At the same time, the puppet that had disappeared into the darkness flew out again and blocked in front of Wendy.

You two, can you pretend that I have never been here today?

Wendy first glanced at the magic circle at his feet that seemed to be used to restrict movement, and then at the strange puppet floating in the air. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, turned around and looked behind him, and said rather helplessly.

Right behind Wendy, Han Xiao and Abedo had appeared behind him at some point, and they were even holding the rope they had planned to lock Ying in.

After the cold night, take your doll back.

Because Wendy turned around too quickly just now, Abedo did not see the other party clearly. After seeing clearly, he put down the rope in his hand, closed his magic circle and asked Han Xiao to take the puppet back.

It's boring.

After seeing that the person coming was Wendy, Han Xiao whispered, but her movements were quite honest as she lowered the rope and put the puppet back into the jade pendant.

He didn't expect that the visitor turned out to be the God of Wind. If someone else were here today, he would probably suffer the physical amnesia caused by him and Albedo.


Seeing Han Xiao and Abedo put down the rope in their hands, Wendy couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the two of them were not so crazy that they lost their cool.

Otherwise, he might be exposed in Guili City today.

You are Lord Barbatos.

Looking at Wendy standing in front of him, Albedo tidied his clothes after putting away the 'committing tools', and then bowed respectfully to the bard.

Han Xiao on the side also followed Abedo and performed the ancient Liyue ritual:

Liyue Seven Stars, Tianshu Star Hanxiao has met Lord Fengshen of Mondstadt.

Sure enough, my identity was leaked from you.

Facing Albedo and Han Xiao who recognized her identity as soon as they came up, Wendy curled her lips. Sure enough, his guess was right. Her identity was leaked from these two people.

However, he did not immediately ask how the two knew his identity. Instead, he pointed at Ying and Paimon, who were still unconscious, and asked in a strange tone:

By the way, can you two tell me what you are doing?

Uh, Lord Barbatos, Han Xiao and I just plan to do a physical examination on the honorary knight.

Just call me Wendy, I'm a bard now.

Wendy walked to the bed-type experimental table and took a closer look at Ying's condition. She found that it was indeed as Albedo said that she was unconscious, and then she turned to look at the two of them:

Tell me, is it necessary to make people faint during a physical examination?

Maybe it was her 'stun potion'?

Han Xiao and Abedo looked at each other, as if they were sure of something, and answered in unison.

Tsk, okay.

Ba...Wendy, I wonder what happened when you came back to Licheng?

Seeing that Wendy didn't seem angry, Albedo asked cautiously.

He really didn't expect to see Fengshen in Guili City.

If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten that I came here to see Han Xiao.

Hearing Albedo's inquiry, Wendy quickly patted her head, and then turned her gaze to Han Xiao.

Hanxiao, right? Can we have a chat alone?

no problem!

Han Xiao nodded, first motioning to Albedo to drink the potion while Ying was unconscious, and then pointed to the small room on the side to invite Wendy:

Mr. Wendy, please come with me.

Under the leadership of Han Xiao, the two quickly opened the door of the small room on the side and walked in.

As for Albedo, he had already taken this opportunity to put the prepared medicine into Ying's mouth with a funnel tool.


In the small room.

As the door closed, the sounds outside were suddenly cut off.

This is the warehouse where you store alchemy materials.

After entering the room, Wendy scanned the surrounding environment and found that the room was filled with various dangerous alchemical materials.

Yes, because many of the materials are hazardous materials, a lot of defense and soundproofing treatments have been done in this room.

Han Xiao first answered Wendy's question, and then turned the topic to business:

Mr. Wendy, you came to me specifically this time because you want to know why I know your identity.

you know?

It's not that I know, I'm just prepared.

Han Xiao shrugged. Ever since he chose to 'sell' Wendy's news to the Knights, he had been prepared for Wendy to come to her in person.

I don't see that you are quite honest.

Wendy was a little surprised to hear that Han Xiao admitted what she had done without any concealment.

He thought that the other party would find a way to quibble at first, but he didn't expect that he would admit it so 'honestly'.

In that case, Han Xiao, can you tell me the reason?

Wendy asked with interest, imitating Zhongli and folding his hands on his chest.

I'm quite curious about this too.

Zhongli's voice suddenly appeared, startling the two of them. Han Xiao and Wendy looked in the direction of the sound, and sure enough they found Zhongli leaning against the wall in the corner of the room, watching them.

Old man, you are really here!

As soon as she saw Zhong Li, Wendy's little face immediately fell down, and her whole aura suddenly became a lot more depressed.

Obviously Zhongli's appearance shocked him.

There are not many opportunities to hear about your Barbatos embarrassing stories. Of course I want to hear them too.

Zhongli did not hide anything, and openly stated his purpose of coming. After speaking, he turned his attention to Han Xiao:

Tell me, let me also hear what happened that made this drunken poet come all the way from Mondstadt to see you.

Since Uncle Zhongli asked him to tell him the reason, Han Xiao ignored Wendy who was covering her face with her hands and simply stated the reason he had thought of for a long time.

Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Wendy, you two should know that there is a different world outside Teyvat.

Yes, and what next?

Seeing that Han Xiao was talking about business, Wendy's face lost the deliberately funny look before, and she looked at Zhongli before nodding seriously.

I once accidentally got a record of an observer from another world.

Han Xiao pretended to be mysterious and said to the two of them.

In the record of this observer named 'Su', I discovered that Teyvat had long been included in the observation.

Chapter 207 The Secret of Teyvat Continent


Suddenly hearing that Teyvat was being observed by observers from other worlds, both Zhongli and Wendy couldn't believe it.

But seeing Han Xiao's sworn look, they couldn't directly conclude that the other party was lying.

What evidence do you have to prove that you are not deceiving us?

Wendy first glanced at Zhongli who was leaning against the wall, then turned to Han Xiao and asked in a serious tone.

For example, can you show us your notebook?

Feel sorry.

Han Xiao spread her hands and said with a rather regretful tone:

After I read the observation record of the observer from another world, I knew that the secrets recorded in it were too great, so I burned it.

Then your explanation is untenable.

When she learned that Han Xiao had burned the records, Wendy immediately raised her eyebrows.

If there is a record in black and white, he and the old man can also verify the authenticity through the paper, handwriting, etc.

But now that Han Xiao said that the records were burned by him, the credibility of his words has been greatly reduced.

I know that, but I'll tell you a few things and you two can make your own judgment.

As he said that, Han Xiao raised his right index finger and gestured in front of the two of them:

First of all, regarding Su's question, Ms. Alice may have heard of the other party's name.


As soon as Han Xiao's words came out, Zhongli and Wendy both frowned.

The witch spends most of her time at the borders of Teyvat, and occasionally disappears across the border for a period of time.

If it's Alice, it might be possible to prove that there really is an observer named 'Su' outside of Teyvat.

You go on.

Wendy didn't laugh this time. Deep down in his heart, he already vaguely believed what the other party said.

The second one is more complicated. I have read the story of the great snake Orobas in the records.


Zhong Li suddenly spoke, interrupting Han Xiao's words. His voice was low and serious, and the aura he exuded filled the small room with unprecedented pressure.

Old man, you...

Seeing Zhong Li's solemn expression, Wendy opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

The last time he saw Zhongli look like this was when he was preparing to go out to conquer the Demon God during the Demon God War.

Although she often fell into deep sleep and missed many things on the Teyvat continent, Wendy knew that Han Xiao might have said something extremely sensitive.

For a moment, the room fell into dead silence.

After a long time, Zhongli sighed slightly, as if he had decided something, and stamped his right foot violently on the ground.


The extremely rich rock element escaped into the ground, and then both Wendy and Han Xiao heard a dull breaking sound coming from the ground.

As the sound of shattering sounded, the surrounding elemental power suddenly dropped to an almost negligible level.

Old man, you destroyed the earth's veins!

Feeling the dissipation of the elemental power in the air, Wendy was really sure this time that what Han Xiao was talking about must be an extremely secretive matter.

Otherwise, the old man would not take the initiative to destroy the earth veins.

Because the earth veins on the Teyvat continent record all history in a sense, Tianli can read the memories in the earth veins at will.

It's just temporary.

Zhong Li first answered Wendy's question, and then immediately looked at Han Xiao seriously:

Hanxiao, there are some things that you'd better not say outside next time, or rather don't say them anywhere with earth connections.

The ley lines will remember everything that happened on the continent of Teyvat.

I remember.

Han Xiao nodded, indicating that she understood.

He knew that when he said Orobas' name, Zhongli would definitely react to what he was going to say.

Old man, it seems there was another reason for Orobas' death?

Seeing the tacit understanding between Han Xiao and Zhong Li, Wendy understood a little bit this time. He stretched out his hand to pinch his chin and guessed in a tentative tone.

When Orobas died, it was at the end of the Demon God War. At that time, Wendy was using the divine wind to blow away the ice and snow, split the mountains, and guide the warm monsoon to the surrounding Mondstadt.

And he also imparted wisdom to the people of Mondstadt, brewed fine wine, built windmills, weaved flying wings, established many celebrations and festivals, and so on.

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