at the drawing in his hand, and he fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a long time, he gave his opinion:

Maybe give it a try.


While Han Xiao and Abedo were thinking about how to change the Krypton version of the armored cavalry to the elemental version, the Fools, who had not shown up for a long time, also took action secretly.

In the Northland Bank, Dadalia was listening to the latest reports from his subordinates.

How's your infiltration going? Have you found out about the whereabouts of that token?

Your Excellency, according to our informants lurking in Guili City, Tianshu Xing seems to have always carried the token with him.

After hearing the young master's inquiry, his subordinates hurriedly recounted the information collected during this period.

That's it?

Dadalia couldn't help but narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in her tone.

When did the Fools become so incompetent that even a single piece of information would use the word seem to be or possible?

My lord, please listen to my subordinate's explanation.

Seeing that Dadalia was very unhappy, the subordinates on the side quickly explained carefully.

Due to the relatively strict ID card system in Guili City, a wave of people who had previously been fooled by them had been kicked out.

As a last resort, they could only temporarily and secretly persuade some winter merchants to serve as pawns to collect intelligence for the Fools.

However, these Zhidong merchants had not received much training, and they could not move too much to expose themselves, so the intelligence they collected during this period was quite little.


After explaining the reasons why their previous progress was unfavorable, the subordinate dressed as a debt collector hesitated to speak.

And what?

Recently, the Qianyan Army has collected intelligence from somewhere. Many of the temporary secret strongholds we established outside Guili City have been cleared.

In other words, not only did you fail to collect the accurate information I wanted, but others also found your lair?

Hearing his subordinate's words, Dadalia looked at him and smiled instead of angry, but the sharpness of his words made his subordinate suddenly feel cold sweat break out on his forehead.

I'm very sorry, Sir. It's my subordinate who did something wrong.

Hmph, tell me how your stronghold was found by Qianyan Army.

Looking at his subordinates who were trembling with fear, Dadalia finally just snorted and did not choose to take action immediately.

First of all, the other party is regarded as his direct subordinate, and he still has his usual abilities.

Secondly, they are currently in an away game in Liyue and have few manpower. If they are punished again, they will really have no one available.

It's strange to say, Mr. Young Master.

Seeing that Dadalia didn't seem to intend to punish him severely, the subordinate dressed as a debt collector suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he was actually quite confused about his immediate boss's questions.

After being driven away by Guili City and Mandrill several times before, they had learned a lot.

The bases chosen this time were all relatively private places, and even cooking over a fire was not allowed near the camp, for fear that the smoke would expose the location.

Why were they so careful, but Qianyan Army still came to them accurately.

It seems that there is a powerful person coming from the Qianyan Army.

After listening to this, Dadalia understood the reason.

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