Therefore, he and Abedo's research progress is still very fast.

In less than two days, they developed a prototype of a circuit that absorbs elements to obtain power based on the armored cavalry's original power system.

Soon, an armored cavalry that was roughly the same as the motorcycle in Han Xiao's memory appeared in the alchemy workshop.

Looking at this brand new armored cavalry, Albedo was not particularly excited.

What's wrong, Abedo, you're not satisfied?

Han Xiao was a little surprised to see that Abedo didn't seem very satisfied.

Ours is much faster than the electric version we built before.

It's faster, but its universality is reduced a lot.

After hearing Han Xiao's question, Abedo also gave his own thoughts.

This armored cavalry Teyvat element version is definitely faster in terms of power than the electric vehicle they previously developed that was driven by electricity.

But there is also a very obvious disadvantage, that is, this armored cavalry is not affordable for ordinary people to use.

First of all, they used a large amount of alchemical materials that could be freely transformed between elements that only Xumi had.

Secondly, the activation of the elemental circuit must have high-quality and high-purity elemental cores to activate the armored cavalry's amplification function.

The price of these two things is not cheap.

Finally, there is a more important point, that is, if you want to achieve ultra-high speed, you need to increase the peak value of elemental force output.

The elemental power that the elemental core can store is limited, and the peak output is also very fixed. As the speed increases, it is also consumed quickly.

For ordinary people, armored cavalry is not as cost-effective as electric vehicles.

At least electric cars are cheap to build.

Only the owner of the Eye of God, who can mobilize the elemental power in the atmosphere through the Eye of God, can continuously inject elemental power into the elemental circuit to maintain the speed increase.

To put it simply, the more elemental power you put into the armored cavalry, the faster it will go.

Ordinary people cannot mobilize elemental power and can only use elemental cores, which is equivalent to using a battery with locked performance to drive it.

On the contrary, the owner of the Eye of God regards himself as a transit station, and the elemental power in the atmosphere is continuously injected into the armored cavalry through the Eye of God.

After all, this is a gift, and the way of using it is different.

Regarding Abedo's thoughts, Han Xiao could only shrug her shoulders and express that she had no choice.

In the continent of Teyvat, which has no chemical energy, it can only use elemental power to make a fuss.

It's a pity that elemental power has its inherent threshold for use, and even Han Xiao can't solve it for the time being.

How do you plan to sell this kind of car?

Abedo also knew that his idea could not be realized for the time being, so he quickly changed the topic to sales.

How else can I sell it? Only to the owners of the Eye of God.

Looking at the cool-looking motorcycle in front of him, Han Xiao reached out to rub his chin and said with a smile:

I don't think anyone would reject a vehicle that can travel at super high speeds.


When Han Xiao was thinking about how to sell the armored cavalry at a high price, Shen He, who rarely walked out of Jueyunjian, suddenly appeared in Liyue Port and found Gan Yu who was working at Yuehai Pavilion.

Looking at the tall girl in front of him who exuded a cold temperament and had an expressionless face, Gan Yu looked up at her and asked with slight hesitation:

Are you...Junior Sister Shen He?

Well, Senior Sister Gan Yu, I am Shen He.

Did you come to see me for something?

Gan Yu couldn't help but be curious about this junior sister whom she had only heard about but never met. Gan Yu couldn't help but wonder why she suddenly came to him.

Master hasn't been back for a long time.

Facing Gan Yu's inquiry, Shen He explained her purpose of going down the mountain in a smooth voice.

I remember that Zhenjun is in Guili City?

Gan Yuxiu frowned slightly. She remembered that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun went to find Hanxiao last time when he came down the mountain, and then he seemed to be left behind in Guili City.

Yes, I contacted the master through Xianju, but the master said that she is not free now and asked me to come to you to guide me in my homework.

Ah this...

Hearing that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun planned to let her guide Shen He, Gan Yu felt helpless and speechless at the same time.

Zhenjun, what the hell is she doing? Is Guilicheng so fun?

Is it so fun that you don’t even want to go back to visit the cave?

Chapter 216 Gan Yu: Zhenjun, your cave is covered with spider webs!

What is Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun doing right now that Gan Yu is talking about?

Then let’s turn our perspective to Mingyun Town and take a look.

The design is unqualified and the mechanical structure is wrong. Go back and redo it for me!

In the large alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town, all the working mechanics heard the angry voice of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng coming from the office, and everyone shook their bodies subconsciously. should I put it, during this period, no mechanic could escape the other party's reprimand. So almost every one of them had a psychological shadow on that woman.

It's not that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun loves to curse or put on airs.

The main reason is that the other party has been immersed in the art of institutions for thousands of years, and it can be said that he knows all kinds of institutions and schools well.

As a being who is like a top master of machine arts, these machine masters who have been practicing for decades on average are almost full of faults in the eyes of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

To be blunt, the talents of these people are not as high as those of Han Xiao, a beginner. At least my little apprentice is not only strong in learning ability and broad-minded, but also has better hands-on ability than these people.

With Han Xiao as a 'typical role model' in front of me, let's look at the mechanical masters in front of me who have stereotyped thinking and are not as good at learning as their own apprentices.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng felt that he had to improve Liyue's level of machine skills, otherwise others would think that Liyue's machine skills were just like that in the future.

There was just one thing that made her feel strange, and that was why these mechanics seemed to be afraid of her?

Seeing the mechanical master who turned gray and left the office, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was filled with doubts.

Obviously, I pointed out the errors in their designs to these mechanics every time very accurately.

Just when Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was still analyzing the reasons for this situation, she suddenly felt that someone was contacting her through immortal magic.

Taking out the thousand-mile sound transmission conch he had made before, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun originally thought it was a communication from his young apprentice, but he did not expect that the voice coming from the conch was Gan Yu's voice.

Zhenjun, I am Gan Yu.

It's Gan Yu, why did you suddenly think of contacting me?

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's voice suddenly softened a lot. She still loved and valued the child Gan Yu very much.

After all, among the three apprentices, Gan Yu was the one who stayed with her the longest.

The only thing that gives Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng a headache is that her eldest disciple is good at everything, but he has been single for almost three thousand years and still hasn't found a sweetheart, which really breaks her heart.

Are you missing me?

At this time, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun no longer had the strong attitude before. He looked like an empty-nest old bird waiting for his children to come home, and his voice naturally revealed a hint of warmth.

If the mechanics outside the office saw this, they would probably be so frightened that they would go crazy.

Zhenjun, are you still in Mingyun Town now?

Over at Conch, Gan Yu did not choose to answer Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's question, but bluntly stated what he wanted to know.

I'm still in Mingyun Town now, what's wrong?

Zhenjun, did you ask Junior Sister Shen He to come to my place?

So that’s what I was asking about.

Hearing that Gan Yu asked Shen He's question, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun suddenly realized.

Yes, I can't get away from here, but your junior sister's homework cannot be delayed, so I asked Shen He to go to your place.

Can't get away?

At Yuehai Pavilion, Gan Yu glanced at Shen He subconsciously, and when she saw that he was still standing next to her with an expressionless expression, she didn't know what to say.

As the direct secretary responsible for Qixing, Gan Yu is naturally very aware of Han Xiao's arrangements for Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

Zhenjun said that he couldn't get away. I don't think you had a great time in Mingyun Town, so you didn't want to go back to the mountain.

After all, Mingyun Town had machine alchemy materials from all over the world, and there were two people, Albedo and Han Xiao, accompanying her to 'sparse' machine skills.

After discussing it secretly in his heart, Gan Yu continued:

Zhenjun, Junior Sister Shen He will stay with me for the time being, but you should take some time to go back to the cave. I heard from Junior Sister that the cave is covered with spider webs.

Okay, I understand.

After saying a few words, Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun hung up the conch, and then looked through the office window at the busy mechanics outside.

Han Xiao and Abedo have brought her so many novel ideas about machine arts, and there are so many idiots waiting for her to teach them.

She had to have enough fun... No, she had to be worthy of the emperor, or at least teach Liyue a group of talents.


So this is the reason why you suddenly called me here?

In the alchemy workshop of Guili City, Ying looked at the cool motorcycle in front of her, and her eyes could not help but shine with love.

This streamlined curvature, this perfect metal workmanship.

This is the car of my dreams! It belongs to me!

She had just finished the mission she received from the Adventurers Association today. As soon as she returned to the city, she met Xu Wan waiting at the city gate, saying that Han Xiao and Abedo were looking for her.

She originally thought that the two people who came to her this time were trying to trick her into getting a physical examination, but when they arrived at the place, they were brought to the motorcycle.

Yes, this is what Abedo and I just made. We want to find a tester to test its performance.

When Han Xiao saw Ying's eyes gleaming, she knew that this might be possible, so she quickly introduced the functions of this armored cavalry elemental version to Ying.

Albedo and I deliberately used a full-body frame made of alloy steel extracted from various precious ores. This material itself is not only strong and corrosion-resistant, but also extremely light.

Not only that, we also expanded the tire size a bit and added a high-strength shock absorption system so that it can adapt to complex terrain.

How about it? Are you interested in owning it?

You mean this car will be given to me as long as I agree to test drive it?

Ying suddenly turned her head to look at Han Xiao, her words full of surprise.

If she could own this motorcycle just by taking it for a test drive, then she would definitely take the job!

Uh... I'm afraid it won't be possible to just send it away. This armored cavalry costs a lot of money to build.

Tch, it's boring.

Once she heard that she couldn't do it for nothing, her interest suddenly dropped.

But the test drive is from Morana, and if you think it's OK after the test drive, I can sell it to you at a cheaper price.

Okay, I'll take the test drive job first.

Although she couldn't do it for free, she heard Han Xiao say that Maura would make money from the test drive, so Ying thought about it and agreed.

If you feel good after the test drive, it won’t be too late to buy it when the time comes.

She also has a city-wide 50% discount card in her hand.

Chapter 217 The Yingmei in Rapid Racing


As Ying sat astride the motorcycle and injected elemental power, the wheels instantly began to spin and rushed out of the alchemy workshop gate at high speed and rushed into the distance.

Paimon huddled in Ying's arms like a quail, using his back to resist the strong wind speed.

You just let her drive away?

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