After making the decision, Han Xiao immediately opened the chat group and expressed her request for help:

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Wendy gave me a wisp of flowing wind containing the power of time. How should I use this thing?

After a while, a reply was received in the chat group.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: The power of time? Tsk tsk, is this fish monster really related to Istaru?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It's very possible, but he refuses to tell the specific situation and has been perfunctory.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Since Wendy didn't say anything about Yuanxiao, there's no need for you to ask about it. Anyway, you just need to know the situation.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Xingxiao is right, let's discuss how to help Yuanxiao use this power of time.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: How about installing this power on a doll? Isn't it almost the same as Platinum Star?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Although Yuanxiao's puppet technology has been modified a lot, the core is still based on my technology. The magic circuit currently does not support carrying two powers at the same time.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Then let's make this power into a prop. It seems like this is the choice at the moment.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Do you need me to provide you with some blueprints for magic costumes? I have recently collected a lot of blueprints for magic costumes.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Hey, Xingxiao, are you getting rich?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: That's about right. I went to the clock tower not long ago and brought back a lot of things.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, Xingxiao, you have a lot of stories in your words. I remember you said that you have something to do with Atlas Academy, why did you end up in the clock tower?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao] I just said that my family is distantly related to Eltenham, so I was taught a little bit of alchemy. I am just a wild magician.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Then how did you get involved with the Clock Tower?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Hey, didn't you develop a lot of magic after having a chat group, and then accidentally entered the clock tower's sight?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: You also know who magicians are, so I was designated by the seal.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Then you knocked on the door?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: That's necessary. With the Flower of Heart, I was still afraid of them. I went directly to the door and hammered the monarchs one by one, and then that old bastard Zelrich jumped out of nowhere. Make peace with the Clock Tower.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: So I brought back some things collected by big families.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Okay, just send me the blueprints and I'll see if I can use them.

Seeing Xingxiao's 'great achievements', Hanxiao couldn't help but sigh that she had a wonderful life in other worlds.

Chapter 211 Ying is running for life

Although she seemed to have a very colorful life in other worlds, Han Xiao just sighed a little.

After all, he is living a pretty good life now. Not only has he reached the top of a country, he also controls a big city.

Of course, the most important thing is that Teyvat’s Heisi is really top-notch.

Ahem... back to the topic.

After spending some points to get the blueprints of the magic costume packaged by Xingxiao, he couldn't wait to read them.

The El-Melloi family's moon spirit essence, the Tremberio family's Renaissance tuning instruments, the Ulphis family's sealing ring...

Han Xiao couldn't help but marvel at the series of ceremonial drawings in the hands of the twelve clock tower monarchs.

I didn't expect that Xingxiao didn't brag, and the monarchs were really beaten by him.

Continuing to look down, Han Xiao couldn't help but exclaimed:

I'll take it for granted. Gemstone Sword, Battle of Ten Thousand Flowers, Armored Cavalry?

It seems that Gemstone Weng is bleeding a lot in order to ease the tension between Xingxiao and the Clock Tower.

Not to mention gem swords and so on, but armored cavalry?

Isn't this a large motorcycle equipped by the King of Knights with magic power? The Demon Marshal can even come up with such a conceptual gift?

After reading the decoration drawings that Xingxiao had packed, Hanxiao picked and chose, and finally selected a few drawings that looked useful.

First of all, the armored cavalry motorcycle decoration drawing is a must. He has already planned to reproduce this motorcycle later.

Isn't it just burning magic power? Anyway, Xingyue's magic power can be completely replaced by vitality.

Secondly, Han Xiao chose the Tremberio family's pocket watch costume and some new enhanced and auxiliary costumes.

Taking these selected drawings, he went directly into the secret room and began to prepare to study them carefully.


Early the next morning.

While Han Xiao was still studying the rituals in the secret room, Yingzheng was wandering around Guili City with Paimeng.

Although it is still morning, Guili City has woken up at this time.

Most of the small shops on the street are open, especially the food street near the business district is extremely lively.

Wow, this is heaven!

Seeing the food street full of people queuing up for breakfast and the aroma of food wafting everywhere, Paimon's eyes were filled with stars and he couldn't help drooling from the corner of his mouth.

Ying, there are so many delicious foods here, I want to eat them all!

Have you finished eating all this food?

After hearing Paimon's 'bold words', Ying covered her forehead with her hands and looked helpless.

There are so many foods in the food court, let alone whether this little thing can be eaten, even if they can finish their mora, they will not be able to bear it.

Even if there is a 50% off coupon provided by Hanxiao.

We don't have much money, so let's find something to eat first.


Paimon's face was immediately filled with disappointment when he saw this.

Ying, didn't we open a lot of treasure chests before? How could there be no Mora!

It's not because you eat too much!

Ying rolled her eyes at Paimon and complained angrily.

You must know that there are only two sources of their current mola, one is the mission reward of the Adventurer Association, and the other is the mola found in the wild treasure chest.

Generally speaking, the mola obtained through these two methods is enough to cover daily expenses, and there can even be a lot of surplus.

But she couldn't stand the fact that Paimon had a living allowance of 300,000 Moras a month by her side.

Every time she thinks that her living expenses are not as good as Paimon, a 'pet guide' and emergency food, Ying has the urge to tear Paimon apart with her hands.

Because of this little thing, she had to run to Catherine to pick up at least four tasks almost every day.

Let's get familiar with Guili City first, and then go to the Adventurers Association to take on some tasks. When we make money, we can buy you delicious food.


Seeing Ying say this, Paimon was a little regretful that the food left her, but he still nodded.

After all, the one who makes money between them is the one who makes money.

Wait, make money?

Paimon was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and immediately flew in front of Ying, with a small face full of excitement:

Ying, did we forget to sell the electrical crystal to Han Xiao?

It seems to be true!

Hearing Paimon mention the electric crystals, Yingya realized that he seemed to have brought a lot of electric crystals back to Licheng.

Last time, she met Han Xiao unexpectedly, and then there was the matter of 'physical examination', which caused her to completely forget that there were two large bags of electrical crystals in the hotel rental room.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find Han Xiao!

Paimon, who was still a little wilted, suddenly came back to life with full health, and his words were full of excitement.

As long as they sell the electrical crystals they collect, they can make a lot of money at once, and then they can eat delicious food!

Come on, let's go back to the hotel!

Thinking that he could earn a large sum of money immediately, he didn't even want to eat breakfast, so he turned around and walked back in the direction of the hotel.

Jogging all the way back to the hotel to rent a room, Ying put two large bags of electrical crystals on her shoulders, then walked out of the room and walked towards Kuixing Tower.


Kuixing Tower.

I'm sorry, Miss Ying.

Han Xiao's secretary Xu Wanman looked at the blond girl standing in front of him and said apologetically:

Master Hanxiao is not here today.

Where is Hanxiao?

Maybe he's conducting alchemical research.

Perhaps because of Han Xiao's instructions, Xu Wan also knew that not only did Ying have a good relationship with her boss, but she was also an honorary knight of Mondstadt.

So she was quite polite to the girls who came to her door.

As for where Han Xiao is now?

Xu Wan said that her little secretary really didn't know, after all, her immediate boss disappeared every now and then.

All the staff in Kuixing Building are used to it.

Do you still want to take the electrical crystal?

Seeing Han Xiao's absence, Ying frowned at first, and then asked unwillingly.

Carrying two large bags of electrical crystals on the road was still very tiring, and she didn't want to carry the things back again.

We will take as much electrical crystal as you have.

A male voice suddenly sounded from behind Ying.

Looking back following the voice, Ying saw a blue-haired boy with a gentle temperament wearing a blue short-breasted shirt standing behind her.

Who are you?

You are the honorary knight of Mondstadt, right? I heard Han Xiao talk about you,

Xingqiu bowed elegantly to Ying, and then continued to introduce:

Let me introduce myself. I am Xingqiu, the current secretary-general of Guilicheng. When Han Xiao is away, I have full authority to handle Guilicheng's affairs.

Hello, I'm Ying, and this is Paimon.

Although the other party had already recognized his identity, Ying still introduced himself politely.

Chapter 212 Ying was plotted by Han Xiao

I see, you accepted the long-term commission issued by Han Xiao from the Mondstadt Adventurers Association.

Knowing that these electrical crystals were collected by the other party after receiving Han Xiao's commission, Xingqiu asked Xu Wan to send someone to count these crystals.

Soon the staff counted the number of these electrical crystals brought by Ying.

Lord Xingqiu, there are five hundred and three electrical crystals in total.

I understand, you send these electrical crystals to the warehouse.

After instructing the staff to send the electrical crystals to the warehouse, Xingqiu took out the Liyue Bank's deposit receipt and quill.

While writing numbers on the deposit slip with a quill, he said to Ying:

I remember when Han Xiao issued the mission, the price written down was 10,000 molas, right?


The total is 5.03 million molas. Please keep the deposit receipt.

While handing the deposit slip written in his hand to Ying, Xingqiu couldn't help but sigh.

But I really didn't see it. I didn't expect Miss Ying to be quite strong.

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